
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just popping in to skim the posts.

    So many highs and lows in our lives. For those of you having family issues hang in there "this too shall pass":flowerforyou: Prayers for those of you with physical problems.

    Cheers to those of you that have lost and had those NSV (Meg picturing your skirt as a bandau:laugh: the Good will will make good use of it)

    My schedule is all out of order with Son #1 & DIL staying with us doing things we don't normally do or eat:blushing: Have other DIL & grandsons over tonight for dinner so I'm sure I won't have time to exercise, but next week life will return to our normal routine and I have hopes for getting everything back to how it should be.

    Work continues to plague me:grumble: and so I must attack the desk. Everyone have a great day and lets remember to drink our water:drinker:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    well I am having a day...:grumble:
    i did take a nap around 7:30 this morning, but just feel off today, ran around today and tried to be cheap.. looking for another pedometer,because the clasp on mine keeps busting and I keep gluing:huh:
    and my fit bit flex died. I am :angry: about this I have had it about 4 months, I cleaned the contacts and tried to charge it again to no avail. I dont know where the receipt is and I am ticked off..
    havent eaten alot today and am not hungry much.. I am drinking water...
    i went into a few stores and sorta was having some anxiety,I love kids, but the screamin kids were getting on my last nerve.
    I look at my belly and all I see is jelly..
    again it is a day...:indifferent:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Here is the link for the new strength training challenge:


    Please consider joining - especially if you, like me, are not a strength training fan:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Meg - about the Sweaty Betty. I know this is not a PC thing to say but honestly their catalogue could turn me. The yoga ladies are fabulous. The runner a bit thin in the arms. IMHO. I am having serious body envy. Oooops! Last night I was watching some athletics and I was drooling over the women's abs! Ab envy! Am I losing my mind? :laugh: :bigsmile: Help!

    I bought some UK 16 jeans for my hols in Feb. They are huge now. So I bought some 14s. They are huge now! I read in a magazine today that "boyfriend jeans" have come back into fashion. (Baggy ones). Thank goodness! I feel miles better now!

    Love Heather :heart: :laugh:

    PS. I have just bought my first Christmas present! Actually it is from DH to DS#1. EDIBLE GRASS HOPPERS WITH CHILLI. Yes, you did read that right! He usually gets his stepson a fun thing. Can't wait to see his face!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Marking my spot:

    Had a busy morning but got my walk in first thing. When I went down the steps there was a terrapin moseying across the sidewalk. I took him out to the street and let him go into the woods.

    well got some housework to get done before Eric comes home. He's usually here no later than 4

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: The flowers for your MIL are a wonderful idea. In fact, I’m planning to send some to DDIL for her birthday now that you spoke about it. :flowerforyou: DH and I got each other flowers for Valentines Day and our anniversary. We liked it so much we’ve gotten them just because a few times since. Right now the gardens are so lovely it isn’t needful, but we’ll get back to it in the gray weather.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Pat (Phoo): I’m sorry to hear about your family drama. Your sister is probably avoiding you because she’s ashamed of her poor management. I can’t help but wonder how many people she’s avoiding. If she were to go into the state and talk to them it might be possible to work out a payment plan that would be affordable—current taxes plus a portion of back taxes until paid off. It would be better for the state and your sister than foreclosure. I think it would be worth a try and would try it if we were in that situation. I have a friend who was once in a similar situation and worked out a deal with the city. It took a long time to get clear, but she succeeded.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Back to work will challenge a lot of people. I never succeeded while teaching, and I hope you’ll do better than me. I didn’t have MFP and all of you good people helping me back then. There are a lot of educators at different levels here who will be facing similar challenges and we all need to support one another. :flowerforyou: I LOVE your NSV.:bigsmile:

