insanity! anyone have not so great results?



  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    I'm one of the few people that didn't see any results on the program. No weight loss, no inches lost. And I felt like I lost muscle. I did like the program- and still use the cardio routines in combination with weights each week. It just didn't work for me doing cardio only. Everyone is different- and like I said I'm the only person who didn't get results!!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I'm one of the few people that didn't see any results on the program. No weight loss, no inches lost. And I felt like I lost muscle. I did like the program- and still use the cardio routines in combination with weights each week. It just didn't work for me doing cardio only. Everyone is different- and like I said I'm the only person who didn't get results!!

    did you follow the diet guide? (Insanity recommends as the lowest intake 1700 cals/day).
  • gtwin
    gtwin Posts: 290 Member
    I do Insanity, although don't follow the diet or schedule, just mix the workouts in with other stuff I do. I don't really understand the critique that there is no strength training. There are parts that are most certainly bodyweight strength training. All the squatting stuff and push-up type stuff is just that. It doesn't use weights, but do a little googling on bodyweight training and you will find people who have build amazing bodies just using bodyweight exercises. For me the only weakness in Insanity is that if you have joint problems there is no lower impact option presented. Thankfully it doesn't really bother my particular knee problem, but I have heard of a few people who could not do specific thing like lunges who disliked the fact that he did no present options. That is one of the strengths of P90x in my opinion, although I really dislike P90x and couldn't keep with it at all for me that was a personal preference thing, not any comment on how good a workout P90x gives.

    Overall I like Insanity and as someone said, I can't imagine not getting results from it if you actually do it.

    I wouldn't consider bodyweight exercises strength training at all. Insanity is purely cardio. Doing squats with no weight will not build strength....using heavy weight, will. You have to push heavy weight to get stronger. Sure bodyweight exercises may make you lean, but you won't get stronger or put on muscle from it in the long run.
  • Osulindsay21
    Osulindsay21 Posts: 48 Member
    I can't speak to the bodyweight exercises in Insanity b/c I am not starting until tonight, but I'll have to disagree that you can't build muscle without using weights. I was a gymnast for many, many years, never touched a weight, and was stronger than any of my male classmates (arm-wresting and pull up contents proved that :)). Have you ever seen an Olympic or college gymnast? Everything they do in their training is just from using their own body weight.
  • redd3305
    redd3305 Posts: 2
    I want to say you probably weren't eating enough. The big deal to any of these beach body workouts is the fact that if you don't eat enough to fuel your body to work out as hard as you have to in a program like insanity you body will cling onto and store your fat because your body thinks its starving, It took me a bit to get the concept of "Eat more loss more" sounds crazy but it really is the key. Someone in an early post said they ate whatever they wanted, eating empty calories won't count or help. Im a rice lover but I realized that white rice has no nutritional value there for I might have needed 300 calories in meal but the process to break down white rice is different then the breaking down of brown rice. Just switching from white rice and white bread to brown rice and multi grain bread made a huge difference. Tweaking your diet even just a bit can make a the difference in the world. Good Luck on your weight lose journey.
  • Edwin_S
    Edwin_S Posts: 440 Member
    I started using the insanity routine when i got tired of doing the plyo and cardio from P90X. I like that the Insanity workouts are 45 mins. So I'm still doing the P90X program but i do insanity on the cardio days and P90X on the weight days. No crashes yet, but i find i do pause the insanity from time to time during my workout just to catch my breath...phew! I still do the YogaX though, especially after the Arms workout, its great for sore muscles. Stay healthy!
  • jmm27
    jmm27 Posts: 34
    I am actually on my last week of Insanity. I do see a difference in my endurance but I haven't lost a single pound. Ive lost maybe a few inches (very few) but Ive gotten a lot more toned. I always give 100% in every workout. I ate enough and drink more than my 8 glasses of water. Ive always been a bit ocd about trying to make every recipe as healthy as possible so I know they were "healthy calories". Before the program, I was already in pretty good shape so I guess I didn't expect to see the magical transformation that they show on the commercials but I would have liked to see more results than I did.
  • batzmama
    batzmama Posts: 1
    I just started week 4 today and unfortunately I have been very disappointed. I have not lost any weight , I have actually gained 2 pounds. And I know muscle weighs more than fat but my clothes fit tighter, especially on the thighs. However I have lost inches on my hips, waist and chest. I probably am not hitting the calorie count that everyone is recommending but I get full on very small portions. And my good carbs are limited. At this point I will finish the program simple because I have started it and that's how I am, but ... Not sure how to get those TV results!!!!!

    Good luck, everyones body responds differently. I will let you know the final outcome. =)
  • jjean905
    jjean905 Posts: 175

    did you follow the diet guide? (Insanity recommends as the lowest intake 1700 cals/day).

    I'm confused....where did you read this? I did the calculations and came up with 1600 cals/day
  • xdieselx
    xdieselx Posts: 64 Member
    I did complete Insanity and got some good results from it. I lost 12.5 lbs and dropped 2 pants size. My cardio was much better at the end of the program (when i started insanity on the first day, i had to take a break 5 minutes into the warmup because i was too exhausted and couldnt keep up anymore but at the end i could last through the warmup easily).

    I didnt follow their nutrition guide but i was eating healthy and only cheating with desserts around once a week. I didnt eat enough calories (i was supposed to eat up to 2700 calories a day to LOSE weight but i was always eating aorund 2000-2200) so i probably would have gotten better results if i had eaten more. I definitely lost a lot of inches everywhere (i didnt measure before & after though) but everybody in my family and at work kept telling me i lost so much weight so its proof that it worked :P

    It's very intense and you feel like giving up many times through the whole program since its so hard but keep pushing through and you will be happy with the results!
  • WVUteach
    WVUteach Posts: 1 Member
    I begin week 6 of insanity today. I consume approximately 1400 calories per day and I have not missed an exercise and I do the entire exercise. I was expecting some phenomenal results at this point in the program. Unfortunately, I am only seeing mild to moderate changes in my body. I suppose that I am just disappointed because I had such high expectations.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I begin week 6 of insanity today. I consume approximately 1400 calories per day and I have not missed an exercise and I do the entire exercise. I was expecting some phenomenal results at this point in the program. Unfortunately, I am only seeing mild to moderate changes in my body. I suppose that I am just disappointed because I had such high expectations.

    You revived a post that was over a year old to state this btw.
    That said, are you aware that the minimum caloric intake based on the Insanity diet guide is 1700. Maybe if you eat more you will see better results as a result of having more energy and being able to push harder.
  • I just started this program and it says I have to eat 2900 cals. Can anybody explain the concept to me?
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