What was your "last straw"???



  • Hyacinth86
    Hyacinth86 Posts: 27 Member
    Last straw was my husband making me realize I lost my drive. For a long time I had to be his strength when he came back from Iraq that I lost my motivation to do anything for myself because I was helping him all the time. I forced him to get a job to get him out more, stayed by his side as he learned to be 'human' again, and was his strength for everything. All the while I was never really happy with myself, but I wanted him better, and I think a part of me looked at that as an excuse to not try.

    About a month ago we got in to a nothing fight (we're married and been together about 10 years so we fight and then get over it!) and he told me I lost my motivation... That was a month ago, a couple days after we set up my treadmill. So I started again on MFP (I did this about a year ago doing Insanity, but didn't lose much so I wasn't happy) and I've been at it ever since. I've changed up my eating habits, I cook, I've gone from going out to eat/fast food nearly every day to MAYBE 3 or 4 times in the past month.... I'm really proud of myself and can't wait to lose even more :)

    I'm really excited cause my clothes fit a lot looser than before... hubby even made mention my thighs/butt are tighter and more muscled then previously.... and my tummy is slowly shrinking. I had a "one size fits all" belt that it BARELY fit me that now I'm having to use more and more of it to hold my pants up... it's wonderful. I have the backing of my husband, my friends, and my family.... it's uphill, but I feel like I can do this Rocky-style and get to the top of the stairs of my weight goal and shout out my accomplishments!
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,867 Member
    Like some of the previous posters, being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes was my wake up call.
  • I was hit by a car (while outside the vehicle) while helping another driver with her child after an accident. I laid on the stretcher to be transported to the hospital and all though all the fireman were absolutely wonderful it was clear to me that they needed extra help to lift me into the ambulance etc.

    Ended up with two fractured vertebrae in my spine.. had to get an MRI and drive 35 mins to an Open MRI because I was too big to fit in the tube.. even with the open it was tight. Made a decision right then that enough was enough.. I was 440 then (2/17/13) and as of today (9/1/13) I weigh 310lbs.. Going to try to get to the 235 range. (I'm 6 foot 5)

    Best thing I ever did was find an AWESOME nutritionist that is fully certified, I see her monthly and it was the best thing I ever did to hold myself accountable.. Though I will admit, I'm extremely strong willed so when setting a goal I meet it.
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    My BMI creeped into the overweight category, and a bunch of unflattering photographs.
  • Snoring has got really bad... May be sleep apnea?

    My left knee hurts from getting into my car, started going in butt-first, like an old lady..

    Having to stretch like a circus contorsionist when wiping after going to the toilet... Seriously, this is ridiculous! Not trying to be funny, really, this is depressing

    Seeing the worry in my parents' eyes

    Most clothes don't fit

    On blood pressure and cholesterol meds at 43

    Even I can get the message now... Geez!
  • There wasn't a single moment but a quick build-up during the course of two weeks... My mother stressing me about my weight (I was 5'4'', 136 - now 134 - lbs so not even that chubby), my two best guy friends jokingly calling me a "fattie", seeing myself so out of shape with no muscle definition whatsoever (I'm around 26-28% body fat)... So two weeks ago I just decided I wasn't going to let myself go any further, started exercising and controlling my food intake. I can already see a slight difference. :smile:
  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,491 Member
    I went to the department store to move from my size 18 misses jeans into a woman's size 20. I had to go upstairs to a new department. I looked at the clothes that I would be buying which was very little since I hated buying clothes and went to try on the jeans. I got in the dressing room and sat down, half in tears and half in disgust. I said to myself, No, I am not going to do this because it will just continue. I put the jeans back and I kicked my butt in gear and went to work. I also felt like such a hypocrite to the students I taught. I told them one thing but represented the total opposite. Here I am today....going from a size 20 to a size 6 and still losing. Life is great...clothes are great....my attitude is great.....and I can truthfully face my students and say it is important to take care of oneself.
  • I felt uncomfortable in my body and my clothes all the time. I felt gross. Like a lot of people are saying, I didn't want to go shopping and buy a larger size. That was it for me.
  • What was your "last straw" or the thing that sent you to MFP?

    There were a few things that finally made me realize it was time to do something about my weight.

    My back would hurt just from walking around the grocery store.

    Most of my shirts felt to tight to wear. I hate having to buy bigger sizes.

    Please share your thoughts and ideas.



    PS...How do I add my tracker to my posts? I love seeing everyone elses progress and would like to share as well.

    The back & leg pain, clothes being too tight but above ALL else, the day (7/8/13) I finally (after 2yrs) got on the scale & !!OMG!! :noway: it like a was an pimp-style slap in face
  • MrsMason101212
    MrsMason101212 Posts: 15 Member
    I had lost about 70 pounds. It made me more energetic and I had fewer headaches. 20 pounds have creeped back on. The headaches are returning and I am often tired. A lot of my clothes are not fitting. The last straw was last night. (If I have family on here stop reading or you will need eye bleach). I had to cry because I just felt like this giant gross blob in bed with my very slim, muscular, younger husband (married less than a year).
  • I had to get off a ride at amusement park because the harness couldn't latch. walk of shame off the ride...
  • I didn't have a "last straw" really. I've fought with my weight for most of my adult life. I lost a bunch of weight a few years back and felt great! But I stopped working out, and started eating fattening foods. I told myself that one cookie couldn't hurt, but one turned into two, day after day and I gained back all of the weight I had lost. So here I am again! I'm trying to get back into shape. It's reassuring that there are so many people here with similar stories. :)
  • 1. My mom and sister started to control what i ate and made comments about my habits.
    2. There were no fitting pants anymore
    3. A skinny " friend" told me how much she likes to hug my because i am like a cushion
    4. A guy i liked rejected me
    5.I coldn't stand looking at myself in the mirror
    6. My birthday party was comping up and i bought an extra small dress so that if i don't fit in it by the birtday i shall have nothing to wear.
    7. Also my BMI was getting so close to overweight.
  • asundeen88
    asundeen88 Posts: 32 Member
    I live in an upstairs apartment and I was getting winded after 2 small flights of stairs.
    My clothes getting too tight and major muffin top.
    I'm a cna and scrubs do not stretch, I look like I'm about to explode not to mention the thighs on my scrub pants are seriously worn out.
    Embarrassed that I couldn't fit on the slide to ride it down with my 1 year old daughter like the other mommies my age :(
    Depression and loss of sex drive
  • doseyann1
    doseyann1 Posts: 2 Member
    Last night, when this pic was taken with my Dad and my brothers. I have been a food addict all my life. I have been in a 12 step program for 21 years, and I initially lost 46 pounds. I have kept that off basically, but I have 40 more that I have not been able to give away because I wouldn't surrender the food and my will. Today I have. I wanted to be an EXAMPLE for my Dad, because he's battled the same demon all of his 85 years, and is paying for it physically. I am BIGGER than my Dad. I am done being a slave to this drug.:heart:
  • I've been saying, or rather procrastinating, that I've wanted to lose weight. I've been at my highest weight for some time now. But, it really hit home when I realized that if I wanted to re-enlist in the army, I couldn't until I lost weight. I've never had my weight dictate what I can or can not do, but this time, it was my weight that was holding me back. What a reality check! This was only the past two weeks, so I've started losing weight since. I've never been one to lose weight for vanity reasons.
  • I was having problems fitting into roller coaster seats at amusement parks. Then, I went in for a physical in November 2012....

    That was my highest weight ever and I knew then I would not sit back and let myself go any further!
  • Ive literally had about 8 'last straws' and always managed to blame someone or something else for my giving up.
    I was having a conversation with my pregnant sister (who is about to drop in 2 weeks time) shes always been heavier than me but she informed me that she is weighing about 12 1/2 stone. I borrowed her scales, weighed myself and found shes over a stone lighter than me.
    I woke up the next morning and have completely changed my eating.
    Its only taken me 3 years to find the motivation
  • I've struggled with losing weight since I was 11, when I had barely 20 pounds to lose. 20 became 30, then 40, then 60, then 70... obviously, never succeeding. Often losing 5-10 lb and qutting, back in March I had an outburst and said that was it: I was going to get enrolled back in the gym in the summer and do it right.

    Basically, the first month or so felt like (as it usually felt) a drag, then I fell in love with the Spinning class. A few weeks ago I had my medical check up and found I'd lost 2.5% body fat, and I guess you could call that my "last straw" or wake up call.
  • My last straw was when, I stepped on the scaled and realize that I'm close to the weight of when I was pregnant with me daughter.
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