Early Risers here??



  • GrandmaPeridow
    GrandmaPeridow Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning all. I made it up by 5:45 this morning and hiked cross country for 60 minutes. :smile: By the way, I will be 66 years old in less than a month. I plan on walking, trekking or hiking for at least 66 minutes a day by that time. :bigsmile:
    Thank you to whoever started this thread. Good health to you all!
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Had a great chest/arm day yesterday with a quick cardio session. I'm finally starting to see some difference, even if it isn't showing up on the scale. Thursday is my rest day. Back to it tomorrow!
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    Good morning everyone!! I'm finally back into my morning workouts! Feels sooo good!!! Hope everyone is having a great day!!!
  • GrandmaPeridow
    GrandmaPeridow Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning. I was up at 5:30 and out the door at 6 . Walking into the wind is not so easy, going downhill made it better. Retracing my steps going up hill with the wind at my back was harder. I love being outdoors watching the sun rise as I walk, hike, trek.:smile:
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Whats up people!!! Happy Friday. Glad you all are going strong. As for me I have been doing the same. T25 is going great. My wife is totally on board. She workouts out at night (still working on trying to get her to be an AM warrior). The good part is that when I tease her to skip a workout because she had a long day her response is "Heck no!" Makes me proud as a husband, workout partner and as a Coach to hear that from her. So I join her in the workouts. Last night we did Cardio. Today is the double header. I did my normal morning workout an tonight we will crush Total body and Abs. This weekend is my daughters 4th bday so I will have my hands full with meal prep and kids. Will be all worth it. How about you all?

    Kailawalker-Hey my fellow 4 am'er, and T25 contender. You will love the workout. It is a burner especially in the legs. Keep me posted ok?

    Tirola-Thats what I like to hear girl! Thats the whole point of this thread. Now you have all day to hit snooze. Provided you did your workout first lol. Enjoy that first cup of coffee. Im enjoying my first meal of the day which is a Shakeology Chunky Monkey.... Mmmmmm

    xxhieixx-For me it's my days off from work that I cannot getup in the am without hitting snooze, but the best part for now is that with this new 25 minute routine I only workout 5 days a week but I still get up early but not 4 more like 6:30 on weekends.

    Dvelocity-Lol on American Ninja Warrior. I know I can probably do a few of the obsticals but once I get to any of the suspension ones Im sure I can tackle 1 maybe 2 after that I know I will be hitting the water. Those suspension ones take a toll on your forearms. Yikes. You do seem to have a lot of options which is nice. Now how about your nutrition? Do any of those come with a plan to follow? What is your husband researching? A new routine? Do both of you workout together?

    DashDev-Nice what does he do and do you join him?

    GrandmaPerido-Hey you did great, you know why? Because you got it done... You know how many people push snooze and then get up late an blame the alarm clock?? Like the alarm clock knows what to do to motivate you. Keep it up. Just saw your 2nd post look at you up an hour earlier and you know what I am proud of you for continuing on. At 65 years young you deserve a "High Ten". Sending it to you. As far as who started this thread... It was me... Just some crazy person who thought it would be crazy to workout at "Dark thirty" in the AM lol. You have a great day. Good health to you as well.

    Jaxbeck-You know what people will notice the physical changes more than the number on the scale unless you have people watching you weigh in. Keep it up...

    _Tara_R-Hey friend Yeah you are back!! Hope to see more posts from you....

    GrandmaPerido-Again nice to see you participating here. I love it. I never really hiked before, actually I did it once in Hawaii. There is a big mountain about an hour away from me Mt Diablo. Because of you I might try hiking it. Thanks for the inspiration. Even me a Beachbody coach needs to be inspired everyonce and a while. Thank you and thanks to all of you who continue to join this thread and make a difference to your health and wellness. Have a great weekend everyone...
  • Danger2OneSelf
    Danger2OneSelf Posts: 883 Member
    I used to have on/off horrible bouts of insomnia and would only catch maybe an hour or two of sleep at night for a week or so and then when my internal clock finally started working again I'd be so worn out that I'd sleep till 10-11 every morning and just hated waking up. The last few weeks since getting back from my hiking adventure this summer, I've been naturally waking up at 7:00 at the very latest and I wake up full of energy, no matter how much booze I drank or pot I smoked the night before. It's kinda nice having an extra 4 hours to live through out the day!
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!!! I hope it's a great day for everyone!! :)

