800-1,000 cal BURN



  • cheeky0122
    cheeky0122 Posts: 38 Member
    Like many of you have said, it's definitely possible...depends on what type of activity you're engaging in. Taking an evening stroll even if you're out for 1.5 hours isn't going to do it, but a 20+ mile bike ride at a steady pace will. Today, for example, I burned a little over 1000 calories on a 22 mile ride, moderate pace. But that takes me more than an hour!

    My boyfriend on the other hand, who is more avid of a cyclist than I am, can burn around 1000 calories in an hour on an 18mile ride. So, there's that. It has to do with intensity, the activity, and your body.
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    I think the OP is under-estimating burns; a one hour walk will burn at least 180 cals (unless you are really small) - so sounds like if you are really working out, your 162-360 range is an underestimate

    When I run or cycle for about 75 mins, that burns about 1,000 cals
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    If I want a huge burn, I'll go hiking.

    At my current body weight, MFP estimates that hiking with a 10-20lb pack (I'll go out with anywhere between a 20-40lb pack) burns 596 calories per hour. I normally believe these to be kind of overestimates, but with that 20-40lb pack, the sometimes steep grades and rugged terrain involved, and the speed at which I hike (my last hike covered 15 miles in 5 hours), I'm inclined to believe MFP on this one.

    I think my best single day without hiking or moving lots of stuff was in the 1300-1400 range, but that probably also took better than two hours of mostly cardio.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I burned well over 1000 cal in single workouts three times this week. A 14 mile run on Sun. A 12 mile run on Wed. And a 15 mile run today where I burned over 1600 cal.

    If my calorie counts were as inflated as some here think then I would probably weigh 300 lbs instead df 180 given how much I eat.
    1000 total is not the same as 1000/hour.

    given that distance that burn is indeed plausible.

    To be fair, OP did not put a time limit on it. Someone else along the lines suggested within an hour (I, too, got caught up with the "hour")
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    If I want a huge burn, I'll go hiking.

    At my current body weight, MFP estimates that hiking with a 10-20lb pack (I'll go out with anywhere between a 20-40lb pack) burns 596 calories per hour. I normally believe these to be kind of overestimates, but with that 20-40lb pack, the sometimes steep grades and rugged terrain involved, and the speed at which I hike (my last hike covered 15 miles in 5 hours), I'm inclined to believe MFP on this one.

    I think my best single day without hiking or moving lots of stuff was in the 1300-1400 range, but that probably also took better than two hours of mostly cardio.

    How are you estimating the calorie burn? I was blown away one day when I went for an eight hour hike with a 20kg pack and MFP estimated that I burned 8,000 calories. It was the most extraordinary over-estimation that I have witnessed on MFP. A few months later, I went on a four hour hike which included a steep rock scramble and climb and used my HRM and it returned about an 800 cal burn.
    The excessive over-estimations of coloric burn by MFP was the main reason why I bought a polar HRM.
    kind regards,

  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    It typically does depend on weight but every single workout of mine is 800-1100 and the reason I can say this with some confidence is because I've used a heart rate monitor Polar FT7 for every workout for at least a year straight. It's not unusual for a heavier guy though for petite women it would differ even if they're training just as hard for just as long.
  • anasheae
    anasheae Posts: 10 Member
    Yesterday I burned 1270 calories just by a combination of cardio exercises! So proud!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Here the thing. people have been hooked up to machines and I have yet to find 1000/hour calorie burns from any of them. This includes elite athletes. Tour de France riders top out at around 800 and marathon pace at about 820. Looking at the claims of 99% of the people in this thread in comparison to this and you realize just how full of either horse **** or pure denial they are.
    Great thinking.....If I can't burn 1000 calories then nobody can.

    There is absolutely no proof of how many calories are burned for each person unless they are hooked up to a machine. When I weighed over 200 pounds and ran, well almost jogged for an hour, I would burn just over 1200 calories. It was hard and my breathing was heavy but I did it to burn calories. Now that I'm 157 pounds, I only burn about 700 calories running at 6.2 mph for an hour. My RHR has dropped to 46 over this past year due to all the running. I have to work harder and harder now to get my heart rate up.

    I use a Suunto Ambit2, up from a Polar RCX5 w/GPS. I burn about 200 calories less than my Polar gave me but with the Polars, most have a fit test and if you just agree to all changes after, it will alter your max heart rate. Do not change your max heart rate or it will give you very inflated calorie burns.

    I went walking today, was walking at 4.5 mph pushing jogging buggy and carrying groceries on my back on the way back home. I was walking fast to keep up with my child on a scooter. My heart rate never went over 110 and I got a calorie burn of 413 for 129 mins. About 20 mins of that was constant moving in the store and about 10mins checkout. For that same walk with my Polar, I would have been given over 600!

    We are all different and nobody here can say how many calories one is burning. I get its all an estimation but I don't eat most of my exercise calories back anyway.

    And one thing to remember, your body gets efficient at doing the same exercise and will burn less so burning low calories for a runner is common. I bet if you upped your pace, you would burn more.
    I eat horse **** as my afternoon snack...that's how I've lost 100 pounds in less than a year. I'm not saying 1000 in an hour but certainly in a day.