    Michele: My heart breaks for you, but blaming yourself is not productive. I still think this relationship has a chance to heal over time, but you need support now. Is there a pastor, counselor, or grief specialist available? What does Vince say about all of this? Sending virtual hugs to you.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    yanniejannie: Prayers to your friend and her family. She is lucky to have your support and help.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: We had lunch at an outdoor food court yesterday. There were several businesses, some operating out of vans, and others out of little travel trailers. One of the businesses there sells lavender ice cream. If I could eat ice cream or had my Lactaid with me, I would have tried it. The Lavender business seems to be opening up.:flowerforyou:

    Kathie in Seattle and Sandy in MN: Welcome. I hope we’ll see you posting often.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Your plan to visit the doctor about your leg pain is a good one. Our bodies give us pain to let us know something is wrong.:flowerforyou:

    Kathy in IL & Laura in CO: I’m glad you stopped by. Come when you can.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: Sorry to hear that your exercise devices have gone bad. I hope things will work out without big expenses for you. My phone is and computer are my only execise/weightloss devices other than the food scale and dishers . I use the phone to time my cardio workouts and post my food in the diary. I use the computer to chat with all of you, and to communicate with friends near and far. As to the jelly belly—it is a sign of success. :wink: Mine is soft but not jelly so far. My upper thighs are another story.:tongue: I’m hoping that the same exercise that has helped the rest of my legs eventually deals with them, too. My upper thighs are a storage barn for fat. The “barn” is getting emptier so the skin is lumpy.:tongue::tongue:

    Heather: I seriously don’t want any edible Christmas gifts. :noway: I hope your DSS has a good sense of humor. :bigsmile: As to clothing: I’ve been keeping a larger set of clothes on standby because my wardrobe is so small these days, but I haven’t needed to use them. I’m sure doing laundry more often, though.:tongue:

    I was not a good girl in the food department yesterday and have swollen fingers and a weight gain today. :noway: I’m sure it is water weight and will wash away with plenty of water. Time to focus on the basics—calories, water, and exercise. :drinker: A new home media server arrived from Direct TV and we installed it last night with the help of someone on the phone. It finally works! We tested it by watching on old movie starring John Candy, Uncle Buck. I laughed often and loudly, despite having seen this film several times in the past. It has been quite awhile and the humor was as good as ever. :bigsmile: I am finally satisfied that our new TV/internet/phone situation is an improvement. :flowerforyou: Time to get busy. DH just asked me to take the lead on ordering flowers for our DDIL, and there is housework and errands to be done before playtime.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just got back from the Y. basically except for a few scattered days, I had skipped a month in going. Yesterday was exhausting, I did 5 miles on the bike and actually got in my two machines I do, 4 reps of ten on both. But it was exhausting! So today I did 6 miles and the two machines. It was so good to do them again with pretty good ease. I have tried the routines on the bike that simulate hills, etc but I just can't. So I tell myself to just do 5 minutes and I can't do that either. The psyche really works hard on us. But I was very satisfied with my time there. I know eventually I am going to have to force myself to do things like crunches, planks because was I get down in weight I have to work on the belly, both rolls, bat wings and huge thighs. Is it the MS that keeps me from doing it or fear of failure???

    Well I will get my feel good time today when I go to the nursing home to MIL.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: someone posted about how wonderful black rice is (I don't remember who) and I bought a bag and now I wish:I remembered what they said......who knows about black rice?

    :flowerforyou: Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Hello, I am new here. I am beginning a my journey of 107 pounds. I am 56, soon to be 57, and plan to have those pounds gone by my 60th birthday. That's only a pound a week, manageable. The real goal, is to be able to move and play with wild abandon. Thank you for the warm welcome. If I may:
    ********August Goals********
    1. Log my food each day
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    3. Be grateful for partners in my journey each day - virtual and in person

    I am Kathie in Seattle

    :flowerforyou: Hi Kathie, welcome.....I live on the North Olympic Peninsula where we are enjoying the same wonderful weather that you have in Seattle......i hope you will keep coming back and become part of our community.....I have found that gratitude is a powerful part of my spiritual program and my journey to health with the help of the women on this thread.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny NW Washington
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Hi all, I would to join your group. I'm 54, halfway through a very long journey, with 100 more lbs to lose. I found myself struggling a bit and knew I needed to reach out for encouragement and challenges.

