

  • mcakes
    mcakes Posts: 4 Member
    Hi All! My goal is 15-20 lbs by Jan. 2011 I have lost 18 since last January (2010) So it is time to kick it into high gear!! I just started fitness pal today on my new phone and am SUPER excited to no longer hand-write my diet.
  • msccarter
    msccarter Posts: 24 Member
    Hi All! I went to Curves this morning. It was hard being that I didn't work out the last 2 days but I did! Since I'm off tonight I will do WII Fit this evening. TTYL
  • bowofcupid
    I tried Curves this summer, only went for about two weeks though due to holiday and other commitments - but I liked it. Unfortunately there isn't one near my university and I'm going back tomorrow!

    But they do have a gym and the membership is very reasonable so I will join! Can't wait!

    Just to update you all, I've lost 6.5lbs so far :) I'm on my way to lose 25lbs by Christmas, let's hope the rest of it falls off. I think I won't trust that I'm actually losing weight once I've successfully lost 10lbs!!!

    Good luck everyone!
  • soultrain1913
    soultrain1913 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi! I am new to MFP. I would love to be a part of this group. 25 lbs by January would be awesome!!! What do I need to do to participate?
  • KaeChelle
    So sorry I haven't been around. I gained some of my weight back. I got off track here, then went on vacation, but yesterday I started logging my food again. I need to get back to exercising. I have a gym membership, but haven't gone in a while. It's time to get moving again!
  • KATHRYN81177
    KATHRYN81177 Posts: 49 Member
    Vacation is just that.... Welcome back....
  • KATHRYN81177
    KATHRYN81177 Posts: 49 Member
    You gotta start somewhere... Once you start the pounds will come off like a pair of shoes... Start with a small goal...
  • KATHRYN81177
    KATHRYN81177 Posts: 49 Member
    Monica just stay focused eat right and exercise...
  • KATHRYN81177
    KATHRYN81177 Posts: 49 Member
    You are doing such a good job.. It's nice to meet you... Keep up the weight loss! For now I'm exercising 3 to 4 times a week. I'm keeping myself focused on my goals! .....
  • KATHRYN81177
    KATHRYN81177 Posts: 49 Member
    Since I was off today I wanted to go to spinning class but since it was rainning like cats and dogs I opted to walk on my treadmill at an incline varying from 7% to 9% incline at a speed of 3.0 for 60 minutes. I burned 419 calories. I'm on my way to losing the weight only 16 weeks left to meet or beat my goal :happy: I wanted to share this with everyone because I know things may come up and you can't make it to a gym or maybe you don't have a gym membership but don't use that as in excuse! You are in total control of your situation. You don't have to go to a gym to exercise you can walk 30 or 60 minutes around your neighborhood or local park. You can also purchase a treadmill If you have the money to spare. I purchased a treadmill, dumbbells, an exercise ball, an exercise mat, kettle balls and an elliptical for when I can't make it to the gym. Not all at one time ofcourse! I used to have a personel trainer come to my home about 2 years ago so I wanted to have a small home gym. All I need know is a spinning bike... But when you don't use the equipment it collects alot of dust.... Please remember there's nothing to lose but weight!!!
  • dimplesgreen
    Hello I would love to get in on the 25lbs by the first of the year. I have been on MFP for a week now and I have lost 4 pounds so far. I'm feeling like it was just water but a pound is a pound. I'm in my second week and now I got to work on the food, because only one day last week was I under my calorie count. Sweets are my weakness so I need to learn to stay away from the and treat myself once a week. I love the support I've gotten so far from MFP and welcome all new friend request. The first of the year will be here before I know it. :smile:
  • msccarter
    msccarter Posts: 24 Member
    Hi all! Today I did 30 minutes of Cardio class and 15 min Abdomen class. I have to work tonight so I won't be exercising again until tomorrow morning, back to the circuit. I like Curves because i can work all muscle groups in only 30 minutes. There seem to not be enough hours in my day so that is perfect for me. TTYL!
  • KristinaW
    hello- im kristina. feel free to add me.
    and my goal is 30lbs before conceiving my second child--so as soon as possible!
  • KATHRYN81177
    KATHRYN81177 Posts: 49 Member
    Hello everyone
    I hope everyone is sticking to their exercise regimens and calorie intake! 13 weeks left until the new year. Starting this week I've decided to step up my exercise plan. I am going to do 30-45min of cardio and 20min of strength training 5 days a week. Next week is my weigh day. I know I've lost inches because my clothes are fitting lose again. I'm on my way.
  • Berek
    Berek Posts: 1 Member
    I am probably late jumping in, but would love to join you....
  • KATHRYN81177
    KATHRYN81177 Posts: 49 Member
    I decided to only weigh myself once a month (on the last day of the month). Next week is weigh day! On Oct 1 I'm going to my favorite store BEBE and by me a new dress & pair of stilettos to wear New Year's Eve... This dress will be my motivation to reach my goal of 145lb...
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    Hi, first day on. I want to lose 25 also, I weigh 173 and 145 would be great! I cant fit into my clothes anymore. this site is eye opening as I thought I was eating less cal than I really am!
  • MelisBee
    MelisBee Posts: 31 Member
    :happy: I'm all for it! I'd like to lose 25 lbs by Dec 1st!
  • KarenJean81
    KarenJean81 Posts: 117 Member
    25 by January 2011 sounds great, count me in! I need to maintain my size until Nov 6th, but I know that 10lbs lighter I am still the same dress size, so this feels like a doable mini goal.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I would love to join you in losing 25 lbs by jan 1st. I have more then that to lose but that would be a good start. I have been walking, doing wii fit and biking 6xs a week for 30=45 mins. And I just watch what I am eating trying to eat healthier and tracking my food and exercise. I love the encouragement I have got from this site.I have been on here for about 2 1/2 months and have lost 19lbs so far.We can do this