
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Robin: I think about my mom, too. We lost her to emphysema caused by a lifetime of smoking in 1998. She was 81. I can't quite believe it has been that long. She would be 99 on her next birthday--September 11. I am so glad she didn't live to witness that horrible day. It would have caused her more grief than she could bear for something so awful to happen on her birthday. I hope your memories are good ones. Mine are a mix.:cry::smile: :flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Katla, my memories are all wonderful. My mother was one of the nicest, most gracious women I have ever had the priviledge of knowing. Many people have fond memories of her. Even my friends from High School. She has been gone 6 and a half years. I strive everyday to be just a little bit like her. My granddaughter was named for her (middle name) and I hope she grows up to know how special that is. It made my dad cry when he heard her name for the first time.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    We went to Cracker barrel tonight and I try to pre plan my meal before I get there so I know I'm not over eating. I like to get their strawberries and bring them home and put them on one of my little 3 oz ice cream cups. They come as a side and it's a small portion so it's just right!!!!! So I put it all in the diary and we went. But they aren't in season now :sad: :sad: :sad: :brokenheart: Blackberries are now and that worked out OK. It didn't taste as good but they were still good and provided a little fiber which my bowels love to get. In fact they were lower in calories than the strawberries. I was at 1299 calories and now I'm at 1281. As long as it's not close to 1200 I'm OK and it's close enough to my 1300 calories diabetic diet I'm satisfied.

    Off to Schnucks to order our routine flowers for MIL in NH. I don't know who it was who duggested it, whether it was some one in this forum or my MS forum but she loves it. In fact I had a hard time convincing her to do it, we finally agreed on once a month. Last wee was the 2 week mark and she wondered where her flowers were for the week. So we're going to do it every 2 weeks.

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good evening ladies - here I am, finally checking in.

    I was lawn bowling in a tournament today and played for a total of 4 hours - now I'm bushed, but I earned 1200 - not that I'm going to eat them all. It was a good day today weather-wise and the rain held off. I had just got home when I heard the first thunder-boomer and there was a short, sharp downpour. According to the weather forecast there are tornado warnings just a little west of here and heading this way.

    Tomorrow is my dr. appointment and he is always soooo slow, but doesn't rush anyone (that is the problem.) I'm not going to let them do my blood pressure with the automatic thingie - last year I ended up with a bruise on my inner arm from armpit to elbow, and I don't need that. I don't know why that particular blood pressure machine is so painful.

    Tomorrow is also a week since I came back to MFP so it will be interesting to see how much I've managed to lose this week.

    Must go and get on with some lace making.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Hello, My Friends, I read through all of the posts I have missed, and I am glad to hear that most of you are doing well. It gives me hope. I am coming in under count, but because I have not been exercising, I am not losing. But, I am not gaining, either! That is a positive.

    We are having drama, intrique and trouble in my family, and it has put me in a bad place emotionally. I think my sister will be losing my parents' house to the state because she has not paid the taxes for 8 years. I don't know where she thought the money would come from, but, now the state says "pay up or get out". The house isn't worth it. She can't take care of it. None of us can help her at this late date....... she could have said something when it was a manageable problem, but she didn't. Now, I don't know what she expects. The part that hurts is that she will not talk to me. She has her daughter calling me to relay messages, and those calls end with "Mom, does not want you to call her." That breaks my heart, and - I know this is evil- it does nothing to make me open my check book. Anyway, this too shall pass. God is in charge, not me.
    What this does to me is make me anxious and sad. Because I am an emotional eater, I want to eat any and everything. When I do eat, because of my quirky stomach, I often regret it. I think there will be a whole lot of soup on my food log for the next few days.

    Ok- I am done dumping. Thanks for listening. I know things will work out. I just don't know how.
    Be Well- Be Happy!
    Pat (Phoo)
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gals. Hope you have had a good day. I am seriously motivationally challenged today. I went to work, got a few things done, stopped by to see dad in the nursing home and we went through some of his papers trying to throw things out. We did not get very far before physical therapy came for him, so I’ll continue on that path tomorrow. So now it’s 8 pm and I haven’t exercised yet. I am seriously concerned about keeping my exercise up when I go back to work next week. If it took 7 hours of exercise to lose 1.4 pounds, I think I’ll be in trouble! I’ll keep thinking about it.

