Should I have one last bad day...?



  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    What I have learned from this thread is that, while people have lots of different thinking and approaches to their lifestyles, almost everyone loves pizza. :tongue:
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    Before I started losing weight I had like a week of unimaginable gluttony and it was glorious.

    With that said, don't think you cannot have foods you enjoy when you are losing weight. There is a sign up at a local gym that I like a lot. It reads "yesterday you said tomorrow."

    Get started on working towards the body and life you want.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    Or you could just keep putting it off. Further and further. Until one day you wake up, look in the mirror and wonder: "HOW IN THE HELL DID i GET TO BE 57 YEARS OLD?"

    Or you could do the work now. Sure it may not be easy for a bit. But then you might get to enjoy the hell out of the rest of your life. Instead of sitting here at this end of your life, wondering "what if ..." "What could i have done that I would have loved to have tried if I was in better shape then"?.

    A day becomes a week becomes a month becomes a year becomes 38 years. Take the first step as soon as you can. Then enjoy as much as you can for as long as you can. It may be only one meal. Just don't let it become the excuse for the next bad meal. And then the next.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I don't like that idea, myself.

    I still eat the junk I've liked in the past. Just far less often and less of it. My weekend included 2 salads, a healthy Korean dish, green tea, tons of roasted veggies, seafood, quinoa, more veggies...and a frozen custard concrete with Oreo in it.

    For me, if I felt the need to gorge myself on bad food then I'd think it just was not the right time for me to get serious about losing weight. I'm not saying that is true for you. Just saying that is how I'd feel and I have been there in the past.

    I would go ahead and start now and maybe share that pizza with 2-3 other people.
  • EatPrayLove02
    Hey!I think that you should NOT have a last bad day.Instead, you should have a last bad MEAL.And I think it should be the lunch, althought it is known that the calories from the foods that we eat at breakfast are burnt through the day.After a sleep of about 8-9 hours or so, the metabolism is a little bit slow and food like pizza or drinks like soda won't be really good for you.Also,you should NOT have that meal at dinner because, when you eat things like pizza or drink soda that are hard to digest, you may encounter difficulties at sleeping.

    However, you should not TOTALLY remove the food and drinks that you like from your diet.You can eat and drink less from that stuff and you can find a healthier version of it.For example, Cassey Ho from blogilates came up with a ton of different recipes that are healthy and low on calories compared to their unhealthy bros and sis :) . She made a recipe for pizza with cauliflower dough and full of nutritous veggies but you can always add some chicken or turkey ham (I ,personally,love turkey ham it's really delicious).Just search blogilates on youtube.She has also some really good workouts that I love.

    One thing I want to say about soda is that you should never choose the diet/0 calorie one.Choose the normal one that has ACTUALL SUGAR,not fake sugar.Look at this:

    "What is Aspartame (FAKE SUGAR)?

    Aspartame is, by far, the most dangerous substance on the market that is added to foods.

    What is it made of?
    Aspartic acid. Excess free excitatory amino acids such as aspartic acid and glutamic acid in our food supply are causing serious chronic neurological disorders and a ton of other symptoms.

    What are the dangers of consuming aspartame?
    These include: cancer, multiple sclerosis, ALS, memory loss, hormonal problems, hearing loss, epilepsy, alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, hypoglycemia, dementia, brain lesions, neuroendocrine disorders, and many more diseases.

    Acute reactions include:
    Weight gain
    Abdominal pains
    Fatigue (blocks sufficient glucose entry into brain)
    Sleep problems
    Vision problems
    Anxiety attacks
    Asthma/chest tightness.

    What products are aspartame found in?
    Aspartame is an artificial sweetener, so the majority of products that it is found in are labeled light/diet/fat free/sugar. These include products such as:
    Soda/Diet soda
    Sugar free Jello
    Ice cream
    Juice/vegetable drinks
    Nutritional bars
    The best way to avoid aspartame is to avoid any foods labeled ‘diet.’ This usually means a ton of chemicals but reduced/no calories.

    There is a lot of controversy over the use of aspartame. It is in no way beneficial to your health, you should avoid this chemical at all costs."
    (source: )

    Also,try to switch for the healtier version, as I said before.Instead of milk chocolate choose dark chocolate but choose a good one that has at leat 70% cocoa in it. The best I could find in my country has 85% cocoa which is great!Take a look at this:

    And here's the link for blogilates' channel :

    And if you find it hard or boring to workout, incorporate exercises into your routine.Do squats while you are brushing your teeth, dance while you wait for your food to heat , walk to work etc.

    START TODAY!Yesterday is past, you can't change it. And tomorrow is not certain.SO START TODAY! Hope this helped you and excuse my grammar/spelling mistakes . English is not ym native language.
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    I didn't have one last bad day — I had one last bad week! Did it affect my weight loss? Look at my ticker...

