Neighbor wanting Autistic Child to be Euthanized...



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    In some of the comments "somone claims it was a "Mother who sent the mail"

    It is addressed to "the lady living at this address" and signed, "One pissed off mother!!!!
    Oh, I missed that.
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    wow. not even sure what to say. Stories like this make my soul, heart, and my outlook on people as horrible. The tenets and laws that bound us is a security blanket from people like this. When all moral aptitude and the security of a normal life has been taken then it is outlaw justice and havoc. sad really....I had a point but I am at a loss for words....

    I just hope the author of the note never has grandchildren with learning and or physical limitations.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    were there any americans in the neighborhood? doesn't sound like something a canadian would write.

    hahaha you're just jealous that we got the warm part of the continent. :)

    Since when are Canadians not American? MANIFEST DESTINY 4EVA!! Actually, you can keep them all except for Cont and Canadian president Michael Bublé. Let's see how well they fare without their president!
    I want to keep Michael Buble. You can have the twerpy kid back, though.
  • knitwit0704
    No! Just... no. This is so wrong. Autism isn't any different from depression, or anything else that isn't 'normal' in the mind. Also, there is no such thing as normal. This is just horrible. I'm an aspie, so I'm especially sensitive to this, but I imagine ANYONE, even any neuro-typical person, would find this shocking and offensive.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    This letter is disgusting! If that was my child being attacked I would be pressing charges once they figure out who sent this letter. It makes me sad thinking that someone could be this nasty.

    Charged with what? They didn't actually threaten anyone.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Of course it may be that nobody else wrote the letter but the person who sent it to the press.

    I know it sounds odd, but recently here in the UK we had a case of a girl hanging herself due to bullying on, but website owners confirmed that many of the hate messages were sent by herself.

    There's nowt stranger than folk out there and people have certainly done some strange things to get 15 minutes of press fame.
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    Reading the letter last night brought tears to my eyes. i don't know how anybody could be so cruel to even think about killing another person, let alone a child. What a despicable person.
  • JLN1974
    JLN1974 Posts: 104 Member
    Very sad to read this - unfortunately despite all the lessons which should have been learned since WW2 and all the progress made in the modern world, there are still many people out there who are bigoted, intolerant and ignorant. Sadly that woman is probably not the only one to feel that way, just one that has been publicised. For someone to say such awful things about a child is beyond comprehension to me.
  • griffith5150
    were there any americans in the neighborhood? doesn't sound like something a canadian would write.
    Excuse me? ALL people, no matter their nationality are perfectly capable of hate and bigotry. You've just proven that yourself.

    Well said!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    were there any americans in the neighborhood? doesn't sound like something a canadian would write.

    hahaha you're just jealous that we got the warm part of the continent. :)

    Since when are Canadians not American? MANIFEST DESTINY 4EVA!! Actually, you can keep them all except for Cont and Canadian president Michael Bublé. Let's see how well they fare without their president!
    I want to keep Michael Buble. You can have the twerpy kid back, though.

    Nope. They are all yours, now. We aren't taking any of them back.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    My oldest son is autistic, so this really pisses me off. Hitler held some of the same views as this person, it seems to be pretty prevalent on the left, so I'm not surprised when something like this happens in a left leaning country like Canada, it wouldn't surprise me coming from many parts of the US either.

    If memory serves, Einstein was on the autism spectrum as well, many geniuses are on the spectrum. Typical autistics are highly evolved problem solvers, they think, a lot, they analyze everything, it's never ending. The cure for cancer will likely be the product of an autistic mind. This person needs to face facts, the world has far more use for autistic people than it does for her.

  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    were there any americans in the neighborhood? doesn't sound like something a canadian would write.

    hahaha you're just jealous that we got the warm part of the continent. :)

    Since when are Canadians not American? MANIFEST DESTINY 4EVA!! Actually, you can keep them all except for Cont and Canadian president Michael Bublé. Let's see how well they fare without their president!
    I want to keep Michael Buble. You can have the twerpy kid back, though.

    Nope. They are all yours, now. We aren't taking any of them back.

