What was your "last straw"???



  • dimam13
    dimam13 Posts: 35 Member
    pre-mfp i looked in the mirror and just looked too skinny like i'm sick so i ate and worked out. found mfp when my face looked fat in photos.
  • athene_circe
    athene_circe Posts: 34 Member
    I do community theatre and have been in quite a few productions, but I kept getting cast in the 'matronly' roles because of my...er...jolly appearance. A role I really wanted was coming up and I was talking to the director (who probably weighs 260 pounds - so she was a good 50 pounds more than me) and she said that if I wanted to be seriously considered for the role I would need to lose...um...5 or 10 pounds - not for HER, but for the AUDIENCE to buy me in the role.

    Auditions are in a month and I am down almost 50 pounds now. Fingers crossed!
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    All of the above (except sky diving - how did I miss THAT?), and not being able to breathe when putting on my shoes or giving myself a pedicure, the disgust I felt every time I saw my reflection in a window or mirror, and knowing full well that I was avoiding social events due to my shame...I could go on but won't. My thoughts on weight loss consumed me and I'd just eat more. Obviously, the weight didn't come on overnight, but I just kept thinking I'd deal with it "tomorrow." Finally, I realized that tomorrow never came, so I decided to deal with it "today."
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    A really bad photo that told me the truth the mirror had somehow managed to conceal.

    Plus, I was saying "ooofff" every time I got up from the sofa.
  • stephanniehall
    stephanniehall Posts: 50 Member
    Hmm. 2 years ago when I lost 20 pounds it was because I was out of work and angry I couldn't find a job and felt out of control of everything. Losing weight was the only thing I could control so I put a lot of effort into it. This time it was because I keep seeing outfit combinations of Pinterest that I can't pull off at my current weight and I really wish I could.

    I'm mad at myself for quitting 2 years ago. I remind myself daily of the number on the scale 2 years ago. I should get it tattooed on my forehead or something to push me to lose even more this time and fit into those Pinterest outfit combinations.
  • tshear123
    Trouble tying my shoes.
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    I had shoulder pain that prevented me from moving much and made it difficult to get to work. I felt helpless, because I knew I would have problems for many months and instead of losing the ten pounds I was hoping to lose, I would inevitably gain weight taking painkillers, watching tv and eating potato chips. I made the decision to eat at a deficit because that was all I could do at the time. Perhaps if it weren't for my shoulder issues I wouldn't have been motivated to meet my goal.
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    When my size 12 jeans got too snug. I was pretty much wearing pyjamas all day and going out in one pair of joggies because that was all that fit!
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    I saw a picture of me at my baby shower (keep in mind my baby was early so this was PP). I had skyrocketed up to 277, too close to 300.
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    I went swimming with my family and realized a single length of the pool had me totally out of breath. I'm not Michael Phelps or anything, but I've always been a strong swimmer. Having a hard time with it made me see how out of shape I've gotten.

    Also, my size 18s were getting tight and no way am I moving up.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I saw my reflection in a store window and was shocked at the unhealthy, matronly-looking woman who stared back at me.

    I was almost 60 pounds overweight then (2 years ago), stressed out, recovering from a bad case of pneumonia and some knee surgery, with high blood pressure (+ meds), a chronic facial rash, aching joints, swollen ankles and feeling older than my age. That matronly woman looking back at me was a shocker! (It didn't help that I'd decided to stop coloring my hair by then.) I already knew what I needed to do. I made the commitment and, like the Nike commercial, I just did it. One day at a time.
    Today I am 10 pounds from my goal weight, with no rash, no joint pain, no medications -- feeling and looking so much better!
    P.S. I still don't color my hair. Want a sure-fire way to look younger? Get back to a normal weight. It will take years off you, guaranteed!
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    You asked for a "last straw". But I have always felt that my "last" was actually the third in a trifecta. Just a tad spread out in time:) I was so tired from reason #2 that the whole year is visualized as basically "1" experience in my memory. An odd sensation to say the least.

    1: Developed Plantar fasciitis--got angry

    2: Developed Sleep apnea and had to use a C-PAP (which was never comfortable) -got tired.

    3: The last was the day my daughter was born. Not only did I look like an over inflated tick in the temporary scrubs (not really scrubs, but a 1 piece sterile thing) I was given for the C-section, but back in the room I was wearing what I thought was a nice polo shirt. It suddenly struck me that I couldn't lift my arms at all without the shirt lifting and exposing my belly to the world. I said something inapropriate and stepped on the scale in the corner of the room; mentally staggered as a flowing feeling of shock wash over me as the number stabolized at 100lbs greater than when I left the service. --ignored it momentarilly and got a baby girl.