    Blessings to you

    no kidding I also eat horse **** to aid in my weight loss journey!

    Me too, I guess. Maybe the people at BodyMedia (said to be proven to be 90% accurate) are, too? I mean, since that's what I use to track my calorie burn throughout the entire day.

    Here's a link: http://www.bodymedia.com/the_science.html and another: http://www.bodymedia.com/all_day.html
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    :laugh: Runners will chime in... it's not all that impossible to burn 1000 calories in a session. Maybe not in an hour, but something close to that.

    Smaller people obviously won't burn as much as the normal sized person.

    Example, I'm 4'10" 103 pounds. I burned about 1500 calories today running 20 miles. A 180 pound man would burn waaaay more than that running the same distance at the same pace.

    I use a HRM, Runkeeper readings, MFP readings, and a general calorie burn calculator for running. I take the lowest reading from all so I try not to fool myself.

    It can be done. Some people just don't exercise as much.
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    :laugh: Runners will chime in... it's not all that impossible to burn 1000 calories in a session. Maybe not in an hour, but something close to that.

    Smaller people obviously won't burn as much as the normal sized person.

    Example, I'm 4'10" 103 pounds. I burned about 1500 calories today running 20 miles. A 180 pound man would burn waaaay more than that running the same distance at the same pace.

    I use a HRM, Runkeeper readings, MFP readings, and a general calorie burn calculator for running. I take the lowest reading from all so I try not to fool myself.

    It can be done. Some people just don't exercise as much.

    Hahahahaha! I beat you Essjay... I burn 1700 cals on my 20 milers :-D
  • kmorganlfc
    kmorganlfc Posts: 115 Member
    My Gamin said I burned 1699 calories on a 40mile cycle ride last Sunday. It's a shame I don't believe it. :P
  • kelooki
    kelooki Posts: 22
    Rugby which is basically sprinting. Burns loads.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I need almost 2 hours to burn 1000. I have burned 1000-1100 before but that was about 2 hours of going hard....

    I burn 570-600 in an hour.
    If you want to burn more calories do different workouts.. you have to get your heart rate bumping to burn the calories...
    the stair climber is a great calorie burner.

    When I workout I shoot to burn 10 calories per minute. so if I workout for 30 minutes I need to burn 300 calories or close to it..
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    I've seen more than 1000 sometimes. Idk how these people do it, it really is astonishing. I've got what food to eat down pat. And I put in an effort to sweat 6 days a wk. my burns are between 162-360. I've tried to do a 1000 cal burn workout and I couldn't!! Like damn what are you people on!? Lol

    What's up with that?

    It depends on what the activity is and for how long they do it.

    I have burned nearly 900 calories for 80 minutes worth of running, that was with an HRM.
  • majica8
    majica8 Posts: 210 Member
    According to my HRM I've burned 1024 calories over 2 sessions out on my bike today. 108 minutes total. I knocked it down to 826 when I logged it on here though. Still the most I've done in one day now.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Very possible.

    You could either workout at different times a day doing different workouts that add up to 800-1000

    I burned 500 (actually 600 according to HRM) for 47 minutes of ball hockey. If you want something fun, try biking or soccer. I easily burn off almost 700 doing 72 minutes of Soccer. Love it!
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    I burned over 2000 calories yesterday, however I ran 37km and it was over 4 solid hours.
  • nisharoseapple
    nisharoseapple Posts: 14 Member
    Lol, I don't think I've ever burned that many calories in one workout. I do Zumba for about 35 minutes (it's close to being excruciating :-) and I usually burn around 377 calories.
  • MorissaW
    MorissaW Posts: 95 Member
    In a decent 60 minute Zumba session I can burn around 600 calories. In a tougher class I can burn closer to 700 calories.
    I go to a 90 minute class and burn around 1,000 each time. I have hit 1,100 in that class before.

    This is all according to my HRM that I am pretty sure is accurate. I tend to subtract 100 calories.
    I am 5'6 and 165 lbs.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    Eh, I'm a distance runner. I also have a weirdly high heart rate when I'm exercising, so I can easily burn 1000 calories going for a 6 mile run. You should see what I burn when I do a half marathon.. It's kind of ridiculous.

    People burn calories differently because there are so many variables. Weight, heart rate, overall fitness level, height.. Those all affect caloric burn.

    Not to mention, MFP lumps them all together, so there are days when I can burn 800 total from several different activities, but it looks like I burned it all at one time.

    Same here, when running, my heart rate remains around 87-94% of my max, depending on hills, and pretty close to that on the elliptical too.
    I run about 4 and half miles and burn anywhere between 700 to 800 calories. I am just slightly under 200lbs.
    I'm in the upper 220s and run 4-4.5 miles and burn 700-850 calories in 50-60 minutes at 80-90% max HR. I've done countless calculations and adjusted my HRM properly (because of my OCD) so I highly doubt these numbers are inflated). I don't eat them back anyway because I'm doing TDEE, and I'm consistently losing.

    Plus, why are there constantly posts about how many calories other people are burning? I don't understand why everyone is so worried about what other people are doing. Worry about yourself?