Help..I am going crazy :(

So, I am on this diet, where I cut out 99.9% of my carbs and sugars.
This means:
No Sugar
No Fruit
No Bread
No Dairy
My friends tell me the first week is the hardest, but it does get easier. Now, I am not saying that I do not believe them because I know they are right and it has worked for them. But I am breaking into day four here in a few minutes and I think I am going to lose my marbles. I am craving Skittles, cheese enchiladas, Oreos… and other things. I am so nauseas from what I have been eating here in the past three days – but I was told it is because I am going through withdrawals from the yeast and sugars. The effects from the withdrawals as I was told are:
And what not, but I am just worried. Is this natural going through this? The nausea and cravings? When I was on 1200-1400calories I was fine, but I also ate what I want. I mean, yes this is healthier, but I am wondering if it is really worth it. I really need support and many other things…help?


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    That's a VERY restrictive diet, no wonder your body is complaining!

    Who said this was healthier?
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Well I know two people on it - they said it was healthier and they feel that they are better and lighter, they can think more clearly. A few members of my family say it is a fantastic idea, some of my family has been on it too. I just ...I don't know
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    Sounds like a ketogenic diet. Is that what you are doing?
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Sounds like a ketogenic diet. Is that what you are doing?

    Candida diet
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    To be honest, this diet sounds like a recipe for failure.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    It looks like a version of Atkins (which is tough enough), but with the additional restriction of no dairy.

    What on earth do your friends eat? Are they experts in nutrition?
  • I get the no sugar, bread or dairy but no FRUIT? Seriously!?
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    It looks like a version of Atkins (which is tough enough), but with the additional restriction of no dairy.

    What on earth do your friends eat? Are they experts in nutrition?

    Meats, Veggies....chicken stock, not sure what else lol I am just not a veggie person so it makes things worse. I mean I only had Nutella once and I really want to get a big jar and some strawberries and go to town!
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    I get the no sugar, bread or dairy but no FRUIT? Seriously!?

    Fruit has a TON of sugar in it (but I love fruit)
  • JanAlyssa825
    JanAlyssa825 Posts: 43 Member
    I'd say listen to your body. That diet is really restrictive, and you probably can't stick to it indefinitely, so you'll have to learn how to eat more "normally" at some point if you want to maintain or lose. Nothing is really evil if you eat it in moderation.
  • batesp
    batesp Posts: 9 Member
    Eat in moderation, eat good whole foods, eat a little less, exercise a little more. Don't look for short cuts in fad diets.
    Don't worry!
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    I found low carb too difficult. It made me very cranky. I don't see how it can be healthy to eat highly processed artificial sweetners but no natural sugar (like in fruit). Whipped cream is ok, diet coke is ok, but half your vegetables are not? ...righto.

    I thought 20g a day of carbs was pretty standard for keto/low carb. Cutting out carbs completely in one hit seems pretty intense. I say.. back it up a bit. Have a handful of blueberries or something.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Do something more sustainable. Losing weight is hard enough, without unnecessary dietary restrictions. Cutting calories is all that is necessary to lose weight, barring some kind of health issue.
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Don’t get me wrong there are some things I LOVE about the diet, because I am cooking more and that is a blast (lazy S.o.a.B. I am), so I can prep my food. But I am not high on veggies. Chocolate helps with pain and I have severe arthritis. Even the instance breakfast is good. I mean I can make healthier choices but still eat what I want right? I just…I feel miserable and it is so hard for me to do. But then my friend has a good point “if I can get off drugs, you can do a diet” – which he is a great supporter, but I am worried I am going to let everyone down. I am tempted to go back to my 1200 and just tweak a few things to better work with me (like bring back my milk, cheese and multi grain cherrios).
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    That's a VERY restrictive diet, no wonder your body is complaining!

    Who said this was healthier?

    That's an awful diet. Anyone who tells you that not eating fruit is a healthy diet is lying or wrong. There is nothing wrong with eating healthy carbs like fruit and whole grains.
  • I get the no sugar, bread or dairy but no FRUIT? Seriously!?

    Fruit has a TON of sugar in it (but I love fruit)

    I totally get that and I have heard of people avoiding fruit before but I think before you cut it out completely you should do your research into the different type of sugar, refined sugar and fruit sugar is not the same and doesn't react the same way in the body, not to mention that you do NEED some sugar in your system and if you were able to incorporate a small amount of fruit it would massively help with your cravings and side effects! Just a suggestions, but if you don't then 'personally' I don't think the diet is long term sustainable :S
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    What are your reasons for doing this diet? Is it to cure candida (a quick google suggests that this diet isnt very effective at achieving that) Or is it primarily to lose weight, and you've decided that your body is exactly the same as your friends' and what works for them will automatically work for you too?

    That sounds a bit harsh, and I dont mean it to - I just wanted to clarify what your goals are.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    To be honest, this diet sounds like a recipe for failure.


    Unless you have allergies or other medical conditions that require you to eliminate wheat/dairy/etc, there's no reason to stop eating them, and doing so may make it more difficult for you to meet your nutritional requirements.

    It really comes down to personal preference. If you don't like the diet, why follow it? You can still achieve good health and physical fitness without unnecessarily restricting your diet.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    Don’t get me wrong there are some things I LOVE about the diet, because I am cooking more and that is a blast (lazy S.o.a.B. I am), so I can prep my food. But I am not high on veggies. Chocolate helps with pain and I have severe arthritis. Even the instance breakfast is good. I mean I can make healthier choices but still eat what I want right? I just…I feel miserable and it is so hard for me to do. But then my friend has a good point “if I can get off drugs, you can do a diet” – which he is a great supporter, but I am worried I am going to let everyone down. I am tempted to go back to my 1200 and just tweak a few things to better work with me (like bring back my milk, cheese and multi grain cherrios).

    look into paleo or primal, or even 'clean eating'. I've been doing my own version for about two months now and I love it. Eat as much fruit as you want! Just nothing processed. You don't crave the foods you're avoiding (like you clearly are with this crazy diet). You can be as strict or relaxed as you want.