

  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Michelle . . . that is absolutely the cutest cake. Are those kit kats or twix around the sides?

    Well, I just finished catching up on the posts, and I really have to try to sleep. Haven't been sleeping well lately. I go through periods of that.

    I'll try to do a real response tomorrow.

    Good night, friends:flowerforyou:
    Kate in Brooklyn
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Michelle . . . that is absolutely the cutest cake. Are those kit kats or twix around the sides?

    Kate in Brooklyn

    Actually, they are just chocolate covered cookies. But you know what, I bet twix would work. I don't know if kit kats are long enough, but Twix are (plus, Vince would be so proud because I'd be using a Mars product....lol)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Delicious looking cake!
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Wow Michele, love the cake!!

    Well it's been the craziest, most awful 6 weeks of my entire life.

    First my daughter's bio mom's suicide made it a rough two weeks from her death until my daughter left for Vanderbilt. Such a sad confused young lady, My heart ached for her.

    And then of course I broke 6 of my ribs and have been confined to my chair ever since (although yesterday and today I have actually been out of my chair and in far less pain).

    Then a dear friend's husband committed suicide and he wasn't even unhappy.

    Then the most evil of all evils happened, my 12 year old son became a victim of a sexual predator last week. There's a phone app called Kik that all the kids are using now and it is a predator's paradise. They asked how old he was, then claimed to be a young girl and asked if he wanted to see a nude picture. Once they sent it to him they asked him to send them one. They were very good at persuading him. Once he sent one that was it they had him. They threatened to send that picture to me and his sister and made him send many more and each one got more terrible than the one before. I feel like my baby has been raped. It has sent me into an emotional tailspin. He and I are going to counseling tomorrow. The police are trying to track the email. I have learned so much more but I am tired now.

    Cheryl = north of Chicato
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi everyone. This will be short as it is late and I’m heading to bed. I’m still researching foods high in soluble fiber, so any ideas are appreciated. Last night I got over 11,100 steps (can’t remember exactly; I think 11,111 believe it or not) and I slept in today! My legs feel like lead weights.

    Hot hot hot here….raging heat indices again today. I feel really sorry for people who have to be outside!

    Speaking of being outside….nsv here….I can’t wear my jean shorts outside anymore without risking arrest. I guess that’s a good thing! :O

    Jane: congrats on the loss. I know it doesn’t seem like much but it’s the right direction

    Heather: keep us posted about your breast condition. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers til I hear what the nurse has to say. Well even after that LOL!

    Robin: welcome home!

    Joyce: thanks for sharing so much. I am in the same boat, only for me it’s just been 3 days. But I feel badly when I finally do get up and think “Well crap why didn’t I just go”. I hope you can break your cycle. I don’t think there is any shame in not being able to find your way right now. Certainly no shame in not going to the y. Sometimes we can only work on one thing at a time.

    Juanita: sorry you are sharing in our horrible weather!

    CWS4me: welcome aboard. Post as often as you like. I think most of us try to come here daily and at least read the posts and many of us post nearly daily. I really miss my buds here when I miss a day!

    Vicki: wow what a day! I hope it gets better for you. I wouldn’t worry about the weight; it’s probably water retention as your body tries to keep you from dying in this weather!

    SandY ;so sorry you are having such trouble with your meds!

    Deb: my clinical group is pretty good as far as I can tell from one real shift! But I sure miss not having my early fall off! I always plan to work really hard for 7 months when I am 2 FTEs and then rest for 5. Our building is weird…you can’t control the heat or cool and it just jumps up and down.

    Helenz: welcome aboard!

    Grandmallie: those binges get us all, don’t they? Today is another day and so is tomorrow!

    Kathy: welcome back we have missed you! So sorry to hear about your parents and your diabetes. I too was just diagnosed with it. The only good news for me is that I am already following a healthy eating plan thanks to mfp! I would suggest connecting with a diabetic educator or a dedicated diabetes center. Research shows that being cared for by a diabetes specialist adds average 7 years to a diabetic’s life. It’s just too complex a disease for internists or family practitioners.