    Crazy, hilarious NSV today. I was wearing a really cute white, gored skirt from Coldwater Creek that I just love. How I didn’t notice how big it was on me, I’ll never know, but every time I walked anywhere it would start winding its way around my waist. So when I got home I started to take it off by pulling it over my head without unzipping it. It actually FIT== nicely I might add-- around the fullest part of my bust!!! So I wore it around the house like that for a while…it looked like a bandeau top! Thankfully it was long enough to cover the “naughty bits”!!!!! The kids and DH about all fell over laughing! Needless to say it went into the Goodwill box!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Holy cow I see four pages of posts to read tonight. I probably won’t respond to all but will read them all.

    Kate: oh my goodness what an awful response to that medication. I’m glad hubby loves you and forgave all. I hope you feel better today. OMG I just saw the pic; I’d be scared too LOL

    Sandy: love that pulled pork. Good for you to get your steps in!

    Jane: keep up the good work!

    Joyce: LOVE it!

    Melanie: let us know how the pedometer works!

    Deb: your kayaking trip sounds so wonderful

    Sue: great golf game! I do hope your tummy feels better soon!

    Eileen: so glad you weren’t hurt! What about your dress?

    Heather: that new body feeling is wonderful, isn’t it? Good for you to be assertive in taking care of yourself.

    Michele: I think that means to peel little strips off the eggplant. I never peel mine. Let us know how the ste turns out!

    Cindy: you and DH are so generous with your son. Ido hope he appreciates it too…..oh just read that your offer wasn’t accepted. I admire your peace and serenity! I’m so sorry for your neighbor! That really is too early.

    Sue: your meals sound a lot like mine…tomatoes, cottage cheese, string cheese….no protein powder for me though

    Katla: glad to hear there is hope for me yet in the yoga department!

    Anamika: my thoughts and prayers for your sister’s father in law. I hope he recovers soon.

    Kalley: when I go walking part of my path is up a fairly steep hill…no that’s not quite right….moderately steep. The fitbit credits me for 15 flights of stairs!

    Darla: hope you are enjoying the grandbabies!

    Sonja: glad you are feeling better!

    Lucy: have a wonderful vacation!!!

    Robin you are doing so great!

    DeeDee: I’m with you about summer. I have to go back to work next week already and I don’t think summer every really got here. Believe it or not, I have missed our hot humid weather!

    Pat: I’m so sorry about your family drama. What happens if you chew gum when you want to eat? That helps me a lot!

    Newbies: welcome and please come back often! This is a great group!

    Well ladies, it’s time to get to the exercise and make tomorrow’s grocery list. Take care Meg from unusually cool Omaha.
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    For several days, in our valley, it continues to be very smoky from multiple forest fires, one day the smoke looked like thick fog…very dismal. The air quality has been severe at times and today there are intermittent showers with a chance of thunderstorms, rain may help contain the fires, but lightning may start more.

    Most of my exercise has been outside, swimming and walking. Today, I’m taking it easy…did a few yoga moves and tried the plank for the first time (22.68 seconds) I admire you ladies that can do it for minutes! I have just finished reading the last 4 days of your posts.

    Janie…The 50 mile challenge is motivating; I have been walking most days.

    Meg…Congrats on the weight loss and dancing at the concert!

    Rori…I enjoy your affirmations!

    Joyce…How wonderful you were able to enjoy the amusement/water park with your grandkids…family memories!

    Suzy in DE…Wow, mountain biking!

    Katla…Congrats on taking your dinghy out by yourself!

    Darla…Congrats on the weight loss!

    Yanniejannie…I am so sorry about the death of your friend’s son…as a mom, my heart goes out to her.

    Vicki…Hugh Congrats on your 103 pound loss!!! Enjoy your pedicure.

    Amanda…Take care of yourself.

    Grandmallie…Congrats on the inches lost!

    Anamika…It is nice to “meet” you.

    Sonja…Thanks for your quote: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined”. Henry David Thoreau

    Crittersue…Enjoy your time with Ryder.

    Barbie…I like my life, but yours sounds pretty great!

    Heather…I know what you mean "I have to eat now”, when my oldest son was young, sometimes he would tell me “Mom, I think you need to eat!” when I was getting cranky.

    Cindy…Have fun making your yogurt, years ago (late 1970’s) my husband and I had a couple of milk goats, we made yogurt using the top of the hot water heater for warmth, we also made delicious protein shakes.

    Deb A…Beautiful pictures.

    Sandy…Congrats on continuing to get up early and walking!

    Subzero…Congrats on the weight loss, sounds like you had a wonderful time in a beautiful region!

    Lucy…Have a great vacation!

    Robin…Good job keeping up with your steps, I tried my first plank today (22.86 seconds), your 30 seconds rocks!

    Pat…Sorry about your troubles with your sister and her problems, families are complicated.

