Did you lose weight after having the Mirena taken out?



  • i'm having mine taken out tomorrow. after finally making the connection between mirena and my severe depression/anxiety i could hardly wait another second to have it out of me. but unfortunately the doctor couldnt find it, and after some ultrasounds, attempt number two is tomorrow. fingers crossed. i hope it helps with the continual bloating and the weight gain too. i will keep you updated as to how the weight loss goes post mirena! i have spent hours reading the testimonies and horror stories from other women with issues related to hormonal IUDs. if there is even a chance that it is making my depression worse, it HAS to go. i am hopeful!!!
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    I've had Mirena for five years (getting ready to swap it out for a new one in a few months. i've gained 40lbs in that time, but I changed jobs and wasn't so active and this kitchen has heavy foods available 24/7...I don't think the Mirena is the cause of my weight gain. i have noticed an increase in oily skin/breakouts and a gradual decrease in sex drive.

    That said, I still love skipping my period (even though I still get PMS migraines), and i love having a reliable birth control that I don't have to think about.
  • I wanted to share my expierence with the mirena . To sum it up the worst years of my life. Initially I had it for a year prior to the planned pregnancy of my son with absolutly no major side effects other than weight gain of 5 pounds towards the end of the year. i was pregnant a few weeks after the removal, that part was great. Then I had it put in 8weeks after my son was born. For a year the only problem I had was painful sex. To be specific sharp pain on my right ovary in certain positions. Then when my son was 1 I started with massive mood swings and was diagnosed with bipolar 2. I am not convinced that is an accurate diagnosis because my binge drinking episodes was a major part in my behavior but not necessarily my mood swings. Needless to say I have spent the last two years in therapy and take meds and almost separated from my husband who is the love of my life. I started having horrible migraines about the same time for which I have explored a lot of treatment for. Nothing has stopped them. After a year and a half of having the mirena I had a horrible ruptured ovarian cyst which caused a liter of fluid to cause me 1 week off work due to the unbearable pain followed by lingering pain for 2months I managed the pain with Ibuprofen around the clock and heavier pain pills at night when I didn't have to drive or be alone with my kids. My mom and friends asked if I would consider taking my Mirena out. I point blank asked the ER, my primary care doc and a OB specialist if the Mirena causes the cysts and the answer all the same. No it cannot. Okay so then comes the weight gain. I have been a fitness fanatic for the past 6 years great muscle tone, stamina and with healthy eating habits. I became exhasted. The weight just started packing on. My cravings for sweets was worse than when i was pregnant. I was in a fog mentally couldn't get excited about anything and my short term memory loss was embarrassing. I went to my physc doc to increase my meds thinking I was getting worse somehow all on my own accord. I gained 20 pounds in 3months. My husband has been amazing through it all. He would tell me I was irresistible. How could that be true I looked dumpy swollen and pregnant. My self confidence and sex drive plumited. I decided to join a boot camp. I had an initial body composition evaluation done. I was at an all time high...32% body fat. I changed my diet to 900calories a day and hard core body torturing heavy exercise 6days a week. After 6weeks I lost 7 pounds... Yep only 7. But 19 inches lost. I joined a second round of boot camp but only got through 3 weeks before I got Mononucleosis. I was twice as exhausted as before for 2 months, then got strep throat. To be clear I don't attribute the mono or strep s causes of the Mirena but I know I would not have pushed myself so hard to the point of immune weakness if I hadn't been through all the weight gain and loss of self confidence. I started thinking I had an immune disease thyroid problem or God knows what. I had multiple doctors evaluate my blood screenings....the works. At the same time I was fearful my ovarian cyst ruptures would continue and asked a friend for a local OBGYN referral because I was unhappy with the others. I went to the new OB who is my saving grace. Within 5mins of my initial consultation she told me that the ovarian cysts were caused by the Mirena. Then the conversation continues with her explaining that the depression mood swings and migraines too were caused by the mirena. She was astonished that no doctors would attribute my symptoms to the mirena with all the specialists & physciatrist I have seen. 3 weeks later I had it removed. I agree with the previous posts that hours after having it removed I felt relief. I feel like myself again, clear headed, comical, fun loving. It is so FRUSTATING how much time I have wasted feeling trapped in a body that clearly was not that of a 28year old. It has been less than 3 days since I had it removed. I stumbled upon this thread because I am looking for a timeline of when I would feel completely normal but so far I haven't seen too many posts on that particular question of mine. I'm just thankful I didn't give up insisting something was not right and I am 100% positive it is all because of this horrible devise. If you want one think twice. If u have one and wonder if u are alone in your nightmare you are not. If you have no problems fantastic. I wish it were the same for me because the idea of the Mirena is great, no pills, no period...too good to be true? Yes!
  • Wow wow and wow! I stumbled across this feed after I googled "how to lose weight fast and easily after having 2 kids".
    I had the mirena put in about 2 years ago and my symptoms are soo completely the same as so many of you out there...I had no idea it was all being caused by this device. I have put on a lot of weight, and no matter what I do (slimshakes, diet pills, lite and easy, upping my exercise regime) I just cannot shift the weight. I feel fat and frumpy and constantly bloated. In addition, I too have had to go on medication for depression/anxiety and had to see a counsellor to help me through. No sex drive, low self esteem, memory loss, unable to focus, mood swings, and a general lack of energy and motivation to live my life.....all I want to do is just be a couch potato/sleep. I have continued to have my periods, which is unlike others. I haven't had issues with acne or insomnia though. I did have some cramping early on but that soon settled down.
    Soo after reading all your comments, discussing it with my husband, and close friend (who also told me when I talked to her about it today she did tell me she definitely noticed the change in me about 2 months after I had it put in, but didn't know how to talk to me about it), I have made an appointment to go and get this deviced removed from my body! Next Tuesday! I cant wait to see the difference it makes.
    The problem I now face though, is what other method of birth control will I use? My husband says he would consider looking into a vasectomy if we find that removing this device makes a huge difference to my well being. This same friend of mine also has the mirena (we actually had them put in the same week by the same doctor), and she has had absolutely no issues and just loves it.
    So I have come to the conclusion that this device will work great for some and not for others. Everybody is different in the way they handle the hormones released by this device.
    So I guess, my advice to those out there that are considering getting it, I would say to get it and try it to see if it works for you, but say give it 6-12 months to really monitor the side affects. If it works, great, if not, get it taken out....I guess its like anything...trial and error.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    The problem I now face though, is what other method of birth control will I use? My husband says he would consider looking into a vasectomy if we find that removing this device makes a huge difference to my well being.