    Today is a rest day for me....back to it tomorrow!!
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Whats up people!!! Happy Friday. Glad you all are going strong. As for me I have been doing the same. T25 is going great. My wife is totally on board. She workouts out at night (still working on trying to get her to be an AM warrior). The good part is that when I tease her to skip a workout because she had a long day her response is "Heck no!" Makes me proud as a husband, workout partner and as a Coach to hear that from her. So I join her in the workouts. Last night we did Cardio. Today is the double header. I did my normal morning workout an tonight we will crush Total body and Abs. This weekend is my daughters 4th bday so I will have my hands full with meal prep and kids. Will be all worth it. How about you all?

    Kailawalker-Hey my fellow 4 am'er, and T25 contender. You will love the workout. It is a burner especially in the legs. Keep me posted ok?

    Tirola-Thats what I like to hear girl! Thats the whole point of this thread. Now you have all day to hit snooze. Provided you did your workout first lol. Enjoy that first cup of coffee. Im enjoying my first meal of the day which is a Shakeology Chunky Monkey.... Mmmmmm

    xxhieixx-For me it's my days off from work that I cannot getup in the am without hitting snooze, but the best part for now is that with this new 25 minute routine I only workout 5 days a week but I still get up early but not 4 more like 6:30 on weekends.

    Dvelocity-Lol on American Ninja Warrior. I know I can probably do a few of the obsticals but once I get to any of the suspension ones Im sure I can tackle 1 maybe 2 after that I know I will be hitting the water. Those suspension ones take a toll on your forearms. Yikes. You do seem to have a lot of options which is nice. Now how about your nutrition? Do any of those come with a plan to follow? What is your husband researching? A new routine? Do both of you workout together?

    DashDev-Nice what does he do and do you join him?

    GrandmaPerido-Hey you did great, you know why? Because you got it done... You know how many people push snooze and then get up late an blame the alarm clock?? Like the alarm clock knows what to do to motivate you. Keep it up. Just saw your 2nd post look at you up an hour earlier and you know what I am proud of you for continuing on. At 65 years young you deserve a "High Ten". Sending it to you. As far as who started this thread... It was me... Just some crazy person who thought it would be crazy to workout at "Dark thirty" in the AM lol. You have a great day. Good health to you as well.

    Jaxbeck-You know what people will notice the physical changes more than the number on the scale unless you have people watching you weigh in. Keep it up...

    _Tara_R-Hey friend Yeah you are back!! Hope to see more posts from you....

    GrandmaPerido-Again nice to see you participating here. I love it. I never really hiked before, actually I did it once in Hawaii. There is a big mountain about an hour away from me Mt Diablo. Because of you I might try hiking it. Thanks for the inspiration. Even me a Beachbody coach needs to be inspired everyonce and a while. Thank you and thanks to all of you who continue to join this thread and make a difference to your health and wellness. Have a great weekend everyone...
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Jaxbeck-You know what people will notice the physical changes more than the number on the scale unless you have people watching you weigh in. Keep it up...


    Did legs, back & 40 minutes of cardio this morning. It was a FANTASTIC workout!
  • TwoPointZero
    TwoPointZero Posts: 187 Member
    Total morning person here. Workout at 5AM 6 days a week; the remaining day is a 5AM drive from SF to Sonoma/Napa, or Santa Cruz, or occasionally even Yosemite, and back. :)
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I've never been a morning person, or so I thought. But this past week, I have woke up at 4 (no alarm) and exercised. For me, yoga in the morning works best...I love it. I am able to exercise, shower, have coffee and computer time, make kids lunches, wake them, get everyone ready, fix breakfast and get everyone out the door by 7. I still like to go to the track in the evening time.
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning/afternoon all,

    Charlie here checking in. Still keeping up with my workouts. Over the weekend I participated in a Kickball game with some friends. It was fun because we had a rivalry game between Norcal and Socal. Socal won 2 years in a row and the game was up here in Norcal. I finally got to participate and made my presense known. It was funny because people know that I work out to P90X Insanity etc and so when I came up to kick you can see people adjusting moving all over the field. It was funny. I did manage one grand slam but we ended up losing. (Just so you know I was on the SoCal team.) I had not played kickball since elementary school over 20 plus years ago. So needless to say I was sore the next day. One thing I will tell you all is that I've been working out for quite sometime now and recently switched up to a 25 minute workout by the creator of INSANITY and when I was playing over the weekend. I was never winded, sprinting from base to base was no issue. It was an awesome feeling to be in great shape and I attribute it all to my workouts P90X, Insanity, Bodybeast, Shakeology etc. I have not run or jogged in over 3 years and when I had to run after the ball or throw there was no issue.
    For those that seen American Ninja Warrior I had a moment of that as well where I scaled a jungle gym set as well. Great feeling.

    I had Speed 1.0 to do and man eventhough it is week 3 I am still getting my but handed to me but the good news is down 2 lbs from last week. Progress!!!

    Rose228822-welcome aboard. Glad to see you get a jump start at 4:30, and the fact that you throw in an evening workout, that is a plus. I dont know what is 30DS. Can you explain?

    Alphabull-Yep we got some AM warriors here. all committed to get a jumpstart to the day. I use to do evening workouts but it gets tough as the night progresses and you have kids to help etc. Maybe one day I will go back but for now I am loving am workouts. What is your goals and what cardio videos are you doing?

    Good afternoon Charlie -
    This is a great thread and you mentioned that you do the P90X Insanity so the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels should be a cinch! I am on my 7th day mainly to get in some abs work and also more cardio...if I get through level 3 I will move on to something more challenging...my weight keeps going down and I am feeling and looking more fit:happy:
    Glad to hear you did well in kickball and I watched the info commercial with lead singer from Shinedown looking absolutely in the best shape of his life I bet doing Insanity!

    Take care - rose
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    Oh meant to say happy Friday to all on this thread and even though it is afternoon I've been up since 4am! It's great to know that there are other early risers up with me...it's starting to get darker outside when I leave for the gym. My gym opens at 5:30am which is great and there are only a handful of people there at the time I arrive. I've been adding weight training (slowly but surely) in the morning after I'm on the treadmill or stair master and so far so good! I don't know about everyone but I only drink coffee (have to have my coffee) before I workout and then breakfast before jumping in the shower for work!
    btw...happy 4th bday to your daughter Charlie:smile:
  • svsl0928
    svsl0928 Posts: 205 Member
    Yes, I am an early riser. I started working out in the morning before going to work about 3 years ago. I love it. I am at the gym around 5:15 am during the week. So at any given day, I am at the gym doing a 5:30 Kick, Power Weight Lighting or on the Arc Training (every now and then Step). The benefits are that your body is rested. The gym is less crowed then the evening and in the summer time it is not as hot in the morning as it is in the evenings.
  • WinningAt50
    WinningAt50 Posts: 35 Member
    5 am workouts for the past 2 months. I use a lot of the Leslie Sansone Walk at home DVD's for the most part my evenings are usally at the gym and in the Pool..
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Woke up a bit later this morning (4:45) & didn't get to the gym until 5:00 so it wasn't as great as normal. Did back & only 25 minutes of cardio.
  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    It's funny, there's a sign at the gym that says "Know what your 6:18am Tuesday morning sweat smells like." Last week I went to a 5:45am BodyPump class and thought, "Huh, I actually DO know what that smells like!" I had a hard time staying awake the rest of the day though ....
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Being on vacation spoiled me last week.. I was able to sleep in and go to the gym at 7:30... the girl at the front desk was shocked to see me so late in the day. Gave me a big high five to celebrate a week where I would not be there at 5am...

    Tomorrow I will be there at 5am though... and Thursday...
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Me.....got up at 4:50 a.m. this morning to workout. It's death some days but so worth it :)

    I do this most work days. On weekends....forget it....mid-morning or early afternoon workouts for me.