

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    I woke up this morning a bit later than usual and decided it was Sunday!:noway: I think it was a combination of the sun shining, it being a bit later, and feeling in holiday mood. I hope it's not the first sign of Alzheimers!

    As I found it was Tuesday I decided to do some yoga as the yoga teacher takes a holiday in school holiday times. So I followed a sheet she had given us for the break and modified it a bit to make it a little more demanding and longer. I really enjoyed it and it was a change from the machines. I then did a few weights. This pm, if the sun is still shining DH and I might walk up to the local pub and have a beer, (me a small one!). It's about half an hour stroll each way, so that will boost up my calorie allowance to normal. (450). DH loves his beer so he will be happy.:love:

    Michelle - I can only do 1 min 40 secs elbow plank before I'm dead. Well done on the 2 mins. My strength challenge for August is to manage 1.45. It's HARD! DH slept great last night and we both slept in till 8am! Haven't done that in a while, so that's why I thought it was Sunday! :blushing:

    Sandy - I love your uneven face! Since I have been doing face excercises one of my nose to mouth lines has flattened out really well while the other is taking longer. I am convinced I look lopsided, but no one else can see it! :tongue: Yesterday as I was going to bed I saw my knees in the mirror and now there is not so much fat on them you can really see that the bad one is much bulgier inwards. Waaah! Of course, with the breast cancer operation I have very lopsided breasts! The one with the lumpectomy is much perkier! :laugh: I'm sure you will level out a bit, but I think we are all very uneven all over.

    Amanda - I am so glad you are taking it easier. Sounds horrible, working with a sore tummy!

    Meg - a pram suit is a cover all with legs, padded, for taking the baby out in the cold. I have found another from my favourite store, John Lewis , and have sent the link to my DDIL. It's cherry red with multi coloured hearts on it. Love it, hope she does too. She wasn't keen on the furry teddy bear look, though I thought it was sweet!

    Pat - good for you for trying the lamb.:flowerforyou: It's obviously not something you eat a lot over there, but it's one of our favourite meats in the UK. We have a lot of sheep! How you cook it depends very much on the cut and the quality. If it is a chop, (and there are different kinds of chops, some tenderer than others) then usually it should be cooked fairly rare, and definitely no more than pink inside. Otherwise it will go tough. I usually squirt a bit of lemon juice over it and a spray of oil, with whatever herbs I happen to have in the garden (rosemary, thyme, origano are all good) salt and pepper, and marinade it for a while. Then when you are ready to cook, make sure it is not fridge cold, get a really hot pan or grill or bbq and just sear it on both sides, like a steak. Then remove it and rest it on a warm plate for a few minutes. This will allow the fibres to relax and 'juicify' (my word)!!!! A quick squeeze of lemon juice, adjust seasoning, and you are done. That is a complicated explanation for a very simple procedure! But all the steps are worth it. BBQd lamb chops are one of my favourite things on earth, when they are done well. Having said that I always buy Welsh mountain grass fed lamb that costs an arm and a leg and melts in the mouth!!! Cheaper cuts I braise.

    Well, I am having another portion of Brie for lunch today. With my delicious brown rice and beet salad. You should have seen the size of the bowl I had yesterday! Like a fruit bowl. A lot of it was veg of course, but I was stuffed! 400 calories - amazing!
    DH will be having ham sandwich, as usual. :laugh: He thinks beets are the devil's work and he's not much keener on Brie!

    Love to all. Stay safe and love those close to you. Yes, and tell them! How true. Life can change for ever in the blink of an eye.

    Heather in sunny Hampshire, UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Just popping in to say hello:bigsmile: ! No more time this morning to chat:sad: !

    Dr. appt. is for Thursday, first day I found a little extra time:grumble: . I fell several years ago on black ice and really messed up my knee, now I have phlebitis in my leg:angry: and it will act up for no reason at all, last time it happened I was out power walking and it hit me, I have no clue about my foot though, it`s the ball of my foot and the pain feels like a horrible cramp:sad: , yet my foot is not cramping:huh: , just grabs me every once in awhile. It was better when I had to cut down on my walking because of that strange rash I got a week or so ago, "walker`s rash" from being too active:huh: :noway: :grumble: . I have to laugh, here I am trying to get in shape and my body is rebelling against me:huh: :laugh: . The joy of getting older:tongue::sad: !