    Have a good evening and hello to everyone who is new to this site. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Terri, from smoky Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,472 Member
    Well, last night after Mexican Train, I was laying in bed reading a book, and I started thinking about Bryan. And I had a real bad carb craving. Some cookies, triscuit (low salt), greek yogurt and cream cheese, a few Rice Krispie bars. I have only myself to blame. I'll never see my son again and the last time I saw him wasn't a positive experience and I have only myself to blame. I really need to come to terms with this. Jessica and Denise will be getting married (maybe someday) and I can't let this run my life. I need to keep telling myself that God has a plan, His plan is always the best plan.

    Today I'm going to start afresh, I'll remind myself that I'm a good person and only did what I did because I miss and love him. And if he doesn't miss and love me back....his loss. There...it's out of my system...I think

    Cindy - I do hope you get that farmhouse. You son sounds wonderful! Is the peel for the eggplant chewy? Update: I'm so sorry your offer wasn't accepted. In some ways, she's probably hurting herself. If she won't compromise on the price and just digs her heels in, then it'll take longer to sell which will mean that she'll have to pay taxes, etc. We had a neighbor who did that, would not budge on the asking price. In the end, after it had been on the market for a few years (yes, years), they themselves moved into it and sold the house they had been living in. How terrible for your neighbor! My heart goes out to her and her family, does she have any children? Cancer at such a young age!

    BJ - so gad to see you again! Come back often and just post a "hello"

    Sue in SD - whenever I have egg whites in my salad, I always give the cats the yolk rather than throwing it out. I'm not sure which cat (it might even be all of them) finishes it, but it gets eaten!

    Did an hour of yoga today and then an hour of deep water. Tomorrow I'll do the DVD "Personal Training with Jackie Warner". I may have to go to the Y again and just take the DVD with me.

    Jen - sorry about the tooth. Hope it's just a broken filling and not a broken tooth. How did you know someone went into the back of your car?

    Tess - happy early birthday! Welcome! What a wonderful friend you have there. You know, we have a few people on our senior bowling league who are on oxygen all the time. One guy has a canister strapped to his belt and he just bowls with that on! I give those people credit.

    anamika - good thoughts being sent for your sister's FIL

    I got another pair of the Birkenstocks. I really wanted white, but the white also has a white bottom and I was afraid with the red clay, it would soon turn to orange. The other whites they had were patent leather, and I thought they might be too shiny. So I got the silver, just not sure if they're too dressy. Update: they're not as comfortable as the other pair of Birkenstocks that I have, I think it's more the design than anything else. So I'm going to return them. I've sent Amazon an email asking them if another pair will be in stock in my size.

    suzy in DE - according to the paper, we've gotten 3 times the normal rainfall for the year.

    subzeromambo - so glad you had such a good time!

    Lucy in DE - whenever I'm doing an ab workout, I can never raise and lower both legs at the same time. I can do one and switch. If I do both of them at the same time, I wind up lifting my back off the floor and hurting it. Be careful!

    DeeDee - at the start of the summer we had this idea that we'd put down the riverrock and by the time that was all done, the neighbors would be sweltering but we'd be enjoying the pool. Still waiting for the "enjoying the pool" part to come.

    Joyce - what did you order at Cracker Barrel? The one time I looked at their menu (admitted, it was quite a while ago), everything seemed to be deep fried.

    They finished putting the carpet padding down today. Now ServPro has to come back to put the molding back on. Then we have the WONDERFUL job of putting things back in place!

    Went to bowling this afternoon, didn't do so great. Next week is our last week of bowling for the summer, I signed Vince and I up for the winter league. They asked that you bring a snack in, I'm thinking that I may bring grapes. For the last 2 years I brought shrimp, they went real fast.

    Meg - what a wonderful NSV and you had such a good way of dealing with it!

    Michele in NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just checking in...... have spent time with my friend who lost her son (42, car accident)......services on Friday; he has 4 kids........just a truly awful situation. Helping where I can; mainly getting word out and giving details of the service today.
    Everyone is kind of numb or dazed.

    Did read a couple pages here..........congrats on NSVs and pounds lost........have not logged or kept track at all; will resume when things get better.

    Thanks to everyone for the kind thoughts.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,128 Member
    :flowerforyou: This has been another one of those lovely warm days full of things to do outside along with my regular line dance class but no time for the computer.

