After 65 lb weight loss.. NOW being called fat?



  • searching4spock
    searching4spock Posts: 3 Member
    People suck! I am so sorry this keeps happening to you. My husband and I always say we admire the people who are out there doing it no matter what their age or fitness level. I think it is so inspiring to see someone like you at the gym giving it your all. I would talk to the gym management about creating a more welcome atmosphere, maybe posting signs about encouraging other members and not criticizing. Honestly, girls that do that crap are not the type you would ever want to know anyway. As for the children, that is just bad parenting. My child would NEVER say that to anyone and yes, we do have a few very large friends. She has been taught to never, ever say anything about anyone's size. It's not her business.
    All that being said, you are on this journey for you. It's a lifestyle. If you need to find another place to work out, then do so, just stay active.
  • kuroi19
    kuroi19 Posts: 45
    Wow I'd say you either live in some horrible place or are really unlucky.

    I'm a guy, probably about the same overweight as you on the 2nd photo and never had any mean remarks over it...
    Though I guess the world is full of mean people who are eager to push you down to their level or below, ignore it and keep going, do what you feel is best for you.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I dont understand... I NEVER got anything said about my weight when I was 330+ lbs, now that I'm 275 I'm hearing it all the time. I know it should motivate me to keep going, but its like ok.. ive come so far, now what? NOW I get called fat? Its killing me.

    has anyone else experienced anything like this before? I dont know what to do... I feel like its pointless to continue.



    I don't understand either. You've lost 55 lbs, increased your fitness level and you think it's pointless just because of comments made by others??

    You are fantastic. Don't let anyone convince otherwise.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    No no no no NO NO NO! Do NOT let other people move you off your goal. I am devastated for you! How DARE those girls talk to you like that? People like them have no idea how hard it is to start, to continue losing weight, working out, exercising, the depravation, the motivation problems. Oh, sweetie, I just want to give you the biggest hug in the world, and then go work out with you!

    You get right back on that treadmill. Screw them! 7 months is long enough be off your game. Get back on it now! You did so awesome - 65 lbs in 6 months is phenomenal! And you enjoyed the exercising! Oh grrrr, how DARE they do that to you!

    You add me as a friend here right now. I will provide you with encouragement every day day. You are beautiful and special and you DESERVE to be the you that you want to be, and the healthiest you that you can be. Do it!
  • SkinnyMel78
    SkinnyMel78 Posts: 434 Member
    First of all, you look great! Second, there is really nothing you can change about ignorant people. It hurts when they say mean things but there is nothing you can do about them. I think no matter what size you/we are we will always feel insecure about ourselves in someway. I hope you take some of the kinds words you are receving and find a way to realize that the negative is just ignorance!!
  • feelthelove1964
    feelthelove1964 Posts: 59 Member
    those girls who said you were fat need to go to specsavers , they are spiteful and need to learn manners . Ignore them because you are beautiful and you have done amazingly well , Don't let people like those girls put you off going to the gym , ignore them like you did because when you never reacted they look like they are talking and laughing at themselves.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    There are 8 Billion people in the world. Don't let those few
    ruin your resolve.
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member

    I'm the same, I never really noticed any comments when I was 303lbs+ but a few weeks ago I got a "there she blows" comment when I was walking past a group of lads in a club. In all honesty it made me laugh! I was like "i've lost 40lbs and you're making whale comments NOW?!"

    This is something our parents tell us, "people who feel the need to comment on others are trying to cover up their own insecurities". it's hard, but brush it off and use them positively. Like those girls in the gym, use it as motivation to run further and faster so you can be like 'yeah, i'm big but i'm still doing this!'

    I also think it helps to have a realistic (but not negative) body image. At 275 yeah, you're overweight... AND?! Acknowledge it and embrace it and then go do something about it.
    I am sorry you were hurt but I think ^^^this^^^^ says it well. Use this crap as fuel to burn away the fat. Stop letting others live rent free in your head. I had two people at a class reunion ask me when I was expecting way back when I weighed 165, that's right. That's a 1 in front. I didn't change and gained another 105. Now I have to lose it and it's not easy at 56 years old. Do it now while you are young and can enjoy a long life of happiness and health knowing that those other people are nasty and that you rose to greatness in spite of them....maybe even because of them.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Hugs
  • LCFulmer
    LCFulmer Posts: 183 Member
    Does it matter who is calling who fat? What really matters is: How do YOU perceive YOURSELF?

