August Cycling Challenge 2013



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Mid-month snapshot. Started the month with a completely busted bike (long story) so I started a bit late.

    08-08 - 8.5km
    08-09 - 6.0km
    08-10 - 4.3km
    08-11 - 11.5km
    08-12 -
    08-13 - 17.9km
    08-14 - 12.7km
    08-15 -

    Kicking off the second half of the month with an 18km in just a few minutes here.
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    August goal = 100 miles.

    8/1 - 0
    8/2 - 7.0 miles.
    8/3 - 7.2 miles.
    8/4 - 1.2 miles. I mowed today instead of riding.
    8/5 - 1.0 miles. I finished mowing today instead of riding. Neighbor a couple doors down got hit on his bike Friday (hit & run). He didn't even fall, but wound up with a compound fracture of his left elbow. Be careful out there people. AND WEAR A HELMET.
    8/6 - 5.4 miles outside on a rainy day. Found a farmer's dog dead on the side of the road. Sad.
    8/7 - 6.2 miles.
    8/8 - 5.5 miles. My first ride without my Walkman (external speakers, not earbuds). I require music.
    8/9 - 0 miles. Rest day.
    8/10 - 10.0 miles. That's my longest ever ride. I've done 10 miles before, but split in two. It was also my fastest ride, averaging 11.8mph. It was hard. I am a wimp. That is okay.
    8/11 - 4.4 miles. Had to cut my route short because I was again attacked by dogs. Got my leg pretty good. The really scary thing about it is that since I'd never seen those dogs before on that route, they scared the crap out of me and I turned my bike such that if there had been a car coming from either direction (50 mph speed limit road), I would have been dead. I cannot ride fast enough to out-run the dogs. I almost cried. :(
    8/12 - 6 miles (another new route).
    8/13 - 4.9 miles between storms (barely got home in time).
    8/14 - 7.5 miles (took neighbor with me for the first 2 miles, then on my own).
    8/15 - 3.3 miles (short ride cuz I had to mow too).
    8/16 - 0 miles. Mowed instead. Finally found out that the dog that bit me is up to date on shots.

    Goal = 100 miles.
    Accomplished MTD = 69.6 miles.
    Remaining miles = 30.4 miles.
  • Ekboriqua
    Ekboriqua Posts: 43 Member
    08/01 - 9.06 miles - 590 calories
    08/02 - 0.00 rainy day no biking today
    08/03 - 0.00 rainy day
    08/04 - 0.00 rainy day no biking again
    08/05 - 0.00 rainy day, love this season, its killing me - did 3 miles on the treadmill.
    08/06 - 0.00 not feeling well - took the day off
    08/07 - 14.27 miles - 929 calories
    08/08 - 11.31 miles - 737 calories
    08/09 - 19.80 miles - 1290 calories - Woo-Hoo longest ride and most calories burned
    08/10 - 0.00 rest day
    08/11 - 0.00 rest day
    08/12 - 10.13 miles - 660 calories
    08/13 - 14.63 miles - 953 calories
    08/14 - 12.58 miles - 820 calories
    08/15 - 6.20 miles - 404 calories - not a good day.
    08/16 -10.57 miles - 689 calories
  • JessicaKeating
    JessicaKeating Posts: 5 Member
    Found this thread and thought I'd post...In January I bought a bike with the desire to start getting fit. However, I didn't use it too often and the weather had been pretty bad.

    This is my second week of the lifestyle change and I began the C25K programme last week and have been on my first 'official' bike ride this morning at 7am. I cycled 5 miles in 26 minutes. It's not too far and not too fast but I was pleased with myself because at one point all I wanted to do was turn around and go home. I pushed through though and kept going! I'm planning on going on a bike ride tomorrow morning too and shall see what time I get!

    I don't have any particular goal for August - just to get back on my bike and use it at least 3 times a week. In future I may use it to cycle to work (I work on a Saturday) which is 3.5 miles (7 miles altogether).
  • claudialenz711
    Nice Thread! Had my Road bike since 2010 and only got started seriously in February this year. At the same time I started tracking on MFP! So far clocked up around 1400mi since and going strong. Have entered the Ballot for next years 100mi London-Surrey ride which is more than a challenge and half for me, since the Surrey Hills are tough to say the least.
    Since I've been tracking all my rides on my iPhone and GPS really drains the Battery, I've not been on very long rides without long brakes to re-charge the phone battery. This is about to change, as I'm picking up my Accu this morning (3x charge for the phone). So the plan is to go on a 3-4 hr ride this afternoon (region of 70mi I hope) just to test the Battery ;) Oh and i'm getting a heart rate monitor too which links with the phone, so will get precise readings and calculations.

    I put it all down to intense cycling that I've lost 12kg (and app 11kg in Body fat alone) since February. I can't really lose any more weight, as I'm already at the lowest of my normal range, so it's a matter of increasing fitness even more. MFP has now become a tool to make sure i eat enough!

    The Best tip I can give to all on here who either just starting out or already clocking up the miles: A: Make sure your bike is set up properly! The wrong setup can put one off cycling, when one gets aches and pains as a result of it B: stay safe on the road.
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    8-2 12 miles
    8-3 12
    8-5 26
    8-7 26
    8-9 26
    8-11 13
    8-12 27
    8-14 27
    8-17 26
  • gregsonevans
    gregsonevans Posts: 232 Member
    17 Activities
    461.28 mi
    35:12:38 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain:
    11,542 ft
    Avg Speed:
    13.1 mph
    Avg HR:
    127 bpm
    31,278 C
    Max Distance:
    62.10 mi
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I rode for 11.8 miles this morning. It was really tough! I waited too late in the morning and it was about 15 degrees hotter than usual.l

  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    Keep forgetting to update!!

    01/08 - 3.73 miles (recumbent stationary)
    02/08 - 5.56 miles (road)
    06/08 - 16 miles (off-road)
    08/08 - 10 miles (mixed road/off-road)
    12/08 - 5.32 miles (road)
    13/08 - 6.27 miles (road)
    16/08 - 5.32 miles (road)

    MTD = 52.2 miles
    Remaining = 47.8 miles
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    August goal = 100 miles.

    8/1 - 0
    8/2 - 7.0 miles.
    8/3 - 7.2 miles.
    8/4 - 1.2 miles. I mowed today instead of riding.
    8/5 - 1.0 miles. I finished mowing today instead of riding. Neighbor a couple doors down got hit on his bike Friday (hit & run). He didn't even fall, but wound up with a compound fracture of his left elbow. Be careful out there people. AND WEAR A HELMET.
    8/6 - 5.4 miles outside on a rainy day. Found a farmer's dog dead on the side of the road. Sad.
    8/7 - 6.2 miles.
    8/8 - 5.5 miles. My first ride without my Walkman (external speakers, not earbuds). I require music.
    8/9 - 0 miles. Rest day.
    8/10 - 10.0 miles. That's my longest ever ride. I've done 10 miles before, but split in two. It was also my fastest ride, averaging 11.8mph. It was hard. I am a wimp. That is okay.
    8/11 - 4.4 miles. Had to cut my route short because I was again attacked by dogs. Got my leg pretty good. The really scary thing about it is that since I'd never seen those dogs before on that route, they scared the crap out of me and I turned my bike such that if there had been a car coming from either direction (50 mph speed limit road), I would have been dead. I cannot ride fast enough to out-run the dogs. I almost cried. :(
    8/12 - 6 miles (another new route).
    8/13 - 4.9 miles between storms (barely got home in time).
    8/14 - 7.5 miles (took neighbor with me for the first 2 miles, then on my own).
    8/15 - 3.3 miles (short ride cuz I had to mow too).
    8/16 - 0 miles. Mowed instead. Finally found out that the dog that bit me is up to date on shots.
    8/17 - 0 miles. Too fatigued.

    Goal = 100 miles.
    Accomplished MTD = 69.6 miles.
    Remaining miles = 30.4 miles.
  • gregsonevans
    gregsonevans Posts: 232 Member
    20 Activities
    489.49 mi
    37:19:23 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain:
    12,401 ft
    Avg Speed:
    13.1 mph
    Avg HR:
    127 bpm
    33,337 C
    Max Distance:
    62.10 mi
  • drfrink
    drfrink Posts: 14
    12 miles today

  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    8/18:15.34 miles
    8/17:17.2 miles
    8:14: 22.1 miles
    8/12: 19 Miles
    8/11: 12.5 mile ride
    8/9: 2 mile walk
    8/8: 30 m ride
    8/6: 25 mile ride
    8/5: 20 mile ride
    8/4: 11.3 mile ride general work out .5 hours
    8/3: general work out: 1.5 hours
    Total to date: 174.4 miles goal: 300 miles

  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    August goal = 100 miles.

    8/1 - 0
    8/2 - 7.0 miles.
    8/3 - 7.2 miles.
    8/4 - 1.2 miles. I mowed today instead of riding.
    8/5 - 1.0 miles. I finished mowing today instead of riding. Neighbor a couple doors down got hit on his bike Friday (hit & run). He didn't even fall, but wound up with a compound fracture of his left elbow. Be careful out there people. AND WEAR A HELMET.
    8/6 - 5.4 miles outside on a rainy day. Found a farmer's dog dead on the side of the road. Sad.
    8/7 - 6.2 miles.
    8/8 - 5.5 miles. My first ride without my Walkman (external speakers, not earbuds). I require music.
    8/9 - 0 miles. Rest day.
    8/10 - 10.0 miles. That's my longest ever ride. I've done 10 miles before, but split in two. It was also my fastest ride, averaging 11.8mph. It was hard. I am a wimp. That is okay.
    8/11 - 4.4 miles. Had to cut my route short because I was again attacked by dogs. Got my leg pretty good. The really scary thing about it is that since I'd never seen those dogs before on that route, they scared the crap out of me and I turned my bike such that if there had been a car coming from either direction (50 mph speed limit road), I would have been dead. I cannot ride fast enough to out-run the dogs. I almost cried. :(
    8/12 - 6 miles (another new route).
    8/13 - 4.9 miles between storms (barely got home in time).
    8/14 - 7.5 miles (took neighbor with me for the first 2 miles, then on my own).
    8/15 - 3.3 miles (short ride cuz I had to mow too).
    8/16 - 0 miles. Mowed instead. Finally found out that the dog that bit me is up to date on shots.
    8/17 - 0 miles. Too fatigued.
    8/18 - 0 miles. 45 minutes of mowing soggy yard instead.

