How often do you weigh yourself?



  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    It drives me crazy but I weigh every morning. I only record it once a week.

    This. I tend to weigh almost daily to see what my normal fluctuations are but only record my weight weekly.
  • cebiginalaska
    cebiginalaska Posts: 280 Member
    Daily after restroom sometimes every couple hours just to see the weight fluctuate and see how much my food and liquids weigh :laugh: just DON'T freakout by gaining from the food and liquid :bigsmile:
  • Skernan1644
    I weigh every day, but only record once a week (on Mondays).
  • bethira
    bethira Posts: 132 Member
    Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

    Monday - to see how I did over the weekend

    Wednesday - my official weigh in for myself

    Friday - to start the weekend for Monday's weigh in.

    I like that! I might try that myself. I used to weigh daily, but would get frustrated at the extreme fluctuations I would see (sometimes as much as 2 pounds difference from the day before). Now I weight weekly and occassionaly will step on the scale at the gym just to make sure everything is still going in the right direction.
  • Kathy_Noring
    Kathy_Noring Posts: 143 Member
    Every morning when I wake up, but I only log my weight on Wednesday.
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    in the beginning of this journey i was weighing myself every single day, i grew an obsession with the scale to be honest...then i tried every week and that worked okay NOW that i have reached goal and maintained for over a year i honestly only weigh myself when i really feel the need, which has been once every month or so. I feel like i see such changes happening now in this toning stage that the scale will not show.

    All i will say is remember scales are not always accurate and if you are someone like me one day it may show a gain of 4 pounds and the next day a loss of 5. that is just how my weight/body is, its water weight and gain i guess. try to take measurements and use that more as a guide. dont allow a number to make you feel happy or sad the way in the past it has me.
  • Mini_horse_lover
    Mini_horse_lover Posts: 178 Member
    I think im a little obsessed with weighing myself lol so do it everyday, but going to aim for once a week.
  • SunnyDuckling
    SunnyDuckling Posts: 204 Member
    I'm honestly shocked to hear the number of people who weigh themselves every day.

    I've always been taught that you have fluctuations daily. So there is absolutely no point in weighing yourself everyday. Once a week can average out any 'high sodium' or 'water weight' days.

    I take the same approach to my food intake. If one day I go over my calorie count by 200Cal, I don't get sooky about it, because I know that two days ago, I ended up 170Cal under. Across the week, that averages out to be insignificant.

    I've tried to understand the appeal behind weighing yourself everyday, but I just don't. I could think of nothing more tedious to be honest!

    But, good luck to those that enjoy it. If it works for you, then it works for you! Whatever works in the motivation stakes! :bigsmile:
  • fatgulegule
    fatgulegule Posts: 43 Member
    Every day, keeps me motivated
  • jaqian
    jaqian Posts: 7
    Everyday keeps me focused. ItTrack it on the Libra app (Android) and its great to see the (mostly) downward direction of the graph and have back filled it with my weight that I used to track on a spreadsheet. With gaps it goes back to 2007. Its great for motivation for when I fall of the wagon or onto the chuck wagon :) Heres a screenshot...