I feel like a failure.

I fell off the wagon a few months ago, and I simply cant get up from that time. All I do is binge. Day by day. I just cant stop.
I wake up with determination and motivation to kick some butt, then its like fading away during the day.
I never was that person, who quit. I never was that one who thought that something in its life could control me more than I do. Sadly, now I think I am one of those people.
I dont know what to do anymore, I think I need help.

I am sorry for the negativity of this post, I just dont know what to do anymore.


  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    And your problem is.....................?
  • bohomaze
    bohomaze Posts: 12
    And your problem is.....................?

    My obsesity is my problem, haha
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    And your problem is.....................?

    My obsesity is my problem, haha

    We all have that problem my dear. But what is your rant about, I find it difficult to understand why anyone would rant about their own preference to stay fat and not do anything about what they say they want to do. It's illogical Captain.

    Frankly, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself, get off your fat *kitten* and DO SOMETHING!! The solution lies with you, no-one on this forum, not even me, can motivate you. Sure we can help, but the basic motivation has to come from you. If you're not ready for that yet, I suggest you take a break and come back when you can face up to it.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Motivation comes and goes. Make a commitment to yourself and stick to it.

    When it's hard or you "don't feel like" - just do it. No one can make you care about yourself or to take care of yourself. Just get up and do it because throwing a self-pity party isn't going to change anything about you. It'll just keep you as you are now.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    If you want it bad enough, you'll do whatever it takes to get it.

    Don't make excuses. Just do it.
  • bohomaze
    bohomaze Posts: 12
    And your problem is.....................?

    My obsesity is my problem, haha

    We all have that problem my dear. But what is your rant about, I find it difficult to understand why anyone would rant about their own preference to stay fat and not do anything about what they say they want to do. It's illogical Captain.

    Frankly, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself, get off your fat *kitten* and DO SOMETHING!! The solution lies with you, no-one on this forum, not even me, can motivate you. Sure we can help, but the basic motivation has to come from you. If you're not ready for that yet, I suggest you take a break and come back when you can face up to it.

    Thank you, thats all I needed to hear.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    I feel like a failure.

    I fell off the wagon a few months ago, and I simply cant get up from that time. All I do is binge. Day by day. I just cant stop.
    I wake up with determination and motivation to kick some butt, then its like fading away during the day.
    I never was that person, who quit. I never was that one who thought that something in its life could control me more than I do. Sadly, now I think I am one of those people.
    I dont know what to do anymore, I think I need help.

    I am sorry for the negativity of this post, I just dont know what to do anymore.

    I know exactly how you're feeling. I lost over 65lbs for my wedding in 2011 and gained almost every single pound back over a 15 month period. I know how it feels to spiral out of control especially when binging is the issue. The only one who can turn it around right now is you. TRUST me you can do it. Even if you're not feeling it, go through the motions. Count your calories and log your food. Don't try and do a total 180 overnight, just start small and go from there. When you slip up (you will, we all do), just get back up and keep going. I found the best way to ensure I didn't binge was to spread my calories out over the entire course of the day. If I ever let myself get too hungry, that's when the urge to binge starts (yes even still). You can do it.
  • leena31
    leena31 Posts: 14 Member
    I know how you feel. I spent most of my life starving or dieting, yet I am overweight. I am to the point where I am done with dieting and avoiding certain foods. I've always deprived myself and binged. My body just couldn't keep up with the drastiic changes all of the time. I am really working on having a normal relationship with food and allow myself to eat everything in moderation.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    And your problem is.....................?

    My obsesity is my problem, haha

    We all have that problem my dear. But what is your rant about, I find it difficult to understand why anyone would rant about their own preference to stay fat and not do anything about what they say they want to do. It's illogical Captain.

    Frankly, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself, get off your fat *kitten* and DO SOMETHING!! The solution lies with you, no-one on this forum, not even me, can motivate you. Sure we can help, but the basic motivation has to come from you. If you're not ready for that yet, I suggest you take a break and come back when you can face up to it.

    Harsh but oh so true . Glad u appreciated these words. Now go kick *kitten*
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    And your problem is.....................?

    My obsesity is my problem, haha

    We all have that problem my dear. But what is your rant about, I find it difficult to understand why anyone would rant about their own preference to stay fat and not do anything about what they say they want to do. It's illogical Captain.

    Frankly, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself, get off your fat *kitten* and DO SOMETHING!! The solution lies with you, no-one on this forum, not even me, can motivate you. Sure we can help, but the basic motivation has to come from you. If you're not ready for that yet, I suggest you take a break and come back when you can face up to it.

    Thank you, thats all I needed to hear.

    Sorry, it's harsh but true. Do you really want to be a failure? Do you want to remain fat? I don't know about you, I may have my blips and moments of failure, but I know what I want to achieve, and nothing and nobody is going to stop me however difficult it is. It sounds like you haven't made up your mind what you want yet.
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    I totally understand how you feel. It's exhausting, isn't it, the never-ending battle?

    What I've discovered recently - a big part of what makes me feel exhausted is the inner dialogue going on in my head. I'm trying hard not to overthink it and 'just do it'. Seems to be helping.
  • klinger6395
    klinger6395 Posts: 44 Member
    stop eating so much
  • lsmsrbls
    lsmsrbls Posts: 232 Member
    I'm so sorry. It sounds like you're in a lot of pain. Have you considered talking to your doctor or a therapist?
  • jessiefied
    I feel like a failure.

