Week 4, "H20" Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween Challenge.



  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Welcome to the group aprildauer!

    Kitsune - we do have a park that's got a great loop around the edge of it that's fun for a brisk walk or jogs. It is all hilly and woodsie and such. I'm working on getting Remi better at walking with me on the leash, not tugging and such. And yeah, I hear 'ya on the depression of no income. I mean, hubby has a great job and we've finally joined finances, but I'm not used to not bringing my own dough, y'know?

    Bru, I'm glad your grandpa is getting the medical attention he needs. He sounds like the kind of guy who really prides himself on being able to take care of himself. I bet finally admitting that he needs help and going to the hospital is a blow to his ego. He is very lucky to have you as a part of his family.
  • Okay this is a must share and I have to add this to my blog for me to look back on in the future so I can do it all again. Well today is pay day for my hubby and for some reason I think this is my ticket to eat out every single time and today I had to go to my girls school and take lunch money for them and upon entering the cafeteria it smelled so good all the different auroma's were in the air SN food is my issue I can workout forever and ever and be good!! Long story short I grabbed an orange from there cafeteria and went and did my errands made it back home without eating out then took the kids to soccer practice hubby got them BK and I had none woot woot!!!!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Welcome AprilDauer! Best of luck on your 10lb loss and we're all here for you :)

    BJ - congrats on your loss! It's always quite heartening to see that scale go down! I wasn't strong enough for that a few months ago and just ended up gaining a lot of weight back. I'm so glad you aren't going down the same path :)

    Bru - Holy cow! So many birthdays! At least you get a couple months of break time in between? Glad your Grandpa is feeling better. He's probably taking a bit of a hit mentally by having to admit he needs trouble, so anything that might make him feel independent or capable might help him through this whole thing. Hope he's doing well and gets better!

    PinkAY! - If Remi is tugging too much there's this great little thing called a Gentle Leader (AKA Halti) http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2754854&keepsr=0&clickid=prod_cs
    Those are much better than choke or prong collars because they don't hurt the dog and it prevents you from having to do any jerking or other infliction of pain. It's basic premise is that it goes around the muzzle and it tightens up a little when the dog pulls. This lets the dog know that he's pulling to hard and to pull back without causing him any actual harm! My mom and I have used them a lot in the past and they're quite amazing. I would still suggest training to walk on a normal collar but these are very handy training tools :) I imagine that is quite the adjustment, from being self sustaining to having to rely on a partner. Just remember he's relying on you just as much to keep the home :)

    cnbethea - Nice victory! Way to stay strong :)
  • Hello everyone...I posted my weight for the week...it showed on the last thread so I thought I would put it here too...not sure where I am week to week sometimes. Anyways...had a 0.2 gain on Monday...TOM has arrived...so hopefully that will disappear next Mon when I weigh again.
    Caught up on some posts here...seems everyone is hanging in. I know for sure that 20 lbs won't be gone..but the challenge keeps me accountable.
    Keep up the great work and thanks for your support, whether direct or indirect. MFP is what has helped me the most!
    I am looking forward to next month as I celebrate 1 year of smoke free....that is what started it all!
    Have a great week all!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well, sorry to update more about y personal life than my exercise/food, but I took Nick's Grandpa to the hospital this morning, I drove after trying to just walk about 15ft from his front door to the car he fell again. Got him there and registered at 9:30am and he was in his room by 11a. I'm home now, and it it officially a waiting game til they figure out what is wrong with him. Thank you all for the kind words and support, it helps a lot. These past few days have been emotionally and physically draining. Headed to get lunch now, have a good day all, and I'll be back as soon as I hear more about Grandpa if not I'll be here Friday with my weigh in. :heart:
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    So, it's been a little bit since I checked in here! Here's an update: I went back to Curves last night for the first time in about 3-4 months, I'm so glad I went! I forgot how good it made me feel to work out. I hate to sweat in general...but it's more linked to me not wanting people to see me sweat than actually not liking the sweat itself. But I've always been a really easy sweater....it doesn't have anything to do with being out of shape, but it makes me self-conscious anyway.
    We did measurements and such - GET THIS! : Over the summer, on my own, I've lost 20 pounds and 15.75 inches off my body. How awesome is that??

