What was your "last straw"???



  • NicoleMGetsFit
    NicoleMGetsFit Posts: 66 Member
    I got stuck in a UK size 16 dress in a Forever 21 changing room and then spent over 20mins pulling myself out of it... resulting in a small tear on the arm and many tears from me. I was distraught, but luckily nobody seemed to notice as I shamefully snuck out.
    I was trying to buy a dress for my work Christmas party. I found something in the end, but that was enough.
  • thegabbleduck
    thegabbleduck Posts: 52 Member
    I finally surpassed 100kg (220lb) on the scales
    Seeing those three figures really kicked me into gear, and I am now only 1kg away from being back into the 90s, then the 80s then the 70s
  • SqueekG
    SqueekG Posts: 6 Member
    well to start with My highest ever was 269. in 2009, in 3 years i made it down to 170, but them went to see my mom in the hospital in lower 48 and went back up to 240. so I QUIT CHOCOLATE. (and I was a chocoholic) I have not eaten chocolate since December 31 2012. then I tried to exercise but to no avail.
    But when I had to wear my wedding ring around my neck on a chain cause it would not fit anymore, that was the LAST STRAW.. My hubby got into a fit cause it was not on my finger, he thought I was going to leave him since I was not wearing it where it should be. Then I found this website and Joined on the spot. and here I am. :) Happy exercise to all....
  • Today is my last straw. My BFF commented that I can't keep saying my weight came from the baby since she is now two. I get out of breath from walking the stairs at work. But mostly last week when I went to visit friends and family in my hometown of Bronx, NY, I got "sore" from walking 8 blocks. That has never happened and I was so embarrassed to be winded at such a short distance. I am tired of not being able to buy the sizes I want to. I joined this a year or so ago and I am back and want to stick with it.
  • I ended up in and out of the hospital Feb-April of this year. And not just because I was over weight, but also because I tried to lose the weight too fast and still eat unhealthily. I was humiliated and angry with myself, took me a few months to get going. But I decided if I never want to go through that again, I have got to do whatever it takes to be healthy.
  • sandifield
    sandifield Posts: 22 Member
    I was a addict to Cola/pop, stopped drinking it in Jan 2013, then stopped eating chocolate/candies a week later, and on Feb 1 2013, I stopped smoking.. glad to say i have not restarted any of those vices.. i knew i needed to have Surgery for a hernia, went to the Doctors , March 15 this year, he said I needed surgery,, Just before he left the room, The Doctor said "Do me and do yourself a favor, loose weight your FAT" I cried all the way home.. thinking tell me something i don't know... March 16 I started my new lifestyle, I had Surgery July 29th and and was down 18 pounds... Gave myself a two week recovery window then started with MFP, now i am exercising as much as i can daily and loggin all i eat..I am so glad to say I am down another 9 pounds...:flowerforyou:
  • Angold83
    Angold83 Posts: 61 Member
    Being told that at a size 16(uk) I was too big to have IVF treatment.
  • kelliward1
    kelliward1 Posts: 97 Member
    In the last 7 years I went from 155 lbs to 225 lb (which I have lost 5 of before joining here). I hated the way I looked, I have a closet full of clothes that I can't wear because of my size, my husband weighs less than me (I'm 5'4" and he's 5'10 1/2"), I don't wear shorts or short skirts/dresses anymore because I hate how my knees look, I had to buy more scrubs for work in XL and they are still a bit tight, my thighs get chaffed from rubbing against each (sorry if thats TMI, but I hate it!), having to sleep on 3-4 pillows at night because of my acid reflux (has decreased since I have started), have to wear a special top for our choir's Christmas concert and I need to lose weight so I can fit into it, my mom mentioned my weight to me, and my size 16 jeans were getting too tight and started leaving painful red marks around my waist (no longer happening)!

    Changes so far:
    - cut back on sodas to only 1 a week, if that
    - packing healthier lunches on work days
    - switching to brown rice from white rice, whole grain/whole wheat pasta instead of regular
    - changed from Equal to Splenda and decreasing the amount used
    - stopped eating donuts on Sunday at church
    - drinking more water
    - working out 3-4 times a week
    - picking healthier options when we do eat out
    - more fresh fruits and veggies
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    I knew I had put on weight, but not how much I had put on. I tried on some of my jeans from before my weight gain and they would only go to mid thigh!
  • scarlettsky7
    scarlettsky7 Posts: 128 Member
    i read "its called a breakup because its over" and "skinny bi#*h" --- changed my life :)
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    I've been fat since my pregnancy 19 years ago. I gained a ton of weight and then pretty much maintained in the 240s for most of that time. I have been on a million diets.

    We have annual passes to Walt Disney World and although it's always been tough on my physically (we walk 7-10 miles per day on average), in January my feet hurt so bad that I was in tears and then I entertained the thought of getting a scooter.

    I started my new life that day and haven't looked back.
  • Mine wasn't more of a last straw. I have been pretty unhappy with my weight for a few years and my boyfriend gets to hear a lot about it throughout the week. This morning he told me if I lose the weight I want to lose, he will buy my new harley jacket and the sleeve I have been saving up for ...

    Here I am :drinker:
  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
    A picture of holding my dog...I was 196 in the pic, I have since redone that pic, :happy:
  • TfnyBluGrl23
    TfnyBluGrl23 Posts: 1 Member
    A recent trip to Vegas with my best friend we took pics in front of Tiffany & Co. When I saw the pic after I cried.
  • thefragile7393
    thefragile7393 Posts: 102 Member
    Seeing my weight written on my physical form for work. I didn't think I was that big. I hadn't been that size since I was pregnant with my daughter and had a lot of water weight. I knew it was time....
  • thefragile7393
    thefragile7393 Posts: 102 Member
    i read "its called a breakup because its over" and "skinny bi#*h" --- changed my life :)
    Love those books!
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    Came down to a "Life or Death" Choice in my face.
  • momzyvee
    momzyvee Posts: 12 Member
    I thought i hit my last straw 3 years ago, (before i was to turn 60) worked hard, and ate pretty good. 3 months and I had lost two pounds , gave up :(
    Then about 2 months ago i had a new anti-depressant added to my mix and i could feel the pounds balooning on, nothing fit, not even new clothes I had just bought. Quit this antidepressant.
    Then I went for bloodwork. Yay (sarcasm) metabolic syndrome. high cholesterol, diabetic and high blood pressure. Freak out!
    Went to holistic nutritionist I am now clean eating with beneficial herbs and spices, and cutting wheat and dairy out of my diet for a month or so. (OMG I am craving thick crust pizza with double cheese)
  • cslottje
    cslottje Posts: 9 Member
    Seeing a picture of myself from my master's graduation and looking huge in a graduation gown! Not even like a regular graduation gown but a master's that goes almost to the ground and has a giant hood that goes past the butt and it's black! How is that even possible!?
  • I know I sometimes eat too much or too unhealthily, and I don't like that I feel lethargic all the time. Plus I'd just rather be thinner and more healthy because well... I don't really like weighing 148 lbs.
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