Plus size-Super size weightloss support



  • It's late tonight but I remembered to chck in with you guys. I had an awesome day! Tough as always but awesome all the same. I was hit on for the first time since I got married! Too funny. Makes me wonder if this person needs corrective lenses or is the gym actually working?
    I got on the scale today just to see where I am since the surgery. I have lost to back below where I was before the surgery!
    beginning weight 411
    today's weight 375
    36 pounds lost!

  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good morning I started back in March and my weight was 220, I am 195 now and goal is 150 but I may want to go to 135 (starting with a reachable goal). I think I qualify for this link. This is not my first time for loosing weight my highest was 280. I would loose and have surgury and gain it back. My last surgury was in June and now I was told to loose weight or I would have to be put on medication for diabeties that was in March and so far the weight I lost is keeping me off meds. :drinker: Not out of the woods yet the doctor wants it lower. In the begining I started off very slow a 15 min walk now I am doing at least 4 miles a day (over an hour). Start off slow and work your way up. Good luck everyone I will check in later.
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    For some reason I thought I had posted on here bevore, but I guess it didn't come through:grumble: I know I qualify,
    started at 318 on may the 8th
    and down to 301 this morning
    I always have been eating a healthy diet, just way too much and no exercise. I was never brought up to do them , we would go on hikes or ride our bikes and rollerscate , but once I got a car I stoped that too. Now I'm starting to like it, I'm doing the sweatin to the oldies 2 dvd and it seems to work, I have more energie and I can still do things after exercising.
    One of the things I'm working on is beeing nicer to myself, I used to beat myself up a lot. Now I try to talk to myself:blushing: like I would to my friend. If she messed up I wouldn't call her a failure, so why would I do that to myself? I know other people have problems too, I just ate mine and washed them down with lots of food and drink, now I do some exercises and after I'm done I feel great.
    so I hope everyone has a healty weekend:flowerforyou:
  • I am feeling good. I am back on track and yesterday I was at work and while walking by a mirror I noticed I could see my shoulder/collar bones!!! I was so excited! But its like my top is getting smaller but my gut/bottom is staying the same where I look like a giant pear!
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    :flowerforyou: congrats Christy, I've got a 3x still waiting to get into. Don't stay away too long and keep up the great work. You're an inspiration for a lot of us. Connie
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey! I just saw this thread. I just wanted to add my support and myself to this.

    I started my new lifestyle on September 6, 2007 at 270 lbs. As of this past Thursday, I weighed 171. Yes, that is 99 lbs gone. My goal weight is 135, so I have about 36 more lbs to go to get there.

    Anyway, you are all in my prayers for success reaching a healthier YOU. I know this can be done! If you need ANYTHING, let me know! I know it can be very daunting but with the support and the sheer willpower, you can do it. And it won't take as long as you think it will.

    Take care! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    :sad: Hi just checking if for the day - I keep pluging away and I don't seem to be getting anywhere, I keep my calories at 1400 a day and exercise at least 5 times a week. I weight 389 and the scale doesn't budge. I have been at this weight now for a month, I am really discouraged, so if any one out there has any ideas on where to go from here, I could use them
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    So I am posting, This weekend has been bad, I knew it was going to be bad but I did not realize I would be this bad. My friend and I made cookies last night for the engagement party my boyfriend and I are having today. I am not going to say how many cookies I ate (cuz I lost count :noway: ) Anyways I also had some potato salad because she is in a war with my mom for whose is best, they are both good and practically the same, anyways I did make some better for me choices like I desided to get a whole chicken insead of pizza, I did not eat the whole thing only like 1/3rd but it stil has a lot of fat in it and I almost, so close bought twizzlers but I did not, I put them back so I would nat have to feel as bad about the cookies. Last night and still this morning I feel like Crap and I know I am gonna eat crap again today because today is the engagement potluck. But next week I am getting this weight back off. Anyways I hope everyone else is staying on track this weekend so far me weekend seems to have only added back 1.8 LB, as long as its under a 3 lb screw up I wont feel to bad and I am going to get back on track :flowerforyou: , I just needed my weekend.
  • cnolovechild
    cnolovechild Posts: 179
    I've been at this site for a little over a month...and so far it's been great. I've always been a "big girl" but now I've had enough of it. I've got about 85 lbs to lose all together to get to the high end of my 'ideal weight' and that would be fine enough for me. I don't know if I'll ever be that small but I want to focus on getting my weight under 200 lbs for the first time since tenth grade. Anyways glad to see I'm not alone in this struggle!