    Less awesome news - My dear nephew brought home the worst flu I've had in years. It hit fast and hard...bleh. I was planning to go back to Curves today...but there is no way in heck lol. I would go weigh in, but getting off this couch is not an option...and not just because my butt is stuck to the leather :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Kitsuuuuuuune - thanks for the link! I'd seen that before and didn't know if it was actually effective. I'm going to have to really look into it now! And yeah, thanks for reminding me that he relies on me too. I often forget that. :ohwell:

    nursee, stupid TOM. Congratulations on being smoke-free for a year! That's an incredible accomplishment.

    Bru, wow. :frown: Your poor Grandpa! I'm glad he's in the hospital and safe now. I hope they're able to give you some answers soon.

    Sweetie - WAY TO GO! Your progress is amazing. I'm so happy for you! And eewwww sticky leather couch skin. :laugh: Feel better soon duckling! Chicken soup and Gatorade for you!

    SO today was my weigh-in day....YAY I'm down! 187.2...that's 1.6 down from last week. :drinker: <--celebrating with virtual beer.
  • Certified_Femail
    Certified_Femail Posts: 75 Member
    I got on the scale for the first time in 3 weeks when i started myfitnesspal, I was afraid to do it but since I joined the 20lb challenge I thought i had better get a acurate weight. I can believe it I lost 6lbs......I was so happy. Now I feel like I can really do this for the first time in years. woohoooo, so im having lemon bars for a treat.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Hey all. Everyone's doing so well. Congrats! I wanted to say that and also that I'm away at work for the next 2 weeks so I won't be weighing in. I only use my scales at home. I'll weigh in when I get home I'm promise :D
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Hey all. Everyone's doing so well. Congrats! I wanted to say that and also that I'm away at work for the next 2 weeks so I won't be weighing in. I only use my scales at home. I'll weigh in when I get home I promise :D
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    still on my way, but SUPER SLOWLY.... 14 more before Halloween? Ummm...
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Sweetie- Hope you feel better soon!

    Bru- *hugs* Hope all goes well!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I got on the scale for the first time in 3 weeks when i started myfitnesspal, I was afraid to do it but since I joined the 20lb challenge I thought i had better get a acurate weight. I can believe it I lost 6lbs......I was so happy. Now I feel like I can really do this for the first time in years. woohoooo, so im having lemon bars for a treat.

    Congrats! That's fantastic! Enjoy your treat.
  • rdymek
    rdymek Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! Love the idea of losing 20 lbs by Oct 31st! I've read throught the forum and you guys are great motivators! With that, I'd like to remind everyone that although not always easy, if you're over on your goal for the day, you can always squeeze in a quick workout in the evening. I personally will do this even after the entire family has gone to bed.

    I'm fortunate in that I've recently begun cycling - cycling is a huge calorie burner for me, with anywhere from 700-1000 calories burned in a single hour ride, and it doesn't even feel like work because I'm having so much fun doing it!

    I'd highly recommend that everyone seek out something active that they enjoy - excercise doesn't have to mean hours spent at the gym. Try various sports/activities. Hiking, walking during your lunch break, running, cycling, basketball - whatever it may be. Surprisingly even 15 minutes can make a huge difference. For instance, with my cycling, if I'm burning 600 cal/hr that means 10 minutes is 100 calories! And personally, I'm usually operating around 700-800/hr typically.

    So don't forget that even if you eat bad for the day, you can still turn it around in terms of caloric intake for the day. Ultimately quality of food does matter, but in the end its about the calories you consume - less calories than you burn = weight loss.

    Good luck everyone and glad to see this group so motivated! You're all doing great!

  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Anyone one here have an Etsy store? I'm thinking of starting one up to sell handmade cards, but I'm a little iffy with the whole listing/selling fees. There's a $0.20 fee for each listing, good for four months. Then, when you make a sale, Etsy charges 3.5% of what the item sold for. So If I want to list a Christmas card for $3.00...the fees add up to $.30 cents ($.20 listing fee and $.10 listing fee...well now that I've typed it out it doesn't sound as bad as it did in my head :laugh: ). They charge this to your credit card or PayPal every two weeks.