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in once again rainy NC:angry:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    HI - quick question, where do you put your pedometer? It is not attractive on my work clothes and I can't quite figure out where to put it. Do you just keep it running all day? It is my first one. thanks!

    :flowerforyou: I have an Omron pedometer (I love it and have had it for several years). I carry it in my pocket since I wear jeans almost all the time. I put it in my pocket first thing in the morning when I get dressed in the bathroom to walk the dogs, I transfer it into the pocket of the pants I wear after I shower and dress for the day, and I take it out of my pocket and put it on the counter in the bathroom when I put on my nightshirt at bedtime. When I wear I dress (which is rare) I wear the little shorts from my bathing suit that has a pocket just the right size for a pedometer. Yes, I am obsessive about it.:laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone:

    I'm always amazed how some of your reply to so many people. I'm enjoying reading all the posts and this is my reply to you all in one fell swoop "I really really appreciate being able to come here and get encouragement for the day".

    Melanie: I do want to say about the pedometer: Sometimes you can wear it attached to your panties, you just have to be careful when going to the potty :laugh: I need a new one and I think I'd like to get one that can be put in my pocket.

    I finished up logging my calories this morning.

    Had a lot of extra exercise calories yesterday as I mowed the grass and weeded a garden bed. I was really tired when I was working in the garden and said a quick prayer "Lord please don't let me hurt myself out here". I did take a step back into a dip and fell backwards. I just laid there looking up into the sky for a minute or 2. got up and went back to work. But then of all things my mower wouldn't start. I guess I was too dumb to get the first hint so the Lord said enough and made the mower stop working. I stopped, came in and took my shower, rested a bit and then went back out to put my equipment away. Just checked and the mower started. So glad he cares and looks after me.

    Hope you all have a good day. It's a bit rainy here. I've got laundry and a bit of housework to do. I'll probably get on and off the elliptical while the clothes are washing.

    Have a good day and make good choices!

  • lgumert
    lgumert Posts: 20
    Good morning everyone.

    I'm new to the site (less than a week) and just found this group.

    I'm trying to lose 20 pounds that crept up over the last several years with menopause and stressful family issues.

    It's nice to have a place to be accountable!

    Looking forward to meeting some of you.

  • sunbaby2013
    Just stopping by briefly to say HELLO to everyone. Have the Grandboys today.

    KEEP LOGGING..................

    Darla from Ohio
  • judyvoypick
    I am just starting -- lots of sadness in my family so have Gained weight --
    but do floor exercises most am... Now need to do more--helps with sadness
    And I want to be strong. Judy v
  • Newhornist
    Newhornist Posts: 4 Member
    Hi - I'm new to this group but I have been using MFP for about two months and religiously since July 6. Since Fall 2010 I have gained 35 pounds and my goal is to get that weight back off. I'm 61 and it's getting harder and harder to lose weight. I managed to stabilize my weight in January by paying attention to what I was eating and adding a little exercise. My routine for the past month was exercising strenuously by bicycling, swimming or walking 5 to 6 days a week, logging everything that goes in my mouth and not exceeding the calories that MFP says I should eat. I wear a Polar heart monitor when I exercise so I know how many calories I burn. I have managed to lose 4 pounds.

    My goals for August are to add about 15 minutes daily to my exercise routine, to continue to slowly switch to eating healthier foods but still keep the calorie count to the MFP guidelines, and to cut back on sitting around watching TV and reading FaceBook posts. I play the French horn and typically practice 2 hours a day and I want to increase that to 3 hours by the end of August.

    Tina B. Long Island, NY
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Amanda: I am sorry that you’re experiencing pain and hope the next surgery allows fast and complete healing. I shudder to think how it must feel. Meanwhile, baby yourself.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: I’ve been noticing that your ticker has dropped quite a lot since you started posting here. You have been doing very well. Congratulations! :flowerforyou:

    Sandy: I took a moment to play with photobooth on my computer and made a picture of my face with a left/right mirror image. If it helps you feel any better, I like my regular, asymmetrical face better than the artificially symmetrical one & I bet you would, too. I actually liked the fish-eye lens version best. Seeing it made me smile. Knowing it is deliberately distorted helps silence the critical inner voice we all seem to have whispering in our brains.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’d love to get your brown rice and beet salad recipe. It sounds wonderful. :smile: I agree with your lamb advice. Overcooking does it no favors. We usually buy Australian Lamb Loin Chops at Costco and grill them on our BBQ. They resemble tiny T-Bone steaks. Lamb is rarely available fresh in the markets here, usually only around Easter.:ohwell:

    DeeDee: Good luck with the doctor visit. I hope there is treatment available that still allows you to get in some exercise.:flowerforyou:

    Cindy: The lawnmower gave you notice that it was time for rest. You were smart enough to pay attention. Good for you! Where are you located?:huh:

    Tina B in Long Island: It looks to me like you’re doing all the right things. Welcome to the group. :flowerforyou:

    Judyvoypick: Welcome. Exercise is a good way to combat sadness, and you’ll find lots of supportive women here. Please let us know where you’re from.:flowerforyou:

    I was awake early and got the garbage bins out to the street this morning. Today is garbage day, and we usually put it out the night before. I was too tired last night. Making blackberry kuchen cupcakes is a lot of work. The biggest part of the work was climbing down the bank from the neighboring property through the weeds, rocks, and muck, to pick the blackberries on our bank. At least I didn’t get too scratched up, and it was actually kind of fun. There are probably enough ripe blackberries on that bank to allow half the people in the neighborhood to pick their fill and still leave plenty for wildlife.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Just had a phone call from one of my students to say she isn't coming today, so it looks like I'll be free this afternoon instead of having to 'work'. I teach lacemaking for those who don't know me (I've been away a while and there are lots of newbies - welcome to you all). One student has recently moved and not made it back yet, another went on holiday this morning and another had a knee replacement recently, so hasn't been back for a while.

    I need to sort out all my lacemaking books and restack them on the shelves. One bookshelf collapsed and threw about half of my books onto the floor. It has now been repaired and is waiting to be refilled. I've just printed out my booklist so that I can make sure they are all there.

    Another nice day here - I should have put on the laundry as I'm bowling all day tomorrow - but I guess I'll have another load of dirty clothes after that, so might as well wit until Thursday.

    The sneak peeks at the scales are encouraging and it looks like I may well have lost a couple of pound tub of margarine by Thursday.

    I had a call yesterday from a lady who was supposed to be going to the Lawn Bowls club this evening to learn to play, with some friends. Due to holidays and scheduling she can't make it, so it gives me the evening off from that too. I'll be able to get on with my lace. I'm working towards an official assessment of my lace and have to get it done and ready to go into the post by the end of the month. One more piece to design and work.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I am managing to get in my 12000 minimum steps and planning and logging my food. I am trying not to care about the scale.

    We have been getting quotes on the artifical turf for our back yard. I am excited that this winter I won't have soggy muddy sort of grass and maybe the boys won't get so muddy. I find it funny that they refuse to do their business in the middle of the dirt back yard and choose to use the gravel along side of their kennel. They are spoilt and not well behaved whenever we have visitors so having these people come to give estimates is a real pain. At least I see a light at the end of the tunnel. Once we get the "lawn" in I can finally finish the "wall" project that some of you may remember me starting a few years ago. It is finally coming together.

    CritterSue - sending love and energy to Ryder
    Amanda - sending love and energy to you!

    To all you wonderful women I am sending love and energy to help you achieve your goals and get thru your sorrows.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    Sunny and warm PNW
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: This has been an odd day for me so far, I had no early commitments so I lazed in bed later than usual and when I opened my eyes, Jake was getting dressed to take the dogs out for their “one dog at a time” walk. It was a great treat to lie in bed, but I realized that the early walk is where I get about 2000 steps and do 100 of the squats for my daily squat challenge (today I need to do 230). I have a line dance performance this afternoon and have to leave the house by 1:30 to get there and be ready on time. There is construction on the road and the possibility of delays so I have to leave extra time for travel. I have a 10:30 phone call scheduled with a friend. The call was supposed to be yesterday but somehow I spaced it out and forgot to call so we were able to agree on a time this morning. She has a lot going on in her life (son recently diagnosed with ALS, new man in her life, new challenges on her job, other new challenges in her life) and I want to be completely present in the phone call and not be thinking about other things, so I want to be dressed and ready to leave for my performance to be able to give her a full hour on the phone.

