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What was your "last straw"???



  • tlbays
    tlbays Posts: 20 Member
    I'm not sure, I just woke up one day and said it's time to take care of me- not anyone else.
  • YAYJules
    YAYJules Posts: 282 Member
    Replying to revisit later. I love reading these!
  • izahaira
    izahaira Posts: 14 Member
    Being the heaviest I've ever been and having problems bending over to tie shoe laces :(
  • mrhonesty
    mrhonesty Posts: 274 Member
    A really bad date where a woman kept staring at my stomach.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I lost 15 pounds and realized that I could just stay that way if ate less. So I did.
  • Peachy1962
    Peachy1962 Posts: 269 Member
    Knowing I have to have a hip replacement and then having to buy a wheelchair because I could no longer stand or walk very far!!!

    That was the last straw!

    I am too young to be in a wheelchair when there is something I CAN do about it!!
  • nayk104
    nayk104 Posts: 14 Member
    I work with the military. I saw a young guy who lost his leg to a IED fight to get out of bed in less than a month and start running. The whole unit went out to watch him attempt his first run,he made it a 1/2 mile, people were in tears. I knew then every excuse I had was BS! I started that moment.

    Thank you Staff Sergeant Kevin Shulz

    Fantastic. My husband was seriously injured in Afghanistan 2 years ago and I am constantly reminding myself 'Think about all of the *kitten* he has been through... your excuse is invalid!'. One of my husbands buddies in his platoon was injured not too long after my husband was and he is a double amputee. He is another huge source of inspiration for me.

    My last straw... not fitting my cute clothes that fit before I had my daughter, awful photographs, cringing every time I look in the mirror. All of it. I need to be healthy in order to be a good mother and set a healthy example and also to take care of my wounded warrior. Can't take care of anyone else if I don't properly take care of myself.

    Thank you everyone for sharing your "last straw". They are more inspirational than you know!
  • samuelsson
    samuelsson Posts: 74 Member
    I went in for major knee/leg reconstruction surgery 4 months ago and they had to weigh me. It was the first time I'd stepped on a scale in 2 years and I was shocked to discover that I'd gained 55 pounds since then (although, let's be honest, I had suspected...). I actually didn't decide to change right after the surgery. It took 2 more months of feeling sorry for myself during recuperation before I took the plunge.

    But a lot of others' reasons are true for me, too! Particularly the realization that I'm avoiding LIVING MY LIFE because of my weight. And that's just unacceptable.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Well, I wouldn't say that it was a last straw. It's obvious that I'm overweight, but due to reasons beyond my control and that I don't want to talk about, I couldn't work out or really diet until now. I could have, but it would have been pointless. So, I just came across this site once I was able to finally work out and attempt a diet. I gave up a few months ago bc - I'm not gonna lie - I wanted to eat foods that I know I shouldn't be eating, plus I knew from my past experience here that I could easily lose the weight again. But, I recently realized how long I had been off of my diet and how much weight I had gained after about 3 months of eating Taco Cabana. I want to wear certain clothes in the winter. Gotta start losing again.
  • Enic03
    Enic03 Posts: 172 Member
    My last straws happened all at the same time practically...

    > I was having trouble trying on shoes as I couldn't bend over to tie them or get on sandles
    > There were pictures people took of my and posted on facebook from thanksgiving and I had to untag myself so I wouldn't see them
    > My wedding ring had to come off as it was cutting off circulation to my finger :(

    Really I think the wedding ring was my final straw as it had me in absolute tears that I couldn't wear it and then in tears about how long it took to get it off of my fonger. I had feared I would have to cut it off
  • funkim55
    funkim55 Posts: 216 Member
    I changed careers, and now I work in an early childhood center. My co-teachers are young, fit and trim. I am probably the oldest teacher, and while I can't change my age, I can change my dress/pants size (smile)!!

    In addition, my left knee and ankle made it difficult to walk. Since I lost weight, my pain and stiffness are almost non-existent. According to WebMD for every 1 pound you lose you remove 4 pounds of pressure on your knees. Therefore, I have currently removed over 95 pounds of pressure off my knees; this has inspired me to keep on dieting.

    Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!!!
  • annc3333
    annc3333 Posts: 16 Member
    My youngest daughter was getting fatter and fatter, she was my little eating/baking buddy, you know?

    I finally had the insight that I was willing to ruin my own precious daughter's life so that I could eat a bunch of crap.

