Self Sabotaging/Emotional Eating



  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member

    Slim4health56: it is painful to realize what I am doing to myself. And to know that the desire to change is there, but the willpower is the problem. I need to make it simpler, and I need to make it flavorful and healthy to make sure I want to eat it. I don't want my weight to be a constant issue, but if I keep letting things go the way they have, it will be. I have done it before, I just have to refocus and give myself a daily goal.

    I do feel your pain but I'm thinking it's not a willpower thing. It takes considerable willpower to work two jobs (whether it's to pay the rent and get through another month or save for a great vacation). You could decide to only work one job and face the consequences but for whatever reason you don't do that (and this isn't a criticism or judgment in any way and certainly none of my business). Same with the weight loss...there's something else that's "eating" you which makes you disconnect with the theory that behavior = outcome when it comes to what you choose to eat. Right now, you're losing the battle inside. I'm suggesting that you look a little deeper than willpower (could be habit, could be you're using food to fill a void or it could be something as straightforward as hormones). Don't EVER eat diet food (whatever you perceive that to be) - I totally agree that you need to eat flavorful and healthy food and it's out there! If this is an issue of simply getting organized, then you know exactly what you need to do! You can do this!
  • sarasmiles124
    sarasmiles124 Posts: 138 Member
    I have made a concerted effort over the last two days to make sure I eat better and I am feeling so much better for it. Now I just need to work on getting the exercise in.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,019 Member
    I have made a concerted effort over the last two days to make sure I eat better and I am feeling so much better for it. Now I just need to work on getting the exercise in.
    Good for you!! Small positive steps, building on your successes!!
  • sarasmiles124
    sarasmiles124 Posts: 138 Member
    It's going to be making it consistent that I am going to work on. I just need to remember how good it feels when I have a good eating day so that I don't put any crap in my body.
  • Juliann4k9
    Juliann4k9 Posts: 36 Member
    This is the story of my life. I need major help!!!!!!!!!
  • sarasmiles124
    sarasmiles124 Posts: 138 Member
    It will be challenging and you are going to feel tested every single day but once you can consistently do it it becomes easier. I just have to get myself back into that mindset myself. You can do it! Add me if you would like some support!
  • ploppersdf1
    ploppersdf1 Posts: 89 Member
    Emotional eating and self sabotage are things that I'm really good at so I sympathise! The first thing I did was try to figure out why I do it. For me it involved a lot of counselling and soul searching but I got there in the end. Try and look at when you first started doing it, what triggered you to use food as a crutch? Was there a particular situation or event that happened? If so, then it could be there's a bigger issue underneath that you haven't addressed that's causing you to sabotage yourself.

    Breaking a habit like this isn't easy but it can be done. Maybe put an old picture of yourself on the fridge so when you go for the food you don't really need you'll see it and remind yourself of what you're trying to achieve. Try planning your day in advance, foodwise and factor in something like a chocolate bar or ice cream or whatever your vice is. Then if you're out and about during the day and you see something you might want tell yourself you can't have it because you have your treat waiting for you at home. Don't beat yourself up if you do give in one day. Just get back on track and try again the next day. You've done it before and you can do it again. I hope any of this makes sense. Good luck!

    THIS!!! ALL OF THIS!!!! people don't seem to realize that emotional eating is an eating disorder.. you should seek guidance in therapy. because you can make all the healthy food you want, and you can make habits and everything else, but unless you find out what triggers you to break away from the path, you will always continue doing it.
  • sarasmiles124
    sarasmiles124 Posts: 138 Member
    For me its stress that triggers it. When I am stressed out - whether it be work related, something in my personal life- I always gravitate towards something that makes me temporarily happy and then feel guilty about it afterwards. I've eaten in front of a mirror before and been absolutely disgusted when I look at myself, but then go and get something that is completely wrong for me to eat. I think I definitely need to consider the counseling for this issue and other issues I have been trying to deal with on my own that I probably need help with.
  • QueenWino
    QueenWino Posts: 106
    I have to have days of bad foods or lots of wonderful drinking and nibbling, but what is balancing that is a freezer w/a bunch of homemade kale, chickpea soups, lentil soups, homemade sweet potato goat cheese casserole squares, vegetarian lasagna squares, and in my fridge I am only on track when I make a large delicious kale coconut salad that can provide lunches or dinner options for 3 days w/o getting gross, as well as a soup and a chickpea pita filling or cracker topping. I am always trying to make a grain salad or soup to give options and I portion everything out in correct serving sizes. When the food is there, my bad food choices are happening maybe once every 6 days, a huge improvement in my world. The stress of life tries to derail my plans and sabotages my will for sure, but the process of making a few consistently delicious meals in larger portions to tuck some away helps at least one area stay in my control. I am incredibly busy so I menu plan w/healthy mags, cookbooks and web sites 1-2 times a week and just commit the hour or so it takes to crank out a few dishes. I will get grumpy sometimes looking at the containers all ready to be taken to work and think I might have wanted to slip into that Mexican restaurant or bagel shop, but I took the time to make this dish I really enjoy. I know all about the erosion of a healthy lifestyle so am much more forgiving of myself this time around and am taking it slow, making my decisions as best I can w/o attacking myself w/guilt. If I wasn't putting the effort in so many other days, I would drown in the guilt, but because I am, I have a bit of strength to turn that noise off and wake up ready to do my best the next day. There is a way for you to do what will work in your lifestyle, you just have to tinker until you get it. Making a pan of energy bars and a carton of hard boiled eggs is oddly fulfilling as a starter. Snacks, ready to grab & go. Sometimes simple is best. I'm in your corner!
  • sarasmiles124
    sarasmiles124 Posts: 138 Member
    Could you send me some of your recipes - particularly the kale-coconut salad and sweet potato and goat cheese squares?
  • QueenWino
    QueenWino Posts: 106
    Kale salad (from Simply Natural Everyday)
    1/3 c ev olive oil
    1 tsp sesame oil
    2 Tbs tamari or soy sauce
    3 1/2 cups chopped, trimmed kale (I use lacinato or Tuscan because they are local)
    1 1/2 cups large flake unsweetened coconut
    2 cups cooked farro (or barley or quinoa)

