Today I chose not to have...



  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I chose not to go out to a restaurant for lunch with my bff, because just when i've begun to lose this stubborn weight this very morning, I know i"d be compromising myself, and my hard work, and accomplishments thus far, and its not worth it... i cant control what the restaurant puts in their food, even though it sounds low calorie, there are sneaky things hiding in there that would hurt me possibly.. not worth taking the chance to compromise for anyone.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    A spoonful of chocolate frosting from the bowl in the fridge. I can't say I did the same for the past few days before this. Chocolate frosting mixed with peanut butter is a delicious dip for apples, btw.

    oh yeah those cans of frosting, especially put in the fridge, out comes something decadent which tastes exactly like fudge!!! i could eat a whole can in a day.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    sadly I chose not to have a vitamin water....I glanced at the had 32 carbs and 170 cals...Thats like a Coke. I to that. But I dont really say NO, I say...I would rather spend those calories on something else, sometimes I eat cake and pizza :O)

    I'm exactly the same way.

    My friends sometimes think I have such great discipline because I say no to sugary drinks, chips, ice cream, etc.

    But it's so I can say yes to the occasional Snickers bar or pad Thai once a month...
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Flavored, high sugar, fatty but so delicious non-dairy creamer in my coffee at work. Settled for a Splenda and a little of the powedered creamer...saved about a hundred calories.
  • engakwasdky
    engakwasdky Posts: 19 Member
    So I've read everyone's victories and am truly inspired by all this willpower! But... is it just me, or is anyone else now craving Little Debbies, ice cream, fudge, French fries, and burgers?!?!? I'm not sure if the inspiration balances out the cravings at this point... haha :)

    But seriously, for me there's an awesome drive-in place just down the road that has the best soft-serve ice cream and it's the middle of summer... I haven't been there in about two months or so, and I'm not even missing it at this point. I have a huge sweet tooth, so anytime I turn down something filled with calories and sugar and opt for a piece of fruit instead is a huge victory.
  • Bel0602
    Bel0602 Posts: 135 Member
    One of the large size muffins my mom made yesterday. instead i had ONE of the mini muffins she baked.:smile:
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    What a fun thread! I'm nearing my weight loss journey, I have 10 more pounds to go and my body decided to focus on the stomach fat loss finally ( it's been a year) to my sheer delight. So I chose to forego my beloved whole wheat bagel and bread for more fruits.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    Late last night I almost got 1 Keebler Fudge Stripes cookie from the kitchen but thankfully made a 180 to my bedroom instead. And who can eat just one?

    The only reason they're in my apartment is because they were a gift from my mom. Despite what I tell her, every time I see her she gives me a snack like this. :noway: It's out of love but stll...I can't!

    And today is my nephew's 1st birthday party. I'll allow myself a small piece of cake maybe...or a cupcake. Thankfully I don't have much of a sweet tooth, so it won't be hard to pass up the piles and piles of other sweets on top of sweets that will be there.
  • mushroomsontoast
    mushroomsontoast Posts: 118 Member
    stuffing and roast potatoes on my Sunday lunch.

    Didn't miss them either :smile:
  • Alphawolf02
    Cookies! Went grocery shopping today and left without buying anything from the cookie isle! I bought some extra fruit to take care of the sweets craving!
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Any of the junk foods that helped pack on the pounds. chocolate, cookies, etc.

    Reading through the list didn't in the least make me want any of it. Glad my cravings are gone.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    its sunday which means junk food at the inlaws. So far ive said no to very unhealthy potato salad, butter and salt smothered corn, oreo cookies, orange swirel ice cream, sugar cookies, ice cream sandwich and soda.

    sunday's are my hardest day to stay within calories cause they eat all the good tasting but junky high calorie foods i just cant fit in!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Went to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch... had one of the below 590 calories thing. Man that was hard...
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    This morning I woke up craving brownies. I didn't have any ingredients in the house to make "healthier" ones with zucchini, bananas & applesauce, either, and I knew that it's 4 more days until my fiance is here to "help me" eat brownies anyway. I considered making full fledged fudge brownies but knew the temptation would be too great. I considered making a batch of oatmeal cookies but I knew I'd wind up eating too many of those too, and still not satisfying the brownie craving. So I looked up a mug brownie recipe on Pinterest and made that, and ate about half and tossed the rest. Still a super unhealthy "breakfast" compared to normal but I'm glad I went that route and now brownies are no longer on my mind at all and I'll adjust the rest of the day.
  • danarandallreed
    danarandallreed Posts: 132 Member
    Tortilla chips with guacamole, sour cream and salsa. I also chose not to have the new Popeye's chicken and waffles. And brownies, I dreamed about brownies last night. And barbeque - I am craving fat laden pork ribs with tons of sweet bbq sauce, baked beans, potato salad and white bread....okay, I have to stop now.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Popeye's chicken and waffles.


  • kittycatmeowmeow
    kittycatmeowmeow Posts: 90 Member
    You are all amazing, well done!! Today I chose not to have chips but I stuffed it up big time and just inhaled a packet of biscuits.. why didn't I come to MFP's awesome forums earlier when I was feeling nibbly??? :sad:
  • kittycatmeowmeow
    kittycatmeowmeow Posts: 90 Member
    I chose not to have a hashbrown today!! I switched it for a banana :bigsmile:
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    So I've read everyone's victories and am truly inspired by all this willpower! But... is it just me, or is anyone else now craving Little Debbies, ice cream, fudge, French fries, and burgers?!?!? I'm not sure if the inspiration balances out the cravings at this point... haha :)

    But seriously, for me there's an awesome drive-in place just down the road that has the best soft-serve ice cream and it's the middle of summer... I haven't been there in about two months or so, and I'm not even missing it at this point. I have a huge sweet tooth, so anytime I turn down something filled with calories and sugar and opt for a piece of fruit instead is a huge victory.

    No im not craving those foods. I chose to lay those kinds of foods aside, and they do not tempt me, (now pizza and tacos is another story, but even so, i dont tease myself by eating those foods). I think to overcome those things - either have some once in a while, or dont let yourself react emotionally to those foods, even if you have to go another way, just avoid it, and voila, no temptation.

    im not deprived by doing it, but its a strategy that works. i hear food calling out to me but i dont answer.
  • caribbeangel
    French fries. I had a salad instead. I felt so good about overcoming my ( previously ) automatic selection that I immediately made an overseas call to my sister, who is also losing weight.