

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Hi all,

    Gail - Happy Birthday for yesterday - your meal sounds yummy! I don't think I could have waited until DH got home. I am STARVING by 6.30 these days !:laugh:

    Barbie - you are so right about the cheese! When they brought it, along with a big box of lovely looking savoury biscuits and some after dinner chocolate mints, my heart sank. A whole Brie! :sad: I should have given it away the minute they had gone, but I couldn't bring myself to. It did sit in the fridge for nearly a week while I tried to decide what to do with it. Then I succumbed.:cry: I know it was because DH was out of the house. Now I shall eat a modest portion most days. Today I am having delicious beets with brown rice, herbs and chopped salad bits and a measured portion of Brie. Probably some hot chilli sauce .:laugh: DH doesn't like Brie, unfortunately, so I will have to eat it all myself! Can't bring myself to throw it away! I will have to exercise self-discipline, of which I do not have a lot!

    Joyce- your water park story had me laughing away. What a wonderful picture you painted!

    Michelle - phew! What a lot of work for your pool. I hope it's worth all the effort!:bigsmile: One of my August goals is to check out the local school pool for public swimming. I'll let them do the maintenance, though if I ever won the lottery I want an indoor pool of my own. And a pool boy to do all the work!

    I've forgotten the name of which one of you has Osteogenesis Imperfecta, sorry, but I've just looked it up. That's a burden to carry. I hope it is controllable for you.:flowerforyou:

    DH had a bad night last night. He feels he is back to square one. Of course I try to reassure him. One of the problems is that when he has the anxiety attacks he forgets to do the things that would help him. I tell him, that's when he needs to do the exercises and homework, not when he's feeling OK. I hope next time he will put it into practice. Of course tonight he will probably sleep like a baby and I will be awake!!!:noway:

    Last night I felt you all urging me on and, despite feeling sleepy, full up with food and a bit woozy, I did my press ups and a plank. I had to do them in two halves as I was sooooo tired, but at least I did them. Thank you Vit F friends!:flowerforyou: This morning I did my usual 1 hr gymming and then 25 mins strength training and am making progress with the challenge I have set myself. Barbie - I still don't know how you plank for 2 minutes. After 1 min 40 secs I was utterly exhausted, it is soooo hard!:tongue::laugh:

    Going off now to prepare my gorgeous lunch - with Brie! ! ! ! :drinker:

    Heather in drizzly Hampshire UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: Anamike, I learned about all those great graphics from someone at MFP........the site is http://www.glitter-graphics.com/ There is a search box so you can look for holidays or characters or whatever you want......be careful.....it can be addictive and you can "waste" a lot of time looking for the right graphic.

    :flowerforyou: Rob53jk, you have come to the right place for the help you seek. Start immediately to log your food for the day......find an exercise you will do.....walking is always a good start and keep coming back to this site for encouragement and support. We all started at the beginning and just kept on going.

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, I will be cheering you on to reach your goal of being lighter for your anniversary.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, strategy is stronger than will power......you've made a plan to have measured portions of the cheese so now you don't have to think about it any more....I have been doing a daily plank for a couple of years...I didn't start out at three minutes.

    :laugh: the dogs are staring at me....they see that my breakfast shake is finished so it must be time for their walk....

    :heart: Barbie from dark and drizzly NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Gail:smile: Happy belated birthday:flowerforyou: !!! Sounds like you had a wonderful day!

    Joyce:smile: Sounds like a wonderful time with the family:bigsmile: !

    Heather:smile: My favorite cheese is Brie:love: , I could have Brie, crackers and wine for dinner every night...yum! Enjoy that delectable cheese!

    It`s so hard to keep up with everyone at the moment, I`ve read all the post:happy: , just don`t have time to respond:sad: . I wishing everyone well!!! Hope today will be a fabulous day, full of joy and peace and the scale going in the right direction for everyone! I`ve got 3 more ounces to get rid of those 2 pounds that crept up from the sodium, hopefully by tomorrow it will be gone taking a few more ounces with it:wink: .

    Had a wonderful time with the guys yesterday:love: , they make me laugh :laugh: !

    My leg and my foot are bothering me something fierce today:cry: , started last night. I think I`m going to have to make an appt. with the Dr. and find out what`s going on:angry: . Just one more thing I don`t have time for:angry: !

