

  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Check online for a local chapter of Overeaters Anonymous and see if a support group might help. Other than that all I can think of is get rid of the all or nothing mentality. Make small changes and don't psych yourself up for a super healthy complete turnaround type thing. Eat foods you like and make changes from there and don't decide that since you had cookies or fries or whatever it is that you've completely blown it. Make your choices and stand by them, just work toward something you can maintain.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I feel like a failure.

    I fell off the wagon a few months ago, and I simply cant get up from that time. All I do is binge. Day by day. I just cant stop.
    I wake up with determination and motivation to kick some butt, then its like fading away during the day.
    I never was that person, who quit. I never was that one who thought that something in its life could control me more than I do. Sadly, now I think I am one of those people.
    I dont know what to do anymore, I think I need help.

    I am sorry for the negativity of this post, I just dont know what to do anymore.

    Solution to your problem: sign up for the 4000 calories a week group - no more excuses
  • gracetillman
    gracetillman Posts: 190 Member
    Everyday you are given multiple opportunities to make choices in regards to your health -- you have a choice every time you put something in your mouth or make a decision to sit about instead of getting some exercise in. You have to make choices which reflect what you want -- IF you really want to lose the weight you will make the choices which are consistent with that desire. If you don't want to get your weight under control and you want to feel immediate gratification of your food choices then that is what you will choose.

    A friend posted something today that said :If you really want something you find a way, if you don't you find excuses.

    You have to figure it out -- but the "rant" doesn't do anything to help. Make the commitment -- then make the choices.
  • jadedhippo
    jadedhippo Posts: 95 Member
    Yup, I've been doing that for about 10 years.
    It's exhausting.
    It's okay to have a groan about it because it shows you what you want and how much you want it.

    Set a goal and keep your mind on it. Put quotes or pictures everywhere to help you stay strong during the day. For example, wanting to be thin for an event. It has to be something concrete and worth fighting for. Think about how you'll feel or how the event will go if you're thin vs how you are now. You'd much rather be the thinner you, right? That's what I'm doing.

    Only have fresh, healthy, nutritious food in your house. If it's not there, you can't eat it. Many times Ive wanted to eat packets of chips, but there's none for me to eat so I have to cook a healthy meal because that's all there is.
    However, allow a day where you can eat (small portions) of those 'unhealthy' foods you love. A day a week or once every 2 weeks. But don't go crazy! Moderation!

    Make exercise fun so you don't dread it and it's harder to find excuses because it's something you want to do. I love to go walking just so I can get outta the house or avoid studying (oops :P)

    But nothing will change unless you do something.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I think we can all relate to this...erm....ALERT. ;-) Something no one has mentioned here is asking you what your "diet" plan/lifestyle is? Maybe it's too strict and that is why you keep "failing". Are you trying to adhere to 1200 calories a day? Are you trying to workout 6 days a week? That isn't necessary for weight loss. What are your goals? What is your routine?
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    stop eating so much

    Well aren't you empathetic and helpful? The person said she is having trouble controlling her binging,and you tell her to stop eating so much. How cruel!
  • sweet_blasphemy
    sweet_blasphemy Posts: 129 Member
    I feel like a failure.

    I fell off the wagon a few months ago, and I simply cant get up from that time. All I do is binge. Day by day. I just cant stop.
    I wake up with determination and motivation to kick some butt, then its like fading away during the day.
    I never was that person, who quit. I never was that one who thought that something in its life could control me more than I do. Sadly, now I think I am one of those people.
    I dont know what to do anymore, I think I need help.

    I am sorry for the negativity of this post, I just dont know what to do anymore.

    Could you be depressed? Depression kills the motivation to do all sorts of things, even take care of yourself. Not to say that it's an excuse to ride on the rest of your life, but sometimes you have to get to the root and take care of your head first. Getting yourself in the right frame of mind is the first step to taking on getting healthy, I think so anyway. Once you have your mind on track and start getting your body in gear, you will feel better mentally and so on. It will turn into a positive cycle, rather than a vicious downward one... anyway, hope this helps and good luck :)
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I feel like a failure.

    I fell off the wagon a few months ago, and I simply cant get up from that time. All I do is binge. Day by day. I just cant stop.
    I wake up with determination and motivation to kick some butt, then its like fading away during the day.
    I never was that person, who quit. I never was that one who thought that something in its life could control me more than I do. Sadly, now I think I am one of those people.
    I dont know what to do anymore, I think I need help.

    I am sorry for the negativity of this post, I just dont know what to do anymore.

    find out what is the food that is fueling your addiction. Then dont eat those foods. If you eat enough nutritious food that meets your body's needs, that will help. These would be fruits and vegetables and grains.

    find out what that food is doing - is it making you feel loved? are you feeling stressed and then you eat? find out what that comfort food is doing to you and then find another way to meet that.

    dont use food as anything but nutrition..

    Now, you should have an enjoyable way of eating every day for life. Find foods that are healthy that are good for you and taste good. it might actually be fun to learn to cook some really good recipes that are intersting and when you do that, you will want to find more.. for example, look at the website Yummly who has delicious pictures of healthy food that are good for you and wont freak you out.

    If your current way of eating makes you feel deprived, like your in jail coz you cant eat fattening food, then your diet is the problem. for you to be able to stay on it for life, it has to be doable. the worst things is to restrict and deny yourself (yes on a healthy way of eating you wont choose to eat everything you want, but its how you think about it that makes a difference.

    yesterday is gone, today is a new day, just start up again, dust yourself off, dont surround yourself with food that screws you up, and begin again.
  • HeinekenMan
    HeinekenMan Posts: 80 Member
    Obviously, you need to make better choices. But nobody needs to tell you that. What you need help with is understanding why you are making the wrong choices even though you know that they are wrong. The first problem that many people have is that being overweight and out of shape contributes to a general sense of lethargy and exhaustion. If you don't get enough sleep or enough liquids, you may be sleep and/or dehydrated. People who aren't well-rested tend to be crankier and tend to eat more. Start tonight with a clean slate. Eat a healthy dinner, stay away from caffeine and go to bed early. That will make it easier for you to make the right choices tomorrow. You also need to plan your meals ahead of time and make sure that your fridge and pantry don't contain any foods that you shouldn't be eating. Stock up on healthy foods. When you go to the grocery store, try to stick to outer edge, which is where you'll find the fresh produce, fresh meat and dairy products.
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    So many douche bags on this site trolling around message
    Boards looking for the opportunity to make sarcastic, a**hole remarks that in NO
    Way are motivating or beneficial to anyone ...just to look like a douche. Smh.....
  • JavaDream
    There are no mistakes. Give permission to eat everything and anything you want. Then start over again from there. Listen to the talk inside your head. Speak kindly to yourself. Then start again from there.

    Dieting is not about food, it's about the inner dialog within our heads. Are you speaking to a beloved soul? Are you as kind to yourself as you are to a complete stranger?

    There are no mistakes. Begin again by listening to the conversation you are having inside your head. Speak kindly. Then start again from there.
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    Start from the beginning again...you did it before so you can do it again! Make small changes for the first week and gradually increase your changes/activities each week. You're not going to change this overnight so accept that and don't let the guilt take control of you. Move on from the binges and focus on the positives.

    Think ahead to the changes you want for yourself and set some goals. This will keep you on track and you will see change and progress. Once the progress starts it will fuel you to keep going. I know you have it in you...reach deep, focus on your goal and do this for you!! You got this!!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    You are not a failure.

    That being said, set smaller goals and stick to them. It took years to get into bad shape, it takes a while to get into good shape.

    Make small changes. Get up 30 minutes earlier in the morning and go for a walk. Pack your lunch the night before so you don't eat out at work. Small goals = more successes, and those successes become self-reinforcing, positive behaviors. Soon, you will want to workout more, eat better, because you will be seeing successes. It takes time. If you allow yourself to wallow, than you will continue to fail.
  • cindyb1984
    cindyb1984 Posts: 203 Member
    I was doing great until my lying, cheating husband left me a month ago.

    Yeah, I have a hard time moderating portions when I'm celebrating a win in my life, too. And when a lying cheater walks out of my life, I always count that as a win! :drinker:

    Anyway, OP, you get up determined and then later in the day you say you binge? Try getting up and fixing a huge protein meal, something like eggs. Eat that. Cook something else high in protein like a burger patty or steak or chicken. Set it aside. When you start craving crap later and want to binge, eat the protein meal instead. Should help with the cravings.

    Thank you. I know I am better off now. That doesn't mean it doesn't bother me that my 7 year relationship just ended because my husband left me for another woman. Excuse me for not breaking out in a celebration dance.
  • Benefitss
    I have done the same thing. I lost almost 70 pounds and managed to pack back on 50. Now I am getting married in December and really need to get back to where I was. Once you fall off the wagon, it is hard. You must start logging your intake and stay on this site for support to keep you motivated! After a couple of food logs and browsing the site you should become more motivated.
  • Soulpaint
    Soulpaint Posts: 33 Member
    So many douche bags on this site trolling around message
    Boards looking for the opportunity to make sarcastic, a**hole remarks that in NO
    Way are motivating or beneficial to anyone ...just to look like a douche. Smh.....


    OP you CAN do this. Make the first step to change...not tomorrow, not at your next meal....NOW. And then take the next one and the next. Pretty soon you'll develop new healthy habits and this period in your life will be a distant (sad) memory. It CAN be overcome. Do a little research....make a plan....take the first step of that plan. You WILL be successful.
  • bob_day
    I feel like a failure.

    I fell off the wagon a few months ago, and I simply cant get up from that time. All I do is binge. Day by day. I just cant stop.
    I wake up with determination and motivation to kick some butt, then its like fading away during the day.
    I never was that person, who quit. I never was that one who thought that something in its life could control me more than I do. Sadly, now I think I am one of those people.
    I dont know what to do anymore, I think I need help.

    I am sorry for the negativity of this post, I just dont know what to do anymore.

    I think you may need to look way beyond your diet for the
    source of your problems. Figure out what's causing you to be
    depressed or stressed out. If your job is too stressful or is
    totally unfulfilling and boring, find a different kind of job, or
    embark on a completely new kind of career. If your environment
    is too hectic or too depressing, move to a more peaceful or
    nicer place. Perhaps find a therapist who can make practical
    suggestions on how to change your life (definitely *not* a
    therapist who just messes with your mind or only wants you
    to take drugs).

    When you have figured out what to do to change your life,
    then come back here and ask again, and I'll give you my
    diet recommendations.
  • prairiewalker
    prairiewalker Posts: 184 Member
    "Pity parties" are so easy to have... without any planning whatsoever..they just pop up... so give yourself a new mantra.. "I want this!" ...because until you convince yourself that you really want this..it'll never happen...you've got to really want this.. and "this" is different for everybody so specifically clarify what it is you want so you can set your actions appropriately :flowerforyou:
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I had an off day last week were I just didn't log and ate what was available (buffet at family gathering), and I'm still paying for it. After almost 4 months of steady losing and staying within my calorie goals every single day, I blew it one day. It is depressing and it does get you down, but I realize that this is my fault. Was that one day worth the way I have felt (emotionally) all week because I didn't lose, and was actually up this week? NO it wasn't worth it! But I was tired, and emotionally drained and just didn't want to think about it for one day.

    So no matter how I'm feeling, I'm back on track and making sure that my calories are within my limits. Mentally I'm fed up with counting calories, but I'm doing it anyway. My emotional feelings are, why bother, but I'm doing it anyway.

    My point is just do it, whether you want to or not, no matter how you "feel", emotionally or mentally, just do it. It really is all about how bad you want it, and whether or not you are willing to do what it takes. If you're not, then take a break and come back to it when you are able to stick to your commitment.
  • MinimizingMichelle
    And your problem is.....................?

    My obsesity is my problem, haha

    We all have that problem my dear. But what is your rant about, I find it difficult to understand why anyone would rant about their own preference to stay fat and not do anything about what they say they want to do. It's illogical Captain.

    Frankly, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself, get off your fat *kitten* and DO SOMETHING!! The solution lies with you, no-one on this forum, not even me, can motivate you. Sure we can help, but the basic motivation has to come from you. If you're not ready for that yet, I suggest you take a break and come back when you can face up to it.

    Wow. Good thing there is tremendously helpful people like you here.