    So I dunno...do I go through with it? I'm a scrapbooker and have TONS of supplies currently going unused. I should use them and make a little money, right?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    My weekly weigh in today doesn't thrill me. (Last week this time I weighed in at 248.9. This week 248.2) So I'm down. 0.7 lbs. I'll take it though. I had a rough start to the week and am stressing out about my husband's surgery today. Also, just to add, it's my TOM so hopefully it'll be gone when I'm done. I'm just used to more....i know I'm greedy :huh:

    Did my first aquafit session last night in two weeks (they close the pool twice a year for a good old fashioned cleaning) and I was very impressed. I was coordinated and had no issues pushing through. My muscles were fatigued after certain exercises but as a whole at the end of the class I felt great. Normally a workout like that would have me hurting today....but nope....so I guess that's my positive for today:happy:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    My weekly weigh in today doesn't thrill me. (Last week this time I weighed in at 248.9. This week 248.2) So I'm down. 0.7 lbs. I'll take it though. I had a rough start to the week and am stressing out about my husband's surgery today. Also, just to add, it's my TOM so hopefully it'll be gone when I'm done. I'm just used to more....i know I'm greedy :huh:

    Did my first aquafit session last night in two weeks (they close the pool twice a year for a good old fashioned cleaning) and I was very impressed. I was coordinated and had no issues pushing through. My muscles were fatigued after certain exercises but as a whole at the end of the class I felt great. Normally a workout like that would have me hurting today....but nope....so I guess that's my positive for today:happy:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Anyone one here have an Etsy store? I'm thinking of starting one up to sell handmade cards, but I'm a little iffy with the whole listing/selling fees. There's a $0.20 fee for each listing, good for four months. Then, when you make a sale, Etsy charges 3.5% of what the item sold for. So If I want to list a Christmas card for $3.00...the fees add up to $.30 cents ($.20 listing fee and $.10 listing fee...well now that I've typed it out it doesn't sound as bad as it did in my head :laugh: ). They charge this to your credit card or PayPal every two weeks.

    So I dunno...do I go through with it? I'm a scrapbooker and have TONS of supplies currently going unused. I should use them and make a little money, right?
    I've been wonderlng the same with my crocheted purses... not sure I'm ready to just yet, so I'm hoping to get into the next local craft fair :)
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Anyone one here have an Etsy store? I'm thinking of starting one up to sell handmade cards, but I'm a little iffy with the whole listing/selling fees. There's a $0.20 fee for each listing, good for four months. Then, when you make a sale, Etsy charges 3.5% of what the item sold for. So If I want to list a Christmas card for $3.00...the fees add up to $.30 cents ($.20 listing fee and $.10 listing fee...well now that I've typed it out it doesn't sound as bad as it did in my head :laugh: ). They charge this to your credit card or PayPal every two weeks.

    So I dunno...do I go through with it? I'm a scrapbooker and have TONS of supplies currently going unused. I should use them and make a little money, right?

    It can't hurt to try, at the most you'd lose a couple bucks if it doesn't work out. :) You too Bru! Though it's also a good idea to try and sell them at a local fair too. I don't have an etsy store, I just sell my used textbooks at half.com.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I've been wonderlng the same with my crocheted purses... not sure I'm ready to just yet, so I'm hoping to get into the next local craft fair :)

    Your purses are so cute!! You just reminded me - I'm (supposed to be) doing craft fairs with a wine accessory company I'm working with. Maybe I can take my cards with me. Like, do some wine themed/rustic ones so they don't stand out like a sore thumb against the rustic/pewter wine bottle items. :laugh: You and I should open our Etsy stores at the same time!!

    Kitsune - yeah, I really should just do it. If I lose $5 bucks, then so be it. And if they don't sell, then I've got stock. *Christine, stop talking about it and just do it.....*
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