    Cheryl: my gosh you have been through so much lately. I am appalled at what goes on online today. I don’t think any kids are safe there or with their phones. I so hope counseling helps and the police can find the person who did this. Prayers to you and your family

    Well it’s late and I’m heading to bed. Take care, stay cool, Meg from steamy Omaha
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Cute cake, Michele. Very fun for a party!

    Did more indoor walking tonight, but didn't get to the gym since I was at work late. Since I'm going out of town for the weekend I needed to run a couple of errands and pack. I'm taking more than usual, but since it is supposed to be hotter over the weekend wanted to have some options.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good Wednesday evening.

    DBF has decided that we aren't going away this weekend. He heard me when I told him how much work I still had to do on my portfolio and that I wasn't happy with my final piece and really felt I wanted to do it over again (4th time). I e-mailed my sister and sent her pics of the pieces I'd done and she made another suggestion, so now I'm trying that and trying hard not to make any mistakes. He suddenly said that he'd cancel the reservations, then admitted that he is short of some of the drugs that he takes on a regular basis as the renewal had been faxed to the doctor, but the doc is away on holiday until 9th Sept. He didn't think it would be helpful if he was wandering around in the bedroom because he couldn't sleep.

    Anyway, this evening, I started my piece of lace again, with my sister's suggested change and have got round the first corner this evening.

    I don't bowl until tomorrow evening, so I might be able to get quite a bit done during the day.

    Bowled this morning, it was misty but very warm. The humidex reading was in the 30's C. My car was still being repaired so I walked to the club, and didn't bother taking my purse - just keys and water. One big problem when I got there was that I didn't have my glasses which are distance and sunglasses. I squinted both to see the distance and against the sun and bowled some of the best shots I've done all summer!

    Now it is time for bed.
  • frostyfenton
    frostyfenton Posts: 12 Member
    Bump for later...
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kathy Plant lady. Nice to see you back.
    :flowerforyou: Robin, welcome back. sorry to hear about the corrupted SD card.
    :flowerforyou: Cheryl - I can't imagine all the stuff you've been going through lately. My heart just sank when I read about your son. Glad you are going to counseling. Sometimes life just truly sucks. And it is a process to get through it all.

    :flowerforyou: cws4me - good to see you posting

    Tonight DH and I went to a birthday party with a group of old friends. I had told DH I would not be partaking in anything. Of course, he starts off with saying, have some. Anyway, after hissing at him to keep his mouth shut, when anyone else asked me if I wanted anything, I just said: " I am not eating tonight", or "I won't have anything tonight, thank you". I think I got that from Barbie, if I remember correctly. No one else asked why. !!! So, it worked!!

    Good night everyone

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We're home! We had a wonderful time visiting DS and DDIL. We did some tourist stuff in Seattle, and saw some of the honeymoon pictures from Ireland later at their house. They had a wonderful adventure. We stayed an extra day to get as much time with our son as we can before he leaves on his next assignment. We put DD on the plane home hours ago and she just arrived. The cheap airfare tickets take you somewhere other than your destination before they take you home. In this case, they took her from here to AZ and then to CO. I'll bet she's really tired by now.

    We just got home and are expecting relatives to come tomorrow. We've got the meals planned, but we have some fresh veggies to buy in the morning.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello ladies
    I've not been able to post, but have tried to go through all that has been posted. It's always an inspiration to see how evey one of you manage your health inspite of the many challenges. Am sticking to my yoga workouts and drinking lots of water.
    Will definitely use Barbie's wonderful quote, not to miss the wood for the trees.
    So sorry to hear about all that Cheryl is going through.
    I find meditation helps to keep a balance.
    Best wishes to everyone on this forum, you dont know how, in which way your evey little effort comforts and inspires someone else, so please keep posting and conquer each day :)
    :heart: Anamika
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    Morning Ladies,
    I am up ans staggering
    dressed for the gym, will go there, go to walmart, then come home and do laundry and mow the lawn
    having my lemon water and will take ice water with me to the gym, taking a kind bar with me and a piece of fruit ,thats breakfast on the run...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Cheryl -- how awful for your family. There was a very similar case in Wales recently and the boy killed himself as he couldn't tell anyone. With help you will all get over this. Good for you for going for help. :heart:

