Creepy guy at the Gym

I am a long distance runner and normally run on the roads..but because its raining and it can get hot at times I been running in treadmill at the gym. The Gym is small and I am always conscious about myself as everyone is watching everyone else .So I am a on with my earphone listening to music ..After my one hour run I was stretching ..this random dude walks to me and tries to talk to me..everyone at the gym turns there head. He ask some question about running basically he was trying to introduce himself
I was answering without being friendly nor being rude. After that I was trying to avoid any kind of eye contact with him and stay away from him. After that day he has been checking me out and staring all the time when I stretch and always taking the treadmill me next to me even if the rest of the treadmills are empty . This is really disappointing me and I cant concentrate on my run
Did anyone has same experience ??


  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    Just bring your husband/boyfriend or a male friend along next time. That should stop him in his tracks.
  • seonf
    seonf Posts: 24 Member
    I'd bring a male gym partner along, or try joining the female only gyms.
  • lcransaw
    lcransaw Posts: 95
    Tell a member of management.
  • lcransaw
    lcransaw Posts: 95
    Tell a member of management.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Honestly doesn't sound like he's crossed the "creepy" threshold just yet. Next time he takes the treadmill next to you move. He might get the hint just from that.
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    Tell him u've always wanted to give someone a "private" piercing. He'll never look ur way again.
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    Honestly doesn't sound like he's crossed the "creepy" threshold just yet. Next time he takes the treadmill next to you move. He might get the hint just from that.

    Yeah, this.

    You may want to consider that in fact he is just being friendly.

    Not every man expects he will have sex with every single woman he talks to during his day. I know, its hard to believe but true.

    Telling management would be a spineless, douche-bag move.

    Part of me sympathizes with you, and the male part of me is slightly annoyed that members of the opposite sex paying attention to you is a "problem" at the gym. Must be nice....
  • CindyRip
    CindyRip Posts: 166 Member
    My son's fiance had this problem and he went in with her an evening and the next morning. He basically put his arm around her while the guy was looking, kissed her cheek and looked directly at the guy. Message conveyed, end of problem the guy stopped showing up when she was there. But if you do not have a guy to help, simple and quietly tell him that he is making you uncomfortable. He probably does not realize, and may think he is flirting. Give him the benefit of the doubt, if he doesn't stop or makes a big deal about it, then take it to management. The whole treadmill thing might be as simple as, "Would you mind taking a different piece of equipment, I have this personal space thing and would feel better with if either side of me was empty." Something creative like that.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I follow my gut. If my gut screams creep, he's a creep. I would be myself (biotch) and make it a point to move to a different machine. Especially if the creepiness is messing with my workout. He can't follow you to every machine.
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    Honestly doesn't sound like he's crossed the "creepy" threshold just yet. Next time he takes the treadmill next to you move. He might get the hint just from that.

    Yeah, this.

    You may want to consider that in fact he is just being friendly.

    Not every man expects he will have sex with every single woman he talks to during his day. I know, its hard to believe but true.

    Telling management would be a spineless, douche-bag move.

    Part of me sympathizes with you, and the male part of me is slightly annoyed that members of the opposite sex paying attention to you is a "problem" at the gym. Must be nice....

    "You know this one time this woman at the gym kept looking at me and tried talking to me. What a creeper." It sounds just weird. Double standards man. Double standards.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I am a long distance runner and normally run on the roads..but because its raining and it can get hot at times I been running in treadmill at the gym. The Gym is small and I am always conscious about myself as everyone is watching everyone else .So I am a on with my earphone listening to music ..After my one hour run I was stretching ..this random dude walks to me and tries to talk to me..everyone at the gym turns there head. He ask some question about running basically he was trying to introduce himself
    I was answering without being friendly nor being rude. After that I was trying to avoid any kind of eye contact with him and stay away from him. After that day he has been checking me out and staring all the time when I stretch and always taking the treadmill me next to me even if the rest of the treadmills are empty . This is really disappointing me and I cant concentrate on my run
    Did anyone has same experience ??

    Where do you workout at? I could help protect you. I'm like the Godfather of running. Creeps stay in line for me or they get the horse head in bed.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    just move to a different machine.

    usually if he is being friendly he would have SAID something to you not just plunked himself down. I am friendly with a number of people and none of them come occupy space next to me- or equipment next to me unless they are doing the exact thing I am (which they aren't) or they are chatting with me- which I don't do while I'm working out.

    Just taking a machine next to you is creepy.

    Move. if not - bring a large friend in next time and get very chummy with large friend.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    call the police!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Wow....kind of weird but there was this guy the other day that was talking about a girl on a treadmill and was pretty sure about her schedule....weird
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    The real creeper test is if they try to give you gifts, like personal photos or stuffed jackalopes. Did he try to do this with you?
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    The two best options I see here are to move to a different treadmill if he takes the one next to you, or to come with a friend, preferably a guy. If I were said treadmill dude, either of those would pretty much get the idea locked in, lol.
  • Maybe just tell the guy you feel like he is giving you too much attention and you want space. Some people are pack mentality and would rather be next to someone they have talked to before.

    Maybe he is watching your form from a running standpoint trying to be more like you... not to kidnap you and throw you in his car... but to be a better runner himself.

    Maybe he doesn't realize it creeps you out as you haven't said anything. Until you ask him to stop doing something involving a manager is very rude.
  • Shelleybean29
    Shelleybean29 Posts: 95 Member
    I had a creeper at the gym I go to. He came in every day with jeans on and motorcycle boots. He had no intention of working out. He would literally sit on a machine, stare at women and yawn.

    One day I was on the lovely thigh machine and he approached me. Let me just say it is never ok to approach a woman to strike up a conversation while on that machine. Sorry, not interested in chatting it up while I am spread eagle. He was actually asking me to go to a bar with him and take a ride on his motorcycle.

    Just be honest and tell him you are not interested in conversation while working out. Move to another machine and ignore him! If he doesn't get the hint then tell management.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    ... Did anyone has same experience ??

    Yes. I had the exact same experience. That same guy was bothering me last week. I can't stand that guy.
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    I also go with a friend that prevents the guys taking the treadmill next to me. If he is really giving you the creeps it's best to tackle it head on. Tell him he is making you uncomfortable, and then if he still persists get management involved. Or adjust your schedule to avoid him?