    I fell off the wagon a few months ago, and I simply cant get up from that time. All I do is binge. Day by day. I just cant stop.
    I wake up with determination and motivation to kick some butt, then its like fading away during the day.
    I never was that person, who quit. I never was that one who thought that something in its life could control me more than I do. Sadly, now I think I am one of those people.
    I dont know what to do anymore, I think I need help.

    I am sorry for the negativity of this post, I just dont know what to do anymore.

    I was like this too. I could eat a block of chocolate, a pack of biscuits and a bag of lollies in one sitting. I'd normally do it every day. I felt I couldn't stop and couldn't control myself.

    The first thing you need to work out is what food trigger you to binge. Most people can eat most things in moderation, but may have a few things they end up binging on if they eat. Find out what they are and either cut them out or only buy a limited amount so you can't binge on them. Find other good foods that YOU enjoy to snack on eg nuts, dried fruit, smoothes or what suits you.

    That way I stopped binging (and it will be different for everyone) is
    1- I determined that sugary foods makes me binge eat.
    2- I stopped buying chocolate and biscuits etc but brought lots of nuts, crackers, fruit etc, even chips and other more unhealthy savoury snacks - things that had no sugar in them
    3- I allowed myself to snack on them when I was hungry. At the start I ate a fair bit, but now, a while into things I eat a few crackers etc and then stop because I am not that interested. Binging on fruit or nuts etc is probably still not that great, but it is better than binging on blocks of chocolate. And in the end my body knows and tells me when I've had enough.
    4- Ive been doing this for a couple of months now. Nowadays for a treat I have some almonds or dried peach halves (delicious!). I can actually have a casual snack without over doing it. If I went back to buying blocks of chocolate, however, I'd go back to failing, because I honestly will probably never be able to eat it in moderation if i brought a whole big block. Eventually I am planning on buying myself a small chocolate bar once in a while as a treat, and try and learn how to eat small amounts of sugar.

    Find things that trigger you and choose snacks that you CAN eat in moderation, rather than those you can't. Set yourself up for success rather than failure! I know this method may only work for me - but experiment and find what works for you.
  • GenuinelyFake
    I totally get what you mean. I've been up & down since March of this year & even though I am no where near my goal weight, I am staying motivated. Hang in there! As the saying goes, "No pain, no gain."
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Find a motivator, my current motivator is my 10 year high school reunion that is in 2 months.
  • cindyb1984
    cindyb1984 Posts: 203 Member
    I understand...I was doing great until my lying, cheating husband left me a month ago. I am trying to get back on the wagon. So far though all I do is eat, eat, eat. Like gaining 12lbs in the last month eat. Here's hoping I can pull it back together for September!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    If you're convinced you're fighting a battle you can't win, find some other battle to fight.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I was doing great until my lying, cheating husband left me a month ago.

    Yeah, I have a hard time moderating portions when I'm celebrating a win in my life, too. And when a lying cheater walks out of my life, I always count that as a win! :drinker:

    Anyway, OP, you get up determined and then later in the day you say you binge? Try getting up and fixing a huge protein meal, something like eggs. Eat that. Cook something else high in protein like a burger patty or steak or chicken. Set it aside. When you start craving crap later and want to binge, eat the protein meal instead. Should help with the cravings.
  • Samthefrog
    Samthefrog Posts: 77 Member
    I feel like a failure.

    I fell off the wagon a few months ago, and I simply cant get up from that time. All I do is binge. Day by day. I just cant stop.
    I wake up with determination and motivation to kick some butt, then its like fading away during the day.
    I never was that person, who quit. I never was that one who thought that something in its life could control me more than I do. Sadly, now I think I am one of those people.
    I dont know what to do anymore, I think I need help.

    I am sorry for the negativity of this post, I just dont know what to do anymore.

    If you're anything like me, the "get off your *kitten*, fatty!!" way of motivating someone (as some have done above) doesn't work and it only drags me deeper into my unhappiness. I grew up in that environment and that contributed to where I am today, trying to lose way over 100 lbs (but on track for it!). So let me offer you a gentler approach...

    You said something important: "I wake up with determination and motivation to kick some butt." What does that mean? That means the determination and motivation is still there!! That's the great part!!

    I say, if you wake up with those things, then strike while the iron is hot in the morning. Get up first thing and make yourself a healthy breakfast or pack a healthy lunch. Or go walk around the block a couple times, even if it's in your pj's! I'm a strength-based kinda gal. If you can do just one change each day, that's a big step, even if the rest of your day is just the way it's always been!

    I've fallen off and on and off and on the wagon so many times, I should log that as aerobic exercise in MFP!!! My first step was starting to pack my lunch for the week at work (salad fixin's, a box of cereal, a carton of low-fat milk). After about a month, I noticed my *kitten* wasn't getting stuck in the chair of my supervisor's office when I got up out of it after supervision! That helped me feel like it was working and helped motivate me to continue.

    I've only been doing this for about a month or so, so I can't say I'm a seasoned veteran, but these are just my thoughts. Good luck girl! I'm rooting for you!!!