Fitness brag thread



  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I have worked out every single day since Feb 8th 2012. I walk over 20km every day as well as doing a full workout that goes for 1.5 hours at least. I get over 30,000 steps on most days even though my personal minimum is 20,000. I never sit down for more than 5 mins at a time & even then only about 3-4 times a day. I sleep about 4 hours a night. I never cheat & never have a rest day.

    All with a back injury & I lost almost 80lbs in 7 months.

    Forgot to add a brag... I run 10km easy daily (not during winter cause my knees dont like the cold same as my back) but this is from a person who could not run 10 meters without puffing away. Took me about 3 weeks to go from running nothing to 10km. I do that now in 50 min flat.
  • missshyeviolett
    missshyeviolett Posts: 310 Member
    I've been hitting 20,000 steps every day this week!

    WOW!! Really, 20,000 every day ... HOW?

    Seriously, I have only hit 17k twice and I was running around the city all day.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I did my first non-kicking, straight-armed pull up on Monday...twice. I haven't been able to do that in maybe 15 years.

    Then I went to the gym and upgraded to 150lb dumbbell bench press at 8 reps. Coincidentally, I'm now dumbbell deadlifting 150lbs just to get those 75lb bells into position.
  • SpringFever19
    SpringFever19 Posts: 180 Member
    When i was doing Push-Ups last night at the gym i realised i wasn't lifting my own body-weight .. i was actually pushing the Earth away from me.

  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I've been hitting 20,000 steps every day this week!

    WOW!! Really, 20,000 every day ... HOW?

    Seriously, I have only hit 17k twice and I was running around the city all day.

    It's not hard to hit 20k every day. Hitting 40k is the harder one. I got to 30k yesterday just to 'beat' someone on my fitbit list. If I got to 17k I would not stop doing anything till I got to 20k, I'm just ODD like that.
  • I finally caved in and became a Beachbody coach! I have struggled with weight loss since high school and these programs have really helped me lose weight, become stronger, and healthier. I have done P90X in the past and am about to finish Insanity now. Looking forward to T25 coming out and want to start a challenge group. Anyone interested?
  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    I climbed 307 floors in 60 minutes on the stepmill.
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    When i was doing Push-Ups last night at the gym i realised i wasn't lifting my own body-weight .. i was actually pushing the Earth away from me.

    Love it
  • sm_usagi
    sm_usagi Posts: 89 Member
    Bump! I was push-pressing 50lbs this week. Probably doesn't sound like a lot to some, but it's a PB for me! BOOYAH.
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    After doing 'Grese the Groove' training at work for a month, I can now do 4+ full-on Pistols (Single Leg Squats) on both legs.
    IF these don't look tough, just give them a try!


    I do 4 on each leg every hour at work, never did them outside of work, and the improvement was amazing!

    This is honestly one of the best strength building routines I have ever done (have done with a few things over the years) and NOTHING has shown more consistent results.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I did 4 rounds of circuit training last night- this included weighted pull ups- I did all 5 for each round with my 10 lb weight.

    So 20 pull ups- with the 10 lb weight. I WAS PUMPED.

    Also pulled a new DL PR last week... 265. <does happy dance>
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    After doing 'Grese the Groove' training at work for a month, I can now do 4+ full-on Pistols (Single Leg Squats) on both legs.
    IF these don't look tough, just give them a try!

    I just discovered these the other day while researching body weight vs heavy weight exercises. Holy crap! I can barely do 4 with assistance. In fact, I had to use my aerial silks to help get back up, otherwise I can only do negatives. I didn't think about doing them at work. Der...
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    Great to see everyone hitting goals!! I went from 0-6 unassisted pullups in 5 weeks. My goal is to be at 10 by the end of July!

    ***AWESOME SAUCE!***
  • rainydays5
    rainydays5 Posts: 217 Member
    I have been taking little bike rides (5ish miles, sometimes less) with the kids but wanted to take a 14.64 mile bike ride to the next town over from here. I did it this morning in 1 hour 49 minutes, only taking two 2 minute breaks and never walking. Not bad for my first long bike ride.
  • ChrisRiches
    ChrisRiches Posts: 45 Member
    Ran my first half marathon last weekend (had leg cramp problems and finished in 2 hours 47 minutes. Signed up for another one in 3 weeks. And this morning I held the plank at boot camp for 4 minutes 30 seconds. :)
  • christa96
    christa96 Posts: 153 Member
    Just started this week completing 100 (REAL) push-ups a day!!! Normally I've been hitting 25-30 before I break and then back at it again! Considering two years ago I could barely do one girly push-up, I'd say this is worth bragging rights! Feeling strong! : )
  • christa96
    christa96 Posts: 153 Member
    When i was doing Push-Ups last night at the gym i realised i wasn't lifting my own body-weight .. i was actually pushing the Earth away from me.

    Haha! I like it!
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    I've been hitting 20,000 steps every day this week!

    WOW!! Really, 20,000 every day ... HOW?

    Seriously, I have only hit 17k twice and I was running around the city all day.

    I'm proud on a 12k day! I'm impressed!
  • Lennonluv2
    Lennonluv2 Posts: 956 Member
    After seven months of walking the treadmill holding on (and making excuses why I needed to), last week I started to let the front rails go! It's been a challenge but I'm happy I finally got a grip (no pun intended) and stopped being a scaredey cat. I'm getting a much better workout now, and have yet to fall off!!!:smile:
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    The first goal i set for this summer was swimming the equivalent of an Olympic Marathon swim at my Y. 10km.
    Completed that challenge in July.
    Next goal, dead lift my own weight. Currently 210. I consider 3 sets of 8 reps as completing for this goal.
    This week I took a big step toward that goal.
    2 sets of 5 reps at 225# (bar plus two 45's each side) and 6 reps at 205.