    (It was a very momentary shock within a 3 day birthing experience, I don't want to give the impression that it consumed me:) I realized it, then went back to the party with the new baby. I saved the reflection on the shock for later)
  • webg
    webg Posts: 20 Member
    Coming to MFP was triggered by a stall in weight loss and a suggestion on another forum. I'd already lost at least 50 before coming here.

    My last straw before the journey started was randomly getting on a scale at my parents house, it read 315 lbs and I instantly knew the next stop (400 lbs) was inevitable. It immediately became a personal crisis.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    I do community theatre and have been in quite a few productions, but I kept getting cast in the 'matronly' roles because of my...er...jolly appearance. A role I really wanted was coming up and I was talking to the director (who probably weighs 260 pounds - so she was a good 50 pounds more than me) and she said that if I wanted to be seriously considered for the role I would need to lose...um...5 or 10 pounds - not for HER, but for the AUDIENCE to buy me in the role.

    Auditions are in a month and I am down almost 50 pounds now. Fingers crossed!

    Don't leave us hanging like that? What show, what part?
  • ReneeAusten
    I came back from vacation and saw a picture of myself. I could not get over how heavy I looked! I thought, "Alright! That's it! I have to find a plan that's realistic and works for me, because this is for life."

    So, I'm re-losing the same 5 lbs, BUT I feel so much better about myself already!
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    I fell in my kitchen and sprained my knee and my foot a couple weeks ago. My 13 year old daughter was there with 2 of her friends and I couldn't get up out of the floor. She had to call someone to come help get me up out of the floor. Before that, she has been having to put my socks on for the past 2 years because I have osteoarthritis and bone spurs in my hip socket. I have to have help getting up off the couch, off the toilet, out of the bed, into the bed, in and out of the car etc.... I just turned 35 and I am in need of a total hip replacement and at least one knee replacement (really need both done) . My child is 13 and waiting on me hand and foot like I belong in a nursing home.. maybe I do. Anyway, My last straw was seeing the hurt in my daughters eyes when I fell in front of her friends and she couldn't help me. No an embarrassed hurt, but a feeling of helplessness. I was the one embarrassed, even after she told me it was okay and not to be embarrassed. My kids deserve a healthy mom that can interact with them and keep up with them, not a mom that is a burden to them. I lost my daddy April 29th of this year and he was my heart and soul. I was the definition of a "daddy's girl". I made him promises that I have to keep. I promised to stop smoking, which I did Easter of this year. I also promised that I would get myself healthy and lose this weight and live a happy life. My daddy went to his grave worried about me. I know he is watching over me now smiling at the determination I have to do this! It's going to be long tough journey but, I have a good support team and best of all, my sweet, sweet daddy smiling down on me cheering me on! :bigsmile: :happy:
  • winsorsmom
    winsorsmom Posts: 14 Member
    I was 40 pounds over my heaviest and I saw a pic of myself at a memorial service for a family member and literrally wanted to cry! I knew I was way overweight and felt like I was sufficating... I am now 22 pounds down and even though I have 45 more to go, I feel so much better... I work out everyday at lunch (we have a gym at work) and I go to the gym by my house on weekends to workout!! I will never go back to being the fat girl who was too tired to do anything and felt like crap all the time!!!

    I have asked my best friend why she didn't say anything to me!? She said that she didn't want to hurt my feelings, I have advised her by all means my feelings may have been hurt for a day but I would have gotten over it and appreciated her honesty...we are now on a "How are you doing on MFP" weekly conversation and she is helping me out!
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    I couldn't fit in my pants any more. Plus someone told me not to gain too much weight, ouch.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    All of the above (except sky diving - how did I miss THAT?), and not being able to breathe when putting on my shoes or giving myself a pedicure, the disgust I felt every time I saw my reflection in a window or mirror, and knowing full well that I was avoiding social events due to my shame...I could go on but won't. My thoughts on weight loss consumed me and I'd just eat more. Obviously, the weight didn't come on overnight, but I just kept thinking I'd deal with it "tomorrow." Finally, I realized that tomorrow never came, so I decided to deal with it "today."
    Skydiving can always be your weight loss celebration :tongue:
  • ColetteM6
    ColetteM6 Posts: 138 Member
    Needed a new shirt for my little brother's infantry graduation. Went to Walmart and had to buy an XL for the first time in my life. A WALMART extra large.
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