Do I have to exercise?



  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm pretty new to MFP. I'm really out of shape, and frankly lazy. I have one of those 9 to 5pm desk jobs. I really don't like exercise but I know I have to incorporate it in my daily life. I am not a morning person, and the thought of having to wake up extra early to exercise is looking impossible. Do you think it would be okay just to watch what I eat first and then start exercising? What did you all do?

    Exercise does not have to be a chore, there has to be some kind of physical activity that you would enjoy. Keep in mind that the human body was designed for activity and beyond the positive physical improvements that come from being active there are emotional/mental benefits as well. Being active and/or working out always makes me feel great, like I accomplished something.

    Good luck to you!
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm pretty new to MFP. I'm really out of shape, and frankly lazy. I have one of those 9 to 5pm desk jobs. I really don't like exercise but I know I have to incorporate it in my daily life. I am not a morning person, and the thought of having to wake up extra early to exercise is looking impossible. Do you think it would be okay just to watch what I eat first and then start exercising? What did you all do?

    Exercise does not have to be a chore, there has to be some kind of physical activity that you would enjoy. Keep in mind that the human body was designed for activity and beyond the positive physical improvements that come from being active there are emotional/mental benefits as well. Being active and/or working out always makes me feel great, like I accomplished something.

    Good luck to you!

    Very good advice. So very true.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    You can be active without exercising - you could walk to work or walk part the way (get off the bus a couple of stops early for example). Make a point of getting up from your desk regularly - run errands, make drinks for colleagues, volunteer to clear out the stationery cupboard to move more. You could write a list of all the jobs that you never get round to doing in the house and garden and aim to do one every evening - it's not going to stretch you as much as running or swimming or training, but it's better than being totally sedentary and as you get more active you'll get fitter and want to do more.

    I used to swim 3 mornings a week but I lost my job so can't afford it any more. I like swimming, and I miss it. I don't like running, and I'm not a gym type. I do walk, and I ride a bike, so try to do some of that as much as possible, and I work in the garden and house which is better than nothing. I've lost 2 stone mainly on counting calories. But when I do do something active, it just means I have extra calories to eat something nice or have a treat, and it means my heart is kept on its toes.
  • FaitheSoler
    FaitheSoler Posts: 107 Member
    Just like everyone has said yes you can but losing weight without exercise = SAGGY SKIN....
    If I was in your situation here is what I do Stretch in the morning before work.
    Try my best to make sure I at least try to workout 30 minutes a day.
    Here is a good web page for desk jobs exercise..
  • UpstateK8
    UpstateK8 Posts: 16 Member
    I've been here a month and have not really focused on exercise....YET. For now I need to research food, and really learn how to cook and prepare things. I'm getting light exercise in (walking my dogs, biking, and or cleaning). I do plan to amp up the exercise as I get more comfortable with the food aspect because I do want to look fit as well as lean. I say, you're welcome to do what feels right for you. If that's not exercising now, so be it. However, I do think it's worth considering down the line. Good Luck!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Do you think it would be okay just to watch what I eat first and then start exercising? What did you all do?

    No, I do not think that would be okay. Yes, you can lose weight without exercise, but it's highly unlikely that you'll remain healthy without it.

    I too have a desk job and am not a morning person. I workout after work, but you can use your breaks and/or lunch at work to get in exercise. Take a walk. Close your door (if you have one) and do squats, lunges, desk pushups, walk in place, whatever. Use the bathroom on a different floor and take the stairs. Park further from the door. Just move more. Sitting all day is bad for your health. It's not okay no matter how thin you are.
  • treehugginmom
    treehugginmom Posts: 18 Member
    You don't have to, you can lose weight (slowly) without it. But don't you want to look toned and feel great? That's where the workouts work their magic! For me, I get through my daily workouts by hooking up my mp3 with my favorite music, it's a great motivator. :smile:
  • Sweetredpoison
    Sweetredpoison Posts: 66 Member
    This sounds manageable. Maybe I just need to develop a routine and stick with it! Thanks!
  • Sweetredpoison
    Sweetredpoison Posts: 66 Member
    I've been here a month and have not really focused on exercise....YET. For now I need to research food, and really learn how to cook and prepare things. I'm getting light exercise in (walking my dogs, biking, and or cleaning). I do plan to amp up the exercise as I get more comfortable with the food aspect because I do want to look fit as well as lean. I say, you're welcome to do what feels right for you. If that's not exercising now, so be it. However, I do think it's worth considering down the line. Good Luck!

