Plus size-Super size weightloss support



  • My start weight was 389.2lbs
    My current weight is 385lbs
    My goal weight is 182lbs

    Woah. I never realised. That's like.. more than 200lbs :embarassed:
    Anyway, i'm in.
    What do you lot do when you "earn" extra calories for working out?
    It seems like it kinda defeats the object to work out and then eat more? Surely if you work out and don't eat the "earned" calories you'd lose more? i'm not sure what to do...

    I've earned 1027 calories in the last 2 days but eating them is going to make me either maintain my current weight or gain, isn't it?

    I've never heard of eating exercise calories until here. Everyone says it puts your body into starvation mode if you don't. I'm not allowed. I'm on a strict 1200 calorie a day diet, per my doctor. I don' t have the luxury of eating anything extra...but I make it work. There are some days where I work of 1150 calories at work...I just decide that I get to "eat for free" that day!
  • I went to Hawaii May 13th of this year, first vacation ever on my "I quit smoking money" I quit Feb 2, 2006 an saved 1752 dollars!!!

    way to go!!!!!!!!!
  • Hey! If anyone on here has a myspace, you can add me at
  • I went to Hawaii May 13th of this year, first vacation ever on my "I quit smoking money" I quit Feb 2, 2006 an saved 1752 dollars!!!

    way to go!!!!!!!!!

    Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I quit smoking when I was 20 and started back this year after going through an almost divorce before we reconciled. I so need to quit again!
  • Laurziemoo
    Laurziemoo Posts: 18
    Whenever i add excercise to my journal thing it adds calories to my allowance with an * and underneath it says *You have earned ... calories today
  • I need to make a confession. I had a rough day of binge eating and I feel disgusted. I ate for lunch one can of clam chowder, 11 Doritos,and one string cheese, but for dinner I binged worse by eating 2 cans of clam chowder, 6 chocolate chip cookies and oyster crackers and I so want to vomit. I do not know why I did it, I just did. I wanted to come here and show you guys we all have our down falls but starting now I'm starting over.
  • colie2234
    colie2234 Posts: 3
    right now i am at around 240-250 not weighed in a really long time, afraid of scales really, but i am new here just started today and i am looking to get down to 135, i am not physically healthy and i have tried several different diets and they have not worked so i will need all the support i can get
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    I need to make a confession. I had a rough day of binge eating and I feel disgusted. I ate for lunch one can of clam chowder, 11 Doritos,and one string cheese, but for dinner I binged worse by eating 2 cans of clam chowder, 6 chocolate chip cookies and oyster crackers and I so want to vomit. I do not know why I did it, I just did. I wanted to come here and show you guys we all have our down falls but starting now I'm starting over.

    I just learned how to quote, its quite easy, Anyways everyone has bad days dont beat yourself up and tomorrow is a new day.
  • I need to make a confession. I had a rough day of binge eating and I feel disgusted. I ate for lunch one can of clam chowder, 11 Doritos,and one string cheese, but for dinner I binged worse by eating 2 cans of clam chowder, 6 chocolate chip cookies and oyster crackers and I so want to vomit. I do not know why I did it, I just did. I wanted to come here and show you guys we all have our down falls but starting now I'm starting over.

    I just learned how to quote, its quite easy, Anyways everyone has bad days dont beat yourself up and tomorrow is a new day.

    yeah, even after adding it all up I still have 500 more calories extra but I'm not eating anything else!:sad:
  • Christy, I don't think this is concidered "starting over". That would imply that you failed at something. You ate more than you meant to today. Okay. Tomorrow is not that far away. pledge to yourself to make better choices right now. Look at how far you have come. Our lives are not like actors in the movies, musicians with their gold records, or best selling authors. We are not only as good as our last meal or binge. The total of the act of fitness itself truly is greater than just today. Just thinking to yourself that you are "starting over" is in itself enough to make you feel defeated. Post tomorrow. I will be waiting to hear from you, darlin'.

    I don't have one of those cute little counter thingys. :tongue:
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    I like this's a little different when you have a lot of weight to lose. Some day's it's hard to keep the goal in perspective when that goal is so far away. I just make week long goals. I have a continuing week long goal that goes from Friday-Friday. That is to eat as healthy as possible so as to fuel my body, excercise at least 4 days a week and log my food every day. The weeks pass quickly!!!

    I'm larger than I've ever been, this site is helping me so much!!

    Starting 303...actually 318 back in Oct. Fell off the bandwagon during the holidays and only got back on in May.
    Current 279
  • Laurziemoo
    Laurziemoo Posts: 18
    I need to make a confession. I had a rough day of binge eating and I feel disgusted. I ate for lunch one can of clam chowder, 11 Doritos,and one string cheese, but for dinner I binged worse by eating 2 cans of clam chowder, 6 chocolate chip cookies and oyster crackers and I so want to vomit. I do not know why I did it, I just did. I wanted to come here and show you guys we all have our down falls but starting now I'm starting over.

    I just learned how to quote, its quite easy, Anyways everyone has bad days dont beat yourself up and tomorrow is a new day.

