Team UK - September10



  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    It HAS been quiet! Kendra, it's great to see you! Hope to see you more soon xo. James, I hope you are feeling fab with all that you've achieved, I don't think you are in any way failing if you fall just short of that final goal. Queenmedusa, thanks for the words of encouragement :) It has been a tough month and yep James, I think its the return of the cold!! Welcome Beebee and congrats on losing 20lbs so far! Nikki, how exciting for you! I hope you are enjoying your new dress!

    I bought a new dress too... a wedding dress!!!!! I got the designer dress I've been looking at, but I got it on ebay as a previous store dress. It doesn't look any different to brand new though. I was trying to get one just a bit small for me in case I don't quite lose as much weight as I want to. This one will probably very nearly fit me but it has a corset tie up so I think I should be able to adjust it a bit if I need to but can also get it taken in if need be (which I hope there is hahaha). Very excited! I also bought bridesmaid dresses.

    For anyone who is interested: This is the wedding dress and these are the bridesmaid dresses but they are in black

    Also, heading back to Birmingham this week to work again. It's supposed to last until christmas so hopefully I can consolidate my weight loss because I did so well last time I was there!

    Take care everyone xo
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i was wondering why no-one had posted for 3 weeks then realised that i was looking at the august post lol, i found my way here eventually though!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Bought my first size 14 dress in 11 years today..... yippeeeeeeee!!!!!!

    WTG you!!I I'll get there too...eventually ^^
  • Beebee78
    Lil missy - I love love love that wedding dress! xxx

    Kendra - you look like you have a similar amount to me to lose. Good luck chick you can do this.

    How is everyone else today? We are taking it easy before starting operation Social worker visit for tomorrow aaaaargh!!!! xxx
  • badshot
    Bit late for me but still got 10 days left in Sepember. Im in if you'll have me, Ill be weighing in on the 26th.


  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Another bad week last week made only good by the fact I went to gym 3 times and then played 90 mins of competitive football last night. 1290 sure feels like more. I can't move my legs without the muscle ache.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Morning all :smile:

    Well, yesterday was a little bit exciting for me (it doesn't really take much these days)! I have been speedily running out of clothes to wear to work lately, and last week I was so pleased that I tried on and fitted into a pair of size 12 trousers! I had been thinking about what clothes I had stored up in the roofspace, wondering if there was anything up there that would fit me again.

    So up I climbed, and down came the storage box!

    Inside the box was a rather expensive suede skirt that was a bit tight on me when it was bought 6 years ago, a lovely French Connection jacket and lots of pretty little size 12 tops! I took them out, tried them on... and they fit!!! I was so excited that I went to my wardrobe, tried on lots of clothes, and replaced my new old skinny clothes with old fatter clothes :smile: so now the fatter clothes have replaces the skinny clothes in the roofspace!!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    yay, well done lesley :)
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    no idea why this double posted. ermm.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    WOW! what a lovely feeling Lesley :bigsmile: I put some of my summer clothes away yesterday and got down some winter boots that were always tight around the calves. I managed to zip them up and not have so much leg over hang LOL, Was really pleased because my legs are the last place the fat leaves, so I'm hoping that now I'm almost at goal (well about another 7lbs maybe) the fat will leave my legs and not continue coming off my chest :mad:
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    WOW! what a lovely feeling Lesley :bigsmile: I put some of my summer clothes away yesterday and got down some winter boots that were always tight around the calves. I managed to zip them up and not have so much leg over hang LOL, Was really pleased because my legs are the last place the fat leaves, so I'm hoping that now I'm almost at goal (well about another 7lbs maybe) the fat will leave my legs and not continue coming off my chest :mad:

    I've ordered new boots, which should arrive today :smile: I just hope they fit, as i've been blessed with big calves... I did try on a pair of my old pull-on style boots the other day, and it's nowhere near as big a struggle to get them on!

    I've also had to order new bras... I've went from a 36C to a 34B :grumble:
  • TMLS
    TMLS Posts: 125 Member
    I hit my September goal this morning, nine days early. Yay me! ;)
  • Beebee78
    Lesley - well done chick that's fantastic! xxx

    gileeman - great stuff! xxx

    TMLS - way to go! xxx

    How is everyone else today? I've been signed off for another week :( not happy about it as I don't like being at home but the dr doesn't think the steroids have done enough :( xxx
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    I bought a new dress too... a wedding dress!!!!! I..........

    Am totally jealous! Dress is absolutely STUNNING and I'm sure you'll look stunning in it too.

    Glad to hear that people are on track this month and hitting goals. I know some of us have been struggling since the mornings and evenings are getting darker. Have been advised that exercise can help combat S.A.D. so I'll be clinging to that for dear life this winter! Have been a bit naughty food wise today (couldn't resist the Mr Whippy as I figured it'd be my last one of the year) but intend to be back on track tomorrow and follow a good food day with plenty of exercise in the evening. Sending good luck wishes to everyone weighing in before the weekend :flowerforyou:
  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    9lbs lost in 3 weeks for me and 14lbs for my hubby :laugh:

    Jealous? :sick: DEFINITELY!!!!!! :explode: He has been SUPER good though!! :drinker:
  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member

    Inside the box was a rather expensive suede skirt that was a bit tight on me when it was bought 6 years ago, a lovely French Connection jacket and lots of pretty little size 12 tops! I took them out, tried them on... and they fit!!! I was so excited that I went to my wardrobe, tried on lots of clothes, and replaced my new old skinny clothes with old fatter clothes :smile: so now the fatter clothes have replaces the skinny clothes in the roofspace!!

    Well done Lesley!!! That's fantastic!!!!! :happy:
  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Nikki, how exciting for you! I hope you are enjoying your new dress!

    I bought a new dress too... a wedding dress!!!!! I got the designer dress I've been looking at, but I got it on ebay as a previous store dress. It doesn't look any different to brand new though. I was trying to get one just a bit small for me in case I don't quite lose as much weight as I want to. This one will probably very nearly fit me but it has a corset tie up so I think I should be able to adjust it a bit if I need to but can also get it taken in if need be (which I hope there is hahaha). Very excited! I also bought bridesmaid dresses.

    Thay are BEAUTIFUL Lilmissy..... when's the wedding? !!!! xxx
  • Beebee78
    Way to go Nikki! That's fantastic!

    I have to admit I have days where I really struggle with not being able to weigh myself. I don't know what I measured when I first started other than my thighs were 75 and 76cm and they are now 63 and 64cm one month in!

    How is everyone else doing? xxx
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Great job girls :smile: it's great to see all the hard work paying off!!
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Been struggling a bit with the healthy eating this week because of the changes in weather which change the mood. Knee is really playing up after doing jumping jacks (30day shred) a couple weeks ago and that's stopped me from exercising as much as I'd like. Going out for dinner tomorrow night and will try to choose the healthy options. My ex is coming round for dinner on Saturday too and I have to try to cook healthily for him too - great fun! :laugh: Weigh in on Saturday morning though - fingers firmly crossed.

    Hope everyone else is ok :drinker: