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Am I too fat to go swimming?



  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    I think most people will be thinking "Good for you!" if they think anything at all. Go swim, you paid your membership just like they did.
  • Never! I started swimming again a month ago. I weighed 240. Hadn't done laps in over 20 years. Started slow and now I'm up to a mile (33 laps). Working on getting to 2 miles. Feels fabulous! And I didn't give a damn who saw me or who cared. I strutted my stuff baby! Now I weigh 215. :bigsmile:
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    wear a speedo! strut in there like you own the place! ;)

    seriously, I do not think you should be overly concerned about it, just get in there and do your thing. Perhaps a tank top rather than a t-shirt if you wish. (and remember that a white or light-colored shirt will be virtually see-thru when it gets wet, so you may want a darker one). I'm betting you will quickly decide you don't need the shirt. Once you're in the water, you're just doing your thing and you won't be so self-conscious.

    Do it for YOU and no worries what anyone else is thinking, most people who are at the gym are serious about their own fitness and will be rooting for you on your journey. Anyone who isn't well, shallow shmallow does their opinion matter?

    All the best to you!
  • Follow the rules - walk don't run *lol* - and your pool experience should be wonderful. You will meet the "regulars", have some chit-chat and after a number of days you should feel right at home and be much more comfortable. Go for it !!
  • wear a speedo! strut in there like you own the place! ;)

    ,,,,,,,All the best to you!

    Oh now I have the giggles *LOL* , however, don't forget plenty of gold chains around your neck....
  • Swim all you want!! It's great for you and low impact, I was so scared when I took my first kettle bell class with all the buff bodies in there! I couldn't even do some of the stretches because my belly was in the way. Now I'm a regular, and I love when someone starts the class or shows up after being gone for 6 months and says I inspired them. That they remember me from a year or two ago. Do your thing!! Find what you like and go for it. :smile:
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    I swim 5 times a week and promise no one is looking at you. Use a kick board or free style when ever you want. I used to be so scared folks were judging me but they are to busy swimming to bother with me. Get yourself a waterproof mp3 player and get lost in the water. :)
  • Am I too fat to go swimming?

    I used to feel like I was way too fat to be in a bathing suit around people. I'm much smaller now, but I am always inspired when I see larger people in the pool at the gym. Or really anywhere at the gym.

    It makes my day to see someone working hard for something they want. Especially since I know how vulnerable I felt when it was me. So when you go (and I hope you will), know that if people do look at you, many of them are probably cheering you on.
  • lindacollins78
    lindacollins78 Posts: 44 Member
    Swimming is great! Where a t-shirt or something if your worried about image. That's what I do.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    It's the best exercise for overweight people because it supports your weight.

    I went back to swimming this summer and jog in the pool or just bounce up and down. I did aquacise after my kids were born.

    You're in the water and it covers up your body so no one can see it.

    And I spent all summer at a public pool with some really big people in bathing suits and it was FINE. Really FINE. The only thing the (young obnoxious skinny) kids said about any adult was about older men who wore speedo suits (TMI). My 400 pound brother-in-law loves the pool because it's the only place he feels comfortable.

    Just do it.

    If you're more comfortable, get a swim shirt to cover up. But go. It feels really good.
  • WestCoastWild
    WestCoastWild Posts: 147 Member
    I had back surgery a few years ago, and began my swimming career. As someone who never went into the pool, other than to lounge around with a floaty toy as a child, I have to admit I was always SO happy to be swimming with anyone who didn't look like an olympian (I went to Michigan, Michael Phelps swam in the pools). Id say most people who re hardcore swimmers don't care what anyone else is doing, as long as you stay out of their way. Everyone else is just as worried and insecure. Go for it, and have faith in this journey!
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    Nope. Say to yourself, if its movement that I can do, I will try it. Move, move, move that includes swimming.
  • I feel the exact same way thus I never go swimming!!! However I am going on a mini vacation with my husband and my son who is a year and a half old this weekend. We are going to a theme park/water park. My son loves water so much you'd think he was a fish lol. So I too will be giving up my fear of swimming!! I am getting too old (23) to worry about what others think about me! I just wanna have a good time with my family and I deserve too!! Same applies to you....if swimming is something you enjoy or wanna do just go for it!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    I know exactly what you mean, I do a lot of business travel and most of the hotels have 'Fitness Centres' or similar with gyms and pools, however I have yet to use one, just looking through the door at all the fit young skinny things on the equipement and in the pool puts me right off, I feel I will stand out like a sore thumb. I have visited my sister who lives abroad and has a pool in the garden quie a few times over the past ten years, but haven't swum once as I feel self conscious about displaying my obese self to my family. I will certainly go swimming when I lose a bit more and feel I won't look like a trapped whale in need of rescue! The one good thing is that day is fast approaching and I hope that by Christmas I will be just overweight and able to conquer my 'too fat to swim' feelings.
  • catmanor
    catmanor Posts: 85 Member
    I am getting too old (23) to worry about what others think about me!

    Oh good lord.. at almost twice your age I feel ancient!


  • TRD66
    TRD66 Posts: 310 Member
    Absolutely not.

    I had the same feeling with the beer belly handing over the shorts when I started, but I was taking my kid to his lessons anyway and I actually felt more ashamed not going in becuase I wanted to get fitter.

    Just do it, you'll thank yourself for it.
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    I want to give you well meaning shake right now.

    So what is someone minds that a bigger person is in the pool. To heck with them and anyone else who has any issue with you being there.

    You paid your membership the same as them so swim on and enjoy it. Swimming is fun and easy on the joints and good for the body, and it's fun. So go, swim, have fun, and if anyone gives you any lip send em my way for a less than well meaning shaking.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    OK, so something I've not done since I was like 13 or something, is swimming. I used to love swimming as a kid, but as the years went by, and the weight piled on, it's something I never ever dreamt of doing, until now.

    I signed up to a gym today, have the induction on Thursday evening, and the gym membership I paid for comes with unlimited access to the swimming baths, and it got me thinking - Am I too fat to go swimming?

    I know I shouldn't care what other people think, and yes, other people probably don't care about me being there, they're too busy doing their thing to concern themselves over the "fat guy" but I can't help feeling self conscious about it.

    Anybody else out there had/have the same problem? Anybody else face their fear of the going swimming?
    i can totally understand how you feel. i remember the first time i went, i was thinking "oh no, i'm so fat, everyone is probably laughing at me" but you know what? we really *aren't* that important in other people's lives! in the year that i've been going to the gym i had *one* incident of some stupid kid making fun of me. everyone else has either ignored me or has been supportive.

    Just.Do.It. you will be glad you took the plunge!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't see how anyone could EVER think that a person could be "too fat to go swimming". I really don't think anyone would ever think that. Go swimming! I'm sorry you have to worry about that, but I don't think anyone would think that, really! Swimming is for everyone of all ages, all sizes, all fitness levels, all abilities, with or without injuries.
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    I haven't read all the replies. Please go.
    If you are worried about too many people there, go early in the morning when it first opens maybe?

    You will find there will be regulars and you will get to know them, and they you. You will look so forward to going for your swim, that if you have to miss out you will be grouchy about it. The benefits of swimming are just too numerous to count:)

    Please go. You will love it.