    If you still have 500 calories left that's fine?
    Don't beat yourself up over it :)
    yeah, even after adding it all up I still have 500 more calories extra but I'm not eating anything else!:sad:
  • Juliebean
    Juliebean Posts: 317
    I blew my calories yesterday for the first time since joining MFP. :sad: My friends and I went to a baseball game and I just couldn't keep it together... Even though I had allowed and planned ahead for approx 1000 calories for the evening I still managed to go over. It just makes me angry because I did so well all day and even while we were at the ballpark. I resisted all the crap that I really wanted (like nachos, hotdogs, pretzels, etc.) and had 2 miller lites. Then we went out after the game and it was all downhill from there. French fries?! What was I thinking?!?! I'm sure I will be paying for this next time I go to weigh myself. :grumble:

    The good news is... today is a new day! Here's to staying on track! Good luck girlies! (And guy!)
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    I blew my calories yesterday for the first time since joining MFP. :sad: My friends and I went to a baseball game and I just couldn't keep it together... Even though I had allowed and planned ahead for approx 1000 calories for the evening I still managed to go over. It just makes me angry because I did so well all day and even while we were at the ballpark. I resisted all the crap that I really wanted (like nachos, hotdogs, pretzels, etc.) and had 2 miller lites. Then we went out after the game and it was all downhill from there. French fries?! What was I thinking?!?! I'm sure I will be paying for this next time I go to weigh myself. :grumble:

    The good news is... today is a new day! Here's to staying on track! Good luck girlies! (And guy!)

    The way I see it Julie is that look at all the damage you DIDN'T didn't eat any of the ballpark food and went lite on the beer:drinker: . You may have splurged after the game, but look at the control you did excercise at the ballpark.

    Like you said, today's a new day......hope you have a good one!!
  • Juliebean
    Juliebean Posts: 317
    Agreed! It could have been such a disaster! And trust me, it has in the past! The crazy thing is that after not having fries for a long time... they really weren't all that great. I felt kinda sick after eating them. Maybe my body is finally starting to work with me instead of against me! :happy:
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    So I certainly qualify in this category. I started two months ago at my highest weight (380). I'm a candidate for bariatric surgery and I need to get to 322 before they will do the surgery...and they might make me go smaller than that. So we'll see.

    I was smaller in high school, but I was a runner...and apparently you can't stop running six miles a day and still eat like you run six miles a day! ...My weight has piled on over the years. Creeping up on me a little at a time, with two significant jumps (65 pounds each), when birth control came into the picture after the births of my boys who are soon to be 6 and 13. Until I turned 30, I was really self conscious about my worried me, I had no self esteem. Then I met my current husband who really loves me for who I am. Who would tell me every day how beautiful I was. It was that time that I decided I didn't need to be thin to please anyone...and I didn't want to eat "nasty" food. I didn't want to subsitute the "good stuff" to save on calories...and my body shows that now :)

    I've decided recently that I'm tired of having to shop for clothes out of never be able to get a good deal on some cute outfit. To worry about seats with armrests or booths in restaurants. I hate not being able to get off of the floor (and I can barely get onto it)

    Anyway...I've lost 37 pounds so far (I refuse to add back the 22 pounds I gained last weekend in fluids...but I'm going to the doctor today to have it checked out). I've still got about 200 to lose.

    Everyone here is so friendly and encouraging. I'm so glad I joined!

    I'm a candidate for surgery also, my Dr. wants me down to 340 or lower before he will consider operating. I also have a problem with water as I have congestive heart faliure so right now I have been exersizeing and dieting for over 3 weeks and can't get the scale to budge. I fell off 2 days ago on a pity party and ate nothing but carbs. for the day. I'm back eating right now and trying to remain hopeful, I know that somewhere there has to be an answer to taking off weight and keeping it off. Next week I have an appointmen with a weight loss specialist and if I learn anything new, I'll share with all.

    Anyhow I'm with you this is one of the best places to be. I think we all get in that place where we feel that no one else has the problems we do and that no one else could possibly have as much weight to lose as we do. I will pray for you all for your sucess, I'm not a spring chicken any more so I have no idea if I'll ever get to my goal, all any of us can do is keep trying one day at a time, and hope someday we will reach our goals. :flowerforyou:
  • I'M doing so much better today everyone! Back on track! I feel so much better than last night. I also figured out alot of it was I FORGOT to take my antidepressants! Oh man, Ha, So today I'm going to be working on moving stuff around in my new apartment and so we can move in, get all the crap put away, finally! Also I wanted to let everyone know that I might not be able to check in as often but more like 1 to a few times a week due to the move, ec. So just know, I'm not going anywhere, just away for a bit but I will keep updating as I can but I do hope that this thread stays around!
  • Juliebean
    Juliebean Posts: 317
    Have no fear, I'll bump it if it goes too far! :wink:
  • OMG! I just put on a mens 3x/4x tee shirt and it fit! before I was a 7x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Juliebean
    Juliebean Posts: 317
    Congrats chic! That's got to be the best feeling in the world!!:bigsmile: So proud!
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