    oven 350-coat kale and coconut in 2/3 of the oils and soy. Bake 12-18 min (till golden brown coconut)
    Add it to the farro and taste to decide if you need more oil mix or not (I never do but I reserve it to freshen up leftover portions before leaving for work in the am). It is 518 cals, but the portion is huge and you feel satisfied all day. This amount is for 4. Vitamin a & c are above 100% for the day and there's a ton of potassium.

    I'll get the goat cheese one to you tomorrow!
  • sarasmiles124
    sarasmiles124 Posts: 138 Member
    Thank you! I requested to add you as a friend. I could always use some extra people to motivate me.
  • amyfliesalot
    amyfliesalot Posts: 51 Member
    Oh my gosh! I feel like you have been spying on me and reading my mind! We are totally in the same place, and I, too, have been trying to figure out why I sabotage myself. It's so dumb. I know what to do, and I have the tools to do it. I have friends and neighbors willing to walk with me. I spend a LOT of money on healthy food, and lots of time washing and cutting up veggies to be available for quick snacks. And then I eat 725 calories of cookies (the ones I brought home for the neighbor kid for mowing my yard) in one sitting. Dang it! I AM stressed, but more than that, I'm always sleep-deprived. When I look at my food diary, I can tell the days that I'm exhausted, because I eat and drink WAY too much, and not even necessarily bad stuff- just way too much. And a lot of it is late at night, when I should really already be in bed. My clutte!r problem is probably because I'm so tired, that I don't have the energy to deal with it, and now it's gotten so out of control, I get overwhelmed and don't want to deal with it. A vicious cycle

    So... Let's work on going to bed when we should. And getting rid of the clutter. Maybe that will take care of the self-sabotaging. Friend me, and we'll do it together.
  • sarasmiles124
    sarasmiles124 Posts: 138 Member
    For me its making sure I don't take two steps forwards and two steps back. Tonight I was feeling hungry after I finished work at 12:30 am and normally, I might consider going to the 24 hour MacDonald's up the street and getting a snack wrap or going to the store and buying a big chocolate bar. Tonight, I came home and had some greek yoghurt with peach and grapefruit. I don't want this to just last for a week and revert back. I need for this to keep going and right now I feel motivated - I just don't want something to happen that will get me back to that place. Tonight I was working with a co-worker who was displaying a lot of negativity and stressing me out because I felt like she was taking shots at me because she has been getting into trouble lately and I haven't. Normally that upsets me so much but tonight I tried to let it roll of my back and realize, I do my job well and I am well liked and I don't have to justify myself, so the irritation subsided eventually.

    In situations like this i wish my gym was open 24 hours lol would be a great stress relief!

    Amy, thank you for adding me and i look forward to getting the support and giving you some as well! Let's do this!
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    It is hard when you work so many jobs. Been there, done that.

    I come home from work, and boil 18 eggs. I peel them, and put them in a baggies. The quick protein helps me. Those are my "go to" snacks. I eat them plain, or make deviled eggs, love them drizzled with Sirracha sauce, when I want something spicy. The most important thing is to plan your food for the week, have it ready to grab, so you don't go eat fast food.

    When your stuff is a mess, it is hard to focus, and I think it actually "steals" mental energy. Just do 15 minutes, a day. Set your timer, it looks overwhelming, but just fifteen minutes is a start.

    I have a kettle bell, and a kettle bell app on my phone, it is a quick exercise...might help you out. I like it, because it. Is fun, quick, and easy.

    Good luck. We have all been there, on giving up on our selves...and at your age, this is very existential, if you give up now, at age 50, the depression will hit you like a rock, that you blew your entire life, for a few twinkies at age 31, Think about who you want to be at age 50.
  • sarasmiles124
    sarasmiles124 Posts: 138 Member
    I don't want to spend all of my thirties feeling like I did in my twenties- overweight, miserable and hiding behind a wall not wanting to let anyone in. I want to take chances, I want to meet new people and I want to bust out of this funk I am in. I had a male co-worker once who stated that I judge myself as unworthy of people getting to know before I let them decide. He stated I need to let people get to know me and let them make their own decision on whether i am worth getting to know and if they don't see that I am worth getting to know it is their issue, not mine. He was right and I lost sight of this until I started thinking about it just now.

    I can't seem to look at myself the way others look at me. My clients think the world of me and always try and make me smile and tell me I am pretty. I just beat myself up when I see myself in a mirror, judging myself on the outside instead of what is for inside. It's a vicious cycle.