    That is kind of what I wanted to do. Maybe losing weight will be a motivation to workout! Thanks
  • rainydays5
    rainydays5 Posts: 217 Member
    , plus i think once ou start you kind of get addicted to the feeling after you have worked out, it makes you feel slimmer too x

    I have to agree here. I struggled with exercise too. I tried walking/jogging outside, on the treadmill, dvds and more but never liked anything until I got my bike. I started out with small bike rides with the kids but now I can not wait to go on the rides by myself. I love climbing the big hills and the great feeling of accomplishment when I do. The reward of going back down the hills really makes it worth it. The other day I went on my longest ride to date, 14.64 miles. I only stopped twice for 1 minute a piece and did it in less than 2 hours. I have felt so great after that!
    My advice is to try different things until you find something you love.
  • Sweetredpoison
    Sweetredpoison Posts: 66 Member
    When I first began MFP I didn't exercise for months and was only watching what I ate. After losing 30 pounds though my body had adjusted to eating at a calorie deficit and I needed to incorporate exercise to continue seeing results. It's more difficult to exercise when you're heavier anyway, in my opinion. But once the weight starts coming off you're going to be physically lighter and more energetic naturally, and you're going to WANT to start exercising to get quicker results. Just go slow and don't jump into anything, in my experience people who do this crash and burn really quickly, get frustrated and give up. Incorporate the changes little by little and they become a part of your new lifestyle rather than a "diet" or temporary phase just to lose weight.

    I have a friend that is really motivating but she's always pushing me to do something intense, meanwhile I'm not even used to walking! I guess I have to find my own pace. Thanks for your help.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm pretty new to MFP. I'm really out of shape, and frankly lazy. I have one of those 9 to 5pm desk jobs. I really don't like exercise but I know I have to incorporate it in my daily life. I am not a morning person, and the thought of having to wake up extra early to exercise is looking impossible. Do you think it would be okay just to watch what I eat first and then start exercising? What did you all do?

    You don't have to exercise (but you know that you should). It's fine to get a start on your eating (and logging) habits first. But you will want to incorporate exercise at some point for a number of reasons.

    Dieting without resistance training will lead to muscle loss. Your body will hang on to muscle when it knows that you are actively using it. Your goal should be decreasing your body fat % ..... muscle loss goes against this.

    Maintenance. Think of lifestyle change here. After the weight comes off you will require fewer calories .... forever (you will be a smaller person). If you add some exercise and make it a lifestyle change, you will have some extra breathing room when manitenance rolls around.

    Mood. If you find something that you like to do, exercise can elevate your mood, relieve stress, help you sleep better. I exercise after work..... directly after work.

    A couple of suggestions..... I had a Netflix (by mail) subscription. This allowed me to get a new workout every week. I figured out what I liked to do. Also, for DVDs is an excellent resource..... they give video clips, reviews, list impact level, fitness level, equipment required ...... this makes buying the wrong DVD less likely.
  • yowla
    yowla Posts: 127 Member
    I have a desk job and 3 teenage kids, 3 dogs a cat and a huband. PURE zoo at my house. I can't exercise everyday and it get hard to watch what I eat at times, but I have been making it a point to try to get up earlier and earlier everyday. Some days I can get up to get a 3-4 mile run in some days I get up just to have enough time for myself. But I am trying to change my body to get use to going to bed on my family time and getting up on what I need to Time. I did ask my daughter the other day if she would like to take a 1/2 hr slow bike ride with me and she said yes. It was great bonding time with just her and I burned over 300 calories. Sometimes it is just the little things that matter. But I do know that when I exercise I feel much better and when I don't I feel like I am in a bad mood and cranky. Plus the scale doesn't move as fast as I want it to for me either.
    I really think you need to do both and you can. Even if you try for 10 mins a day and start adding another 1-5 mins a week. You will get there.
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    Hi there, I do think you can lose weight without exercise. Back when I was 41 I lost 5 stone ( 70lbs) and did no exercise whatsoever and I had no saggy skin, no fat, no wobbly bits and once i had lost about half of it I had more energy and wanted to get moving more. I loathe exercise even now, but just like before Ive so far lost 15lbs in the last 5 weeks at age 54 and already im enjoying walking for long distances. You are wayyyyyy younger than me and I would put money on you having tons more energy when the weight starts to come off, so much so that you will WANT to get out there and strut your stuff and do fun things. You dont have to do worthy things like the gym zzzzzzzzz you could do something fun like trampolining or skateboarding, rollerskating, ice skating, bowling, There a lots of sporty things you can do as a group with your friends like beach volleyball or even throwing a frisbee around the park, going to a country park and climbing hills , walking as far as you can along the beach, taking an impromptu swim in a lake. If it is winter and you dont have a lot of money you can put on some 1970s disco music on youtube and boogie along to a few tracks. there are plenty of owl activities, im definitely not a lark, i dont function well until gone midday and can happily stay up till 3am most nights. Do you have a golf course nearby? you could play a round of 18 holes even as a beginner and walk round the whole course. You can stay healthy without "exercising" eg the gym, swimming, lifting weights, running.(...hell, I couldnt even run for a bus when I was 20 never mind 54), as long as you keep active, to keep fit and healthy doctors recommend 45 mintues 2 or 3 times a week and that can be broken down into smaller amounts, thats al you need to do, if you walk to town on a saturday to meet friends to go shopping and have lunch and walk back that counts too. I want to be fit and active and dont care if I dont have abs or a washboard stomach
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I was told my a weight loss doc not to exercise more now than I intend to the rest of my life.