    Aug goals:
    - walk every day
    - begin a strength training regimen (kettle-bells?)
    - find some new recipes to change up my food

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you!

    Sandy from Minnesota

    :bigsmile: Hi Sandy, welcome to the best place for encouragement. Now that you've posted, you've become part of our community.

    Here is the link to a new strength training challenge that will be perfect for you


    I went to college in Southern Minnesota and have fond memories of my time there.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie from NW Washington
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Hello, My Friends, I read through all of the posts I have missed, and I am glad to hear that most of you are doing well. It gives me hope. I am coming in under count, but because I have not been exercising, I am not losing. But, I am not gaining, either! That is a positive.

    We are having drama, intrique and trouble in my family, and it has put me in a bad place emotionally. I think my sister will be losing my parents' house to the state because she has not paid the taxes for 8 years. I don't know where she thought the money would come from, but, now the state says "pay up or get out". The house isn't worth it. She can't take care of it. None of us can help her at this late date....... she could have said something when it was a manageable problem, but she didn't. Now, I don't know what she expects. The part that hurts is that she will not talk to me. She has her daughter calling me to relay messages, and those calls end with "Mom, does not want you to call her." That breaks my heart, and - I know this is evil- it does nothing to make me open my check book. Anyway, this too shall pass. God is in charge, not me.
    What this does to me is make me anxious and sad. Because I am an emotional eater, I want to eat any and everything. When I do eat, because of my quirky stomach, I often regret it. I think there will be a whole lot of soup on my food log for the next few days.

    Ok- I am done dumping. Thanks for listening. I know things will work out. I just don't know how.
    Be Well- Be Happy!
    Pat (Phoo)

    Pat - not sure where your sister is, but if she is in the US, there should be a housing counseling agency relatively near. They are all listed on the HUD website (www.hud.gov). Most have some type of home ownership program and/or financial counseling. Most offer their services for FREE. I used to work at one, doing Fair Housing work. Opening your checkbook is not the best answer, so don't feel bad! Perhaps your sister has early dementia? That could lead to personality changes, hostility and not seeing consequences.

    Will keep you all in my thoughts.
    Jill in western Mass.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, I don’t think you can ever go wrong doing a kind thing for someone…….I was taught the spiritual principle of coming from a place of love and service and it has improved my life…..I love my Omron pedometer that I carry in my pocket….good luck on finding a new one

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Heather, I agree with you about the value of strength training….one thing I know about it is that you can’t compete with others, only with yourself….when I keep track of the planks that I do, I compare my time to what I did the last time, not what someone else is doing……maybe my form is different, or maybe I do a different variation, how much a person weighs is also a variable……when I do a regular strength training plan, I wear ankle weights when I do a plank so the time is a lot shorter than it would e otherwise.

    :brokenheart: DeeDee, I am so sorry about your foot…….I’m thinking positive thoughts that the doctor will have a good solution.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jodios, thanks for starting the strength training challenge

    :bigsmile: Katla, glad DirectTV is working for you…..we had a great time with them until we moved to a house surrounded by trees and could no longer have satellite TV.....now we have WAVE cable and it's working for us

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, keep doing what you’re doing at the gym and be open to new things and one day you’ll try a plank or a crunch or find something else that will target your tummy……..do not be discouraged.

    :flowerforyou: I leave in a few minutes for my second line dance class of the day.........this will be practice for our performance at the County Fair.....we've been practicing once or twice a week since April.....I love most of the dances we're doing and adore the others in the performance group......the only thing I don't like is the drive (25 minutes through a construction zone).

    :heart: Barbie from sunny and warm NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    August Resolutions
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard
    *participate in the new strength training challenge
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel

  • Hi, my name is Sue and I'm a newbie! I weigh 183 pounds and am having a lot of health difficulties...because of that I've stopped moving as much which has caused more weight gain and more health difficulties. I've decided it's time to get my life under control. I would like to lose 40 pounds and start getting healthy.

