30-Something Aussie Mums



  • rachael1805
    rachael1805 Posts: 72 Member
    Ok... I will...
    - track ALL my calories (including those sneaky ones that I pretend don't count)
    - drink 2 litres of water
    - get on my stepper every night, even if just for 10 minutes
    - try not to beat myself up every time I look in the mirror and treat myself with the same kindness and acceptance as I would anyone else
    - oh, and lose a bit of weight, maybe

    awesome goals; truth, humour; humility, hope... love it :flowerforyou:
  • beca74
    beca74 Posts: 14 Member

    awesome goals; truth, humour; humility, hope... love it :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Hun. I'm certainly going to give it a good crack!
  • dianebiaggini
    dianebiaggini Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there, I'm 34 with a nearly 4 year old son. He's got quite a few health issues, which keeps me busy (and I have periods of emotional eating and consequent weight gain when things are stressful). At the moment things are ok, so really trying to focus on my health and well being. Have about 5-6kg of stubborn post baby fat left to lose. I've been told I need to step it up a notch if I want to see results...thing is I feel like I am working out pretty decently right now! One notable point is that I set my own calories to 1440 a day as I found MFPs 1200 was leaving me feeling hungry and thinking about food all the time. 1440 is slow in terms of weight loss for me, but much more sustainable. Please add me ladies!!! Happy to friend the locals!
  • sweetysmum
    sweetysmum Posts: 102 Member
    Morning everyone. Hope you all have a fantastic week :smile:
  • 30 year old single mum of 2 here :) feel free to add me.
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Hi all, hope you all had a great day.

    My August challenge is too:

    Drink at least six glasses of water a day.

    Lose at least 2kgs.

    (Ps. I cut out the diet coke and coffee more for health reasons not for the calories. I was a heavy drinker of both. The coffees were shop bought so had a lot of milk and I always felt bloated. Anyway I feel a lot better now.)

  • rachael1805
    rachael1805 Posts: 72 Member
    Alas, I cannot give up my coffee shop coffee- one medium per day on skim- seems it's my only vice, sometimes!
  • Nenny1985
    Nenny1985 Posts: 122
    Hi. Im 27 and have a 7 month old daughter. I live in Melbourne. I'm also 166cm. Feel free to add me
  • helenta77
    helenta77 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, im 36 mum of two, 5 and 2, im 87kgs down from 106, i need to lose another 22kgs to get down to 67, anyone feel free to add me. Always looking for more aussie friends:-)
  • juul76
    juul76 Posts: 20
    I started last year in October with jogging. in the first 3 months I lost NOTHING!! It was very frustrating. In January I finally started to loose some weight so in about 10 months I have lost 19kg.

    I will have to think about my goals for August! Certainly keep drinking water and going to the gym.... It so depends on my shifts when I am able to go.
  • mssteel90
    mssteel90 Posts: 124 Member
    I feel a bit late to the party! I'm Emma 23 year old Queensland mum of a 3 year old girl and a one year old boy,I'm not really trying to loose weight but I am trying to gain some muscle and cut some body fat, so I may gain. Anyway hi ladies!
  • rachael1805
    rachael1805 Posts: 72 Member
    I feel a bit late to the party! I'm Emma 23 year old Queensland mum of a 3 year old girl and a one year old boy,I'm not really trying to loose weight but I am trying to gain some muscle and cut some body fat, so I may gain. Anyway hi ladies!

    Better late than never! Welcome Emma!. I would love to hear how you plan to shed body fat- I always know someone's got the right idea/on the right track when they refer to it as 'cutting', and I mean that as a compliment!
  • rachael1805
    rachael1805 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Poor food choices this week, but still tracking every day, so that's something. Not alot of exercise either! I need to step it up if I'm going get my four sessions in by Sunday!

    But on the up side, I'm feeling light, if that makes any sense! Hope you're all having a successful week. Weigh in for me on Sunday!
  • rachael1805
    rachael1805 Posts: 72 Member
    Ahhhh, another week almost over! I got sick this week, with a cold. I was wondering if it was related to my committed diet and exercise program- has anyone else experienced ths when they re-commence diet and exercise?

    Anyway, I have been really good with my food- if I went over a bit on one day I compensated for it on the following day. I have had a few days off exercise as I've been blocked up and feeling sick, especially at night, but I'm feeling better again so I will exercise tomorrow.

    I'm actually looking forward to weigh in on Sunday!! Hope you guys have had a good week, too x