    :flowerforyou: Jake is going to Seattle to the game between the Mariners and the Blue Jays…..he’s going with a friend who moved here from Toronto……they go every year. They go early so they have time to eat stadium food and enjoy the ambiance before the game, so his friend will pick him up while I am away dancing. Right now Jake is taking a nap and I have to wake him in the middle of my phone call. It’s a night game and we’re not used to staying up that late, so he wants to be rested ahead of time.

    :flowerforyou: I’ll have the later afternoon to walk the dogs and work in the yard and finish the squats and plank for my challenge.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am grateful today that there are no pains interfering with the things I want to do. Ever since I had trouble with my back about 15 years ago, I’ve listed being pain free as an item on my gratitude list. For those of you in pain, I wish you solutions that will allow you greater mobility.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny and warm NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    I am just starting -- lots of sadness in my family so have Gained weight --
    but do floor exercises most am... Now need to do more--helps with sadness
    And I want to be strong. Judy v

    Hi Judy
    I really understand. I have been surrounded by cancer deaths of my immediate family members for hte last 2 yrs, not to mention the distant relatives/friends whom I have also lost to cancer in the same time frame. I have turned to prayer and exercise as a way to deal with these feelings, instead of snacking and feeling sad, for the last 5 mths and have seen remarkable progress. I wish you the same. Be strong, support is the key.
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks to all of you sweet ladies who took the time to wish my Ryder positive thoughts. He is having a good day today, so that means I am also.
    Just got streaky blonde highlights, and painted my nails a pale light blue. I think my mid-life crisis has started...
    Went to gym this morning, but had to take it easy due to a very cranky back.
    I have a new kitty client and walked in on owner's roommate naked under a blanket with his girlfriend on couch. Um, I just don't get paid enough to have to deal with this @&%#!!! Will have to talk to owner about working around roommate's love life, ugh...
    Lunch today: a low carb wrap with hummus, turkey, and cucumber slices. Think I'll make quinoa salad for tonight.
    (You would think I'd have no appetite after what I saw earlier, lol.)
    Welcome to all the new members!

    Critter Sue:wink:
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello friends
    Had a good day..... yoga for an hour and walked to and back from the yoga class. hopefully will get a 100 squats and a plank in before bed time. Ate well too. Reading all the posts is definitely inspiring. As many of you have reiterated this is a warm group with so much of encouragement and sharing the ticker is bound to move....... if not by exercise n diet by the sheer warmth we shall melt away. :heart:
    Barbie I shall definitely try the site and see what I can learn about animation. Thanks
    Have agreat day everyone
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Hi all! Just joined MFP so looking forward to enjoying the company of this community on the journey to lose 100 lbs.!
    Congrats on making this choice! I am right there with you, still have about 83 to go to my first goal. These first 51 have not been that difficult so though I know it gets more difficult the more we need to lose.

    Enjoy your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Wonderful ladies.I have a question,may sound silly,but I need an answer to it.
    I just started to wear a pedometer.When you are in a car,do you take it off?Not sure if you wear it does it record anything.
    Off to get our expensive car back.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    HI!Wonderful ladies.I have a question,may sound silly,but I need an answer to it.
    I just started to wear a pedometer.When you are in a car,do you take it off?Not sure if you wear it does it record anything.
    Off to get our expensive car back.

    I had a pedometer years ago that counted extra steps when I rode in the truck, but not in the car.....the one I have now, records only "real" steps.......slow walking, many dance steps, and stop and start walking don't count......i suggest that you wear your pedometer once in the car and note the starting and ending numbers and then you'll know how your pedometer works.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Jane I wear my pedometer when I'm in the car, mainly because I would probably forget to put it on. There are so many steps that add up, like going to the gas station, if it is on you it will record the steps to the gas pump, if you go in to pay or get a cup of coffee etc.
  • salmon0
    salmon0 Posts: 7 Member
    Afternoon Fabulous Ladies,

    Thanks for the welcome I feel at home already. :happy:

    It’s a beautiful day here, but unfortunately my evil companion (Lupus) has dropped in for a visit. :devil: :mad:
    Guess he thinks I’ve be doing too well lately and it’s time for me to stop enjoying life. :sad: So today I’m lying low and waiting for the happy pills to kick in. :yawn: Will check in later to catch up.

    Hope everyone has a great day, and remember “Breathe”. :flowerforyou:

    Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
    Henry David Thoreau

    Sonja :yawn: