program not working for me :(



  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Actually 5lbs in a month is not "pathetic" it's what is suggested by a doctor.

    Also, you're not taking in enough calories considering how active you are. You have to fuel the machine!
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    Okay maybe you can shed some light on something that I have been asking around for 2 weeks now, but no one seems to know the answer. I knew I was eating too few calories, but I can't seem to get more calories in without going over on my carbs, and fats, do I ignore that and just go for the calories, I have been eating so many veggies and only carbs with 1 meal a day, no processed foods and everything is fat free or low fat I cook very healthy I am such at a loss here.

    Ignore carbs if what you are getting them from is veges and fruits

    Just aim to get the calorie count right, and 1200 calories with the exercise you are doing would make your body start conserving instead of burning-- it would be more realistic to eat about 1500 calories a day, and you still have to eat additional ones if you are exercising, forget the fat/ carbs all that as long as what you are eating is healthy food and aim for a total calorie count instead, with your exercise I am thinking 1700-1800 is more realistic for weight loss and to feel and look better
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    OH, one more thing, you did not put the weight on overnight- so don't expect to lose the weight overnight. Also, you said you lost so much on WW, but your have lost so much weight that your body starts to slow the weight loss the closer you get to a normal size. It takes some patience and perseverance. :smile:
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Yeah.... I starved myself, like your friend once, and lost 40 pounds in a couple months..... and when I started eating normally, I gained it all back and more. So don't be jealous of your friend.... she is in for an unpleasant surprise.

    I used to be jealous of my ex SIL... she had the surgery and lost a lot of weight. And she has gained most of it back. I am now thinner than SHE is. Unless you learn to eat right now, you won't eat right after you lose the weight and have the surgery. Think about it.
  • parrotlover
    parrotlover Posts: 143 Member
    5 lbs in a month is pathetic I have alot of weight to lose and that is just way too slow.

  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I used to be jealous of my ex SIL... she had the surgery and lost a lot of weight. And she has gained most of it back. I am now thinner than SHE is. Unless you learn to eat right now, you won't eat right after you lose the weight and have the surgery. Think about it.
    That's 100% right. If you can't get the right nutrients and sufficient protein now, how are you going to be able to do it if you have the lap band?!

    I've been working with personal trainers weekly since the beginning of February. I have lost 2 damn pounds. :mad: But I also refuse to sacrifice strength or lean body mass just for the sake of seeing a stupid number on a machine. I am better and more important than that. And so are you.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    my co worker went on a crash diet didn't eat and only lived on protein shakes and she def didn't get 1200 cal a day and she never exercised she is now too thin lost 40 lbs in about 2 months now she starved herself so how is it different with me we are the same age.

    My bet is that your coworker will regain most or all of that weight.
    Stick with your plan of slow & steady with healthy nutrition. The weight may go off slower but it will stay off, too, which is your ultimate goal, right?
    Don't worry about fats and such. Stay within your caloric goal and remember to eat back your exercise calories so that your body has the nutrients it needs to function properly.
    Losing a pound a week is great. Stick with it and try not to be impatient.
  • Buckeyegirl1965
    Buckeyegirl1965 Posts: 7 Member
    Please don't give up, we all need each other in this war against fat. I really don't think you aren't eating enough calories, this happens to me alot. I work nights and hard to eat that many calories when you sleep during the day. I make myself eat alittle when I am awake; try eating something little throughout your day and then your body will get used to it. Keep going to the gym, this is why it's showing you're not losing, fat turning into muscle. Stay at it, you're doing it right, you are worth it. :)
  • titinyc
    titinyc Posts: 3 Member
    Have you considered seeing a doctor? Your situation sounds like it might be biological, not motivational.
    Perhaps a thyroid imbalance is to blame? I would strongly encourage you to visit an endocrinologist.
    Good luck! :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Okay maybe you can shed some light on something that I have been asking around for 2 weeks now, but no one seems to know the answer. I knew I was eating too few calories, but I can't seem to get more calories in without going over on my carbs, and fats, do I ignore that and just go for the calories, I have been eating so many veggies and only carbs with 1 meal a day, no processed foods and everything is fat free or low fat I cook very healthy I am such at a loss here.

    you need to consume fat to lose fat. dietary fat doesn't make you fat...dietary fat is eesential to proper nutrition. fats from things like olive oil, nuts, avocados, etc are very healthy for you and vital to heart health. dietary fats also regulate hormones which is why they are essential to weight loss.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    You need to go to a Registered Dietitian, have him or her review your food diaries to see what your eating and to discover food preferences, and have a balanced plan developed for you.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    Well first of all - Never Give UP - Kudos to you for your spirit.
    I looked at your goals dietary - Calories 1,494 Carbohydrates 149 Fat 49 Protein 112
    I'm going to suggest you use the keto calculator to retune your basic goals looking to take your carbs down to under 50 grams (net of fiber) a day. Add 'fiber' to your goals by the way, you can swap it out for sugar.

    You should invest if you haven't already in a body fat scale (or calipers). your exercise regime may be adding muscle of which you are not tracking.

    right now for losing fat, you're consuming too much protein and insufficient fat and too many carbs for ketosis to do its job.
    I've been on this,as has my wife and it does work. I've also been exercising heavily and tracking muscle gain and fat loss. it does work. so try it and hang in there.

    if you need an additional feedback to know its working invest in $10 worth of Ketostix to see if you're burning fat.

    WW does work but once you reverse engineer the diet, it's a 'low carb' program. I made WW lifetime myself but did not recognize it as low carb at the time, but it is once you analyze the limits on bread exchanges.

    good luck, keep me posted will try to be a resource to you as best I can.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Well first of all - Never Give UP - Kudos to you for your spirit.
    I looked at your goals dietary - Calories 1,494 Carbohydrates 149 Fat 49 Protein 112
    I'm going to suggest you use the keto calculator to retune your basic goals looking to take your carbs down to under 50 grams (net of fiber) a day. Add 'fiber' to your goals by the way, you can swap it out for sugar.

    You should invest if you haven't already in a body fat scale (or calipers). your exercise regime may be adding muscle of which you are not tracking.

    right now for losing fat, you're consuming too much protein and insufficient fat and too many carbs for ketosis to do its job.
    I've been on this,as has my wife and it does work. I've also been exercising heavily and tracking muscle gain and fat loss. it does work. so try it and hang in there.

    if you need an additional feedback to know its working invest in $10 worth of Ketostix to see if you're burning fat.

    WW does work but once you reverse engineer the diet, it's a 'low carb' program. I made WW lifetime myself but did not recognize it as low carb at the time, but it is once you analyze the limits on bread exchanges.

    good luck, keep me posted will try to be a resource to you as best I can.
    How awesome will that be?! Lower your protein even further and lose more lean body mass! Then when you go back to eating in a sustainable way, you'll have to eat even fewer calories to maintain your weight than you did before! Uh, no thanks. I like being able to eat, and I like my muscle tissue.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member

    5 lbs in a month is pathetic I have alot of weight to lose and that is just way too slow. Does anyone have any suggestions what am I doing wrong.

    5 pounds a month is pathetic? Christ I will trade you any day. Seriously. I haven't lost any weight whatsoever in 3 years so shut your pie hole.

    Also... stop having unreal expectations 1 pound a week is 4 pounds a month, you are over that by a pound. I would say you are expecting a lot, you didn't put the bulk of your weight on in a month so it isn't going to come off in a month. Now pull the big girl panties up, stop whining, get moving and move on.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Well first of all - Never Give UP - Kudos to you for your spirit.
    I looked at your goals dietary - Calories 1,494 Carbohydrates 149 Fat 49 Protein 112
    I'm going to suggest you use the keto calculator to retune your basic goals looking to take your carbs down to under 50 grams (net of fiber) a day. Add 'fiber' to your goals by the way, you can swap it out for sugar.

    You should invest if you haven't already in a body fat scale (or calipers). your exercise regime may be adding muscle of which you are not tracking.

    right now for losing fat, you're consuming too much protein and insufficient fat and too many carbs for ketosis to do its job.
    I've been on this,as has my wife and it does work. I've also been exercising heavily and tracking muscle gain and fat loss. it does work. so try it and hang in there.

    if you need an additional feedback to know its working invest in $10 worth of Ketostix to see if you're burning fat.

    WW does work but once you reverse engineer the diet, it's a 'low carb' program. I made WW lifetime myself but did not recognize it as low carb at the time, but it is once you analyze the limits on bread exchanges.

    good luck, keep me posted will try to be a resource to you as best I can.
    Ketosis works just fine, regardless of how many carbs you eat. It's a normal body process that a normal human being is going into and out of all the time. And also, ketosis isn't even the best way to burn fat, as the human body is actually burns fat most efficiently when it can use glucose (from carbs,) rather than ketones. A ketogenic diet is useful for specific medical conditions, otherwise, it's just another diet plan, no better or worse than any other. In fact, I personally consider it worse, due to the glycogen depleting nature of the diet, really hurts fitness and gym performance.
  • Deadlay
    Deadlay Posts: 135 Member
    I have been on this program for about a month

    How did 4 pages of responses miss this.

    After 12 months tell us how you're doing.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have been on this program for about a month

    How did 4 pages of responses miss this.

    After 12 months tell us how you're doing.

    Reread the thread.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I have been on this program for about a month

    How did 4 pages of responses miss this.

    After 12 months tell us how you're doing.

    Reread the thread.

    Actually take a look at the diary. You will see that from day to day there is no consistency with the calorie intake. So no matter what deficit OP should be at (either using TDEE-20% or 1200+exercise calories) it's just not there. One week the goals are 1200, another week the goals are at 1500. Patience is going to be the key for the OP once they decide which route is really going to work best for them. And we all know, it takes way more than a month to successfully lose and keep weight off.

    Patience Grasshopper, Patience!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have been on this program for about a month

    How did 4 pages of responses miss this.

    After 12 months tell us how you're doing.

    Reread the thread.

    Actually take a look at the diary. You will see that from day to day there is no consistency with the calorie intake. So no matter what deficit OP should be at (either using TDEE-20% or 1200+exercise calories) it's just not there. One week the goals are 1200, another week the goals are at 1500. Patience is going to be the key for the OP once they decide which route is really going to work best for them. And we all know, it takes way more than a month to successfully lose and keep weight off.

    Patience Grasshopper, Patience!
    What does reading the diary have to do with your post? He said everyone missed that she's only been dieting a month. No, we didn't.
  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    5 lbs in a month is pathetic

    er, what?

    I would be thrilled to lose 5 pounds in a month.