Disease free...FOREVER??? Is this possible?



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Vegan lifestyle and disease statistics are virtually impossible to detangle into anything meaningful, just because the overall lifestyles of vegans tend to be so radically different in dozens of other ways besides what they eat.

    But no, vegan diets won't protect you from infectious diseases, degenerative diseases, genetic diseases etc...

    Maybe prion diseases.

    not being a cannibal and not eating animals that have been fed brains of their own or closely related species also helps protect against prion disease.

    however veganism won't protect you 100% from prion disease, because the protein involved in prion disease, which is basically an altered form of a particular protein in neural tissue, can become altered as a result of a random mutation. Eating prions makes this specific protein in your cells revert to the prion form, which is like a domino rally effect because the newly formed prions become prions and your brain and other nervous tissue in your body ends up riddled with holes. But they can just arise randomly, so vegans can get prion disease, albeit much more rarely than people who eat human brains or who eat the brains of cows, sheep etc that were fed prion infected brain tissue from their own or closely related species.
  • totem12
    totem12 Posts: 194 Member
    Vegan lifestyle and disease statistics are virtually impossible to detangle into anything meaningful, just because the overall lifestyles of vegans tend to be so radically different in dozens of other ways besides what they eat.

    But no, vegan diets won't protect you from infectious diseases, degenerative diseases, genetic diseases etc...

    Maybe prion diseases.

    not being a cannibal and not eating animals that have been fed brains of their own or closely related species also helps protect against prion disease.

    however veganism won't protect you 100% from prion disease, because the protein involved in prion disease, which is basically an altered form of a particular protein in neural tissue, can become altered as a result of a random mutation. Eating prions makes this specific protein in your cells revert to the prion form, which is like a domino rally effect because the newly formed prions become prions and your brain and other nervous tissue in your body ends up riddled with holes. But they can just arise randomly, so vegans can get prion disease, albeit much more rarely than people who eat human brains or who eat the brains of cows, sheep etc that were fed prion infected brain tissue from their own or closely related species.

    Indeed this is true! I was making a bit of a joke.

    Prions are very interesting things...
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Vegan lifestyle and disease statistics are virtually impossible to detangle into anything meaningful, just because the overall lifestyles of vegans tend to be so radically different in dozens of other ways besides what they eat.

    But no, vegan diets won't protect you from infectious diseases, degenerative diseases, genetic diseases etc...

    Maybe prion diseases.

    not being a cannibal and not eating animals that have been fed brains of their own or closely related species also helps protect against prion disease.

    however veganism won't protect you 100% from prion disease, because the protein involved in prion disease, which is basically an altered form of a particular protein in neural tissue, can become altered as a result of a random mutation. Eating prions makes this specific protein in your cells revert to the prion form, which is like a domino rally effect because the newly formed prions become prions and your brain and other nervous tissue in your body ends up riddled with holes. But they can just arise randomly, so vegans can get prion disease, albeit much more rarely than people who eat human brains or who eat the brains of cows, sheep etc that were fed prion infected brain tissue from their own or closely related species.

    Indeed this is true! I was making a bit of a joke.

    Prions are very interesting things...

    yes they are.... when I was at uni the neurobiology lecturer was one of the leading research scientists researching mad cow disease. The lecture on prion disease was titled "a lesson in human stupidity" and he said that if you wanted to design a mechanism whereby prion disease could jump the species barrier you actually couldn't have designed anything better than the farming practices in the UK in the 60s, 70s and 80s that led to mad cow disease.

    I didn't mean to ruin your joke... I just wanted to point out that being vegan doesn't even protect you from prion disease... albeit the case that getting prion disease from a random mutation in your body's own protein is very rare... just because a lot of people on this forum think that (add any extremely restrictive diet here) is going to prevent them from ever getting ill...
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,006 Member
    No, that's rediculious, but considering it's a popular mantra for vegan indoctrination and is repeated along with quite a bit of other misinformation, it's not surprising.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    So I was watching this documentary "America the beautiful"
    About how obesity is an epidemic and how people obsess with getting
    The "perfect" body. So the producer went on a vegan type diet and the owner of
    The restaurant/diet thing said that if you never eat animal products(basically vegan)
    Then you will NEVER get any kind of disease,ever. No heart disease, high blood pressure,
    Liver disease, kidney disease,ect. He said he guarantees that if you eat all raw food and no animal foods
    You will live your life without any disease.

    Is this an accurate statement? Cancer aside, Alot of diseases do come from the stuff
    Found in animals but disease "free" for life sounds like a bold statement.
    Insight Please!

    Of course it's not true. The recent outbreaks of ecoli and listeria from fruits and vegetables should be enough to disprove the statement.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Michael Clarke Duncan died of a heart attack at 54. No diet/exercise routine is a guarantee of being disease-free.
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    Where are the studies that show a diet that is completely absent of meat protects from diseases?

    Even the china study, as cherry picked and forced as it is, only showed that LOWER meat consumption reduced risk of disease. Not a diet completely meat absent.

    even though it appears to make sense I think it is a bit of a jump to infer that if lower meat consumption reduces X then ZERO meat consumption must lower it more!!! And this seems like such a naive and unscientific inference to me.

