Everyone wants a quick fix



  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    Yes I agree, EVERYONE wants a quick fix, hell if I could wake up tomorrow 50lbs lighter, I would be ecstatic and I would probably trade a kidney for it aswell, unforunately, thats not gonna happen to I work my butt off 6/7 days a week and measure everything I eat.

    I have managed to convert 1 friend to MFP but I have tried with my mum who insists on doing the 5:2 diet or the slim fast diet or any other bloody diet she reads in a magazine, citing that she is simply too tired to work out after a long day at work - she doesnt get that the more she works out, the more energy she will have. I dont preach though, she will either do it or she wont.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    I have managed to convert 1 friend to MFP but I have tried with my mum who insists on doing the 5:2 diet or the slim fast diet or any other bloody diet she reads in a magazine, citing that she is simply too tired to work out after a long day at work - she doesnt get that the more she works out, the more energy she will have. I dont preach though, she will either do it or she wont.

    Mothers......Yeah, mine has always complained about her weight and now that she is older it is really a health issue. I have told her about MFP, but I think at this point it will take some sort of miracle to change her ways. She even said to me the other day that she eats all day long out of boredom. She is newly divorced, in her own apartment, but doesn't work. I told her she needs to look into volunteering or some small part-time job, join a senior center, something to keep her busy and active. And she agrees. But she feels like she is too old, too fat, too tired......she is the most negative person I know!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I often get the question, "Okay what did you do to lose all that weight?" When I tell them I exercise 6 days a week, manage my calories and eat healthier I can see the disappointment on their face. They understand but they're not ready to make that kind of commitment.

    Definitely this.

    They'll nod in an 'ah I see' kind of way but they're not ready to look at the long term picture and the next thing I know they're on their next juice/shake/fast diet.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I must admit that if I believed there were something I could buy that would make the weight drop off without any effort on my part, I'd be all over it. Changing habits is hard work!
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    After I tell everyone how long it took me to get to my goal weight, they totally lose interest;) So many people think they can do it within a couple of months and then go back to eating/living the way they used too!
  • HollieDollieeeex
    HollieDollieeeex Posts: 116 Member
    Toats agree.

    It's either people asking what the secret is, are you starving yourself, what diet pills are you taking??
    Or people saying "aren't you getting obsessed with the gym"

    These types of people have no willpower or dedication to embark on a healthier, more active lifestyle unfortuantely,
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I've just been reading some blogs and it occirs to me this happens all the time.
    This is what happened on Friday night to me...

    K: OMG you're so tiny, what's your secret? (Whilst holding a large tequila in her hand)
    ME: Working my butt off literally (whilst holding a large water in my hand)
    K: But you must be doing some diet or cleanse or something.
    ME: Nope. Gym. Heavy weights. Ballet. HIIT. And paying attention to whats going IN to my body (pointed look at her large tequila).
    K: Fine, be secretative then, see if I care.

    Do people really think there is some magic formula? If someone had found it all the other crap things people sell would be left in the dust because it actually worked...
    How many times does this happen to you? Have you ever managed to convince someone the only thing that works is hard work?

    I have had the same conversation, with the large drink in my hand though. That has nothing to do with it.....
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    After I tell everyone how long it took me to get to my goal weight, they totally lose interest;) So many people think they can do it within a couple of months and then go back to eating/living the way they used too!

    This! The time is going to pass anyway! Just make the changes!
  • cdjs77
    cdjs77 Posts: 176 Member
    I get this and "Oh, it's because you have skinny genes!"
    My family has always been thin because we are very active and eat healthy balanced meals, however, I gained a bit of weight when I moved overseas and away from home. I lost the weight fairly quickly when I went back to my old eating and exercising habits, but whenever I tell people what I did, they always dismiss it by saying that I'm just lucky enough to have "skinny genes."

    Funny Example: The other day when I was visiting home, I biked to the next town over to get ice cream from my favorite creamery. One of these people mentioned above said I was so lucky I could eat like that and be so skinny, so I invited her to come on the same ride with me to get ice cream the next weekend. Her response was, "Sure, but let's drive there. Biking is so much extra unnecessary work!" I think some people just choose to be oblivious to the problem because they want and excuse and/or just don't want to take the initiative to make a change.
  • I don't think it is that people don't want to work hard. I think losing weight is a struggle and some people are overwhelmed by how slow the results can be. Everyone's body & life is different. It is a difficult task to balance what works for you and fits into your life. Not to mention habits and lifestyle changes are not easy. Totally surprised to find such judgement under a "support" topic.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    OMG - You are so right!!! People hear that I've lost what I've lost and go, "Oh - tell me what you're doing!!" as if it were magic or something. "I watch what I eat." They look at me as if I'm from outer space and say, "like what?"
    "Like, lean healthy proteins." I may as well have told them to go eat slugs or something with the look I get back!

    I just feel like telling them, "Okay - when you're really ready to hear this or actually DO something about your current state, come find me."

