The Miley Cyrus Eruption



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I personally am not shocked.

    I'm a little disgusted at people who believe Robin Thicke didn't know what was going to happen and who critcize her, but feel sorry for him (???!!!).

    Also, I'm sad that she felt she needed to do something like that for attention. She's a talented actress (surprisingly) and could have a great future in the industry based on that and her connections alone. I'm sad for her that she doesn't recognize that and I hope she isn't Lindsay Lohan: The Second Coming.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Hey people talking about her that don't like her:

    You do realize you are providing free advertisement for her?

    The more clicks she gets on YouTube from people being curious about the fuss, the more advertisers make, the more it sells, the more it will happen.

    If you don't like it, quit providing free advertisement for her by talking about it.

    Not all attention is good attention
    I think what lesteidel is referring to is the fact that advertising dollars are linked to the clicks of your mouse. If you click on a video or anything with her name on it does not distinguish between whether you did it as a fan, someone who hates her, of just out of curiosity. It is another click added to the pile. I will say that it is harder to sustain the income when you clickers are not loyal fans but there are always new people that you can "shock."
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Wasn't offended by it and could care less.

    My is most upsetting to me is that there is so much attention on this, yet no one gives a damn about things going on within the government and what's going on in the middle east right now.

    That should be everyone's biggest concern!

    then care less
  • Lindaspencer
    Lindaspencer Posts: 226 Member
    It wasn't sexy or edgy, it was sad. A sad little girl looking for attention

    What was sad about it?

    The fact that she has people talking about her?
    The fact that she makes millions off of that song?

    Im gonna be probably the only girl who agrees with the op and ty -
    I love the song - - actually i thought it was funny - and to be honest - i wasnt shocked by it at all - except for the teddy bears - lol -

    and im sure people thought elvis doing his infamous pelvic dance was shocking and distasteful too -lol --I remember madonna coming out and performing like a virgin the first time and that was very scandalous lol - i cant even think of any 80s rock video - (and ive seen alot - since im old enuf to have watched mtv when they actually played music videos) - that doesnt have some sexy girl - doing the "stripper dance moves" I wasnt disgusted with it then - and i certainly am not now - It doesnt affect my day one bit at all - i love music with a passion - and i agree with the op - i like to be entertained - almost expecting someone to do something outrageous - lol and agree u never know - she probably will have something like her own show - or like xtina - or britney spears being judges or something - I wish her all the luck n success and hope nothing bad for her - i think ppl need to listen to the lyrics - i think its clear she cant stop and wont stop - and she doesnt care about the haters -and will dance how she wants to lmao :)
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'm just saying:

  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Meh it was cheap entertainment and that's all it was supposed to be. A child actor all grown up at her peak of sexual desirability who has no real world training and pay her to parade around stage doing the only thing she was trained at pretend to be sexual. I'm not sure the VMA's have been about talent or performance for a few decades.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Oh and also in more important news. Neil Armstrong died at the age of 82.

    yeah, a year ago.

    :ohwell: Darn you "The Christian Left group" on Facebook for posting the story today!!! ABC news had today's date on the article about his death on my phone so I assumed it was today... You are right. It was a year ago.
    We all make mistakes it's no big deal.
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    Correct, Neil Armstrong did pass in 2012.

    NASA did release earlier this week, however, this shocking photo which brings in to question whether Neil actually was the first human to walk on the moon....


    Oh and also in more important news. Neil Armstrong died at the age of 82.

    yeah, a year ago.

    :ohwell: Darn you "The Christian Left group" on Facebook for posting the story today!!! ABC news had today's date on the article about his death on my phone so I assumed it was today... You are right. It was a year ago.
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    I'm just saying:

    haahaa too awesome!
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 909 Member
    The Syrian government allegedly used chemical weapons against it's people and the US is about to enter into another war over it.

    Yet, all we care about is a f***ing 20 year old girl twerking, masturbating with a foam finger and dry humping teddy bears on live TV?
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Now thanks to all this Miley Talk though... I have Party in the USA stuck in my head... and you're welcome to everyone else that I get it stuck in their head by the mere mention of the song.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    The Syrian government allegedly used chemical weapons against it's people and the US is about to enter into another war over it.

    Yet, all we care about is a f***ing 20 year old girl twerking, masturbating with a foam finger and dry humping teddy bears on live TV?
    Asked and answered, but I will indulge you so you don't have to bother scrolling up and reading what has already been written. This is the general forums and we cannot talk about Syria because that topic would be divisive.

    If we made a thread about that it would be very unlikely to last very long before it would get locked down.

    I am at least trying to approach the topic from a new angle and rather simply bashing Miley Cyrus I am talking about the inherent irony of creating these monsters and then complaining about them.

    ETA: I am happy to see that there are more people who care about heavy topics. I would like to know where all of you are when people are constantly telling me to stay away from politics and religion but it is good to know that you at least exist.
  • GlutenFreeWench
    I will say that I disagree with those who think she lacks talent. Unfortunately, the girl was born and raised to utilize her voice and acting skills to the max.

    Just as unfortunately, the performance showed me that she lacks experience when it comes to sexuality, twerking, booty dancing, or whatever it is called at this very moment in time. The VMAs are known to shock. Does anyone else recall Britney making out with Madonna a few years ago? And this isn't the first star who is trying to make a bigger headline with sexually shocking behavior. I do believe that goes back in the annals of music history. As has been discussed, even Elvis was considered "racy" and "unfit" and "stealing from the african american culture" with his hip thrusts. And we won't go into Madonna's Like a Prayer video and all of the flak that caught. Or Like a Virgin and the *kitten* in the wedding dress?

    Miley isn't the first one to be nearly nude on stage...And I do think this is the first year Gaga wasn't wearing a Meat costume or something ridiculous. It wasn't that shocking. It was almost...expected. It was supposed to happen.

    I was surprised she was wearing so much. I mean...Janet Jackson showed more breast during a superbowl than Miley did during the VMAs....and MTV is cable TV!!

    My only thing was...girl, get some panties that fit- they make your tail look better. Or a thong. Saran wrap doesn't mail anyone's booty look attractive. Seriously! Less is more!
  • ericalyn73
    I agree. PR baby! That's what it's all about in that bizz. It doesn't matter what they're saying about you, as long as they're talking about you.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Now thanks to all this Miley Talk though... I have Party in the USA stuck in my head... and you're welcome to everyone else that I get it stuck in their head by the mere mention of the song.

    since its a great song i thank you.

  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I think the people that were shocked are the people that haven't been paying too much attention to her since she was on Hannah Montana. The last time you saw her she was prancing around on a Disney set, then you tune in and see her prancing around in a flesh colored bikini gyrating with a foam finger whilst rubbing her nether regions on a 36 year old man dressed as Beetlejuice with a highly inappropriate hard on.

    If you've been halfway in tune with the music industry and the latest videos, news...etc, then what Miley Cyrus did could not have been that big of a surprise.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    It wasn't sexy or edgy, it was sad. A sad little girl looking for attention

    A sad, lost little girl who doesn't know her true value and worth as a woman in God's eyes.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I will say that I disagree with those who think she lacks talent. Unfortunately, the girl was born and raised to utilize her voice and acting skills to the max.

    I never paid much attention to her singing, or her at all, really.

    She guessted on 2 1/2 Men last season and I was BLOWN AWAY by her performance on there. She was great! She played that character smart and funny. It was perfect.

    I didn't expect to love her because of her previous behavior similar to this stunt. I wish she would hone her talent and make a life from that.

    Emma Watson plaved Hermione Granger through eight Harry Potter movies. She cut her hair, was fantastic in The Perks of Being a Wallflower and she's no longer typecast. Miley doesn't have to do this to shed her Disney image.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    It wasn't sexy or edgy, it was sad. A sad little girl looking for attention

    A sad, lost little girl who doesn't know her true value and worth as a woman in God's eyes.

    lol shes not lost. she and her team know exactly what they are doing. just like Madonna and many others did.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 909 Member
    The Syrian government allegedly used chemical weapons against it's people and the US is about to enter into another war over it.

    Yet, all we care about is a f***ing 20 year old girl twerking, masturbating with a foam finger and dry humping teddy bears on live TV?
    Asked and answered, but I will indulge you so you don't have to bother scrolling up and reading what has already been written. This is the general forums and we cannot talk about Syria because that topic would be divisive.

    If we made a thread about that it would be very unlikely to last very long before it would get locked down.

    I am at least trying to approach the topic from a new angle and rather simply bashing Miley Cyrus I am talking about the inherent irony of creating these monsters and then complaining about them.

    ETA: I am happy to see that there are more people who care about heavy topics. I would like to know where all of you are when people are constantly telling me to stay away from politics and religion but it is good to know that you at least exist.

    Wasn't really criticizing this thread specifically. I am more concerned about the reaction by the media and public in general. I thought the Miley thing was mildly entertaining, funny and a little disturbing but I don't think it deserves anywhere near the attention it's been getting.

    It's entertainment. All we have to do is ignore it and it will go away. However, ignoring the situation is Syria won't have the same effect.