    Starting weight 250 lbs
    Current weight 228 lbs
    Goal weight 155 lbs.
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    :sad: Hi just checking if for the day - I keep pluging away and I don't seem to be getting anywhere, I keep my calories at 1400 a day and exercise at least 5 times a week. I weight 389 and the scale doesn't budge. I have been at this weight now for a month, I am really discouraged, so if any one out there has any ideas on where to go from here, I could use them

    Do you exersize at all? Maybe just a couple walks would help get your body going, I know the weeks that I eat right and workout are the ones where I lose and the ones where I just eat right I tend to be at a stand still. Hope this helps, If you are already working out then maybe your fluid intack I know water can help your body and fiber in your diet is said to make a very huge difference.
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    OMG! I just put on a mens 3x/4x tee shirt and it fit! before I was a 7x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:

    Congrat, thats so cool. You must feel great.
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    It's late tonight but I remembered to chck in with you guys. I had an awesome day! Tough as always but awesome all the same. I was hit on for the first time since I got married! Too funny. Makes me wonder if this person needs corrective lenses or is the gym actually working?
    I got on the scale today just to see where I am since the surgery. I have lost to back below where I was before the surgery!
    beginning weight 411
    today's weight 375
    36 pounds lost!


    36 is alot, congrats, You must feel great keep up the good work. :smile:
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    I've been at this site for a little over a month...and so far it's been great. I've always been a "big girl" but now I've had enough of it. I've got about 85 lbs to lose all together to get to the high end of my 'ideal weight' and that would be fine enough for me. I don't know if I'll ever be that small but I want to focus on getting my weight under 200 lbs for the first time since tenth grade. Anyways glad to see I'm not alone in this struggle!

    Starting weight 250 lbs
    Current weight 228 lbs
    Goal weight 155 lbs.

    Welcome :happy:
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    Hey! I just saw this thread. I just wanted to add my support and myself to this.

    I started my new lifestyle on September 6, 2007 at 270 lbs. As of this past Thursday, I weighed 171. Yes, that is 99 lbs gone. My goal weight is 135, so I have about 36 more lbs to go to get there.

    Anyway, you are all in my prayers for success reaching a healthier YOU. I know this can be done! If you need ANYTHING, let me know! I know it can be very daunting but with the support and the sheer willpower, you can do it. And it won't take as long as you think it will.

    Take care! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    WOW, almost 100 gone, that is so great. Keep it up (well OFF too). :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Laurziemoo
    Laurziemoo Posts: 18
    Hey! Just checking in :)
    I lost 3lbs this week!

    Start Weight: 389.2lbs
    Current Weight: 380.8lbs
    Target Weight: 182lbs
  • Juliebean
    Juliebean Posts: 317
    For the first time in my life I am no longer afraid of the scale. I think this is because I have been eating better and I know that even if I only lose 1 lb this week I have been feeling a billion times better, both physically and emotionally. I stayed on track this weekend, which is usually hard for me because I can't check in to MFP as often, but I did it. And I told my best friend about this site and she's going to join as well. It's so much easier when you have people who love and support you. (I'm talkin' to all you MFP-ers!) :heart:

    Good luck this week! May you have low cravings and high weight loss! :wink:
  • This week has been good. I actually need to get to my apartment today and weigh myself so I can post on the ticker! My back has been killing me from work! Last night I couldnt hardly walk when I got home,My hip was like "hey christy I'm not used to having you stand on me alot!" . Today I'm going to cut down on my smoking and hopefully quit by this week. I hate the way it feels and I can tell my body hates it! I also noticed that I don't eat during the day but pile up on dinner time. How can I change this? Also I don't know it anyone knows this but I have the lap-band and its not a miracle weightloss surgery, you can still cheat! I wish I knew how to use it better! I'm going to get a tall glass of water now!
  • Hey! Just checking in :)
    I lost 3lbs this week!

    Start Weight: 389.2lbs
    Current Weight: 380.8lbs
    Target Weight: 182lbs

    CONGRAT'S TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you! Keep it up!
  • Laurziemoo
    Laurziemoo Posts: 18
    Hey! Just checking in :)
    I lost 3lbs this week!

    Start Weight: 389.2lbs
    Current Weight: 380.8lbs
    Target Weight: 182lbs

    CONGRAT'S TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you! Keep it up!

    Thank you :)

    Have you tried having a larger breakfast and lunch? That way you'd be too full to eat much dinner?
    I prefer to have a large dinner so i keep my calories low for breakfast and lunch and i like to have a snack inbetween meals where possible. I'm super happy with my weight loss this week though!
  • Hey! Just checking in :)
    I lost 3lbs this week!

    Start Weight: 389.2lbs
    Current Weight: 380.8lbs
    Target Weight: 182lbs

    CONGRAT'S TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you! Keep it up!

    Thank you :)

    Have you tried having a larger breakfast and lunch? That way you'd be too full to eat much dinner?
    I prefer to have a large dinner so i keep my calories low for breakfast and lunch and i like to have a snack inbetween meals where possible. I'm super happy with my weight loss this week though!

    That's totally how I am, I have small stuff during the day, like sugar free caramel pudding cup that has only 45 calories and then for dinner I do a soup like Campbell chunky or something. Its just hard to eat in the morning due to my lap band being swollen.
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