    Michelle - love the cake! I went through a cake decorating phase last year, before I had to get to grips with my weight. I bought loads of equipment and my first efforts were not bad. I even made DGS' s christening cake. Then I had to stop because I was eating it as well as baking it!!! Now I have got more control over my eating I think I might be able to have another go - just not eat my creations! I enjoyed producing the creations and have two cupboards full of equipment. No mixer though, I do it with a hand mixer. A stand one was on my wish list, and then I was glad I hadn't bought one as I stopped. I was also making gorgeous pasta - home made ravioli. I stopped that as well, so the machine is languishing in the cupboard. Again I wonder if I can risk making some more, (you can freeze it) and eating very moderate portions. Knocks any shop bought. DH and I used to make it together and had a good laugh usually. We went through a very experimental period where we tried all sorts of tricky baking - made croissants, macaroons, brandy snaps, etc, etc.:love: And I ate them, but not, I think a huge amount. But I ended up at 197 lbs. Like you Michelle, I now can make it and give it away or make sure it's freezable for DH's tea time treats.

    Well done all those of you who are finding strategies around social eating:flowerforyou: I think that is crucial for our long term success. I set myself a calorie limit for the meal, usually 400 or 600 with dessert and keep to it, even if it means a tiny taste of some things. I generally have one alcoholic drink a day for 100 cals. It was a bit of a revelation to me to discover that I didn't have to eat a whole portion of anything, but could have a tiny bit. I usually have a scraping of someone else's!:laugh:

    Meg- the reason I was so happy to get my hospital appointment is that it is a major London teaching hospital where I was lucky enough to be referred originally as I lived nearby. Despite moving 80 miles away they continued to treat me. Then I was given the all clear and discharged, but they did say I could come back. I didn't even go through my doctor, but by ringing up the dedicated breast care nurse I got an appointment with a surgeon the same week. Amazing! The NHS at its best. Thank you for your thoughts. I am a bit nervous, but would be worried doing nothing as well, so it's better to do something. As the weather is so good and the underground will be so boiling, I will probably walk most of the way, across the Thames and up through Covent Garden. If I run out of legs I can hop on a bus, which is free as I have an old lady's bus pass.:laugh:

    The painters here are banging and sanding. Next door are expanding their empire with trucks and lorries taking concrete in and out. Drilling, hammering, shovelling fills the air. Oh the joys of the quiet country life!:sad:

    Love to all. Let us continue our journey towards a healthy mind in a healthy body. Mens sana in corpore sano as the Romans used to say. Congrats to all those who are reaching out for help in either, or both.:flowerforyou: :heart: I love this group of women :love:

    Heather in gloriously sunny, but incredibly noisy Hampshire UK
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    How awful for the family and child in Wales. My son actually threatened suicide to the perpetrator. He told them that he was going to kill himself so then the police would investigate and find them.There was a movie like that where the girl committed suicide then the Mom and police tracked who sent the pictures and arrested people. I think that's where he got this plan and wasn't actually feeling suicidal. Hopefully the counselor can ascertain that.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Happy Day! After 6 wks of the scale stuck on one spot,today,it's down 2 pds.Know it's not the 6 pds....one a wk....aimed for,but I will take it.
    DH & I got flu shots yesterday,so had to pass on the gym.Arm is ok unless I try to lift much.Glad that's done.

    Dr has a stress test set for me in a couple wks.Not expecting good results,as running/walking fast causes me to stop & catch my breath.
    Hope everyone is doing well. Patceoh
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We are on a quest to find a new mattress. Ours sucks. :grumble: Advice welcome. We bought what the salesman told us was a high quality product and it was less than stellar, to say the least. :noway: We have purchased three mattresses from our local furniture store, and this will be the last. I’m looking elsewhere.

    I’ve had no control of food for three days and am looking forward to being in charge of what goes into my mouth. Yay! :bigsmile: I loved spending time with the kids in all ways except food. Little victory here. they were talking about fitness and I mentioned some of us were doing planks. I demonstrated and held my plank for a minute and a half, new personal best. they were impressed and had to try to beat my time. It isn't often a 64 year old grandma can best the kids in a strength competition. :bigsmile: I’m going to yoga in a few minutes and then will start getting ready for our next round of guests who are slated to arrive later today.