    One of the girls at work is actually taking pills to help make her feel full. I keep trying to tell her she isn't eating because she's hungry, but falls on deaf ears. Surely it can't be what she's eating! LOL
  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
    I don't think it is that people don't want to work hard. I think losing weight is a struggle and some people are overwhelmed by how slow the results can be. Everyone's body & life is different. It is a difficult task to balance what works for you and fits into your life. Not to mention habits and lifestyle changes are not easy. Totally surprised to find such judgement under a "support" topic.

    Actually I would consider this post support because it is good to see people who are trying to not only work on their overall health but on their discipline and organization. So I look at this post here and support it because I look at the "glass half full"

    When I finally stopped making excuses.. then I finally started seeing results. And.. I know this process will literally take years.
  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    same reason people want free money... because getting something without having to work for it is a lot easier than doing tons of hard work. some people don't find satisfaction in the feat of accomplishing something, but rather in just the end result. oh and also people can be extremely lazy.
  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
    some people don't find satisfaction in the feat of accomplishing something, but rather in just the end result.

    ^^^ This - Well said!
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    Do people really think there is some magic formula?

    If someone had found it all the other crap things people sell would be left in the dust because it actually worked...

    How many times does this happen to you?

    Have you ever managed to convince someone the only thing that works is hard work?

    Not yet.

    ETA: I was at the DMV renewing my license, and the clerk noticed that my weight had changed (the number has gone down significantly from the last time I lied on my license about my weight). She said, "I was going to ask how you did it, but every time I ask someone that question they always say, 'Diet and exercise,' and I don't want to hear it again." *SIGH*

    I am so looking forward to doing my driver's license in March 2014 when they expire- I think I'll be down by 60 pounds or so then (with 70 more to go, but that's okay because I'll go do them again after that last 70 comes off).
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    Yep, my mom is the same way. Drives me crazy. I lost over 20 lbs by using this site last year before I got pregnant with baby # 4 and she'd always want to know how I was losing weight but when I told her "All I do is count my calories and exercise" she didn't want to hear it. Instead she will try anything else under the sun as long as it doesn't involve her actually doing anything (weight loss pills, etc). I've pretty much given up trying to convince her that those things don't work.
  • I'm really lucky--my mom lost 60 pounds 8 months ago and has kept it off, so she's a great support system for me. In fact, it makes me work harder because if my 56 year old mother can do it with a full-time job, 6 dogs, and a house/husband to care for, what is my excuse? I know that she just looks so much better, feels so much better, and has more energy and stamina. The only thing I have trouble with is that she lost her weight doing a low-carb diet because she's diabetic, so she tries to push that on me.

    It always pisses her off when people ask if she's had WLS because she had to work SO hard to lose that weight. I understand--I would be upset too.
  • Juniper3411
    Juniper3411 Posts: 167 Member
    On the subject of the DMV I was soooo excited that I was going to be skinny for my renewal picture...then guess what...PREGGO with baby number two LOL! So yeah...it was another fat picture heehee! Maybe next time (which isn't for another year and a half at least unfortunately).

    And yes...it definitely takes work, dedication and motivation. For me, if I half *kitten* it, never works. I have to get full on mental control mode and once I'm in that frame of mind for at least two weeks I can usually keep it up. Of course I do allow myself a few cheats every once and a while (especially if I've really kicked it up on exercise that week) just to keep myself sane :)
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    I've been getting this question a lot lately, mainly friends I don't see very often and people at work. After about the nth person's eyes glazed over when I said "portion control and I exercise about 5 times a week" I gave up. If they still showed any interest after I said that, I'd mention MFP, but most people don't want to actually hear reality.

    Now I make things up. My favorite right now: "crack cocaine and vodka, but it has to be cheap vodka, not the good stuff." Past favorites: "raspberry ketones and green tea extract." or "the grapefruit and Tutti Frutti diet."

    Is it frustrating losing weight slowly? Only sometimes, because I want to actually keep it off this time so I'm going slowly to eat right, keep my metabolism healthy, and to make changes which are sustainable. I've been there--losing it quickly and gaining it all back quickly when I started eating more than 1200 calories a day.

    A couple of women here at work have had gastric by-pass recently. NOT passing judgement on WLS here...but they are losing very quickly (good for them?). I'm actually going to be a little annoyed if people also assume that I had WLS in order to lose weight. Which is funny because if I actually did have it I wouldn't care. But making lifestyle changes and exercising my butt off (literally!) is how I'm losing weight, and I don't want to perpetuate a myth that it can only be done with either a fad diet or surgery. Does that make sense or am I off my rocker...?

    Perfect sense :)
    Also...LOL cocaine and cheap vodka :P
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    Having lost over 80lbs, it's kinda funny, explaining it for the umpteenth time that I weigh my portions, read calorie labels, lift heavy, drink lots of water, and watching their look go from hopeful, to slightly glazing over.

    Then the inevitable excuses come.

    Ahhhh the glaze over...yes...I know that one well