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in a bit cloudy NC
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn,again. Looks like another pretty day in Ohio.Have had fantastic weather the last couple wks.Sunny,no humidity...just very nice.
    Going on a trip with DD,her hub & mine.Don't know if we'll have computer access,but can always look for the arches :tongue:

    Today,I'm off to water aerobics,a stop at the grocery for fruit & bars.Trying to be prepared on this trip.No way it's gonna be a permission slip to eat what I want.:grumble:

    Have a good day & do what you can to keep the pounds from finding you:flowerforyou:
  • beamteam4
    beamteam4 Posts: 19 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I had a busy weekend. I went to my old next door neighbor birthday party. She turned 106. If I am doing half as good as her I will be happy. I walked almost 2 miles to get a small ice cream and I enjoyed every bite. By the end of the summer my goal is to walk to the next town about 2 1/2 miles away for lunch.

    Gail: Happy Belated Birthday

    Janie, I would like to know how you like the book.

    The 2 people who hit the 50 pound weight loss Congratulations!

    Enjoy you day,

    Barb from MA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Yeah! Barbie - I have "found a way"! Thanks for the quote!:flowerforyou:
    I had a brainwave and decided to give most of the Brie to my cleaner. And the savoury biscuits. :drinker: :drinker: :laugh: She comes today and will be delighted. What a relief. I will keep a little bit back for a few lunches.:noway: My lunch today was fab so I can have the same tomorrow and there will still be some left! Can you imagine the size of that wheel of Brie!!!!

    Dee- I'm with you on the cheese and crackers!:sad:

    Love again, Heather UK
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies –

    I am a bit sore this morning. I went out on the mountain bike w/hubby on Sunday. It was the first time out on my bike in years. We are lucky to live close to a state park, so rode over there from the house and went along the Swamp Forest Trail. I’ve hiked this trail many times, but never biked it. I could tell I was a bit rusty on the bike, but it was thrilling navigating some of the narrow paths on the bike. It was also quite jarring riding over all of the tree roots and other debris along the trail, but I enjoyed the workout, definitely used some different muscles than I do from running or the elliptical.

    :smile: Lila – sorry to hear about your constant worry about losing your job. Stress can be such a huge factor in losing weight.
    :smile: Christschild2 – you are so right about time going faster. I often wonder if it speeds by so quickly now, what will it be like when I’m in my 60’s.
    :smile: Terri – what a fantastic progress you have made in your weight loss journey, congratulations.
    :smile: Heather – congratulations on your shrinking waistline! Colonoscopies are pretty much a standard test here when you hit 50. I had mine a few months ago, besides the prep, it was pretty much a non-event.
    :smile: Genealace – I like your weight loss philosophy!!
    :smile: Wessecg – oh my, 4 broken ribs – hope you are not in too much pain/discomfort and you heal quickly.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic week.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Anamika: I felt like I belonged here from the beginning, too.:bigsmile: Perhaps women get kinder after a certain age. I don’t know. I do believe that his group was forged by some exceptionally wonderful women. They have given us all a special gift. Barbie and Amanda are the two I know and they have mentioned others.:flowerforyou:

    Rob53: I started losing weight because of sore knees, too. The knee issue is dramatically better. I credit weight loss and yoga with the improvements. I also walk and ride a recumbent bike. I would not do anything that requires pounding my knees--no running, and no jumping rope for me. I’ve dropped over 50 pounds and the “good” knee seems healed, while the “bad” knee is dramatically better. I think this weight loss process and gentle exercise can improve things for you, too. Welcome.:flowerforyou:

    Cindy: If you’re down 2 pounds you must be doing several things right. Congratulations!:bigsmile:

    Heather: I also love brie and I think your plan is smart. Giving away some and keeping some makes sense. It is a soft cheese that needs to be used up because it is not so good when dried out.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Take care of your legs and feet. We’ll be waiting to find out what the doctor says. You need to make time for your health, even if it crowds your busy life. That way you can keep on enjoying your life.:wink:

    Barb from MA: I am impressed that your neighbor is 106. Amazing. Is she still living independently? I wonder what her health secrets are.:huh:

    I had a good day yesterday. I took our dinghy out by myself, with the companionship of the dog. (Small, inflatable boat that we use to go to shore when the boat is anchored out, or just to play. It goes fast and is fun.) It turns out I’m competent! Yay!!! We went across the channel from our boat slip to an island in the river that has a lovely beach and played on the sand. You can see a picture of this island that I took last fall on my ticker. I decided I wanted a tiller extension so I can sit far enough forward in the boat to improve its balance, and went out a got one. I‘ve put it on the boat but haven’t used it yet. I’m not satisfied with the way it is attached and will get down there to try to improve it asap. I feel like a grown-up for doing what needed to be done. I also put the dinghy onto its davits and lifted it out of the water all by myself. I am woman; hear me roar! :bigsmile: In the old days we did this together. I used pulleys to lift the light end, and DH used pulleys to lift the heavy end with the motor on it. Then the motor started getting too heavy for DH and he wanted to buy an expensive motorized winch to lift with. The main boat is a sailboat with very good two speed winches. I talked him into using one of them instead of throwing money away on another gadget. I’m pleased that my idea works so well I can do it all by myself.:bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,892 Member
    Hello All: It is a drizzly day in southeast SD but that is okay. DH made it safely back from his trip and that is good. I have to say it was much easier planning meals and keeping to my plans while he was gone. Just need a little more fortitude now that he is back.

    Pat (PHoo) - I believe there is still an operating Drive-in in Luverne, MN. I have heard several people at work talk about it.

    Patceoh- liked your quote.

    Barbie - I was so surprised yesterday reading our church bulletin to find that they are going to offer a line dance class beginning in September. I might just have to go try that.

    Hope all of you are starting your week off well and keep it up. Healing angels to those who need them. Sue in SD
  • sunbaby2013
    GOOD MORNING TO EVERYONE :happy: It's beautiful in Sunny Ohio this morning. Getting ready to go to the store. I weighed myself this morning and was down 1/2 lb.

    :smile: Joyce - Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Good for you!

    :smile: AnamiKa703 - Welcome. I am new too, but this group is WONDERFUL!

    :smile: Rob53jk - Welcome. My tip for you is to LOG everything you eat and drink. It is amazing.

    :smile: Cindy - CONGRATS!

    Off to the store...........Darla from Sunny Ohio.
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Good morning. I've been back from England for 5 days but can't seem to move out of "vacation mode". Today is my first day back at the gym and it's going to be a struggle :yawn: I'm going to read some of the posts I've missed for some much-needed motivation!

    Helen in beautiful sunny Needham, MA
  • 50by50
    50by50 Posts: 15 Member
    Rough week. Lost my mom in April to cancer and a dear friend to cancer the same week. I have been struggling to get back on board. I am currently the heaviest I have ever been, including being 9 months pregnant. I am apparantly an emotional eater.

    Working hard to get back on track. My goals for August include:

    10 lbs lost by the end of August. I think I can do this with the whole water weight addition.
    Work-out at least 30-45 minutes a day 6 days a week.
    Track my food here to keep me focused!

    I am also going to keep up with these message boards as I think they could be a real needed boost for me!
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    :glasses: just back from fishing. I was only gone 4 days and we're on page 9!!! I can't keep up!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    My favorite cheese is Brie:love: , I could have Brie, crackers and wine for dinner every night...yum! Enjoy that delectable cheese!

    Brie is my favorite cheese too. So much so that I actually named my daughter Sabrina just so I could call her Brie :bigsmile: (yes she knows where her name came from)

    I am happily at work today. Back on track logging and planning food. Lots of walking.

    Life is good and my backyard is all cleaned out waiting for me to decide what to do with it. We will work on it this coming weekend as long as it isn't too rainy. We have put down all kinds of mesh to keep Bodi from digging the whole back out again. He really loves to dig and now I have a plain dirt back yard. I hope he doesn't go too crazy with holes. :noway:

    I hope you all have a great day.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
    Beautiful PNW
  • buganvilia
    buganvilia Posts: 2 Member
    I am 49 years old, my goal was to lose 18 pounds. I started at 138 and am now at 133.
    What I really want is to lose fat and gain some muscle. I want to be strong and Healthy
    so that I will prevent any disease as I continue to age. I want to look good in Clothes.
    I want to be healthy at 100! I have an 8 year old son and two grown daughters, and a
    beauty of a granddaughter! I look and feel younger than 49. I am Sexy and Pretty. I want
    to look handsome and strong as I reach my sixties.(The way Good looking Men age).
    I want to be slim and elegant, wearing my Manolo Blahnik shoes and smelling like fresh flowers.
    I also want to have strong legs and arms to garden and play ball with my Son. I love to dance.
    My younger Husband is on this healthy journey with me. We are committed to ourselves and
    to our future of good Health. We remind ourselves to have self respect and treat our bodies
    as a temple. We still enjoy dark chocolate, wine and cheese occasionally!
    I accomplished my goals for July! I Eat less, I only eat when I am very Hungry and
    I make better food choices. No cookies or cake or Junk or Fried food for this older Woman!!
    We Love vegetables, they come in a variety of colors and can be made in so many different ways.
    We love lean meats, fish and shrimp. We splurge on the good food that is available to us in this
    great country. We are so lucky to have so many choices of healthy fresh food at the
  • salmon0
    salmon0 Posts: 7 Member
    First I have to tell you what a wonderful supportive group of ladies you all are. (Yes I have been reading your post):happy:

    I am 58 years old, new to MFP, retired earlier this year due to a couple of health issues and could benefit from weight loss (the 30 lbs. I have gained in the last 3 years when I health issues started haven't helped).

    I have been power walking every day and doing Pilates for exercise and so far so good, but here in Northern Alberta winter comes early and leaves late so I am in need of encouragement to stay on the straight and narrow because it is so easy to say “I’ll do it tomorrow ” or “I’ll just have that lovely piece of dark delicious chocolate” (Yes I am also a chocoholic) and before you know it poof all the chocolate is gone and there you are looking despairingly at the D-scale.

    Looking forward to being part of the group and getting to know you all.:flowerforyou:

    Quote for today: " It's got to be a good day, I got out of bed.":flowerforyou:

    Goal for August:
    • Power walk 1 hour per day
    • Pilates 4 times per week
    • Faithfully log every bite

    Sonja in Big Sky Country - Northern Alberta
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sonja, welcome, we have several women on this thread from the far north and as winter approaches, I know they’ll be sharing ways to stay active even in the most harsh winter months.

    :flowerforyou: Buganvillia, it sounds like you have the knowledge you need for this journey and a super attitude…..keep coming back here for daily encouragement to keep doing what you’re doing…..

    :flowerforyou: 50by50, you have come to the right place……stay with this thread and you’ll be amazed how much it helps.

    :flowerforyou: Helen, just walking into the gym will start you back on the road to your healthy habits.

    :flowerforyou: Sue in SD, I hope the line dance class turns out great for you……when I started dancing, my initial goals were to not fall down and not bump into anyone else…:laugh: …after coming back faithfully for a few months, I started to feel like I was dancing and knew what I was doing.

    :flowerforyou: Several of you have mentioned living longer and healthier…….I read “The Blue Zone----lessons for living longer from the people who’ve lived the longest” by Dan Buettner and learned a lot about longevity. I checked It out of the library…there’s also a website http://www.bluezones.com/live-longer/

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.” (I probably stole this quote from someone on this thread......if I did, I thank you for it because it means a lot to me.)

    August Resolutions
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard
    *participate in the new strength training challenge
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon.
    Woke up to rain,hope it doesn`t last all day,want to go out for a walk.
    Hubby got me a pedometer to track my steps.
    Have a good one.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am up but just to do some much needed things on the computer and have lunch. I'm just going to let my MS take the lead today and if I need to rest then do so.

    I see a lot of new wonderful women here. Just pull up a chair, sit and tell us about your selves.

    Love you all, Joyce from Indiana
  • janie12835
    Happy Monday all, just dropping in to touch base. I did do 4 miles with Leslie Sansone last night but only 26 minutes of it were recorded as vigorous exercise by my bodymedia armband. I think I was probably holding back a little worrying about finishing the 4 miles ;-b Still, I really like ending the day sweating instead of snacking. Will be reading more of Body By You, you are your own gym and see if I can do some things from it today. More than one of you has asked about it, I'll update as I try things :smile: Things to do, so sending good thoughts out to everyone:bigsmile:

     Log every day
     Find healthier food options to work into daily meals
     Exercise every day
     By end of August, do 30 minutes of vigorous exercise daily (now doing ~20)
     Keep moving all day (no excessive couch lounging!)

    Janie, Pacific NW