Girls with 100lbs or more to lose!



  • I have about 110-120 to go. Though it is hard to motivate myself to exercise and stay on track with healthy eating.
  • Hey, I've just started, I'm on day 3 and I'm aiming to lose 60-80 pounds. Please add me I'd love the motivation too :D this is such a great website for that!
  • RoosMommy02
    RoosMommy02 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey ladies!! Feel free to add me as well. I had lost 50lbs on my own but since March 20th, I've gained back roughly 24 lbs. I lost my Grandpa on March 20th and then my Grandma on August 5th. LOTS of comfort food easting was going on but I refuse to back any back on.
  • Quieau
    Quieau Posts: 428 Member
    I have that much and more to lose ... feel free to add me, anyone! I am 52, happily married, clean eater (organic/scratch), slow but steady moving and will encourage but not scold, cajole or otherwise police you, nor do I want that kind of encouragement. I like being positive and recognizing people's strengths, so if you want to talk body-shame, angst, guilt and fake foods, or need someone to "keep you in line," I'm probably not the best support you could find here. Just being honest ...

    Friend me, and we'll dance through this adventure laughing, though! :drinker:
  • ERICA0185
    ERICA0185 Posts: 9 Member
    Feel free to add me:)
    sw: 275
  • that_tall_girl
    that_tall_girl Posts: 95 Member
    Hey there! I'm 29, no kids, in a committed LTR, looking to someday get down around 170-180. Clocked in at 340 a couple of days ago. I am always open to new friends :)
  • Hi am new, trying to lose 100+ too....please add me. Trying for a baby, dr said need to loose weight.
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Forget the past and look to tomorrow for a new you. It's a new day and you can do this. Good luck with the new adventure. Add me I'll be there for you.
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    Hi there,

    I am in the process of losing over 160 pounds. I'm a bit further along in the process, but would love to be a motivational and supportive friend to others trying to lose a significant amount of weight.

    Here is my first year on MFP; if I can do it, you can do it too!!!

  • beckye93
    beckye93 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey! You can all add me if you'd like! My heaviest weight was 262 pounds. I'm down to about 240 (it's really 237 but I'm rounding cause sometimes I fluctuate!) My goal weight is about 180-185. Not exactly healthy, but it's a start, and once I get there, I'll see where I want to go. But I am a cheater! The worst cheater! Like I need a little fairy godmother around to smack the food out of my hand before I eat it. Haha, if only. I'd be thinner than a pole by now xD
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm on the road to losing about 150 pounds, give or take, and would love anyone who is willing to be a motivational, encouraging friend. I will do my best to do the same!
  • KenishaFitness
    KenishaFitness Posts: 161 Member
    Hey, My name is Kenisha, I am 20 & I am looking forward to be losing between 80-100 pounds. I've been over-weight majority of my life & I made a commitment to change my life. So far, I am doing well. I post daily!!!! Please feel free to add me :)
  • Tamz2013
    Tamz2013 Posts: 29 Member
    I started at 271, I'm at 252 and want to get to 180ish. Anyone can add me as well. I love the support and encouragement!
  • jakki1227
    jakki1227 Posts: 93 Member
    i need to lose between 140-150 lbs so come add me. i can always use support and will also try to be supportive! =0)
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    got about 130+ to lose myself
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    Feel free to add me, anyone.

    SW: 316
    CW: 203
    Almost at my first mini goal weight, 199!
    UGW: 136
  • milbyrmk
    milbyrmk Posts: 5 Member
    I need to lose 95 to my first goal! I have already lost over 220 but gained a bunch back. I really need support! How do we add friends?
  • Hyacinth86
    Hyacinth86 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm always up for friends, whoever would like to add me :) From my beginning weight I had 91 to lose... now I need to lose 79! I'm really bubbly and upbeat so if you want a cheerleader for your success in your pocket by all means add me!
  • Piesmom96
    Piesmom96 Posts: 29 Member
    Please add me, I also have 100+ to lose and would love to support anyone else in my shoes.
  • alpdexplorer
    alpdexplorer Posts: 251 Member
    Anyone can add me.

    SW: 260lbs
    CW: 249lbs
    GW: 160lbs

    I have a bunch of weight I'd like to lose!

    Always could use a lot of support! <3