    Try a copper IUD. It's like the Mirena, minus the hormones. The copper kills the sperm.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    The problem I now face though, is what other method of birth control will I use? My husband says he would consider looking into a vasectomy if we find that removing this device makes a huge difference to my well being.

    Try a copper IUD. It's like the Mirena, minus the hormones. The copper kills the sperm.

    Its also Horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible as far as cramping is concerned. I had a terrible reaction to the copper.

    These woman that say they gained weight and got acne, sleep disturbances, decreased sex drive did not get that from Mirena.

    SMH Its a local hormone.

    PPL DO NOT GAIN WEIGHT FROM Birth Control. They gain weight from not having Portion Control/Too many calories
  • oh ok I will talk to my GP about this when I have to go and get a new referral to my gyno next week....thanks :)
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    The problem I now face though, is what other method of birth control will I use? My husband says he would consider looking into a vasectomy if we find that removing this device makes a huge difference to my well being.

    Try a copper IUD. It's like the Mirena, minus the hormones. The copper kills the sperm.

    Its also Horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible as far as cramping is concerned. I had a terrible reaction to the copper.

    These woman that say they gained weight and got acne, sleep disturbances, decreased sex drive did not get that from Mirena.

    SMH Its a local hormone.

    PPL DO NOT GAIN WEIGHT FROM Birth Control. They gain weight from not having Portion Control/Too many calories

    I agree about the weight gain, I have lost 120 pounds while i had my mirena, I dont think it is the device specifcially that causes weihgt gain.

    However, for some people hormones DO make them depressed, anxious, get acne, cause decreased sex drive (although my decrease is due to the fact that any time of intercourse at this point, 3 years in with Mirena, cause too much pain to bear. Having mine out next week.) etc. and THOSE things can lead to weight gain. Yes, it does cause those things. birth control pills/shots/what have you can cause the same issues for people, which is why there are different birth controls with different combinations and levels of hormones- some are to 'help' or prevent breakouts, some to decrease a heavy flow, etc. (This is my understanding, my dr and I went round and round before I chose the Mirena 3 years ago.)
  • I beg to differ re your comments that the mirena does not cause these symptoms......On the leaflet it actually does list all these things as potential side affects! Its just that some people may or may not get them. My close friend said that she noticed a big change in me about 2 months after having it put in....in a very negative way.
    I honestly believe and respect that this device will work for some and not others....everybody is different.
    Time will tell when I get mine taken out next week to see the changes it makes to overall happiness, wellbeing and weight.

  • PPL DO NOT GAIN WEIGHT FROM Birth Control. They gain weight from not having Portion Control/Too many calories

    If you were to read the side effects of the mirena you might be surprised to find that weight gain is listed. Also I agree that portion control is a factor. Many of the expirrences these wemon are having, myself included reports that diet and exercise did not help with the weight like before the devise was inserted. PPL react differently to medications etc. howerever the trend here is weight gain has been a major concern re the mirena
  • Update: less than 3 days after removal of the mirena I started my period for the first time in I believe 5 years. Maybe it's age but I don't remember feeling so bloated, crampy, sleepy or getting headaches before my saga with the mirena while on my period. My flow isn't heavy but I would normally be at the end of my period today(day4) and it's getting heavier. I hope this isn't the new normal but it beats how bad I felt with the mirena. I started BC exactly 21 days before the removal of mirena so I'm pretty sure that helped my period begin. I wanted to make sure I'm protected with my fertile history. My mood has been pretty much the same as before but could b cuz I'm on my period now. I'm not as hungry though I noticed. I have felt like exercising lately but have been busy. I feel more rested when I wake up and am more focused through out the day. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is the process of my body's hormones balancing out. I will keep updates going for those interested.
  • I just came across this as I am in the same boat and wanted to share my experience with the Mirena IUD. I got mine inserted 6 weeks after my second child. At first I had no problems with it, but within the first months I began having severe depression and anxiety (which I have NEVER had before). When I'm talking anxiety I'm not talking about just feeling uncomfortable. I woke up every night KNOWING my daughter was dead. I was too scared to move and check her because I knew she wouldn't be breathing. I had no reason to think this because she was healthy but I just knew in my heart that she was dead. I started loosing my hair, I had to empty my hair brush every day from all the hair! I had terrible acne, and I gained 20 lbs overnight it seemed. If I had to hold my urine for any length of time my bladder would hurt really bad after words. I had multiple yeast infections that were worse then any I have ever had. I had dizzy spells and heart palpitations. I would even have fantom "kicks" in my belly and constantly thought I was pregnant. I have PCOS and the ovarian cysts were overwhelming! I honestly thought I was loosing my mind. I talked to my two friends about it, one had had her's the whole 5 years and the other had it 3. They both had just got theirs removed and said they felt so much better after it was removed. I went with it in for another year of suffering, finally I couldn't take anymore and I had it removed last week. I seriously feel much better already! I am so mad I kept it that long. My dr no longer inserts Mirena because of the issues his patients have had with it.

    Hope it works out for all of you that are going through this, but please don't suffer, its not worth it at all! If I could go back I would because I will never get back that 2 years of depression and pain that kept me from being the kind of mother my kids deserved.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    Interesting to read the replies as I have Mirena and love it. I haven't had any difficulties losing weight.
  • Day 7 after removal and new symptom that is pretty scary. I'm sure this is what PPL are referring to as the "Mirena crash"Similar to "Zoloft zombie" for those familiar but what I have had yesterday and today is much worse. I have had what seems like near fainting spells, dizziness and electrical pulse shock feelings from the back of my neck through my arms, down my back or back of my legs. Also anxiousness and moderate to severe Migraine pain and pressure with Decreased clarity to vision. So weird! Can anyone relate or comment on how long you went thru this part of post removal?
  • Wow these are all very helpful.. I thought there was something really wrong with me. I had the mirena around for months after my baby, he is turning 3 now. I lost a lot of weight and my tummy was almost back to normal. But by the time he was 1.5 I started gaining alot of weight and huge migraine episodes it was pure tortute. But at the same time I loved the obvious effect of not getting my period. I gained almost 20 kilos now and they are not going anywhere. And I never thought that anxiety can be caused by the merina too. Anyways am getting it removed in a couple of day and I hope I do not get to the crash part you're talking about. Wish mewell.
  • Mangolassi260
    Mangolassi260 Posts: 15 Member
    I just got my Mirena out 10 days ago. I started feeling better the same day! I thought the *****iness, zero sex drive, constant state of agitation, intolerance of kids, family, inlaw, etc. was all due to the stress of parenting twins!

    Now I am back to the woman my husband fell in love with. In the last week I've lost 6 pounds with no exercise, I have a real boost of energy, sex drive is back, I'm nicer to the kids and family, and I feel relaxed most of the time! It is truly amazing. I want to go shout from the mountaintops that people shouldn't get the Mirena!
  • Mangolassi260
    Mangolassi260 Posts: 15 Member
    I've had the same feeling amazing stuff as you after Mirena removal: lots of energy, nicer to the kids and husband, sex drive is totally back, no longer agitated, very relaxed. And, I have a very small appetite. Lost 6 pounds in first week post-removal with no exercise!
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  • mscornelius88
    mscornelius88 Posts: 6 Member
    just wait the hell is on its way
  • BMoxie2013
    BMoxie2013 Posts: 18 Member
    I've had it for 3 years now and am strongly considering getting it taken out. I work my butt off and watch what I eat and I just keep gaining and losing the same 2-5 lbs. My worst symptoms are bloatedness, breast tenderness/pain, and facial hair, mostly on chin. Lighter symptoms are mood swings, spotting periodically and cramping and back aches. All weird and non descript, not quite every month, not quite agony. I had it inserted for heavy periods, I already had a tubal ligation 9 years ago. I'm afraid to go off because the no period thing is a huge relief, as I was either spotting or having periods 2-3 wks./month. I don't want to go back to that, but I fear that my weight has slowly crept up over the last 3 years (almost 10 lbs.) and it just feels unnatural. I feel like it's a band-aid to a problem. I have been going to the same gyn for 15 years and he has tried to talk me into it for so long. I have fibroids. I think he's going to be pushy in not getting it taken out. I feel quite indecisive and I go back and forth. I know it's all individual and nothing is SO Horrible that I must have it out. I just don't feel quite myself and I hate that. I'm feeling damned if I do and damned if I don't and the "Just wait, the hell is on it's way" scares me! But eventually, it's got to come out. I go next month. Do you think I should call ahead and tell them I'm considering this. The best part is that I haven't had a period and that has made my life dramatically different! Is it worth feeling so bad about myself? Feeling so frustrated. Has anyone ever had it out before 5 years and then decide to go back on it?