    As long as you truly commit yourself to changing your habits and getting healthy, one last day won't make a difference in the long run.
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    What I have learned from this thread is that, while people have lots of different thinking and approaches to their lifestyles, almost everyone loves pizza. :tongue:

  • JamieH1984
    JamieH1984 Posts: 86 Member
    Nope. If you're going to make the lifestyle change "man up" and do it. If you keep putting off until tomorrow what you can do today you're never going to make the change. Though I do love me some pizza...hand tossed sausage with mushrooms (cut up small) and EXTRA Cheddar cheese.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    why not have a thin crust pizza loaded with veggies light on the sauce and cheese and have water and incorporate it into your calories? with a nice salad?
  • rosej31
    rosej31 Posts: 189 Member
    Before I started my diet I ate everything but later I gained the weight because I didn't make eating habits as a lifestyle change. Now, I eat healthy once in a while I have comfort food. I try to go out to eat order healthy foods that way I feel I am not missing anything. I think you have to look at this journey as a lifestyle change not a diet. I am pretty sure you not going on a diet to lose weight and gain the weight back. Therefore, you need to learn how to eat in moderation....Have a slice a pizza and coke soda but in moderation. Remember everything in moderation....

    Good Luck
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    You do need to learn moderation or you will not be successful long-term. You will be imperfect at it while you are learning. Accept that.

    And I would not be assigning moral values ("good", "bad") to things that can't be measured on a moral scale (food).

    And I wouldn't do it if I were you. Pick up where you are, imperfections and all. If you wait until the time is right, it will never happen. A month from now you'll wish you had started today.
  • tiffanyalther
    tiffanyalther Posts: 27 Member
    Oh, Jesus, just buy a slice of pizza at a time, that's what I do. It's not hard to find a place that sells by the slice.

    I only get pizza from two places and they don't sell it by the slice. If I am gonna eat a ton of extra calories from junk food I better enjoy it.
  • lyndausvi
    lyndausvi Posts: 156 Member
    Oh, Jesus, just buy a slice of pizza at a time, that's what I do. It's not hard to find a place that sells by the slice.

    I've lived in quite a few cities and states. Finding a place that just sells a slice is much easier in some places. for example New York City, than others places like a small town in Indiana.
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    I have days like this, but when you start I think perseverance is the most important. I think the best days are when all you want is to cheat & you dont!
  • dominijean
    dominijean Posts: 12 Member
    Bad days always lead to more bad days for me. I can only handle a bad meal - not a bad day.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    one last day turns into one last week one last month and then you are further behind then when you could of started ...look at this way ..if you start today and lose 1pd per week, you will be down four pounds at the end of the month, rather than looking back and wondering why you did not start a month ago...

    This a thousand times. I spent years waiting for another day or week (the whole one last weekend deal). Just start, and realize it won't be perfect.
  • italianshawtee
    I quit cold turkey!! .. If I talked to myself into saying good bye I Would still be saying goodbye.. I quit sodas completely .. thats where most of my sugar intake came from.. .. add me I love making new friends who are looking for weightloss goals similar to mine:)

    Cheers Ash!!
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Sure, if you want to. Just pay attention to how you feel afterwards.

    What you shouldn't do is go into it with the mindset that you can never again have pizza or get pleasure from food. If you want pizza next week, no reason not to have it. You can eat what you want while still holding yourself accountable and meeting your calorie goal. Going into it thinking that you are going to be "missing out" on anything will make it much harder to stick with it.
  • erikmsp72
    erikmsp72 Posts: 137 Member
    Don't give up anything. Just moderate. A slice or two of pizza at dinner? Fine. A slice for breakfast? Fine.

    An entire pizza at one meal? Likely not fine.

    Moderate, don't give up. Don't give up ANYthing you love to eat, or you'll last about 4 days and quit. Just have smaller amounts, a bit less often. . . or work it into your alotted calories.

    A friend of mine LOVES english muffins. So every day he has ONE, at breakfast. And he builds the rest of his day around that, you know? Because if he couldn't have it, he knows he wouldn't last on this change of lifestyle. So, he's figured that out-- and it works for him.

    You have to figure out what you MUST HAVE . . . and what are options. Whatever you MUST HAVE . . . figure out a portion size that works, and build your daily calories around that.

    But don't cut out of your diet things you can't manage without. You need joy with your calories, y'know? So figure out how to fit the joy in there.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    I work 70+ hrs a week every week between my 3 jobs and I really want to change my habits... But I feel like I just one more day to be naughty... to get myself a pizza tomorrow and sit back with a cold pepsi and gorge myself... seems so relaxing... but idk. I always hear people say if you put it off you'll never do it.. so for people who have been successfully losing weight did you have a last day where you said goodbye to those yummy delicious things you know you shouldn't have been eating in the first place?
    You can be naughty every day. What are you going to do, give up your "naughty" foods forever? Basic recipe for weight regain.
    Learn how to moderate. Then you can be naughty and not worry about craving and caving.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
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