    If there are studies that show completely meat free diets to be healthiest I'd like to see them.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm pretty sure you'd still get veneral diseases from unprotected sex. Unless that's against veganism because technically you'd have meat inside you...

    Aw nuts! There goes my plans!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Famous vegans who have died of cancer or heart disease include:

    Steve Jobs - died of cancer

    Linda McCartney – Paul McCartney’s first wife, died of breast cancer.

    Robin Gibb – of the Bee Gees, died of stomach cancer

    Adam Yauch, Beastie Boys, died of cancer

    Harvey Milstein, proponent of the raw food hygiene movement died of colon cancer

    George Harrison, Beatle, died of lung cancer

    Eva Ekvall, Miss Venezuela, died of breast cancer age 29

    Vihara Youkta, dancer and wife of famous raw foodist Viktoras Kulvinskas, died of cancer.

    (Not quoting the study - just the names)

    You named all cancer victims when I said cancer aside.

    I looked up just one name on tbjs list and the man was a vegetarian, not a vegan. He also did drugs, including acid, and was a heavy smoker. He died of lung cancer.

    Why single-out acid? Is that supposed to suggest that LSD causes cancer or other illnesses?
  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    The truth is that being a vegan or not is simply a dietary choice -- two different diets with two different sets of risks And ultimately, it is very misleading to tell people that eating a vegan diet will protect them from disease.

    Totally ^

    And not only misleading, but insulting for people who have worked hard to be very healthy, eat vegan whatever who still got diseases. It implies that people who get cancer or other types of disease brought it on themselves because they didn't take good enough care of themselves.

    Quoted for truth.

    I'd also argue that the only way to be "disease-free forever" is to already be dead.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Nigella still looks way better. And the foods she cooks look amazing. And she's awesome.

    I agree. But the OP didn't say anything about a no meat diet making you beautiful. Health and beauty don't always go hand in hand.
  • Red_Sparrow
    Good rule of thumb - any time a health supplement, lifestyle, diet, cleanse, exercise, etc makes a blanket statement like that, you can pretty much throw it out the window.

    That's not to say a vegan lifestyle can't be healthier for you - but if you see something that touts itself as a magic-bullet, beware. Such things simply don't exist.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    I guess no one saw the cigarette diet thread yesterday?

    Yup. 100 years ago people thought it was a good idea to smoke cigarettes for weight loss.

    I wonder how we will look at things in the future when we figure out many of the ideas/methods we propose today as healthy is just another method of killing us differently.

    Keep searching for that magic pill and special diet. Good luck!
  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    My first reaction was, sure, I can make you disease free...forever. Just let me get my .45 out of my safe and get it loaded...

    But come to think of it, what with homicide laws and such, I'd much rather you do it yourself. Oh, and not on the carpet. (My wife will be !**&@$@$ed.) Just step outside and enjoy an eternity of freedom from disease.
  • reneeisnowhere
    Good rule of thumb - any time a health supplement, lifestyle, diet, cleanse, exercise, etc makes a blanket statement like that, you can pretty much throw it out the window.

    That's not to say a vegan lifestyle can't be healthier for you - but if you see something that touts itself as a magic-bullet, beware. Such things simply don't exist.
    Totally This Too!
  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    Good rule of thumb - any time a health supplement, lifestyle, diet, cleanse, exercise, etc makes a blanket statement like that, you can pretty much throw it out the window.

    That's not to say a vegan lifestyle can't be healthier for you - but if you see something that touts itself as a magic-bullet, beware. Such things simply don't exist.
    Totally This Too!

    Oh contraire. The magic bullet DOES exist. You just may not like the side effects. ;^D
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    So I was watching this documentary "America the beautiful"
    About how obesity is an epidemic and how people obsess with getting
    The "perfect" body. So the producer went on a vegan type diet and the owner of
    The restaurant/diet thing said that if you never eat animal products(basically vegan)
    Then you will NEVER get any kind of disease,ever. No heart disease, high blood pressure,
    Liver disease, kidney disease,ect. He said he guarantees that if you eat all raw food and no animal foods
    You will live your life without any disease.

    Is this an accurate statement? Cancer aside, Alot of diseases do come from the stuff
    Found in animals
    but disease "free" for life sounds like a bold statement.
    Insight Please!

    And the bolded statement is true...why? Do you even have evidence to support that claim or is it comparable to me saying 'Inter-planetary space travel aside, a lot of Nazis have been living on the moon after WWII and are planning their triumphant return"
  • CamillaHerold
    CamillaHerold Posts: 60 Member
    Never say never. There are too many possible combinations of genes, diets, environments, and states of mind to make grand generalizations about the human condition.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Good rule of thumb - any time a health supplement, lifestyle, diet, cleanse, exercise, etc makes a blanket statement like that, you can pretty much throw it out the window.

    That's not to say a vegan lifestyle can't be healthier for you - but if you see something that touts itself as a magic-bullet, beware. Such things simply don't exist.
    Totally This Too!

    Oh contraire. The magic bullet DOES exist. You just may not like the side effects. ;^D
    I love my Magic Bullet! I make smoothies for lunch three times a week!
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    So if I stop eating meat, I can keep smoking or working at a nuclear power plant or sitting out in the sun all day without sunscreen, right? Right???

    Yeah. I understand where they're coming from, but rationally stated info tends to go over a lot better than hyperbole when you're talking about someone's health.