    Be well and happy.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    well ive been busy..I went to the gym early, then from there to walmart, sometimes it pays to hunt... i figured I would buy myself a pair of jeans..I found a nice pair of bootcut petite, im 5'3" faded glory dark jeans in a 14, well Im not there yet.. anyway for $3.00 ,what a deal... so I came home and just for ha ha's I put them on, I got them up, had to suck in the muffin top:laugh: and buttoned them:noway: , well hey at least I buttoned them, wont even try and wear them for another 10 lbs or so, but for that price ,im happy, went to the recycle center and home to mow the lawn. that is all done.. but my foot is killing me:grumble:
    oh well. im sitting for the rest of the day
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla :flowerforyou: I know they are expensive but I love my Sleep Number. I don't have the temperature sensitive, fancy pillow top or anything special. I have the bargain one, no bells and whistles. But I love it. about 6 weeks ago when I had my muscle spasms in my back I could get in bed, put it at my 45 and literally get up pain free. Even though my husband and I love each other, we can not sleep together. He snores like a freight train, before he retired, his work shift started at 5:30 AM and my sleep pattern puts me to bed at 2 AM. So it didn't work, me nudging him for 3 hours to stop snoring. We were empty nesters so I took one of the bedrooms. So a double bed works fine with me. I am trying to convince him to get one. He always go for value, that doesn't always convert to best bed. But we can afford it. They are having a sale right now and I'm working on him!

    Well today is the day:frown: toe nails come off in a couple of hours. They are thick enough maybe I will weigh less:laugh:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    Joyce, I have my own room too, sometimes I sleep with the DH but when I dont , I have a room of my own...I would love a sleep number bed, maybe I can talk the DH to get one for down in florida..
    I am really thinking of taking my whole bedroom set and all down to florida for the second bedroom down there. there are 2 twins down there and whole that is ok, I would like to have the second bedroom more home-y,for Helene,sometimes she has her friend down there and it would be nice to have a larger bed, maybe bring one of the twins up here,
    when we go down in October,going to scope the room out and see.
    the dogs and I are chillin out for right now...
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies!

    We are having gentle rains here in southern Az, as opposed to the window-rattlers we had 2 days ago. I love gentle rains.

    I was disappointed when I saw that my day count had reset at zero after my 'lost weekend'. It is my own fault, and it is a clear reminder that I have to be accountable everyday.

    Nancy- I make greeting cards for my personal use. I take classes up at the local scrapbook store, and they have taught us many creative techniques. I especially like stamping images and then using watercolors or watercolor crayons for the coloring. It is fun. I only send my cards to people who appreciate them. Some of my family members get dollar store cards. I sometimes have trouble journaling because the editor part of my brain takes over and then I find myself wanting to go back and change what I have written. (Oh, I should not say that.... what if.....you can't think..... ) I am going to keep trying to be "in the moment" because I really think it would be good for me.

    Michele- That is an awesome cake! How fun!

    Cheryl- I am so sorry that you have had such a nasty time for the last 6 weeks. How did you break your ribs? I have badly bruised mine and cried like a baby; I can't imagine how badly you hurt! I pray that your son recovers from his horrible ordeal. I think incidents like this just make my belief that kids should not have free access to computers and especially to cell phones at such early ages. There is just too much evil out in the world, and kids are just naturally too curious. Take care.

    Meg- Congratulations of the jeans NSV! Isn't it fun to feel loose clothing?!

    Patceoh- Congratulations on the -2! I am glad that you got your flu shot. I will also make sure I get one, but I hate shots! Isn't it funny how nervous we get over something that really is 'no big deal'! Hope your stress test goes well.

    Joyce- I will be thinking about you and sending you "Happy Thoughts" today. Hope the procedure goes quickly, painlessly, and you breeze right through it!

    Today is my sister's (and my Mother's) birthday. I have already called by sister once. She didn't answer. I sang the birthday song to her answering machine, and I will call again later. If she doesn't answer then, well, I did my part.

    For today: breakfast: yogurt & blueberries; 1 slice toast
    lunch: something with nasty, leafy greens
    supper: mini-meatload & sweet potato; cooked vegie of some sort

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
