Calories after puking?



  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    That's not the help she asked for. She asked, should I enter the calories I just puked up...., or should I force myself to eat....even though I don't want to.

    What kind of "honest help" should be offered?

    Of all the spirited debates I've had on this board and others over sports, politics, ect..... I get my first block/ignore ever from ^This statement..... I feel cheated.


    She actually sent me a 3 paragraph PM telling me I'm blocked also lol.
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    Jesus Christ. OP, you are the biggest child I've seen on MFP. Stop throwing your toys out of the bloody pram.

    If you didn't want opinions you shouldn't of posted in the first place. Grow a pair and accept some criticism, I've seen/read a lot worse on this website than people telling you to "relax".

    As for my opinion. Check out this link, it'll explain everything:
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Jesus Christ. OP, you are the biggest child I've seen on MFP. Stop throwing your toys out of the bloody pram.

    If you didn't want opinions you shouldn't of posted in the first place. Grow a pair and accept some criticism, I've seen/read a lot worse on this website than people telling you to "relax".

    As for my opinion. Check out this link, it'll explain everything:

    Have you recieved your block notice yet? LMAO
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    You're sick. Just rest up and start up again when you're better. 2-3 days isn't going to hurt anyone.

    That's true. I shouldn't make any new problems to my already existing problem. I'm too tired to eat now anyway :) Well I'm off to bed then, Thanks for helping me decide! :heart:

    =) Indeed. Never worry about calories when you're sick.
  • JLN1974
    JLN1974 Posts: 104 Member
    Haven't read all the replies as I was getting a little fed up with some of them tbh!

    My only response would be drink plenty of water as you will have lost a lot of fluid being sick. And get some rest. In the morning, if you are feeling up to it start with a little dry toast. Don't worry about the calories but avoid fatty or spicy foods as they won't help your tummy - eat plain foods to line your stomach and get back on track when you feel better.

    Get well soon
  • robin68562
    robin68562 Posts: 116 Member
    Ice cream would be terrible on an upset stomach. If you feel hungry have yourself a cup of tea and maybe some toast. Don't eat if you don't feel hungry, but don't deny yourself if you do. Calories don't matter when you're sick. Hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • Sunshine_Kubes
    Sunshine_Kubes Posts: 37 Member
    There's no hope for humanity.. You people are attacking this girl just because she asked a simple question. Good job guys... Way to be supportive.. These forums are a bunch of BS.. There are so many people lurking on MFP solely for the purpose of cheap entertainment for themselves.. I see the same people on multiple posts, all being sarcastic or condescending to the OP or searching for comments to attack those individuals. It make me sick! Maybe you should reevaluate your relationship with YOURSELF. If attacking people directly or indirectly really satisfies you, then you need help..

    Have a nice day..
  • intheflowers
    intheflowers Posts: 24 Member
    I've never seen forum users attack an OP like this before. She asked how she should log her calories if she threw a good amount of her food up and if she should eat more to compensate. There is nothing in there that suggests that she has an eating disorder. A person with an eating disorder would not worry about trying to eat more food. And with all the forum users on here saying that they log their food down to the piece of lettuce, and all the users also warning not to eat below 1200 for fear of "starvation mode" the OP's questions are perfectly acceptable.

    There are also comments on here saying something along the lines of "when you're sick, the last thing on your mind should be counting calories." Actually, when you're sick you can't do much so calorie counting is just a blip in the day and doesn't expend much energy.

    As for the age thing, once the OP stated her age, if you were confused about it then instead of asking the OP about it, because it really had no bearing on her original question, and then attacking her because she didn't answer, you should have just googled it.

    My advice for OP: log what you did eat, but make a note that you were sick. If you don't feel like eating more, don't.
  • rosemary98
    rosemary98 Posts: 632
    I am sorry you are sick. There are a lot of concerns after dehydration, possibly retaking pills you may have lost in the purge...and not being sure of your intake.

    I am sorry for the negative comments you have received.

    I am a recovering bulimic (that just went through a rough patch). I know you are NOT bulimic, but wanted to offer some support.

    If you truly feel you purged until your stomach was empty, I would consider that meal lost. If your body can tolerate it, i would eat some saltines, maybe some soup. If you can' lost meal will not throw things out of whack. The important thing is that you get better so you can resume your normal eating patterns and daily routines. And again...just another warning about any vital pills you may have consumed within two hours of the purge are likely considered lost. Consult a pharmacist if this is the case.

    And again, please no judgment from the community for my post. i am just reaching out to someone who clearly isn't feeling well and doesn't know what to do with the lost calories.

    There are also many woman concerned about calorie loss due to morning sickness, and question how to replace those calories.

    someone also mentioned sprite and 7-up. I agree that both help settle the stomach and rehydrate (since they don't have caffeine).
  • robin68562
    robin68562 Posts: 116 Member
    To those who are going to jump at me for wondering if I should force some extra calories in, you guys obviously have problems.
    I'm too sick to eat and I figured that maybe I should have some calories to at least stay in my caloric goal.
    I'm not feeling well and at least I gave a flying fudge about my own well being unlike some of you folk.
    Thanks again for caring. (sarcasm. In case you need it spelled for you)

    Ok - I am confused. You asked if you should eat ice cream after throwing up to eat back some calories, and then when folks gave their opinion, you said ^^^^^this?.?. I did see a lot of folks telling you to take care of yourself first, and give you ideas on what would be better to eat if you are sick than ice cream........

    I don't blame her for her reaction. Although I saw some people giving helpful advice, I also saw some people practically accusing her of being bulimic. And from what I read in her query, I don't think that's the case.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    To those who are going to jump at me for wondering if I should force some extra calories in, you guys obviously have problems.
    I'm too sick to eat and I figured that maybe I should have some calories to at least stay in my caloric goal.
    I'm not feeling well and at least I gave a flying fudge about my own well being unlike some of you folk.
    Thanks again for caring. (sarcasm. In case you need it spelled for you)

    Ok - I am confused. You asked if you should eat ice cream after throwing up to eat back some calories, and then when folks gave their opinion, you said ^^^^^this?.?. I did see a lot of folks telling you to take care of yourself first, and give you ideas on what would be better to eat if you are sick than ice cream........

    Again. Throwing irrelevant problems at my face. The "nomeejerome" person that posted obviously implied that I had an eating disorder which I definately do not have and at least 3-4 people, instead of giving me any word of advice or kindness just decided that they should second, third or whatever the post, Alright? I'm sick and I'm not going to put up with all of the other peoples' crap about how old I am because obviously that is IRRELEVANT to my question/topic. I should be asking those posters how old they are or am I wrong?
    In case you didn't read that comment correctly, I wrote "to those who are going to jump at me for.." Did I say everyone? No. I was going to properly thank everyone tomorrow because obviously I'm sick right now and some of you managed to ruin things for me even worse.


    Lemme break it down for you.

    You have a few options.
    1. Go to bed and get better.
    2. Eat something, then go to bed and get better.

    But you chose "post online what I should do, and kinda be rude to the folks that are responding."

    That wasn't a really good option. Now, the age thing is obvious because you look like you're.. maybe...15? If you're older, awesome. Congrats on good genetics. If those of us that are wondering how old you are are correct in our assumptions, then this certainly isn't the place for a child.

    Now, based on your responses, I'm sticking to the "you're probably not old enough to be here" vote. How you deal with that is up to you. So. There ya go.

    Just keeping it real.

    Let me "break it down" for you. If people are going to be rude to me, I don't take it. Whether my actions are correct or not, whatever. It was some peoples' choices to tell me that I may possibly have an ED in a rude way.
    Second, I honestly wanted to know if I should try to eat back my calories because obviously I have no food right now and soup was an excellent idea which is what I will be eating tomorrow when I wake up (hopefully) happily. In other words, posting a QUESTIONon a help forum is definately not a mistake nor am I wrong to do so.
    Lastly, to satisfy your irrelevant question, I am 21 years old in American age. 22 in Korean.
    I really need to sleep now so reply all you want but I'm out.

    I'm not sure why people were insinuating an eating disorder either. Especially when you were asking about eating back the calories that you just threw up. And I don't see how age plays into the whole thing either. A lot of the questions/reactions left me scratching my head.

    Anyway, if you're still feeling bad after you wake up, I'd eat some chicken soup (mostly just the broth) and a few saltine crackers. And drink some 7-up or Sprite, but when you pour it in your glass, mix it up a bit to get rid of a bit of the carbonation.

    ^^ This is what my mom did for me when I had an upset stomach or was throwing up, and that's what I did for my son (because sometimes people actually do throw up from being sick and not just because they have an eating disorder). We both always felt better, and was able to keep the food down.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I've never seen forum users attack an OP like this before. She asked how she should log her calories if she threw a good amount of her food up and if she should eat more to compensate. There is nothing in there that suggests that she has an eating disorder. A person with an eating disorder would not worry about trying to eat more food. And with all the forum users on here saying that they log their food down to the piece of lettuce, and all the users also warning not to eat below 1200 for fear of "starvation mode" the OP's questions are perfectly acceptable.

    There are also comments on here saying something along the lines of "when you're sick, the last thing on your mind should be counting calories." Actually, when you're sick you can't do much so calorie counting is just a blip in the day and doesn't expend much energy.

    As for the age thing, once the OP stated her age, if you were confused about it then instead of asking the OP about it, because it really had no bearing on her original question, and then attacking her because she didn't answer, you should have just googled it.

    My advice for OP: log what you did eat, but make a note that you were sick. If you don't feel like eating more, don't.

    Lol. You must be new to the internet. How cute.

    I hate to be the one to rain on the high horse parade but the OP's question isn't new or special, there are girls on here asking if they should record the vomited calories every other damn week and while they all claim to just be sick if you delve deeper you'll find a history of disordered thinking/posting and a diary that's littered with binges and ultra low calorie days.

    So I'm glad some of you are so fresh faced and new that you don't sigh and go "this question again." And that you actually think this is some kind of serious attack. Go hang out on video game message boards then come back and tell me how thus is the worst thing you've ever seen.

    And I hope this earns me an ignore. I never get invited to the logical kid's tables. You can all continue being better people than the rest of us now.
  • robin68562
    robin68562 Posts: 116 Member
    The I will block list:

    The First Bandwagon of unhelpful, judgementals:

    nomeejerome wrote:
    If you are that concerned over how many calories you should count after puking, you may want to examine your relationship with food and weight loss.

    MissMollyMN wrote:

    Mgregory723 wrote:
    Um, yeah ^THIS^
    *eyeroll* Uhm, No!

    celadontea wrote:
    Trigger warning?

    BlueBombers wrote:

    itsjustdawn wrote:

    southcarolina wrote:
    What's the over/under on how many more posts before the lock?

    RGv2 wrote:
    That's not the help she asked for. She asked, should I enter the calories I just puked up...., or should I force myself to eat....even though I don't want to.

    What kind of "honest help" should be offered?
    *Special note to RGv2: It's so easy to summarize someone else's problems tailor cut to make it suit the tone that you are going for. Lemme summarize your intentions, then: What you said is not what I asked for. I asked if I need my calories back in case I lost them but otherwise it's 3 FUDGING AM and I need to sleep! All you wanted to be was someone who can throw out opinions as if they were facts.

    To the first bandwagon:
    If you are that quick to label bulimia on someone who was trying to EAT BACK HER CALORIES just in case she LOSt TOO MANY from being SICK and I have clearly mentioned "not feeling well today" in the FIRST post (meaning it only happened last night and no it is not a recurring event), then I don't want anything to have to do with you. Thus you are blocked as of today. This isn't Facebook, people. If you don't have any help for someone in their thread, then move on and stop being so ignorant. You don't look smart, you don't look "better", and you do not look like a moral person when you are jumping on a bandwagon to judge someone.

    The Second Bandwagon of once again, unhelpful judgementals:

    Cranquistador wrote:
    How old are you?

    trogalicious wrote:
    I second this.

    nomeejerome wrote:
    Wondering the same thing....

    highervibes wrote:
    Definitely not old enough to be here unless that's her daughter in her profile pic.

    To the second bandwagon:
    I'm sick. I'm asking a question on a help forums. You come into my thread, don't give me advice, don't give me anything, and ask me a question? Not only do you ask me a question but you all point fingers at me and tell me I'm too young for this site without any basis besides my blessed, youthful face? Judgemental at its greatest. I'm not obliged to tell anyone my age and none of you are obliged to know either.
  • intheflowers
    intheflowers Posts: 24 Member
    Lol. You must be new to the internet. How cute.

    I hate to be the one to rain on the high horse parade but the OP's question isn't new or special, there are girls on here asking if they should record the vomited calories every other damn week and while they all claim to just be sick if you delve deeper you'll find a history of disordered thinking/posting and a diary that's littered with binges and ultra low calorie days.

    So I'm glad some of you are so fresh faced and new that you don't sigh and go "this question again." And that you actually think this is some kind of serious attack. Go hang out on video game message boards then come back and tell me how thus is the worst thing you've ever seen.

    And I hope this earns me an ignore. I never get invited to the logical kid's tables. You can all continue being better people than the rest of us now.

    not new to the internet, not new to having an eating disorder. i know my own when i see it.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    There's no hope for humanity.. You people are attacking this girl just because she asked a simple question. Good job guys... Way to be supportive.. These forums are a bunch of BS.. There are so many people lurking on MFP solely for the purpose of cheap entertainment for themselves.. I see the same people on multiple posts, all being sarcastic or condescending to the OP or searching for comments to attack those individuals. It make me sick! Maybe you should reevaluate your relationship with YOURSELF. If attacking people directly or indirectly really satisfies you, then you need help..

    Have a nice day..

  • robin68562
    robin68562 Posts: 116 Member
    The I will block list:

    The First Bandwagon of unhelpful, judgementals:

    nomeejerome wrote:
    If you are that concerned over how many calories you should count after puking, you may want to examine your relationship with food and weight loss.

    MissMollyMN wrote:

    Well done you! Don't let them get away with that $%#!

    Mgregory723 wrote:
    Um, yeah ^THIS^
    *eyeroll* Uhm, No!

    celadontea wrote:
    Trigger warning?

    BlueBombers wrote:

    itsjustdawn wrote:

    southcarolina wrote:
    What's the over/under on how many more posts before the lock?

    RGv2 wrote:
    That's not the help she asked for. She asked, should I enter the calories I just puked up...., or should I force myself to eat....even though I don't want to.

    What kind of "honest help" should be offered?
    *Special note to RGv2: It's so easy to summarize someone else's problems tailor cut to make it suit the tone that you are going for. Lemme summarize your intentions, then: What you said is not what I asked for. I asked if I need my calories back in case I lost them but otherwise it's 3 FUDGING AM and I need to sleep! All you wanted to be was someone who can throw out opinions as if they were facts.

    To the first bandwagon:
    If you are that quick to label bulimia on someone who was trying to EAT BACK HER CALORIES just in case she LOSt TOO MANY from being SICK and I have clearly mentioned "not feeling well today" in the FIRST post (meaning it only happened last night and no it is not a recurring event), then I don't want anything to have to do with you. Thus you are blocked as of today. This isn't Facebook, people. If you don't have any help for someone in their thread, then move on and stop being so ignorant. You don't look smart, you don't look "better", and you do not look like a moral person when you are jumping on a bandwagon to judge someone.

    The Second Bandwagon of once again, unhelpful judgementals:

    Cranquistador wrote:
    How old are you?

    trogalicious wrote:
    I second this.

    nomeejerome wrote:
    Wondering the same thing....

    highervibes wrote:
    Definitely not old enough to be here unless that's her daughter in her profile pic.

    To the second bandwagon:
    I'm sick. I'm asking a question on a help forums. You come into my thread, don't give me advice, don't give me anything, and ask me a question? Not only do you ask me a question but you all point fingers at me and tell me I'm too young for this site without any basis besides my blessed, youthful face? Judgemental at its greatest. I'm not obliged to tell anyone my age and none of you are obliged to know either.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Lol. You must be new to the internet. How cute.

    I hate to be the one to rain on the high horse parade but the OP's question isn't new or special, there are girls on here asking if they should record the vomited calories every other damn week and while they all claim to just be sick if you delve deeper you'll find a history of disordered thinking/posting and a diary that's littered with binges and ultra low calorie days.

    So I'm glad some of you are so fresh faced and new that you don't sigh and go "this question again." And that you actually think this is some kind of serious attack. Go hang out on video game message boards then come back and tell me how thus is the worst thing you've ever seen.

    And I hope this earns me an ignore. I never get invited to the logical kid's tables. You can all continue being better people than the rest of us now.

    not new to the internet, not new to having an eating disorder. i know my own when i see it.

    With your special EDdar, which is able to send waves out via the interwebs?

    I know that feel. I can identify sassy black women who like paranormal fiction and videogames via forum text alone.
  • needtoloseafewpounds
    needtoloseafewpounds Posts: 161 Member
    I've never seen forum users attack an OP like this before. She asked how she should log her calories if she threw a good amount of her food up and if she should eat more to compensate. There is nothing in there that suggests that she has an eating disorder. A person with an eating disorder would not worry about trying to eat more food. And with all the forum users on here saying that they log their food down to the piece of lettuce, and all the users also warning not to eat below 1200 for fear of "starvation mode" the OP's questions are perfectly acceptable.

    There are also comments on here saying something along the lines of "when you're sick, the last thing on your mind should be counting calories." Actually, when you're sick you can't do much so calorie counting is just a blip in the day and doesn't expend much energy.

    As for the age thing, once the OP stated her age, if you were confused about it then instead of asking the OP about it, because it really had no bearing on her original question, and then attacking her because she didn't answer, you should have just googled it.

    My advice for OP: log what you did eat, but make a note that you were sick. If you don't feel like eating more, don't.

    Lol. You must be new to the internet. How cute.

    I hate to be the one to rain on the high horse parade but the OP's question isn't new or special, there are girls on here asking if they should record the vomited calories every other damn week and while they all claim to just be sick if you delve deeper you'll find a history of disordered thinking/posting and a diary that's littered with binges and ultra low calorie days.

    So I'm glad some of you are so fresh faced and new that you don't sigh and go "this question again." And that you actually think this is some kind of serious attack. Go hang out on video game message boards then come back and tell me how thus is the worst thing you've ever seen.

    And I hope this earns me an ignore. I never get invited to the logical kid's tables. You can all continue being better people than the rest of us now.

    Welcome to the ignore list. Your condescending ignorance AND your assumptions without any logical reasoning is proof of your immaturity and poor disguise. Sorry but it's too early for Halloween and sorry. You don't know me like you wish you did. I don't have an eating disorder and I'm sure that no matter what I say, you'll just delve into your own fantasy that you are better than me soo..waste of time. Ignore button is pressed. Bye.
  • robin68562
    robin68562 Posts: 116 Member
    The I will block list:

    The First Bandwagon of unhelpful, judgementals:

    nomeejerome wrote:
    If you are that concerned over how many calories you should count after puking, you may want to examine your relationship with food and weight loss.

    MissMollyMN wrote:

    Mgregory723 wrote:
    Um, yeah ^THIS^
    *eyeroll* Uhm, No!

    celadontea wrote:
    Trigger warning?

    BlueBombers wrote:

    itsjustdawn wrote:

    southcarolina wrote:
    What's the over/under on how many more posts before the lock?

    RGv2 wrote:
    That's not the help she asked for. She asked, should I enter the calories I just puked up...., or should I force myself to eat....even though I don't want to.

    What kind of "honest help" should be offered?
    *Special note to RGv2: It's so easy to summarize someone else's problems tailor cut to make it suit the tone that you are going for. Lemme summarize your intentions, then: What you said is not what I asked for. I asked if I need my calories back in case I lost them but otherwise it's 3 FUDGING AM and I need to sleep! All you wanted to be was someone who can throw out opinions as if they were facts.

    To the first bandwagon:
    If you are that quick to label bulimia on someone who was trying to EAT BACK HER CALORIES just in case she LOSt TOO MANY from being SICK and I have clearly mentioned "not feeling well today" in the FIRST post (meaning it only happened last night and no it is not a recurring event), then I don't want anything to have to do with you. Thus you are blocked as of today. This isn't Facebook, people. If you don't have any help for someone in their thread, then move on and stop being so ignorant. You don't look smart, you don't look "better", and you do not look like a moral person when you are jumping on a bandwagon to judge someone.

    The Second Bandwagon of once again, unhelpful judgementals:

    Cranquistador wrote:
    How old are you?

    trogalicious wrote:
    I second this.

    nomeejerome wrote:
    Wondering the same thing....

    highervibes wrote:
    Definitely not old enough to be here unless that's her daughter in her profile pic.

    To the second bandwagon:
    I'm sick. I'm asking a question on a help forums. You come into my thread, don't give me advice, don't give me anything, and ask me a question? Not only do you ask me a question but you all point fingers at me and tell me I'm too young for this site without any basis besides my blessed, youthful face? Judgemental at its greatest. I'm not obliged to tell anyone my age and none of you are obliged to know either.

    Well done you! I wouldn't let them get away with that #$%&!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Can we get a running ignore total?

    I have to go to a meeting, so put me down if anyone starts it.