Funniest thing you have seen someone logged



  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    I recently added a post that got a few people angry about overestimating calorie burns and underestimating general food intake. One person posted that someone logged smoking a cigarette, 20 calories burnt. I want to now what other things have you seen people log that have made you laugh.

    Yeah, I imagine if it's something you do everyday, like smoke or prep your food, you shouldn't count it. A certain amount of calories expended doing these types of tasks is already included by default when you choose you "daily activity level" in your profile. A person who logs little things like this will end up defeating their own efforts.

    That said, the people on here getting their shorts in a knot over other peoples' logs need to mind their own. I have seen some truly snotty, self-righteous people on these boards, and (last time I checked) condescension never helped anyone lose any weight.


    People need to remember someone who is very obese and sedentary probably SHOULD log every step they take and include meal preparation (something they may not usually have done in the past). I say good on them! If it is working for you.. keep going! Really what difference does it make to someone else what people are logging? We are here to encourage each other not laugh and lambast them.
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    Wait so smoking burns 400 calories a pack???? I should never have quit! LMAO
  • angelac1296
    angelac1296 Posts: 48 Member
    I used to have a friend who logged all her vitamin tablets taken at each meal with 0 calories against them. I mean...why? Was it to remind her to take them???

    I should do that.. I always forget taking my vitamin tablets.. haha :drinker:

    I log my vitamins, or I forget to take them!

    I also log using the riding mower, which someone thought was stranger than sperm logging? (ROFL!). I have a HUGE yard to mow and I live in central Florida, so I sweat my *kitten* off while I'm 'sitting' on that thing. Plus getting on and off every row or so to dump the leaf/grass bags. And it doesn't have power steering or zero degree or anything, it's basic. So it's easier than using a push mower, but it's not the same as sitting on my *kitten* in the AC reading a book. I also log gardening (pulling weeds, transplanting etc).

    Not so I can eat those calories back, but so when I look at my reports I don't freak out about gaps of not exercising, because working hard outside in 90+ degree weather with a million humidity IS a work out. Because on yard work day, I don't have the energy to use the gazelle too.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I think I once logged 8 pints of Guinness under "Snacks"

    I've done that before too. I have also logged it under dinner at other times. Seemed legit to me at the time :drinker:

    I log beer at lunch times, seems legit as it is over 100 cals a pint

    I don't count the cals lifting the pint to my lips as a " cardio / strength training work out" though
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I've seen someone log her pot and cocaine usage under her food log, those were the only the only things logged most days. I hoped she was joking but I don't think she was.
  • technobunny
    1080 calories burned for 360 minutes of driving.
  • ilmb87
    ilmb87 Posts: 216 Member
    Wii fit- again, no. You're playing video games, and probably not working up a sweat.

    I do the bodyweight/strength training from the WiiFit, and I can tell you--I do work up a sweat and am quite sore the next day. Sooo....*shrug*
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    I had someone on my FL who would log "sitting and studying" as a burn. :noway:
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Most of these are funny and ridiculous.
    But I am not sure why people would find logging vitamins weird. I never used to log them because they are zero calories but I add them now because I like to see my overall vitamin intake for the day.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hmmm, i think the maybe the answer is this thread. I'm seeing the log or musings of some pretty judgmental people. :ohwell:
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    When I first started I used to log around 3 hours of housework as I do 6 hour shifts as a maid. I didnt want to underestimate what I burned. So instead of logging 360, 180 minutes seemed more reasonable.

    But Ive stopped logging altogether as I'll never know for sure what I burn so I just eat at 1200 - 1500 and keep it simple!

    So I may be one of those people you may have seen logging a gazillion minutes of housework every week! ha!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Hmmm, i think the maybe the answer is this thread. I'm seeing the log or musings of some pretty judgmental people. :ohwell:

    Probably more realistic than judgmental.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Turbo *kitten*.

    So that's what TF stands for! I always thought it was Turbo Fire. Derrrr! :bigsmile:
  • beckhole69
    beckhole69 Posts: 69 Member
    My husband has had a vasectomy, should I log it differently? :devil:

    I wonder if that's less sodium.

    Less protein, for sure.

    Good idea, I need to cut back on my protein
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Hmmm, i think the maybe the answer is this thread. I'm seeing the log or musings of some pretty judgmental people. :ohwell:

    Probably more realistic than judgmental.

    More realistic and also been around a while to be able to laugh about stuff like this. I admit, somewhere around April or May of 2010, my log probably has some housework in there as an exercise. And I've also logged M&Ms by the gram (because I only had one or two), daily cups of black tea with zero calories (because I wanted the 15 mg of potassium in my log), 1/8 tsp of cayenne (or various other spices), and even an entire lunch made up of Costco samples. But I've changed since then and so has the way I handle logging here.

    We've probably all logged something along the way that someone else would find odd or funny. But I'm able to laugh at those things now, and hopefully someone may see this thread, see themselves reflected in it, and be able to make some changes that will ultimately help them with their logging along the way. :)
  • beckhole69
    beckhole69 Posts: 69 Member
    Cat food.

    The vet recently changed my cat to this Calming Food with tryptophan, because she was losing hair from the stress of having a little monster toddler chasing her. Anyway I tasted one of the biscuits for interests sake and because I'm a freak. That gave me an idea and I searched cat food on MFP and it's bloody in there! People have been logging cat food! Weirdos.
  • peggymdellinger
    peggymdellinger Posts: 151 Member
    i see "house cleaning" a lot for like, 600 calories or something ridiculous - makes me wonder if a) i've been doing it wrong or b) their house is in a perpetual state of filth, hoarders-style

    I do log cleaning sometimes. I have a 2x per week job cleaning and it's a workout. If I did it every day though I would have put it in my activity level.
  • KrisRei
    KrisRei Posts: 6
    If I'm walking in the mall for 4 hours clothes shopping I log it :)
  • KrisRei
    KrisRei Posts: 6
    I work up a good sweat cleaning too girl. If you work hard and fast you can make anything a calorie burner :)
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Funny topic but i have to say, i see nothing wrong with logging house cleaning or walking around the mall and definitely don't see anything wrong with logging time at the park with the kids! I have a 2 and 3 year old and i can tell you that i get just as good a workout at the park with them as i do at a gym.