    :bigsmile: Jake fixed a great lunch----Simple Truth organic veggie pizza with extra veggies and a beautiful salad.....I worked in the yard for awhile and we spent part of the afternoon with a good friend and a consultant talking about the possibility of turning her property into a lavender farm.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny and warm NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle I get the meatloaf. My diary is open if you want to see how many calories it is. Then I got green beans, small baked sweet potato, plain and the blackberries. On the lunch portion it only comes with 2 sides so the fruit was extra. But the waiter didn't put in on the ticket. I thought about not mentioning it to him but I couldn't make myself do it. So he said he knew and grinned. I leave off the bread. I have looked up how many calories are in the particular jams they have, ****ensons, and I couldn't believe how many calories are in those little tiny packs.

    Poo,phoo I am so sorry your sis may have to lose her home and especially the reason. We can't always take care of our siblings. I'm glad you feel you can vent with your family here. I know that I do quite often since my husband has a one track mind. Whatever the remote is controlling, the Wii or TV.

  • rjscott
    rjscott Posts: 22 Member
    Good evening; just a quick post before I wind this day up. When I got to work this morning the carpets were being cleaned in our offices, so I decided it was a good time to get my tires replaced. When I came back, the air conditioning temperature had been turned down several degrees to help the carpets dry. However, the fan blows right on me when I’m at my desk. I had reading to do, so took it home where it was warmer! Ran this morning and did a yoga/pilates routine this evening (after a wonderful massage).
    Barbie–Your line dancing always sounds like so much fun
    Eileen–Glad you weren’t hurt when you fall, but still ouch; what grade do you teach?
    Michelle–Thanks for the information; I hadn’t seen this before
    Joyce–Thanks for sharing your story; you are an inspiration
    Cindy–So sorry to hear about your neighbor
    Suzy–I have to try several things to keep from eating in the evenings, because that is when I struggle the most, too (the stress of the day gets to me); recording food eaten is the biggest motivator, if I know I don’t have any calories left (and keep looking at the website to remind myself of that fact) I often can resist eating; if that doesn’t work I try drinking water or tea, chewing gum, or getting involved with some project that is not in the kitchen
    Subzeromambo–Sounds like a wonderful trip
    Lucy–Have a wonderful vacation
    DeeDee-Can so relate to the lack of sunny skies; two days without sunshine will have me feeling cranky and depressed
    Robin–What wonderful memories of a beautiful mom
    Pat–Take care of yourself
    Meg–Love the word picture of you in the skirt!!!
    Prayers for wisdom to all of you facing difficult situations and comfort to all who have lost loved ones and strength for all of us to face the challenges life gives us every day.
    Rhonda in SE TN
  • Hello, I am new here. I am beginning a my journey of 107 pounds. I am 56, soon to be 57, and plan to have those pounds gone by my 60th birthday. That's only a pound a week, manageable. The real goal, is to be able to move and play with wild abandon. Thank you for the warm welcome. If I may:
    ********August Goals********
    1. Log my food each day
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    3. Be grateful for partners in my journey each day - virtual and in person

    I am Kathie in Seattle
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just caught up with all the posts since I wrote. Now I'm off to bed and switching off the computer because we have a MAJOR storm with thunder-boomers going on right over head.

    Good night all.
  • Hi all, I would to join your group. I'm 54, halfway through a very long journey, with 100 more lbs to lose. I found myself struggling a bit and knew I needed to reach out for encouragement and challenges.

    Aug goals:
    - walk every day
    - begin a strength training regimen (kettle-bells?)
    - find some new recipes to change up my food

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you!

    Sandy from Minnesota
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,988 Member
    morning vitamin F pals,
    I am not feeling so hot this morning..tummy troubles..
    the scale is not moving,but i think it is because im not eating enough calories,
    after I had signed off last night, the Dr at our dental practice called and asked about a patient that had called and wanted me to go to the office and dispense medication- nope!! he has to be in the building
    so because I live close had to go down and fax a script in for the patient, and this is with-out pay, they better remember all the stuff I do before they think about letting me go(not likely for awhile)
    DH is sorta cranky with me for going down and doing that,but me I am always complient,that I guess is my problem:grumble:
    so after I got home I was wired and couldnt sleep, so i read, I did that until at least 10 and then was up at 3:30 in the morning
    so to say I am tired is an understatment..
    DH is leaving early saterday morning for Watkins Glen,N.Y. for the nascar races this weekend , wont be back until monday..
    so it is me and the boys..
    I have to work saterday until noon, then go over and bring my FIL a meal and visit,gonna do some grocery shopping,
    I have to look for a new pedometer, the darn clip on mine is busted and I keep using superglue and it keeps breaking..
    Michelle -so sorry to hear about your sister, but all I can say is you have to accept the things we cant change,your sister got herself into this mess,and is probably embarrased that she dug the hole..

