Not logging food when overeating?



  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I log everything. Sometimes the thought of logging something that is less than ideal helps me to NOT eat it.
  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    Log everything.. if it goes in my mouth I log it, then I can see trends. I'm doing 5/2 at the moment, the report trends show it well x
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    It IS hard to log mid-binge.

    It's kind of like a coma (for me anyway) where everything shuts down except my jaw and the hands that are buttering my next piece of toast. :-/

    Good luck with it, OP xxx
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    I used to avoid logging bad days. But it usually led to several days of overeating without accountability.

    Of late, I log everything and actually look at the nutritional values. It's helping me to identify sodium and saturated fat dense foods. And I am learning what to eat to get more food for less calories.
  • baybeejulia
    baybeejulia Posts: 218 Member
    I log it! Definitely log it. It's for yourself, not anyone else.

    When you look back at data to see why you gained rather than lost, if you haven't logged, you won't be able to identify the reasons. It's really important to log even when you overeat. The danger of not logging when you start to overeat is you continue to overeat unaware of how many calories over you are.
  • iceflow
    iceflow Posts: 17 Member
    What you eat in private, you wear in public :)

    SO true.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    It's only by logging it all that you learn about what you're eating - I've shocked myself, eaten food that was much higher in calories than I thought, and been horrified by the red number! But it's taught me something. You need to use it to help you change your habits - log it all, look at what it was that made you go red, and think about how to change your habits to stop that.

    But overeating the odd day here and there doesn't hurt - it's if you consistently eat more calories than you need that you have problems!
  • HarleyQuinn26
    HarleyQuinn26 Posts: 158 Member
    I used to not log my cheat days but then I found myself eating more junk on my cheat days.

    Now I like to log my cheat days so I can see the damage I have done. That being said I go into the cheat day with a mindset of "This is my cheat day. I worked hard and I won't undo the work I have done but I will indulge a little bit".
  • MissEStrange22
    Personally, I don'd log my really bad days, I just have a fight with myself.

    "Jenni what the hell....look at all that crap you ate today. You should not have eaten that much! I know I know! I hate myself for it now and I've got to log it on mfp yet. They're all going to see. So don't log it... but logging is good. I know but it can be our secret. Shhh.... Well ok then it can be our secret, but we will tell the mfp friends how bad the day has been, because they are awesome and supportive after all. OK, deal. and tomorrow will NOT be like today. We will probably have another day like this, but we will try our darndest to make sure that that isn't soon! yes ok then...."

    That's kinda how that argument goes. Different things work for different people. Face it somehow. Weather you write down what food you have eaten and tell mfp how sucky your day has been, or weather you log every single calorie and watch that counter turn (what feels like) a judgemental shade of red...Make sure you face it, accept it and move on.

  • ButterflyDame
    ButterflyDame Posts: 111 Member
    What you eat in private, you wear in public :)

    i love this...
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I always log when over eating (and over-drinking :drinker: if I can remember:blushing: ). I did this on vacation, saw I'd gone over many days but even so was surprised to be 5lb UP after a fortnight (when I thought I'd made some good choices, not over-snacked, done plenty of walking....)

    I try to balance out my calories over the week, so by saving a few calories each day i can have a ore relaxed weekend. But I still log everything, and try to make sure my average for the week is below the red line (or not more than a smidge over!). Logging helps me say no to some things I'd have otherwise!
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    What you eat in private, you wear in public :)

    Like this
  • jessiefied
    jessiefied Posts: 167
    I used to hate it - now all my MFP friends just encourage me and tell me we all have bad days. Being honest about the bad days helps.
  • ScottF83
    ScottF83 Posts: 233 Member
    <<<< GUILTY

  • blg5
    blg5 Posts: 89 Member
    I have the same problem. Trying to get used to logging bad days too.
  • framingsammie
    framingsammie Posts: 144 Member
    I always log my higher calorie days and then look at my calorie intake over the week instead of each day. It's best to log everything so if you do gain you can look back and know why. All my MFP friends are very supportive so I don't feel like I need to hide what I eat. :)
  • Hannah_Hopes
    Hannah_Hopes Posts: 273 Member
    It's always awkward logging overeating especially with an open diary but if you're serious about fitness logging everything as others have said will help you see your real eating habits, as for the goal I aim to be about at least 200calories+/- either side or as long as it's under my maintenance calorie goal I don't stress too much :smile:
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    accountability is one of the most important concepts you have to come to terms with when trying to lose weight
  • floop1207
    floop1207 Posts: 194 Member
    i log them. i log it everything as the days progresses as i may forget something if i leave it for a while. i felt bad at first when i saw numbers in red but if i don't log it accurately, i'm kinda defeating the whole point of my being on here and still living in denial about what or how much i eat.
  • itsscottwilder
    everyone has there bad days. Just log it, be honest and move on.