    Central Florida

    My goals for August:

    Start school, get my classroom set up.
    Balance work and home - do work at work and home at home
    Drink 48 oz of water every day
    Start eating breakfast and a healthy lunch
    Start exercises that help with the herniated disks in my back
  • salmon0
    salmon0 Posts: 7 Member
    Afternoon Fabulous Ladies,

    It's another beautiful day in Big Sky Country and I have been out running errands after my Pilates just dropped in to see what everyone has been up to….

    Yanniejannie – So sorry about your friend and her family, I’m sure she is comforted to by your support.

    Pat (phoo) – I can sympathize; I do hope things work out for the best.

    Grandmallie – Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well, hope your day gets better. I you and IPhone there is a free Nike+ Fitness app you can download which is a pedometer.

    Cindy – was that a terrapin turtle? On my walks, if I am early enough in the morning, I sometimes come across deer, pheasants and all sorts of other wildlife that live that live in the river valley here in Edmonton. It’s wonderful.

    Joyce - Yes you are going to have to do those exercises eventually, so just try, it doesn’t matter you can’t do any or do any well the effort is what counts. Fear regardless of the colour, MS or Failure will always defeat you if you don’t try. Don’t be discouraged, and Fluff up..... I know you can, I know you can.......

    Katie and Sandy - Welcome to a wonderful group of ladies I’m also new here as well and I feel like I have known these ladies forever.

    To those who are having lousy weather or a lousy day I’ll see if I can send some sunshine.

    Quote - “Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” Mark Twain

    Sonja in Big Sky Country - Northern Alberta
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,988 Member
    Hi All: I am doing fairly well so far with the new eating plan and getting in 30 grams of protein at each meal but I was really tired and hungry when I finished my walking and recumbent stepper at the wellness center today. I am really used to that midmorning snack.

    Tomorrow I finally get to start PT on my shoulder! It seems as if I have just been sitting around waiting forever. I am sure I will be sore but ice and some oxybutin should take care of that. After I am done with PT, I am going to visit a friend who is in the hospital to have some lymph nodes removed due to melanoma. Later she will start some experimental chemo as part of a research study. There are supposed to be fewer side effects. After that I am going to the horse show at the fair with another friend. We are planning to spend the day so will probably indulge in a little "fair food" but will try to hold it down. I am not sure there are any healthy choices at the fair.

    Pat - Hope your family troubles work out.

    Heather - You are so amazing! I am so glad you are enjoying your new body.

    Meg - Love the NSV with the skirt. One of the things that is a little disappointing about losing weight is giving up clothes that you really liked but then you get to buy new ones. However there are still a few things that I would like to have back, just in a smaller size.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congrats to all with successes. Sue in SD
  • A a a h h h! so nice being home. Drove in around 2 AM Thursday, way too many hours sitting and driving but got DH to Sturgis safely. We got there Tuesday night around 9:30 PM, crazy busy driving through in a big 4x4 pick up, what a mad house! He, DN & a friend of DN will be there and sightseeing/biking around SD until Sunday then taking a few days riding home. Yes, I am crazy for doing that fast of a turnaround drive but worth it to know how much they will enjoy their time.
    Major NSV also. DH noticed that I’d lost weight & even commented on how my arms are looking more toned even. Not sure how many of you have oblivious DHs, but mine ranks near the top though he means well. To have him notice is huge. While today will be a lazy recuperate from all that driving day, I will be doing my exercising before the end of the day. I did gain a pound between sitting and not eating the healthiest. Onward!


    Janie – Pacific NW
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  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    sorta rung out today, did eat some nibbles, but not very good ones...
    hoping I feel better tomorrow...
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs!took daughter to the mall,got 90 min walking in .Love the pedometer,trying to work up to 10,000 steps,getting about 5,000 so far.
    Have a good one.
  • ecanales52
    ecanales52 Posts: 74 Member
    I love this thread!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I love this thread!

    Me too! The longer I'm here the better I like it. Welcome.