  • mamacremers
    mamacremers Posts: 183 Member
    So whats the problem you might ask? Well, shortly after I reached my 65 lb mark of my weight loss, I was at the gym running on the treadmill... was at about a mile and a half, when I looked over and seen a couple of girls looking at me and laughing. I tried to push it out of my mind, telling myself that they weren't laughing at me.. it was just my insecurities getting the best of me. Well, when I was done, I went to the trash to throw away something and they came up to me. the one girl said 'hey.. no offense, but we were wondering how you do it?' I asked do what? and the other girl (while the first one started to laugh) said 'well, you're really, really big... dont you wanna pass out or something?'

    They said that because they're just jealous and they CAN'T run that much without passing out and you CAN! Keep going! You're doing AMAZING!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    People are just so insensitive and I'm sure those girls had no idea how far you've already come. It's likely they probably couldn't run as far/long on the treadmill and are just feeling threatened because a bigger girl can. Size is not an indicator of your fitness level. Shake those people off and go do your thing. Remember that it's not just about looking better, but feeling better too. I'm sure you feel better at your lower weight and don't want to go back to where you were.
  • Kyndness
    Kyndness Posts: 11 Member
    You are so adorable! Such a pretty smile, and your overall shape is looking great! Honestly, I can see quite a difference between your before and after pics. Please don't give up! Having been overweight for most of my life, I know how much the negative comments hurt, but the bottom line is, people will always be rude and assy, whether they are making comments about weight, height, hair, boob size, etc. I started at about your size, and am down 51 lbs as of today. I don't notice any difference in my appearance, but seeing your pictures is SO motivational! You make me feel like it's possible to start running, and like maybe there really is a difference in my appearance that I'm not seeing. So thank you for inspiring me. :)
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Hell to the no, don't you dear stop, you need to continue. Look at your before and after photo, you have come so far. F*** those B******. OMG!!!!!! I hate mean people. You need to get it together and go back to the gym and work you *kitten* off and continue. Believe me, you are going to feel worst if you put on all that weight back. Keep going forward!!!!!

    You can do this, you need to do this for you and you alone, don;t make those mean people get to you, most people are mean because of their own insecurities.

    Good luck!!!!!!
  • cybersheel
    cybersheel Posts: 145 Member
    Go back to the Gym - you can do it. Next time anyone says anything just smile sweetly, look puzzled and say your doing your best to lose weight and what are they doing to improve their manners?
    As for kids you can, kindly, point out that it's rude to make comments on peoples weight and haven't their parents told them that?
    As for the joker at your work - tell her you didn't find it in the least bit funny!
    People are sometimes unaware how nasty and negative they are being. (others are flat out a***holes!)
    You look fantastic.
    You're doing a great job.
    Your worst critic will always be you, don't let others join in.
    Losing weight isn't just about dropping numbers, it's an emotional rollercoaster, really tough.
    Good luck, be kind to yourself.
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    I'd have asked the girls, "funny I was just wondering how you could survive being such vapid c***s? I mean how do you even tie your gym shoes everyday?!"

    Naw, but seriously..."why would you say something so hurtful to someone who is trying to improve themselves? What is it about my working out that makes you so insecure that you have to be hurtful?"

    Go back to the gym with your head held high, look those b**** straight in the eye and get your sweat on. Tell those kids you're gonna sit on them or something and let your friend know that if she wants to know what you're doing to lose the weight she doesn't need to be defensive about your losses, you'd be happy to help, or not--our weight loss is not a judgement of her. It's about your health and well being, and shouldn't affect her.
  • She_Hulk
    She_Hulk Posts: 277
    I cannot believe people are so cruel sometimes. People that have issues with themselves put others down. You know the sayings, 'misery enjoys company' and 'hurt people hurt people'? Those sayings are so true! They are the ones with the problem, not you. Do not let them stop you from reaching your goals. Don't let anyone stop you from reaching your goals. Just keep your chin up and keep pressing on! No one wants to be around mean people like that. I know their type. They put others down to build their sorry selves up. Just pity them and keep going! You really look awesome, btw. Congratulations on a job well done! Really! Just keep going. You are so worth it. :heart:
  • benjib84
    benjib84 Posts: 125
    Eff them Puttas dude! You look amazing.
    If anything take the positive from it - ie they were obviously impressed with what you can do in the gym to notice..... their loss for going about it in the wrong way!

    Take the positive, forget the negative and focus on how amazing you look and how wonderful you are doing.


    Well done
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    you have worked very hard and you shouldnt listen to what others say, but in my opinion you don't look fat! people just like to hate. they are probably jealous. you look beautiful. :smile:

    Keep the good work, and good luck. And don't let the negative people get to you!
  • italian_bella_xo
    people are very cruel these days! you are doing great.. do no stop!
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    I can't believe how RUDE people can be. You look AMAZING! Next time anyone says anything like that (especially the dumb broads at the gym) I'd be tempted to reply with the following:

    "At least I am working on improving my weight, your low I.Q. however, will never get any better!" :tongue: