Calorie shocker!



  • jchadden42
    jchadden42 Posts: 189
    What really surprised me were restaurant choices I thought were healthy, but they turned out to be extremely high calorie. Salads are the worst!
  • nminden
    nminden Posts: 55 Member
    MUFFINS ( you may as well be eating cake)
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    It's never the calorie count that shocks me. It's the sodium.

    What's wrong with sodium?
  • lordofthebar
    lordofthebar Posts: 3 Member
    I was very surprised to find out just how many calories I was eating when I started using myfitnesspal. Its a big wake up call.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • DrunkenFaeGirl
    I've always been aware of foods I have at home but it killed me to learn how many calories are in a Chipotle burrito. 1000 cals without sides or a drink! Yeah, I won't be eating there ever again.
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    This is a good way to go about it. Just remember though...caloric density has nothing to do with nutrient density. Too many people on MFP and dieters in general cut out very nutritious and healthy foods because of calorie's high calorie, so it must be "bad" mentality. Many foods that you most definitely should be eating because of their nutritional value are also very calorie dense. Conversely, many foods with very low calories have little to no nutritional value.

    Also kepe in mind that you need fats...people get all freaked out when they see the fat number and go all low fat/no fat. Fat is an essential need it for heart health and overall organ function. Your brain is largely comprised of fat. Many nutrients are fat soluble, so you need to consume fats in order for your body to absorb these nutrients. Fat also regulates hormones and this is essential to being healthy and to weight loss.

    Just seek balance in your diet (noun).

    You said exactly what I wanted to say. I also might add I learned the hard way about not eating enough fat thinking that was the healthy way to go when I had my cholesterol tested. My LDL was perfect, but my HDL was abysmal (the good kind). My doctor gave me a nice lecture about eating more fat. Needless to say he didn't have to preach for too long because I love me some (healthy) fatty foods even though they're usually high in calories. I feel full longer and have so much more energy. .
  • trishnurse
    trishnurse Posts: 1 Member
    My biggest shocker was the creamer in my morning coffee...I just can't handle it black unless I am eating something like a cinnamon I now use the sugar free creamers but they are still alot.
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    I've always been aware of foods I have at home but it killed me to learn how many calories are in a Chipotle burrito. 1000 cals without sides or a drink! Yeah, I won't be eating there ever again.

    On lift days, I sometimes get a salad with double chicken, beans and hot salsa... It's like 600 calories and CRAAAZY high in protein.

    Of course, if you load it with rice and guac and cheese and sour cream and stuff, you'll still be in trouble.
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    The calorie servings on about half of the things I buy are incredibly misleading and so small it's a joke.

    Like a jar of nuts. Has anyone ever gotten a jar of nuts and counted out X amount of pieces? Peanut butter listing at 2 tablespoon and ridiculous calories.

    The way ONE soda screws up your sugar intake for the day.

    Oh and because I live in California I get to see the calories when I go out to eat on the menu. Chain restaurants will blow your mind on the calories of one meal.

    How are the calorie servings misleading?

    Maybe a situation like this: I have seen things that will say 200 cal per serving (20 grams). Serving size is 3 pieces of whatever... BUT 3 pieces is 43 grams?? (The numbers are fictional in this example.) Which is why I have grown wayyyy too attached to my food scale, btw.
  • Inc1961
    Inc1961 Posts: 34 Member
    Here's another Shocker, Quinoa are crazy high in cal's

    Really? I did not know that! Was planning on that for dinner, now will look it up first!
  • MacMomma2013
    MacMomma2013 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm eating celery and had always heard about the negative calories....apparently not!
  • hadorc01
    hadorc01 Posts: 5 Member
    Calories can be so scary! But just remember, I think someone mentioned it already, that yes, a calorie is a calorie, but where it came from makes all the difference. It's not this simple, but the best way to think about it is, if it comes from a healthier place it's going to burn faster. For example calories that come from Complex Carbs (Veggies and Fruits) are going to "burn faster" because they are more healthy and better for your body, so your body can burn them more efficiently than Simple Carbs (Pasta, Cereal, Bread, etc). So yeah, a large Banana and some almonds are going to be just as many or even more calories than a small candy bar, but you should still choose them over the candy bar. Your body will break it down better and there won't be so much bad stuff to store after.
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    Here's another Shocker, Quinoa are crazy high in cal's

    Quinoa is crazy high in nutrition. You also have to take that into consideration. I like to choose quinoa over rice due to the nutrition is better. You just have to choose wisely what you are going to eat.
  • TheKaren1
    TheKaren1 Posts: 2 Member
    I love crumbled feta. But if you look at the serving SIZE versus what you actually eat, sometimes that makes a difference. I know that my feta cheese container said 1/2 C was a serving. No way I could eat 1/2 C on a salad! I eat about 2 Tbsp on my salad, so that gives me my cheese fix plus reduces the actual calories.
  • 2lottie88
    Peanut butter. I was always under the impression that its pretty good for you (and it is if you buy the right kind) so must be low calorie. WRONG.

    Having said that, I'd rather get tonnes of cals from something nutrient dense like peanut butter than a fizzy drink which is full of rubbish.
  • itsfruitcake
    itsfruitcake Posts: 146 Member
    Biscuits (or cookies in American English ;) ) - I was pretty shocked to see how many calories they had, and you never just eat one right!?
  • ajlandon
    ajlandon Posts: 115 Member
    I was "shocked" the other way around - my caramel macchiatos from Starbucks were only 230 cals for a 16 oz, and have 10 grams of protein (from the milk). I had assumed they were 500-650ish cals. So yeah, I don't drink them every day, but I don't have to adjust much of anything on the days I do.
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    beer shocker: my favorite specialty holiday brew, 214 colories per bottle. so sad. so so sad.
    juice: also a big shocker for me. i started eating instead of drinking my fruit, and it made a HUGE difference.
    bread: i love bread, so i hated accepting the fact that my penchant for dinner rolls added hundreds of calories to a meal... bummer. i've just had to cut a lot of bread out of my diet.
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    Cheese, bread, and nuts.
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    You can fix Chipotle by getting a bowl and avoiding cheese, sour cream, and guacamole. You won't even miss them!