You know you're on MyFitnessPal for too long when...



  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    ...when you dig boxes and wrappers out of the recycling bin to get the correct spelling of the item and/or the calorie count off the nutrition label so you can log it precisely. :laugh:
    Or you forget your phone at home so you're forced to carry around a bunch of wrappers until the end of the day...

    I'm really glad to know that I'm not the only one doing that. :ohwell:
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    It's been too long when everyone you know is familiar with MFP and how it works, feels like your friends' list are their friends, too, and what you're going to eat and not eat every day.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    when your on vacation and you don't want to lose your stats for the amount of days you've logged. Rather than logging you simply do quick add and input all your calories for one meal. Then for every day after you just copy that quick add meal over to the next day. lol SO GUILTY OF THIS!

  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    When you can accurately predict the contents of a thread just by reading the (same old, tired, repetitive) thread title.

    "WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?!!?" -Poster probably hasn't lost weight for 3.5 days and is freaking out. If it's an actual weight loss stall, most likely is either overeating and/or underexercising - but will be shocked and offended if you happen to mention this. They will probably report you and you will get banned for trying to be helpful.

    "ALWAYS SO HUNGRY" -Poster is eating 400-800 calories a day or some other ludicrous amount and/or isn't eating exercise calories back and/or has set some insane goal.

    "HOW DOES MY ROUTINE LOOK" -Poster has concocted a random workout routine that is comprised of bicep curls with milk jugs, crunches, bikram yoga and zumba. And invariably calls it strength training.

    "CAN'T EAT XXXX CALORIES" -Poster got 150lbs overweight but then suddenly can't figure out how to eat 1200 calories a day. I assume most of these posts are humblebragging about their dedication and/or (even worse) are pro-ana people.

    "IS EATING 0-1000 CALORIES A DAY OKAY??!?" -Poster knows it's not okay or they wouldn't be asking. Yet they are guaranteed to be defensive and often offended when everyone answers their plain question in a truthful manner.

    "I FEEL LIKE GIVING UP" -Poster is a thinly veiled attention *kitten*. If you were going to give up, you'd just give up. If you were going to keep kicking *kitten*, you'd keep on kicking *kitten*. If you make a thread like this, you are simply throwing a pity party for yourself. Oh, woe is me.

    "HELP, GAINED <small amount of weight> FROM BINGE" -Poster invariably ate a bunch of carbs and/or salty food and thinks they have magically gained 5lbs of fat overnight. Responses will generally prod the user to weigh in less often, despite the fact that weighing every day would accustom the average person to the daily weight fluctuations that effect everyone.

    "HOW MUCH DOES IT LOOK LIKE I WEIGH" -Poster is a teenage attention *kitten*.

    "EVERYBODY HERE IS SO MEAN" -Poster has been on the internet for two whole weeks and is highly offended by all of the helpful posters that will correct people spouting myths and misinformation. Poster just wants support for their 400 calorie a day intake while performing the master cleanse and the military diet reboot. If poster were to venture outside of MFP to any other part of the internet, they would probably die from shock.

    "BITE/SUCK/LICK/MARRY/BANG/FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS OR MURDER" -Poster is a complete idiot and should be removed from the gene pool immediately.

    You can also accurately predict details about the poster by the contents of their posts. You can discern gender, age, level of experience, intelligence, everything. Just simply looking at someone's join date, number of posts and avatar you already know 90% of what you need to know about them. Hell, you can smell a beachbody "coach" or a Visalus or Herbalife or whatever salesperson, from a mile away.


    This is right on. I've only been on for two weeks and all of these posts is what I see. haha And as far as the beachbody coach lol I have a customer at work that is always emailing me about this, hes a beachbody coach. lol
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    When you achieve your goal :happy:
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    ... when you've carefully fussed with a bag of food for five minutes just so you can get the barcode to scan.

  • Epyhon
    Epyhon Posts: 32 Member
    -When you're the go-to person that people call to make sure that their apps are syncing with MFP

    -You read every reply to this topic and enjoy them all for their humor, camaraderie, and sarcasm
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    all of the above, and when you call mfp 'fatbook' because it's used more often than facebook (my mate rachel came up with that, and it's stuck).
    ETA: and when you're sad when you can't log in and lose your 300+ day streak at least twice.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    ...when you've racked up a load of forum posts but find you've gone full circle on topics
    ...when you get annoyed at said forum topics
    ...when you come to terms that people are just starting out and are doing things you learned on here 3 years ago
    ...when you see someone restart their weight loss after gaining 100lbs that they lost for the third time
    ...when you're day counter is bigger than the number of calories regularly burned
    Guilty as charged. I now have to do at least a 7 mile run for my calorie burn to be higher than my number of days logged in. :embarassed:
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    *You know why it is truly funny that 1 lb of paper weighs more than 1 lb of feathers because it is harder to carry
    *Late nights on the boards used to be unmoderated, especially on the weekends
    *You remember a time before any other sites or services were linked to this one
    *You remember when Steven was the new mod and you used to send issues directly to Mike
    *Even the new people on your friend list are mostly reincarnations of users that have been on this site for years....

    AHAHAHA, it was a box of paper, wasn't it? A 10-pound box of paper? Ah, good times.
    Yes and also a 10lb dumbell weighing more than a 10lb baby because if you throw them in water the baby would float but the dumbbell would sink.
  • demyumo
    demyumo Posts: 12 Member
    When you actually start to believe that any calories you eat that aren't logged in, don't actually count.

  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    You want to take your food scale on vacation so you can log.
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    when your significant other made dinner and either saved the bar codes so you can scan them, or weighed out the meat so you can input it properly.

    My boyfriend has them lined up on the counter when he cooks for me!!
  • runner2runner
    runner2runner Posts: 1,937 Member
    your're critical of your abs but still post pics of them for everyone to see
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    When you know how to adjust your TDEE for changes in weight/workout, without looking it up.

    When you wish you'd been this good at math in middle school.

    When you see someone out biking, running and you mentally calculate their burn.

    When you consider breaking copyright to make your own MFP branded clothes.

    When you are an expert at taking selfies.

    When you're the Jim Jones of MFP, adding RL folks to your MFP FL.

    When you use the acronyms out loud IRL.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I've been on MFP religiously logging for over 1.5 years and I have not done any of these...

    I was just thinking the same :laugh:
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member

    ... you've taken apart a sandwich so you can weigh the components separately

    HA! this is so me!!!!!
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    That shot of vodka you did at a friend's party that you never logged is still haunting you 3 days later.
  • Badjinn
    Badjinn Posts: 12 Member
    Really, didn't know that
  • TygerTwoTails
    TygerTwoTails Posts: 108 Member got fired.

    :laugh: This takes the cake.