    I made it easy on myself and tackled one thing at a time; reducing my intake. I lost weight that way indeed. I will now add exercise.....soon.
  • Deeptisingh
    Deeptisingh Posts: 39 Member
    Even if you do not exercise initially, but please get used to exercising as desk jobs will give you much endorphins as you grow older. You are young and it only takes 6 weeks to get to like serious exercising. join a walking, running, or hiking, biking group...they are all fun and motivating.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm pretty new to MFP. I'm really out of shape, and frankly lazy. I have one of those 9 to 5pm desk jobs. I really don't like exercise but I know I have to incorporate it in my daily life. I am not a morning person, and the thought of having to wake up extra early to exercise is looking impossible. Do you think it would be okay just to watch what I eat first and then start exercising? What did you all do?
    Trust when I say, that if you don't want to exercise now, then you aren't going to do it once you lose some weight without it. Exercise if for fitness, health and enhancing one's body. One can definitely lose weight without having to exercise. And I think that's the answer you're looking for.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • SHHitsKaty
    SHHitsKaty Posts: 301
    I tried the whole just dieting thing, you'll lose weight, if you do it right and stay strict on yourself about it but you'll feel worlds better and look better when you start exercising.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    When I first began MFP I didn't exercise for months and was only watching what I ate. After losing 30 pounds though my body had adjusted to eating at a calorie deficit and I needed to incorporate exercise to continue seeing results. It's more difficult to exercise when you're heavier anyway, in my opinion. But once the weight starts coming off you're going to be physically lighter and more energetic naturally, and you're going to WANT to start exercising to get quicker results. Just go slow and don't jump into anything, in my experience people who do this crash and burn really quickly, get frustrated and give up. Incorporate the changes little by little and they become a part of your new lifestyle rather than a "diet" or temporary phase just to lose weight.

    I have a friend that is really motivating but she's always pushing me to do something intense, meanwhile I'm not even used to walking! I guess I have to find my own pace. Thanks for your help.

    Definitely go at YOUR own pace. Doing something really intense (when you're not ready) might lead to injury...... one step forward & two steps back.... not good.

    Re: walking. That's what I do (part of it anyway). A great place to start is with some "indoor walking" .... this can be done at your own pace. Just build up speed and miles as your fitness improves.

    Here's a youtube video (not advanced as title says) ...... there are lots of DVDs, I bet even your library has them.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    I started by watching what I eat (logged everything in on MFP). Then I began to take 20min walks at work before or after lunch.

    After that I added in the 30 Day Shred tape in the morning (4 days a week) - including warm up/cool down, the whole workout takes 24 minutes.

    Working out definately helps lose the weight faster -- it allows you at add in more calories for the day, so you can eat the ice cream/cookies/chips and still lose. It also helps boost your metabolism and helps reduce fat, not muscle. And finally, working out gives you better posture, better skin and confidence -- which can make you look like you've lost weight - even if you haven't.
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