    Let's see….my daughter or a friggin' cookie?

    Let's think about that again…Purposefully sentencing my beautiful, sensitive, loving child to a life of shame, struggle, ill health and low self esteem…or…. a cookie. That was hard to figure out, eh?

    Immediately changed all our eating habits, I lost 75 pounds, she slimmed down just in time for high school and we had a happy ending. But I still feel very guilty over my own ignorance and stubbornness.
  • Hmm. 2 years ago when I lost 20 pounds it was because I was out of work and angry I couldn't find a job and felt out of control of everything. Losing weight was the only thing I could control so I put a lot of effort into it. This time it was because I keep seeing outfit combinations of Pinterest that I can't pull off at my current weight and I really wish I could.

    I'm mad at myself for quitting 2 years ago. I remind myself daily of the number on the scale 2 years ago. I should get it tattooed on my forehead or something to push me to lose even more this time and fit into those Pinterest outfit combinations.

    Don't beat yourself up so much! As long as you're making healthy lifestyle choices, you should be proud.
  • For me it wasn't really a last straw, I've been eating healthier and trying hard for years, but just couldn't lose enough to stay motivated, for long enough to make headway.

    What finally made it possible for me to have significant weight loss was finding a way to control my hunger, I was always starving.
    Now that the hunger is tolerable and I'm able to lose quickly enough to see results (and therefore get an emotional reward) I can stay strict and accomplish my goal.

    I also have realistic expectations, I know it'll take a couple of years and will probably always be a struggle for me. But I'm not giving up. I'm excited about feeling better!
  • anabs72
    anabs72 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 41 so I've had lots of last straws. This time it counts so much more. I have a 5 year old daughter that I never want to say 'no, mommy's tired' to. Oh yeah, there was also a picture on Saturday that sucked!
  • rdsxgrl28
    rdsxgrl28 Posts: 165 Member
    Haven't read the replies yet, gonna do so now.

    Mine was when I starting packing for our cruise last April, nothing fit. I saw pics in my bathing suit about a month ago - couldn't look before then. OMG!!
  • fit4lifemom
    fit4lifemom Posts: 47 Member
    Four things around the same time:

    1. My MIL passed away and I realized putting of looking after my health was stupid.
    2. Weighed 197, which was too close to my full pregnancy weight for my liking.
    3. My knees hurt all the time
    4. The dreaded face on photograph where I could see my stomach for the first time

    Like other people have said, I realized all my "reasons" were just bad excuses and I want to live to my maximum potential every day which is hard when your knees hurt because of your own laziness.
  • alliesun53
    alliesun53 Posts: 160 Member
    Breathing hard from hiking an EASY, flat trail. My jeans not fitting anymore. Seeing a full body picture, and cropping it for facebook so I wasnt embarassed.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    Seeing the number on the scale at the doctor's office a year and a half ago. I had a meltdown that I had gotten to be 168 pounds. I've lost 20 pounds since then but I would still like to drop 5-10 more.
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    This is my second time around using MFP. I can't believe that this will be my first forum post, but sometimes the only way to move forward is to layout out there...

    There was no one thing that brought me here, no big epihany, I KNEW that I was the heaviest I've ever been. And even at 232 I still FELT smokin hot. I love fashion so I still try to dress cute but appropriately flattering for my size and I rock stilettos.
    But I KNOW I'm not at my best. Some days i DO have moments of "oh god what have I done???"

    I felt ok with myself but I didn't feel PROUD of myself. And some days I would avoid looking at myself naked, but I loved myself clothed. So I slowly started eating better and smaller portions. I knew I should start working out again by I couldn't get motivated. Then one day I had a HORRIBLE day at work. I went home, got a bit drunk and just threw myself into a workout to release all the pent up energy and I havnt stopped working out since.

    This is gong to sound pretty stupid but what keeps me motivated is the fact that I want to feel like the "bad *ss" one again. I used to be pretty fit and could hold my own, but a couple weeks ago I realized that if we were ever stuck in a zombie apocalypse I'd be the fat slow one that gets eaten first! That really freaked me out. I felt confident in my sex appeal so that's not a major motivator for me. It was the idea that for the first time in my life if *kitten* ever hit the fan in a bad way I wouldn't be able to hold my own. And to me, for myself, that's inexcusable.

    So while it's not what brought my here, feeling physically weak for the first time in my life is what keeps me going.
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