
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I keep a small friend list and I'm very active with them. Feel free to add me!
  • Mocking0jay
    Mocking0jay Posts: 24 Member
    Add me! I log in daily and I will help ya out. :)

    same here! both of you. and way to freaking go on your progress!

    i was down to 150 (im 4'110and shot back up to 200...stuck in the 190s now.
  • nino07110922
    nino07110922 Posts: 2,149
    I have a small friend list, too, Pangea. I don't think any of them are over 4' 8" :bigsmile:
  • wife2bo
    wife2bo Posts: 58 Member
    I have had the same exact problem! I will add you!
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    Add me. I don't comment on the auto-updates (finishing diary or logging exercise), but if someone actually posts something, I comment!
  • marinegirl92
    marinegirl92 Posts: 184 Member
    bump! Gonna add some new friends to mix er up! :)
  • Mommybug2
    Mommybug2 Posts: 149 Member
    Ditto - I'm on everyday. I don't decline friend requests but I do delete people who never interact with me. I may not comment every time you complete your diary but I usually comment on progress. I always respond to friends who update their status with personal comments - especially when they are feeling discouraged. Sometimes I think how nice it would be to have the same support. It seems even on MFP you have takers who never give back :(
  • cbera
    cbera Posts: 9
    Hello, I just started and could really use some friends and support :smile:
  • dnewade
    dnewade Posts: 1
    add me too. I will encourage and please do the same.
  • truelove7
    truelove7 Posts: 79 Member
    Feel free to add me. I log in every day (well, almost...but I've only missed 2 days since I've been on MFP!) I read food diaries and give lots of support.
  • I added you Tiffany, all of you can add me too, I need the support
  • I am on this site daily, and my diary is always open. I will always offer support and encouragement, providing I get it back.
    Anybody can add me,

    Be Lucky :smile:
  • I need encouraging and I can encourage you :)
  • feel free to add me!
  • I'd LOVE to have some friends that will help and encourage me! Most of my friends are rather tiny and can eat all day. Lol.
  • PLoveElliott
    PLoveElliott Posts: 114 Member
    I am adding you and anyone else is welcome to add me as well!
  • You can add me! And my friend jacquelineperrystephens. We can help!
  • TreddersPT
    TreddersPT Posts: 24 Member
    I'll try to be as supportive as I can when times get hard for you, and also could do with a little support myself when I'm struggling :-)
  • Hey! I log in almost daily on here please add me! I can always use more help myself and I could use more friends!

    P.S. How do you get those progress thingys?? LOL!