Those with large amount of weight to lose....



  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hmm. Well I guess I would like a few more clothing store choices. I am at the top end of most stores at the moment (the ones for women at least). It would be nice to be able to fit into pants at H&M. And go to BCBG to get something not knit.
    I won't ever have an easy time clothing shopping as I am both busty and have big thighs.

    Wouldn't mind having a bandage style dress, that I would likely never wear. :P
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Trying on clothes without being so depressed before walking into the fitting room.
  • ShinyFuture
    ShinyFuture Posts: 314 Member
    Sleeveless tops.
    Cute dresses.

    Bike riding.
    Swimming in public.

    Sitting in any chair I want, not just the "sturdy" ones.

    Taking my seat on the airplane without the person next to me making an 'oh no' face.

    Riding any ride I want to at Disneyland.
  • 925448672
    925448672 Posts: 4 Member
    Wearing a bathing suit, outdoor activities, and running and playing with my son.
  • 925448672
    925448672 Posts: 4 Member
    Mine too :-). After losing some of my weight I was so happy to sit "criss Cross "apple sauce". Its the little things!
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    Fitting into an EXTREMELY expensive designer outfit that I bought JUST for the occasion. My magical high school weight (within 10 lbs) and shoes to match. When I get down I go and pet it and then I am ready to go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT I still hate my trainer--she is MEAN
  • naou
    naou Posts: 27 Member
    I can't find clothes my size. I can't wait to lose weight so I can buy cute clothes :)
  • junebugmoss
    junebugmoss Posts: 11 Member
    Sitting in a regular chair and not worrying if it's gonna break when I sit in it.:cry:
    Riding a horse
    Walking into the room and everyone not staring at the fat lady
    riding amusement rides
    sitting in the seats at the race track, and not feeling like I have a girdle on.
    shopping in the regular stores, and not the Big lady stores
    sitting in the booth seat and not requesting a table so I can fit
    I can go on and on, but I wont, but this is an idea. :wink:
  • Being able to wear a dress without a girdle.
    Not beig asked if I'm pregnant all the time.
    Being able to wear a bathing suit and not feel awkward.
    Feeling healthy again.
    Feeling attractive again.

    I really am looking forward to it.
  • merideths27
    merideths27 Posts: 1 Member
    I cannot run around and play with my kids without getting winded. I want to be able to play with my kids at the park.
  • Ride on a airplane
    walk around the city
    Ride a horse
    wear a bikini
  • DreaMuffin
    DreaMuffin Posts: 63 Member
    cute dresses! omg the cute dresses i'm going to buy!

    not wear a winter jacket and feel like the abominable snowman (i'm in canada, eh) lol
  • kingtermite
    kingtermite Posts: 82 Member
    Tough Mudder
    Adventure Tourism (zip-lining, hiking, scuba diving etc.)
    Yes, these types of things, but ESPECIALLY sky-diving. The weight limit is 220 lbs. I'm now within a few pounds of being able to book a sky-diving session.
  • jonsey_s
    jonsey_s Posts: 222
    Running quicker than the cops.....

  • mteaches
    mteaches Posts: 1 Member
    Cross my legs comfortably

    Me too!! I'm nearly half way to my goal, and I noticed at church this past Sunday that I had crossed my legs properly and not even realized it. It was a small victory, but a victory none-the-less.
  • Cosplay in something REALLY cute and totally geek out with my best mate who's really hot (but not my type) at expos
    Feel healthy
    Not get puffed going up the one flight of stairs to my colleagues' offices
    Bungy jumping
    Feel attractive (it's a shallow goal, but hey, I can be shallow too) :blushing:
    Look awesome in a pair of jeans
    Go to the local hot pools and not feel self-conscious about being in a bathing suit (I'm not holding my breath for a bikini)
    Give my dad's wife and anyone else who said I couldn't lose weight and keep it off the finger. :bigsmile:
  • Bcally64
    Bcally64 Posts: 3 Member
    I want to shop in a store where everything DOES NOT HAVE sequins, glitter, or animals...on it. Really? If I am feeling I need to sparkle and have safari animals on my leg? Who thinks this stuff up? I want to be able to shop in a store where I can find something in my size, that fits well, and that does not draw attention UNLESS I want it to.
  • sisa1965
    sisa1965 Posts: 52 Member
    wearing dresses and skirts that dont come down to my ankles
  • hellohappycarla
    hellohappycarla Posts: 85 Member
    Post progression photos to my blog. Before and After.
    See my collarbone.
    See my curves without trying.
    Be on a ponytail, white shirt tucked in skinny jeans without being conscious with how I look.
    Get a great fitting bra.
  • chubber231
    chubber231 Posts: 41 Member
    Paint my own toenails!
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