Any girls wanting to loose 50-100 pounds / 20-45kg?



  • Hi, I am totally new to myfitnesspal :-) I just started Exante diet and I need to lose 26 kg !
  • jeka312
    jeka312 Posts: 1
    I'm wanting to lose 50 pounds. Add me!
  • Princess721
    Princess721 Posts: 27 Member
    I've got another 100 pounds to lose before I meet my full goal...the first 100 melted of but now things are getting very hard
  • BadKittie05
    BadKittie05 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi! On the road to drop 100 pounds here! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • Hi!
    New and looking to lose about 100lbs, would love an add from anyone in a similar boat! Good luck to everyone!
  • Hi all,
    I’m 5ft 10 & I have a whole big 50 pounds to lose.
    Chunking it down though into 2 goal dates so its not so daunting, and of course watching it move week to week (downwards with any luck!).

    Have a goal weight (& date in mind) but just focussing on week to week for now.
    SW: 226 (eek!)
    GW: 176

    First goal date: 21.12.13
    Final goal date: 02.02.14

    I like food way too much to diet (which is me-speak for I have no willpower) but I find MFP good for keeping me mindful of what I put in my mouth. Working on walking to & from work a bit more, & getting to the gym 3 times a week and stepping away from the junk! 
    I refuse to be uncomfortable this summer (NZ) and I will spend Christmas/New Year in shorts, singlets and all the cute summer clothes I am currently to embarrassed/uncomfortable in.
    Please feel free to add me I need all the motivation & support possible hehe.
    Let’s do this!
  • Chelseraptor
    Chelseraptor Posts: 27 Member
    I'm hoping to drop about 100 too. Feel free to add me!
  • Hi, over 100lbs to lose :( would welcome support from anyone in similar position and I will do likewise. Please feel free to add me. The group sounds like a lovely idea. Would love to join
  • Hey! My starting goal is to lose 50 pounds but ultimately 70.
    Anybody that would like to add me can:happy:
    I'm 5'6" and weigh 245. Mommy of two little ones and doing INSANITY
  • Can I please join the group?

    I started my journey in June 2011 weighing 211 lbs and over the year lost 40 lbs (171).
    Life got in the way and in 2012 I put on 10lbs.

    In 2013 I was planning to lose the rest of the weight but so far it did not happen :blushing:

    So I'm back, weighing 185lbs but now I'm determined to lose the rest 50ish lbs for good :smile:

    I would be grateful for all the help and friends to motivate me :smile:
  • Jolie_K
    Jolie_K Posts: 38 Member
    Add me :) I have 50 pounds to lose
  • Daphsaura
    Daphsaura Posts: 77 Member
    I'm trying to lose 50 lbs, from 182 to 132 pounds. Add me and we'd motivate each other (:
  • NekaMaye88
    NekaMaye88 Posts: 162 Member
    Trying to go from 223 to 160. I've already gone from 312 to 223 so I'm sure it's possible. WE CAN ACHIEVE OUR GOALS TOGETHER!!!! :) Support is always needed!
  • sil91929
    sil91929 Posts: 3 Member

    Yes, here I go... trying to lose weight again! Weight loss has been an ongoing battle for me. Setting my weight loss goal at 10% of my total weight (235) for now... 46 pounds. [At 5'3" women weight charts say I should lose 100 lbs]. With the my highest weight being 258 in 2010. I am an ex-WeightWatcherOnline user but that was to expensive for me. I am so happy I learned about this website while attending Wellness Classes for Diabetes. I have looked at weight loss as changing the way I eat... hate the word "DIET!"

    Challenged with diabetes type 2 since 2010; I started to use insulin as of May this year because the pills was not working. I want to lose weight for ME! I want to seeing my (soon to be) 4 grand-children grow. I want to travel. I am happy to be alive! It was scary for me when I was 50-51 years old; just knowing that my Mom & parental Grandma passed away at that age.

    Looking forward to making friends here as well as giving and taking support on eat habits. Geared up to change that first digit in my weight :happy:
  • I have ive lost 27 of the 100 i have to lose...I have 73 lbs left. I am in the same boat ! Lets do this!
  • WildlyCurly
    WildlyCurly Posts: 151 Member
    I have more than 100 pounds to lose. 138 pounds to be exact. I just started this journey Monday and I am still trying to figure everything out so I need the support.
  • I need to lose 90 ish pounds. Anyone willing to help please add me! We can motivate each other!
  • lose50tobehappy
    lose50tobehappy Posts: 19 Member
    Hey! I am also trying to lose 50lbs as well. From 196 lbs to 146 lbs. We are the same page. Just be strong and we can do it. The battle is not over until we reach our goals. The ways that I am doing to motivate myself to lose weight and to be healthy is having a workout buddy and eating more healthy making homemade food and this website. We can do it. Its gonna take time but we can do it! :)
  • Naener
    Naener Posts: 167 Member
    Add me :) I have lost about 33 pounds so far and need to lose 21 more :)
  • Rittney
    Rittney Posts: 5
    I've yo-yo'ed for years and now that I've FINALLY graduated college, I have more time to really concentrate on losing weight. I'm 171 lbs right now (which is about 20 lbs less than I was about 3 years ago) and my goal is to get down to 135 lbs. I'd love to join this group because I definitely need someone to help keep me accountable!