    Goal = 100 miles.
    Accomplished MTD = 69.6 miles.
    Remaining miles = 30.4 miles.
  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    August goal 266 miles

    8/1 -6.5 miles (30 mins)
    8/2 -14.5 miles (70 mins)
    8/4 -10 miles (46 mins)
    8/5 -11.5 miles (51 mins)
    8/6 -10 miles (45 mins)
    8/7 -15 miles (70 mins)
    8/8 - Rest Day
    8/9 - 5 miles (21 mins)
    8/10- Rest
    8/11- Walked around at a Flea Market
    8/12- 8 miles (37mins) Caught a cold from my husband but had to get something in or I will not make goal.
    8/13 -Rest, slight fever
    8/14 - 8 miles (36mins)
    8/15 -15 miles (68 mins)
    8/16 -8 miles (37mins)
    8/17 -4hours of walking at aquarium/market
    8/18 -12 miles (52mins)

  • swonn
    swonn Posts: 323 Member
    Goal for August is again 150 miles.

    8/01--14 miles
    8/04--15.39 miles
    8//06--17.33 miles
    8/09--17.30 miles
    8/14--24.54 miles
    8/18--24.72 miles

    Total--113.28 miles
  • NaoyukiTai
    NaoyukiTai Posts: 39 Member
    I had a great fun with friends on Sat. in North Shore, MA - stopping at Woodman's for lunch, a dip at a beach and beer at the end. That keeps me on schedule for 10 miles / day!
    It looks like it's going to be a nice week but I'll be away this weekend so I hope I can keep it up.

    Total: 188.16
    08/02/13 7.11
    08/02/13 9.25
    08/04/13 4.31
    08/04/13 2.2
    08/06/13 9.26
    08/06/13 13.25
    08/08/13 7.18
    08/08/13 9.25
    08/10/13 42.46
    08/11/13 5.44
    08/12/13 9.2
    08/12/13 9.25
    08/13/13 7.12
    08/15/13 5.07
    08/16/13 9.31
    08/16/13 3.33
    08/16/13 9.28
    08/17/13 25.89

  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    1st Aug - 34.72 miles
    2nd Aug - 21.12 miles
    3rd Aug - day off
    4th Aug - day off
    5th Aug - 34.61 miles
    6th Aug - 34.78 miles
    7th Aug - 34.66 miles
    8th Aug - 34.80 miles
    9th Aug - 34.67 miles
    10th Aug - day off
    11th Aug - day off
    12th Aug - 34.65 miles
    13th Aug - 34.68 miles
    14th Aug - 34.72 miles
    15th Aug - run 10k
    16th Aug - run 5k
    17th Aug - swim 1.5k
    18th Aug - swim 1.75k
    19th Aug - 17.42 miles

    Total: 350.83 miles
    Target: 400 miles
    Remaining: 49.17 miles
  • reggiepe
    reggiepe Posts: 146 Member
    8/1 - 8.46 miles
    8/2 - 8.61 miles
    8/3 - 8.41 miles
    8/4 - 9.35 miles
    8/5 - 8.48 miles
    8/6 - 8.41 miles
    8/7 - 14.38 miles
    8/8 - 14.58 miles
    8/9 - 12.84 miles
    8/10 - 0 miles
    8/11 - 13.80 miles
    8/12 - 10.72 miles
    8/13 - 9.12 miles
    8/14 - 9.87 miles
    8/15 - 0.0 miles
    8/16 - 9.12 miles
    8/17 - 9.47 miles
    8/18 - 0.0 miles

    Goal - 200 miles
    MTD - 155.62 miles
  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    01/08 - 3.73 miles (recumbent stationary) - at the gym
    02/08 - 5.56 miles (road)
    06/08 - 16 miles (off-road on holiday) - on holiday
    08/08 - 10 miles (mixed road/off-road) - on holiday
    12/08 - 5.32 miles (road) - cycled to the gym
    13/08 - 6.27 miles (road)
    16/08 - 5.32 miles (road) - cycled to the gym
    19/08 - 8.05 miles (road)

    MTD = 60.25 miles
    Remaining = 39.75 miles

    Was nicely over target last month, but might be a little tight this month!