Do you ever feel like giving up?



  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Based on you age I'd say part of the problem might be due to peri-menopause. It kicked my butt when it started, and since menopause I gained a huge amount of weight. It plays with your metabolism. Do Not Give Up! You need to exercise and adjust your diet to lots of fruits, veggies, proteins and cut down on the carbs. Throw out the scale and concentrate on how you feel!

    Good luck! We all have your back!
  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    Used to give in. Not anymore. Got a purpose and role to fulfill so I intend on sticking it out.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    No. Not really.
    I've been here for over 435 days, weighing, measuring, logging everything I eat.
    Some weeks I lose, some not. :grumble:
    I didn't gain it all overnite. I've been carrying the weight over half my life.
    I've dieted and lost and gained it all back and then some.:sad:

    Right now I am over 100% committed:bigsmile: . Actually I've never been THIS committed. Many of my friends are struggling and I wish I
    could share some of my mindset where I am with them.

    There is nothing anyone can say to you other than keep at it. Your diary is closed so can't help you there. I see by your profile you got the band, you've got a tool to help you, you just to get your mind into the right place. Forget the scale and lbs gained/lost, eat right, weigh/measure your food, take your measurements if you think it's not working, take pics so you can compare.

    Hang in there. You get what you give, give an honest 100%, work at it, and you should be rewarded. Good luck on your journey.:flowerforyou:
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    To answer your question: yes, when you first start off, all the changes you need to make to effectively counteract a lifestyle that got you to where you are can seem daunting. And your old habitual self will put up a fight to keep doing hat you have always done.

    It took 2 years before I finally broke through. Yes, I made progress in my first year but I gave up a lot of that progress in the second year. And it turns out that it was really unrealistic to expect that the weight would drop off continually at 2 pounds per week (or even 1 pound per week).

    But the truth is, you can't get to where you want to be by giving up. It is one foot in front of the other, one step at a time.
  • itsscottwilder
    The key is to keep reminding yourself why you want this.

    I don't care about the way I look. I don't care about impressing others.

    What I care about is my family. If I die at the same age my dad and his dad did, I'll barely live long enough to see my boy turn 30.

    That's no acceptable. That's my inspiration.
  • kimbim60
    kimbim60 Posts: 59 Member
    I read in one of Dr. Phil's book that some people are weight loss resistant an example would be if your thyroid isn't working properly (which was my case btw) and since I've been on medication for it the weight is FINALLY coming off. Not saying that's what's going on with you but something you might wanna check out, just to be sure.
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    Giving up is not an option for me. I'm worth the fight! And you are too.

    Are you logging everything you eat? Using a weight scale for measuring? What's stopping you from progressing the way you want? Figure it out and work hard on changing it. You can do this!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I've lost 3 pounds in the last 3 months it's going real slow . It seems I lose 3 gain 6. I know I should keep working hard but some days I feel like is it really worth the fight? Then I lose a little and feel better only to gain agin.i know you have to fight for every pound but dang !

    Giving up what? For me, weight loss wasn't the goal but gaining in terms of energy, endurance, strength, health and perseverance, was my goal. The weight loss was a positive side effect of a complete lifestyle make over.

    If I "give up" then I give up this life that I enjoy and the one that is yet to come. I love the way I eat, I love the way I feel, I love what I have gained and what I have lost.

    Maybe you need to re-shape your goals and figure out what you are attempting to accomplish. If it is a number on a scale or a pant size, then yeah. you will definitely give up. Those are not sustainable goals.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    If what you're doing isn't working, then don't give up - figure out what's wrong and fix it. Assuming you don't have any underlying medical issues preventing weight loss, then you probably just need to fine-tune your nutrition. If you open your diary, you'll get better advice and help. Good luck!
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Yes sometimes I would have this thought, but I don't give up. My favorite quote is "If you hate starting over, stop giving up"