calling all non-moms!



  • Count me in too! I got all this lusciousness, on my own! Im moving down on the scale, but would love to have a little extra motivation!
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    I take a pill everyday to NOT be a mom! Please count me in! :-)
  • I love this idea :)
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    Count me in too! All this fat (and even stretch marks) are from my own bad eating habits. I have no one to blame but myself. Current weight at 166.4 pounds. Started at 220 a year ago, but 175 on MFP. Goal weight is 150
  • Me too please! I have 6 fur babies, but I hardly think they were the cause of any of my soft and squishyness.
  • payton58
    payton58 Posts: 19 Member
    Well I am a mom of three grown daughters and I weigh a lot more than I ever did when I was pregnant. I am sure that stress and now reaching the age of change has not helped me in the weight department. Besides the fact that I have become very comfortable with my couch for support. I am in if you will have me and would like to hear some useful and supportive tips.
  • this sounds like a great group! count me in :]
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    well i lost all my baby weight and am smaller than i was in high school so this is my pre-mom weight i get to technically join. i'm kidding, your post just made me giggle and i felt like sharing. good luck to you all.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I wanna join!!
  • I'm in! For me, Wednesday is Weigh Day

    It's my 3rd week on this site, but I also gained weight my first week - 3 lbs!!
    Then I read this post by David

    and felt much better!

    I lost 2 lbs on my second week and week 3 Weigh Day is coming up - AND I'm excited about it because my pants are REALLY baggy = happy me :happy:
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    oohh ohh count me in!
  • in :)
  • Ohh Yay! Count me in too!!! I am not a mom, I did this all by myself.

    I am always in need of extra motivation, support and challenges so whatever we come up with on here is a bonus!! :bigsmile:
  • I am in!!!!!!!!!! Go non-moms!!!!!!
  • I'm in! I did this all on my own.
  • I'm in. Will we have an actual group page to keep track a bit more easily?
  • i'm in =D
  • I'm in too, I got to where I am all by one else to blame. :smile:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member

    1) how do you like bosu? I tried it once and do NOT have the balance for it!! lol
    2) you mus live by me! lol i have a moe's and a coldstone right next to eachother nearby, sooo tasty :)
    3) I agree about the super skinny, I have no desire to be a size 2, however if I could fit back in my size 8's I would be in heaven!!!

    i have a love/hate relationship with bosu! but tomorrow will be my 4th or 5th attempt, and i have to say, it's getting a lot easier. i might have called it quits after the very first day, but in just that small amount of time, i noticed an improvement in my ankles, which are very weak and prone to collapsing - usually with extremely inconvenient and embarassing timing! but the bosu balls pretty much improved that by 50% with one class, so that's enough to keep me going!

    i do recommend it - it's weird, definitely, but good. when you are stepping onto the bosu, just know that it is actively pushing against you, so you have to step firmly. don't stomp! you will go flying through the air! of course, i don't know that through personal experience or anything... :blushing: also, keep your legs actively engaged, almost like you are retaining a squat stance through the entire motion. but i would totally give it another whirl! there are still times when i do a ton of the workout on the floor and do the bosu when i can. and if you go back to it, have fun!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I'm in. Will we have an actual group page to keep track a bit more easily?

    what's that? how do we make that happen? it sounds good!
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