    well I will check in later,right now just layin low:sick:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    Good morning everyone and a warm welcome to the new people, especially those who have health problems. Good for you for getting to grips with the weight. I was very affected by joint and mobility problems, even turning over in bed was hard work and I had pains everywhere. Going to the bathroom in the night I felt was a major expedition! Now, having only lost 48 lbs, I am a different person. To think that, not much more than a year ago I was doing yoga on a chair my knees were so bad. You can do it!:flowerforyou: Slow but steady wins the day. It took me a year to lose 45 lbs, but I have learnt to see food and eexercise differently and I don't think that happens if you go at it too quickly. This is FOR EVER, Make sure you enjoy every bite that goes in your mouth - that way you will stick to it. I get discouraged when the scales move sooooo slowly, but they DO move, eventually, and I'm not in a race. There are so many inspiring stories on here, and lots of people with their own health challenges. I find them very inspiring - so will you.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Yesterday, I have to confess, I did not get round to doing my plank.:cry::sick: So today I set to it with a will and managed a PB of 1min 50. Yeah! I also did a PB on the rower. Had a really enjoyable strength training session. I never would have thought when I started this journey that I would be saying this. DH is as amazed as I am!:love: I do have to tell you that I challenged him to do a plank, which he has NEVER done before, and he did 3 minutes!!!!:sad: :laugh: He has lost a lb this week, so I am going to be making lemon and blueberry muffins this pm!!! I have lost 0.

    We are going to have stewed fresh peas for lunch, stewed with onion, garlic and the bolting lettuce from the garden. With crispy grilled bacon. Once upon a time I would have loaded it with butter, but a little half fat creme fraiche will suffice.:laugh: Supper is chilli con carne with swede and carrot mash and roasted cauliflower.. Oh yum!:love: I always put extra chilli sauce on my portion!:bigsmile:

    Love to all. Yannie jannie - you are doing so well supporting your friend.:flowerforyou: When I was 25 my DSIL that we lived with was killed in a terrible car accident, so I have some idea of the tremendous shockwave in everyone's life. It's like normal life and normal time is suspended. I hope you can feel our good wishes coming your way as you do a very important job. Take time for yourself too, won't you.:heart:

    Love from Heather in sunny and delightful Hampshire UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie:smile: So sorry about your friend:cry: !

    Meg:smile: Thanks for the chuckle, how fun you could wear your skirt as a dress:laugh: !

    Rhonda:smile: Yeah, I`ve been cranky most of the summer due to lack of sunshine:sad: ! I`m hoping fall will at least have more sun than summer has! Sounds like a good productive day for you, getting tires and then working from home:bigsmile: !

    Joyce:smile: You are an inspiration! Good for you checking menus on line and getting in exercise even in the car!

    Kathie in Seattle:smile: Welcome! Come in often and chat! So many wonderful supportive women here, you`ve come to the right place!

    Sandy from MN:smile: Welcome to you too!!! You joined just by posting here! Come in often and share your story! Congrats on the awesome weight loss so far!!!!

    Grandmallie:smile: Hope your tummy troubles get better soon:flowerforyou: !

    Heather:smile: You are an inspiration too!!! I can hear the happiness in your posts when you talk about how much better you feel since losing weight, It`s a great feeling!!! Shame on hubby for being able to do a 3 minute plank right off:angry::laugh: . I would say not to have a competition with him:noway: , at least not yet...keep practicing:wink: !

    Dr. appt. this morning, it will be good to find out what`s wrong with my foot:grumble: , and if there is anything else I can do about this leg pain:angry: . I haven`t let it stop me from walking, I just continue on through the pain. I am very stubborn:blushing: , it took the Dr. telling me when I had pneumonia that if I didn`t slow down and listen to her I would be in the hospital:noway: . So.......we shall see what transpires today.

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in once again cloudy gray dreary NC
  • Just a HELLO :flowerforyou: from cloudy Ohio. EVERYONE have a GREAT :smile: DAY. FEEL BETTER :sick: , to those of you that don't right now.

    Darla from OHIO
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Missing all of you like crazy!! Not getting my daily dose of Vitamin F. :grumble: Crazy schedule with work and other commitments and starting to feel like I'm running on empty. Just wanted to let you all know how important and special you all are!:flowerforyou:
    No more time. Off to shower and meet with President of neighborhood assn. since I have to run this months meeting next week. He forgot to mention to me that he wouldn't be there!! :noway: At least if I survive this job, I found out it won't interfere with my upcoming school schedule.

    Kathy in IL:drinker: