Random compliments from strangers



  • xombiebite
    xombiebite Posts: 273 Member
    i usually just say "thanks" but thats for strangers someone i know i usually say "whatever" i have a very low self esteem so any compliments i ignore because i dont believe them. :grumble:
  • jaymie_x0
    jaymie_x0 Posts: 265 Member
    I always get told my have a beautiful smile & pretty eyes & Nice skin...idk i dont take it as creepy...i just smile (even bigger) & say thank you! even today, i had two different women compliment me..one told me my hair was absolutely gorgeous and couldnt believe it was all mine..& another said how pretty my teeth & smile were haha.
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    i usually just say "thanks" but thats for strangers someone i know i usually say "whatever" i have a very low self esteem so any compliments i ignore because i dont believe them. :grumble:

  • pchesnut
    pchesnut Posts: 347 Member
    honestly I have never had a random person come up and compliment me....so I have no answer for you. But you have a very stunning face and gorgeous hair, so I am not surprised you have compliments from strangers. Probably daily :smile:

    If you are not getting compliments regularly the population of Billings MT needs a new optician :flowerforyou:

    You are so nice for saying that:blushing: The only thing I consistently get complimented on is my purse....and I believe them because I do have a super cute purse.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I just smile and say thank you.

  • EmmaOnTrack
    EmmaOnTrack Posts: 425 Member
    Had this happen to me for the first time just the other day actually - a random (and seemingly normal) woman called out to me as she was crossing the road that I looked "really beautiful". I thanked her genuinely and graciously, then came back to work and told anyone who would listen and plastered it all over Facebook!

    That chick really made my day.
  • lostdogg
    lostdogg Posts: 450 Member
    WHOA! WAIT! WHAT?!? I'm Way too shy to give a receive compliments out in the open like that. Just laying it out there? No way.

    I will normally just follow the person home. I'll tape my compliment along with a headless nude photo of myself to a brick and throw it thru the bedroom window while they sleep!

    Those are the BEST kind of compliments! Stalkergrams :)

    How YOU doin:flowerforyou:
  • CharlotteTheCoffeeLover
    CharlotteTheCoffeeLover Posts: 1,205 Member
    Love your facial hair... Very sexy.....
    Edit: totally miss understood this post.... I just smile and say thank you...
  • NYgirl1990
    NYgirl1990 Posts: 180 Member
    If that were to happen to me I would just smile and say "thank you". And just go about my business. Lol. I'm not a social butterfly at all :D

    But no it wouldn't creep me out, as long as the person doesn't start following me and asking me a bunch of other questions :D

    Most of the compliments that I get randomly in public are mainly about the things I own not about my appearance. Like, "oh hey, I really like your bag". Or "cool earrings".
  • xombiebite
    xombiebite Posts: 273 Member
    i usually just say "thanks" but thats for strangers someone i know i usually say "whatever" i have a very low self esteem so any compliments i ignore because i dont believe them. :grumble:


  • sub10orbust
    sub10orbust Posts: 706 Member
    i awkwardly say ...y yy yoou too
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    "Thank you! I have mace and I'm not afraid to use it!"
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    I generally turn into a stuttering ball of awkwardness, and run away, mumbling. Luckily, I don't have it happen very often.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I get very, very embarrassed and it shows :( I say thank you and try to continue on my way as quickly as possible.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    WHOA! WAIT! WHAT?!? I'm Way too shy to give a receive compliments out in the open like that. Just laying it out there? No way.

    I will normally just follow the person home. I'll tape my compliment along with a headless nude photo of myself to a brick and throw it thru the bedroom window while they sleep!

    Ohhhhh! That was YOU! You shouldv'e rung the bell! I'd have made you a cup of tea :laugh:
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Not to be pompous but I get compliments daily from random men and women. Last week a very good looking woman was jogging past me on my walk to work and she told me "wow you look stunning this morning". feelsgoodman.jpg

    Lol anyway I say thank you and if they're attractive, too, I'll reciprocate. I love compliments. :-)
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    a real compliment I can handle off a stranger! I just reply with an 'aw thank you!' but a rude compliment I just kind of stare at them
  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    I like to compliment women and vice versa. In a world that tries to make women feel bad about themselves, I like to make a point of telling women how wonderful and beautiful they are :flowerforyou:
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Random compliments are both gratifying and creepy at the same time.

    Was obese most of my adult life. So, now that I get compliments on my physique is gratifying. But, I am relatively shy so it creeps me out at the same time.

    I will say that hearing the occasional complement is way better than some of the nasty comments that have been directed at me when I was wearing 3x + sized clothing! I laughed off a lot but when people throw out things like how much shade I could provide on a sunny day. It hurt! I would much prefer some lady telling during a run that I have nice calves!
  • UnicornBaconsEsq
    Some random woman stopped me the other day to tell me she really loved my dress. I was like :flowerforyou: and I felt good for the rest of the day.

    The rest of the time I just get hit on by old men at the grocery store. It seems like the grosser I look, the higher % of a chance some retiree will try to get my number. Nothing against the elderly though, but I'm only 33.

    Maybe I need to step up my game a little.