    Yes, that includes YOU! I'd even keep Dion for that trade.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    My oldest son is autistic, so this really pisses me off. Hitler held some of the same views as this person, it seems to be pretty prevalent on the left, so I'm not surprised when something like this happens in a left leaning country like Canada, it wouldn't surprise me coming from many parts of the US either.

    If memory serves, Einstein was on the autism spectrum as well, many geniuses are on the spectrum. Typical autistics are highly evolved problem solvers, they think, a lot, they analyze everything, it's never ending. The cure for cancer will likely be the product of an autistic mind. This person needs to face facts, the world has far more use for autistic people than it does for her.


    On the left ... um, so are you insulting lefties? That's an insult to 1/10th of the country. Us southpaws can't help it if we're awesome, y'know
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My oldest son is autistic, so this really pisses me off. Hitler held some of the same views as this person, it seems to be pretty prevalent on the left, so I'm not surprised when something like this happens in a left leaning country like Canada, it wouldn't surprise me coming from many parts of the US either.

    If memory serves, Einstein was on the autism spectrum as well, many geniuses are on the spectrum. Typical autistics are highly evolved problem solvers, they think, a lot, they analyze everything, it's never ending. The cure for cancer will likely be the product of an autistic mind. This person needs to face facts, the world has far more use for autistic people than it does for her.


    On the left ... um, so are you insulting lefties? That's an insult to 1/10th of the country. Us southpaws can't help it if we're awesome, y'know
    Pity the lefties. They die sooner.
  • tripledipped13
    tripledipped13 Posts: 78 Member
    This letter is disgusting! If that was my child being attacked I would be pressing charges once they figure out who sent this letter. It makes me sad thinking that someone could be this nasty.

    Charged with what? They didn't actually threaten anyone.

    How about a hate crime?? I don't know about Canada but I sure hope that if something like this were to happen in the US that the person responsible would be charged with no less than someone who sent a hate letter to someone in the gay community or someone who burned a cross in someone else's yard simply because they did not like the color of their skin.
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    Hitler held some of the same views as this person, it seems to be pretty prevalent on the left, so I'm not surprised when something like this happens in a left leaning country like Canada, it wouldn't surprise me coming from many parts of the US either.

    That escalated quickly...
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Hitler held some of the same views as this person, it seems to be pretty prevalent on the left, so I'm not surprised when something like this happens in a left leaning country like Canada, it wouldn't surprise me coming from many parts of the US either.

    That escalated quickly...

    I know, right? I think the writer of the letter was an @$$, personally, but I really don't see how you can associate it with political ideology. I feel like Fox News just flashed on my screen
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    This letter is disgusting! If that was my child being attacked I would be pressing charges once they figure out who sent this letter. It makes me sad thinking that someone could be this nasty.

    Charged with what? They didn't actually threaten anyone.

    How about a hate crime?? I don't know about Canada but I sure hope that if something like this were to happen in the US that the person responsible would be charged with no less than someone who sent a hate letter to someone in the gay community or someone who burned a cross in someone else's yard simply because they did not like the color of their skin.

    "Despite the hateful language used, the Crown Attorney’s office has advised that the content of the letter falls below the threshold for a hate crime. However, there are other Criminal Code issues that are being considered. "
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I'm glad that this went viral and that this disgusting human is, no doubt, reading about what a disgusting pig the world thinks she/he is. At first I thought it was a hoax because I can't fathom how a parent could possibly write something so heinous.
  • CassiTwoPointOh
    My older brother is autistic, and this letter makes me sick. When we were younger, my brother loved nothing more than to spend hours in the back yard. It relaxed him, made him happy, and yes, he would squeal and scream and hum and even, on occasion, throw dishes and toys over the fence into the neighbor's yard. Everyone on our street was very understanding of the situation, even when he once ran away and was found in a neighbor's swimming pool.

    It disappoints me more than I can say that there are people out there like this disgusting woman, who have no sympathy for other people's situations and problems, but the overwhelming support for the family and condemnation of the mother - if you can even call her that after what she's said - gives me enormous hope for this world.
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