Anyone Weigh in Every Day?



  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    I weigh in every morning and log both my weight and my body fat percentage. A lot of people don't like to do that because there's too much variation that can happen in just one day and they don't want to get discouraged by seeing their numbers go up or stay flat. For me, that variation is PRECISELY why I log every day: my weight might go up or flatline for a few days, but seeing the overall downward slope of my weight graph reminds me that this is a long-term thing:


    Weighing yourself every day toughens you up mentally and makes it so that you WON'T get discouraged and throw all your effort down the toilet at the first sign of weight gain/plateau.
  • ermer00
    ermer00 Posts: 8 Member
    I weigh in every day in the morning but I try and take any power away from the number so I'm just watching the fluctuations for interests sake. If I know I've been sticking to my diet well and I wake up and have gained a lb - it's obviously not fat, just water retention so I shrug it off, knowing my weight will go back down in the next couple days. Daily fluctuations are normal and I accept that the number won't always be as low as the day before sometimes.

    I don't think weighing every day is good for people who seem to place their entire mood for the day on the number that flashes up.
  • bceltic
    bceltic Posts: 135 Member
    I weigh everyday, for now anyway. I know its a mental thing, but I tried to just weigh once a week before, and found I wouldn't work as hard in the beginning of the week cos I knew I had the rest of the week to work it off. Weighing daily keeps me more honest throughout the entire week. Today was my first full week, and I'm down 6lbs :). The only day I will skip is the morning after my "anything gos dinner" which is usually on Friday's, take out night.
  • Skydaver
    Skydaver Posts: 23 Member
    I'm going to try again to post a chart of my progress since late March, when I started.


    I'm using The Hacker's Diet webpage to do this tracking. The main page for data entry shows you your weight points & daily average for the current month.
  • Moomins123
    I do it makes you feel great cos you see the numbers falling, When they go the other way makes me feel bad!!
  • coachashton
    You can weigh yourself everyday but just know that your body fluctuates daily, so some may get discouraged. I weigh in once a week but I also take measurements. What's your goal?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I was considering it, to track how I'm losing, but I'm not sure if it's wise. Anyone who actually weighs in every day?

    I step on the scale just about every morning. It's in my kitchen, so usually it's after the morning pee and before my first cup of coffee.
  • livelovelaugh91897
    livelovelaugh91897 Posts: 27 Member
    i don't do that anymore due to the fact that the scale wouldn't lower, and it made me kind of depressed. I do it when I feel like I'm ready! :wink:
  • luulu1999
    luulu1999 Posts: 119
    I do.....I think the main thing is don't get discouraged if it goes up some...which for some people is hard to do....but to me I like to know where I am at with it.
  • nickojones
    I''ve weighed myself every day since I lost my desired weight (11 years ago). I also track it on a chart. The biggest reason I weigh myself every day? If I'm up a few pounds one day, I back off my eating for a few days, to maintain my weight. Every morning I call my weigh in, "Day of Reckoning", or "I have to pay the Piper", or in other words, I am accountable for my eating every day by weighing myself every day. On the plus side, if I'm down a few lbs, I know I can indulge a bit that day!
  • doliveira714
    doliveira714 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes I weigh in everyday, that way if my weight does go up I can see why and what I did differently, and try to not get discouraged if it does go up, because water retention, sodium intake and t.o.m it may increase. It just gives you a better look at how your weight trends.
  • witmer1
    witmer1 Posts: 128 Member
    I weigh daily. I make sure it's under the same conditions daily. I do it to ensure I can correct any bad trends before they get out of hand. It can get frustrating with small fluctuations but I look to the overall week or so to judge real progress.
  • helenjkent
    helenjkent Posts: 1 Member
    Yep I weigh in every day - Part of my routine. I use my wii board then I can see my BMI getting lower although my ilbs arent.
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    I do. It was hard a first because I wanted to see downward movement every day. Now that I have been doing it for a long time, I've learned to accept that there will not be movement every day. I might even gain. In the long run, its helped me. I can see a pattern to my weight loss, particularly when it comes to that time of the month.

    Also, my scale shows ounces, so I find that losing two ounces made me feel better than having to wait for the scale to show a whole pound.
  • daisyeyes
    daisyeyes Posts: 144
    I weigh myself on Mondays and Thursdays. That gives me a 3 day break, but yet it's close enough that I still have to watch myself. The reason I suggest weighing yourself on Monday is because it will help you be more careful through the weekend, knowing that you'll have to step on the scale at the beginning of the week!! :)
  • humanismu
    humanismu Posts: 51 Member
    a lot of people don't because they find it demotivating. I do it (usually upwards of three to five times a day) because it inspires me to push myself harder! When I look at the scale and find a number I don't like, I go out and do something about it. I only avoid the scale when I'm trying to avoid my own failure at changing my life.
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    I weigh in ALL THE TIME! Supposedly it's the worst thing to do but it works wonder for me.
    By all the time, I mean every day, twice a day.
    In the morning so I know what where I'm starting from this day and before I go to bed at night so I can roughly estimate what I can expect for the following day and not be to disappointed if I was hoping for a big loss.
    When I weigh in at night, after dinner and with my pyjamas on, I considerer the weight I see as the last time I'm seeing it.
    If don't go up to a number on the scale while I'm with clothes and full of food, I consider I'm definitely rid of it.

    I used to weigh in during the day also if I was home. I know exactly how my body works. I can look at a meal and know how much it's worth on the scale and wich part of it I'm gonna get rid of during the remain of the day and the night.
    I used to weigh in before and after going to the bathroom. I know exactly how much of retention I do before my period (300g). And how much I'm gonna loose when it's gone (1.1 kilos EACH TIME).

    Most of the time I can predict my weight for the next morning. That way, I feel like my body and I are working together. I can always explain why there no loss or a tiny gain.
    I don't get upset if I'm on vacation and can't weign in.

    I've lost 30lbs so far and I always considered my scale as a friend. It nevers betrays me.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    I have a scale fetish... I weigh like 5 times a day... don't ask... I have no idea why I do the things I do...
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    I do everyday.
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    I have to weigh daily as a part of the Veteran's Administration Hospital weight control program that I am doing. I don't like the daily weigh-in but that could be in part because the scales, provided by them, are connected to my telephone line and the results immediately show up for my doctor and the weight control office.. I guess that is the idea of it all but some days are better than others :)
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